Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year/New Run

Leaving this morning for North Carolina where I will be running out the old year and into the new - Freedoms Park Ultra run offers a perfect metaphor for what I hope to achieve - a sense of seamless transition in each upcoming moment, fully aware, present and excited for what each moment holds. Ultra running itself is a great metaphor as well - not every mile will be smooth and easy yet they can all be logged with patience, care and mindful awareness. I hope this new year brings you peace and pray that you all bring peace to the new year as well.


Sunday, December 29, 2013


I hope this coming new year brings peace to you...I hope that you bring peace to the new year. One person is a spark and an infinite fire waits for your arrival. Step into the new year aware of your potential. Set the world on fire.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Don't Miss a Single Moment

Let the world speak to you. Both day and night whisper secrets to our hurried ears. We listen to the sounds made by man while nature goes unheard. Learn to know the hush that lies beneath the surface. Learn to listen to the wind and birds and silence of a flowing cloud. Everything speaks to you directly. Don't let a moment go by unnoticed. Some secrets are only told once. Don't miss a single one.


Friday, December 27, 2013

Training Note - Return to Basics

It's a return to basics for me right now - Get ups, Swings, and running. The focus is on whole body strength and prepping for an awesome ultra season in 2014. Basic, heavy lifts done explosively along with some light gym moves for fun and (yes) appearance. With lower overall mileage in my training (for now) I hope that this focus will give me a sustainability and resiliency to stay strong throughout a long race (100 miles) and keep me injury free. It seems often we (me) tend to go over board with cross training for no logical purpose. A stronger runner is indeed a better runner but it has to be applied, useable strength and not vanity strength. A big bench won't get you far in an ultra. I do want a high level of both yet my focus is running - so the goal is to be a strong runner not a strength athlete who runs. It's worth reminding myself of this from time to time. I think this program can help me be a very strong runner - and a very strong person (again). I'm willing to try. For the record this program is laid out and explained by Pavel in his new book  -

It is definitely worth reading for any athlete looking to improve.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Find The Thing That Does Not Change

A quiet mind is a wonderful retreat and it's a great benefit resulting from meditation - however it isn't always the immediate reception we hope for - in fact sometimes quite the opposite. Meditation is the art of allowing, of simply being present to what is within at any given moment. Often the settling of the mind will kick up some turbulence that will be disturbing. Our job is to learn to be non-reactive to whatever  arrives - to be a passive witness and gently observe, note and then continue our meditation. We soon see that there are many moods to the mind yet none of them are lasting. Everything is impermanent  - an important lesson of meditation and one that set the Buddha free. As moods pass and thoughts float by we are able to catch a glimpse of something beautiful - our essential nature - the quiet mind. In time, this glimpse becomes a steady gaze and we are blessed with long periods of peace, stillness and an unshakable joy that we find is real and indeed lasting. We have found the one thing that does not change - the ground of all reality - God.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Holidays

Happy Holidays. And indeed these are Holy days. Regardless of religious affiliation we have found these days holy in a common bound love and spirit. On this day is the promise of Christ being born within the hearts of all - there is no religion in this potential - only love with no known boundaries. Our greatest gift to give is to see this potential in another - in ourselves- and celebrate its birth onto the world. Merry Christmas my friends.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Training For 2014

The new year will bring some more of the same - and some less of the same. I hope to continue to run strong and healthy and plan on doing so with a somewhat reduced overall volume. I will still ramp up the mileage when called for but I'm hoping that monthly races - long races of 50k or more - will cover the bulk of distance training and I will concentrate on quality runs (repeats, fartlek, tempo) in between. Weekends will still be used for distance but I won't be as obsessive about it. Strength training will continue as always - right now I'm following Pavel's Simple & Sinister program - very basic and hopefully this will fit into my more minimalist approach to training. Stay tuned for results. I have at least two 100 mile races planned and a few times distance events as well - from 12-24 hours. Maybe more. Thanks for reading!


Sunday, December 22, 2013

My New Year Under the Bodhi Tree

The upcoming new year will be my year under the Bodhi tree. As the Buddha sat in calm abiding while besieged by illusions sent by Mara - I will sit in faith while anger, impatience and unloving thoughts pass without response. I will be quick to forgive - myself and others. As Buddha touched the earth and bore witness to his enlightenment - I too will touch the earth in recognition that my highest possible self is always present and always whispers guidance in my ear. I pray that I may always listen. I will race for the sake of running. I will write in hope that beauty may follow. I will live for the simple act of being. This year will be my Bodhi tree.


Saturday, December 21, 2013


It's the longest night of
the year -
a time for hushed tones and
Tonight...there are secrets whispered
through the air.


Friday, December 20, 2013

The End of Your Reach

 I belong to the end of
your reach.

An extension of your touch...that has slipped
the edge of territories -
And continued on its way.

I am filled to the point of holding
only you.

Yet still I pray for more.

Every prayer is a vessel between worlds and as words reach to God we find distance now gone - finite and infinite being equal and a whispered heard by the ears of God and His reply a quite peace within the heart. Pray not for things my friends  - yet pray to be the very reach of God. And all things will be delivered in our arms.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

With Spirit

Running becomes spiritual when we simply realize that every moment of our lives is infused with spirit - running is just the opportunity to express our spirituality through motion. My goal with running has been to locate and then merge with the still point that remains untouched by motion, It's this center - the silent witness - where spirit - our true identity - resides. Distance brings me closer to this goal as does speed under the right circumstances. Yet speed can't be retained for long and distance gives hours of polishing spirit under the pressure of miles and the clock. With another 24 hour race fast approaching my only real goal it to come to this center wholly ready to receive what is offered - to run from a place where giving and receiving are one and to be this expression of non-duality - for however long the moment lasts.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

As Ash

I have surrendered
to your fire,
And burnt -
I come alive as nothing more
than ash.
And scattered by some Holy breeze,
I now reach every
To truly love we must become less - anything more is ego and marked by passions that rise and fall to the tides of whim and fancy. Love burns only the self and leaves alive the reach of spirit that soars past known borders once held between two. Love doesn't hurt - it destroys- and those not ready to perish in the flame of devotion play only on the edge of this great fire.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Another 24 Hours

It looks like one more big race for the year - Freedoms Run 24 Hour event in North Carolina. Actually it will be last event of this year and first of next years as it's a New Years race. It will be the first time I make it to midnight in quite a few years! 80 miles is the goal and that will get me to a PR for the year and set me up nicely for what I hope is to come for 2014. Regardless I will run the race I want and settle in for the challenges of a long day and night.


Monday, December 16, 2013


Ahimsa - the practice of non-harming in thought and deed. Gandhi not only toppled an empire with this practice he accomplished a much greater feat by far - he conquered the self and became the Mahatma or great soul. In truth we are all great souls and capable of the same transformation as Gandhi. Ahimsa is the means to make this inner journey. Ahimsa is not a passive practice - it takes courage and action to abstain from harming others. It also takes mindfulness and patience. Often neglected is the kindness it bestows upon ourselves when we extend this practice inwards to include ourselves as well as others. Imagine the transformation of the world if this practice was taught and encouraged in schools from the earliest age? The every day violence we see and take for granted would be reduced perhaps to the point of non-existence. Yes, there are people who seek to harm others and violence cannot always be avoided - non harm included protecting ourselves and coming to the aid of others. Again Ahimsa is action not the avoidance of life and all of its messy problems. It's a practice and in light of today's headlines - its a practice that is much needed.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

It's A Cold Night

Something about the coldness of a winter night that leaves me with a sense of loneliness - a sense of being far off from a home I no longer even know. It's a feeling that tells me that I will not be able to tolerate the wind and cold for long - and further still I will not be long for the world at large. Not in an immediate sense - no feeling of harm - yet a deep knowing that nights such as this are numbered. A cold breeze is an awakening. It's the warmth that often leads towards the comfort of a dream. The night sends icy fingers to caress my soul. I am awake now  - and seek not comfort but more of the unknown. With hours left until morning - perhaps this loneliness will lead me home.


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Snow Tips

Another snow run today - just over 11 miles. A challenging run. Snow is so beautiful on the ground and trees and brings a stillness to the air not otherwise found. Yet a runner really has to respect the conditions presented by winter weather - take nothing for granted. No not skip hydration, dress in layers and avoid over heating as the sweat may later cause chills. As always keep a sharp eye for black ice and be wary of snow patches that may contain ice beneath. Cross bridges with care. Hope these tips help.


Friday, December 13, 2013


What if we couldn't fail? What would be possible and what would we try? Here's the truth - there is no failure, only results. How we label those results is entirely up to us. Don't let others - or even our own sense of ego and worth define our results. Be free. And accomplish what we once thought of as impossible.


Thursday, December 12, 2013


Snow gets old fast. In Maryland it's the constant thawing and refreezing that presents danger to runners - a single snow fall of even a few inches can derail training plans for weeks at a time. The treadmill is always an option and a careful outside run is as well - although it does present dangers. Black ice and put a runner out of commission for an entire season or long. Be careful if you choose this option. And there's always an option - the point is to get out and move regardless of weather. Find a way. It's that important.


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Only A Touch

It was only a touch.

No less a prayer than winds that brush
devout in their passing.

Listen to the earth sigh its holy
pleasure to the night.

It was only a touch.

And yet my world still trembles.
Satori - instant awakening - simply from a touch. Don't question the presence of God wherever He may find you. Our worship belongs solely to these moments.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

First Snow

First snow fall of the season. There seems to be an ancestral longing to burrow close with things needed in warmth and comfort while the storm passes. Snow storms always leave me feeling just a little bit lonely - as if I'm missing on some deep connection with nature. I'm less tolerant of snow now with age and the wisdom that it's better to be warm and dry then to spend any length of time fighting through the snow. Yet still I get out there - I run my miles regardless of wind chill and falling flakes. It brings me closer to that primordial connection with nature.  And later while I burrow with books, warmth and comfort and occasionally glance through the window - I understand a little better the mystery of that ancient longing.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Beyond What We Eat

Only a few days after Jay-Z and Beyoncé announced their 22 day vegan cleanse (spiritual and physical) Beyoncé has been spotted wearing fur in several vegan establishments. Of course in the vegan world this has generated quite a controversy. The Vegan Society offers a defense for Beyoncé in that a focus on the negative would discourage her and others who may follow her into this lifestyle from sticking with it. To an extent I agree. To a further extent I find the act thoughtless and self-absorbed.

It is important to encourage people towards a vegan life style and offering criticism and discouragement is certainly not helpful. However Beyoncé would have had to spent the past several decades living in a cave to not know the controversy of wearing fur let alone wearing it in a vegan establishment. It was a move with thought or care towards others let alone the animals that were destroyed. If indeed this 22 days of veganism is a spiritual cleanse as well is physical (as claimed by Jay Z) then perhaps Beyoncé should add a 22 day mediation program on awareness and compassion - a positive change in diet and spirit will definitely emerge from that. Being a celebrity is no excuse for being thoughtless and I applaud both Beyoncé and Jay Z for their steps towards a more thoughtful, less cruel and yes, a less self absorbed way of life. Giving up the furs would be an excellent first step.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

It's Own Perfection

Snow falls
Lightly –
Yet branches soon bend to the
Weight of storm and time.
In my warmth…I watch,
Grateful for the strength of branches, for the
Lightness and easy fall of snow, and
Even for the weight of time.

Soon the storm will pass…and perhaps
Grown heavy with the grace of their
Burden – branches will snap.
Every moment holds its own perfection.
and right now....perfection waits for recognition and once remembered we are as born again in every moment offered.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Nelson Madela

I'm very much surprised to see some of the replies on Facebook by the followers of leading conservatives and their remarks on the passing of Nelson Mandela. The majority were actually angry that these leaders had kind words to say about the former South African leader. We are quick to forgive our soldiers for what they may have done in the name of war and well we should - no one should be faced with the horrors of war and what a man does to survive, what he does for his comrades and for his country are a personal matter and not really open to judgment. Of course this is different with war crimes where the military will judge to the standards they hold. Mandela sought to liberate his country and for a number of years used violent means to do so - this was after many years of seeking non-violent ways. He thought of himself as a liberator, a soldier and a patriot. There are things in his past I'm sure he regretted. When I read statements condemning Mandela I am reminded of Saul of Damascus and his transformation. Of Francisco the soldier who wounded and tired of war became transformed into a beloved saint. Of Tibetan Saint Milarepa who was a criminal and mass murder who later cleansed his mind through meditation and renunciation. I am not declaring Mandela a saint - yet he was a man transformed by his experiences and he emerged through the silence of his cell with forgiveness and insight uncommon to all but a few. If we judge then lets judge him for this remarkable act and forgive the past as we too might wish to be forgiven.
Just my thoughts.


Friday, December 6, 2013

The Way #60

With no boundaries...all things
pass -
Through the spacious nature of
the mind.
Meditation isn't the absence of thought - it's the absence of attachment to thoughts that are occurring. When strong attachments gather to specific thoughts they form beliefs. Some beliefs may serve. Others may not. A spacious mind s a free mind and beliefs may be discarded when they no longer serve. Observe thoughts - find the space between them. Rest in this silence. The rest is just details. Happy meditation my friends.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day to run - high 50's and after the past few weeks of very cold temperatures it felt wonderful to be out and putting in the hard miles. Winter is fast approaching and days like these may be hard to find - it's important to not just take advantage of them but too truly appreciate them. All things in life serve some purpose if we recognize and allow them too. If enduring ill weather serves only to remind us that beautiful, warm days are always ahead then that alone may be enough. Better yet - find beauty (and warmth) wherever we may find ourselves. It's worth a try.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So much unnoticed - as if our eyes were meant to
view the world but not the secrets of its
Yet grace appears in the faith beyond
our's the sway of leaves
dancing in an unseen breeze.

There's a holy breeze constant in its giving...close your
eyes and sway
When the Buddha was quizzed on his status of a deity his denial was followed by the simple answer of who he truly was - "I am awake"
We too can awaken - in a single moment. It's the grace that nature offers in the bounty of her gifts. feel the breeze and accept the rain. Invite the sun to warm our bones and tress to give us shade. Be appreciative. Notice. Awaken.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

5:2 Diet

For a few years I practiced intermittent fasting (IF) and enjoyed it for it's various heath benefits and it kept me pretty lean. When I began ultra running though it became difficult to maintain as my mileage increased and soon after I began distance running I became a vegan (from a vegetarian) and felt that it was harder to get in the quality calories I needed as most vegan fare is low calorie. However recently I have been reading of the 5:2 approach to IF - basically it's fasting for two days out of the week (hence the 5:2) and maintaining a normal diet for the remaining days. This easily fits into a vegan lifestyle especially as on the fasting days 500 to 600 calories are permitted. A large salad and baked potato would cover that nicely. Weight is not an issue but the many health benefits of IF are attractive  -especially reduction of inflammation. So this is where my thoughts are leaving me and it may be worth a try again. I'll keep you posted!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Holy Days

With Christmas season beginning I hope the foremost thought we have is the true purpose of the season. It seems it's become somewhat of a cliche to point this out (year after year) and yet we never seem to quite grasp the holiness of these coming days. Look at the recent Black Friday events that have made the news - people were hurt in an attempt to buy gifts in the spirit of honoring a man crowned the King of Peace - it's beyond ironic - it's sad. These are indeed holy days approaching - regardless of faith and religion and the debatable date of the birth of Christ - they are holy because generations of people have made them holy with their gathered thoughts of what this season means. It's no wonder that these are called the Holidays (Holy days) and not only Christmas. There is a sacred tradition of this time of year from all cultures. If we're still - even for a few moments removed from the bustle of consumerism - we'll fill this holiness. Try it. Perhaps if in tune even slightly to the sacred undertone that fills these days are shopping will be a little less frantic, maybe have a little less importance and our connections to each other, and the earth itself will shine a little brighter. It might be worth a try.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Running - Not This, Nor That

Running doesn't make one spiritual - that's beyond the scope of any activity. Running can strip away our non-essential layers and reveal the aspect of Self we've always been - spirit. It's a meditation of the body - as pain and fatigue set in we discover an ability to keep moving with a faith that we are beyond the experience of any given moment. We are not legs, nor heart, nor lungs or bones - we are not the will which drives us only to a certain point - we are spirit which moves us beyond the point of mind and body to a realm that's seldom known. Running becomes our "Neti, Neti" meditation - an ancient meditation method described in the Upanishads. Neti, Neti means "not this, nor that" it's chief aim being to negate all that is not the Self. In distant running we dismiss all that is not motion and all that does not drive our motion forward - we move beyond the point cramping legs, burning lungs and weakened will - we are only what keeps us moving - spirit.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Why Do We Race?

Why do we race? Obviously there will be as many different answers as there are runners - however I think there are themes that hold steady for many of us. The usual answer is to test ourselves against others of our age and fitness level. It's a great reason and keeps many of us going for quite some time. A fun social gathering is another reason that is worthy of getting us out there on a cold, wet morning. There is misery (and fun) in company. The bottom line is that there's no real bad or wrong reason to race - if it's enjoyable than that should be good enough reason alone. I race for all of the reasons mention above and for something a little more, a little deeper and perhaps it's the underlying reason we're all out there - I race to join myself with others, to merge with motion in the company of like minded people and to reach an aspect of myself that is at once larger than my ego and smaller than the race. It happens on occasion and that's enough to keep calling me back for more.


Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

Black Friday. The day we're supposed to shop. I hope that some refrained and spent the day with family, or went for a run. I pray that not all of us were reduced to a herd mentality and joined the masses in a mindless rush of consumerism. Barring any of that - perhaps some of us supported the small, locally owned businesses that really need our support - and money. It's our choice - we can choose the type of consumer - and person we wish to be.


a little side note - if you did shop the bib box stores I hope you
had fun and shopped with a joyful heart and spread peace with
your presence. That's our choice too.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving. Christian mystic  Meister Eckhart once said that if the only prayer we ever said was thank you - than that would be enough. Gratitude increases are receptivity to all that's good in life. Thank you indeed is a powerful prayer. In that regard I am thankful for connections - yours and mine. An invisible string connects and us to each other and from our fingertips we reach the world. There is no place or thing or person beyond us - together we touch the infinite and together still we step further into light. Thank you. Each of you.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Start Now

Start now. No matter age or health condition start right now. Eat a plant-based diet. Vegan if you dare. Some mighty fine athletes are being forced to slow down by conditions that at best could be avoided and at worse controlled more easily with less impact on their lives. Nothing is guaranteed in life and yes, even those who follow the strictest vegan diet fall prey to certain health circumstances. But bet the odds - we can drastically decrease our chances of suffering from one of the many diseases of "affluence" with a change in diet. We can be athletes for life - if we wish and if we plan and eat accordingly. I want that for you. I want that for myself.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

(Some of) What I Do

There are three things that have been tremendous factors in keeping me healthy as a distance runner - mobility, flexibility and strength. It doesn't take a great deal of effort in any of these modalities to pay dividends and it doesn't much time either - honestly an extra hour or so through the week - maybe less. I put more effort into strength training then many runners only become I originally come from a lifting background and I enjoy it as much as I do running. I do longer train to see how big or strong I can get but I enjoy the movements and the efforts and it definitely helps in ultrarunning - I am more resilient, recover quicker and less prone to injury - to only name a few benefits. So here are a few things I've been doing to give  brief outline of a nice little routine for runners. Enjoy and let me know if any questions. Full credit to those who designed and posted these workout videos - thanks!


These are just variations of routines that I've done or am currently doing - kettlebells of course are a big part of my routine as well. Ab work and such are thrown in daily as well. Strength training can be done twice a week, although I do it more often and the mobility and flexibility can be done daily if desired. Train smart!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Skip The Turkey

Here's a thought - you could always skip the Thanksgiving turkey this year. There's really no reason to consume turkey. The majority of Thanksgiving fare that people enjoy are the side dishes that are almost vegan anyway or could be with very little effort and no change in taste. We generally eat what we are conditioned to eat - Thanksgiving tradition and all - and this leaves very little room for mindful consumption. It's reflective eating. Why are you eating this food? The typical comment is because it's tasty. I don't buy it - anything can be stuffed and spiced up and made to be tasty - how about a green pepper? Turkey alone is pretty bland. I doubt most would enjoy it. Don't believe me? Try it. If someone really feels they absolutely need turkey for their meal this Thursday - they could hunt a wild turkey for their plate. It would takes better - like actual meat instead of hormones and preservatives. And it would be kinder. And more traditional. Here's the problem - they're tough, smart and hard to hunt. Good luck with that. It's a nice bargain though - either get one or go without. Seems fair.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Volunteering - Give Just a Little Bit Back

Volunteering to help at a local race is an awesome way to give a little bit back to the running community (think of all the volunteers at every race we've ever run) while helping back for what is usually a great cause. Today we helped at a 2 mile race that brought attention to those who have suffered abuse. It was freezing cold - definitely the coldest day of the season by far and really it only added to the spirit of why we were all there - the discomfort of cold pales in comparison to what some have been and are going through. It was an honor to help at such an event and there will be more days of volunteering work ahead. A big thanks and acknowledgement to Pat Huffman  and Bullseye running who pulled this event together and not only brought aid and awareness to this worthy cause but made sure it was an awesome running event as well. Thanks guys!


Saturday, November 23, 2013


Thanksgiving is a lovely holiday. I hope that this year we truly take time to reflect on what we're thankful for and I hope that we reflect on the food that sits on our dinner tables. There was a great deal of sacrifice and cruelty involved in order for the majority of us to eat as we do. Most people in the world are unable to indulge as we do - there are vast numbers who would be able to eat for months on the amount that we spent for this days food alone. Animals were horribly tortured without thought or care so we could literally do harm to ourselves in the name of being grateful. Many people will read this post and simply dismiss it or make a joke in order to pass by the vague feeling of guilt that may be unrecognized within - and that's the way things are right now. It's not a cruel world we live in -it's an unaware world. Yet maybe, maybe we will take notice of how blessed we truly are and wish this same feeling of love and gratitude towards all beings. It's what the day is all about after all.


Friday, November 22, 2013

There's No One Else

Happiness is an inside job. There's actually nowhere else to look. Yet we continue to look towards others not only as a source of happiness but also as our source of unhappiness. As one self-help author once pointed out - whenever you have a  problem, you're always around. So there's really no one to blame, there's no one to accuse of bringing negativity into our lives - there's only ourselves and adding blame to ourselves will only increase any disturbances we are experiencing. So no blame - only responsibility. If we wish to view the world in a more positive manner than it's more important (and practical) to change our thoughts of others than to eliminate them from our lives. Forgive others for their perceived faults - they're really only reflections of the thoughts we harbor inside. Then we forgive ourselves as well. With repetition our thoughts will become clearer and we will be able to see how much we share with others - our pain and insecurities - all the things that add up to make us human beings in a sometimes crazy world. We'll put judgment aside and practiced kindness first. It takes practice - and we have a lifetime ahead of us.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tempo Run - A Razor's Edge

Tempo run today. It's another favorite run - reminding me of the phrase from the Bhagavad Gita on the razors edge - too slow and we the runner becomes complacent and push too hard and the runner will burn out - falling from the edge. Spiritual practice is often uncomfortable - there are mornings when I would much rather sleep in and miss my early meditation. Sometimes it's much easier to allow myself to be thoughtless, or unkind and put myself first. It's a razor's edge - if I do these things I will be unfulfilled in the long term and displeased with myself in the short. So I wake up early, I meditate, I strive to be mindful and to put others first. It's my spiritual practice and will pay off in the long run. Same with the tempo run - I put in the speed work, as uncomfortable as it often is - it's a running practice I do weekly. In the long run - I will be faster.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Now Let Go

And now let
Go –
I am the absence in
Your open hand…expanding past
Our boundaries.
Refusing to cling we become an expansion of spirit - to grasp is to remain small and content within the confines of despair. We are made of the very same stuff as stars and such light cannot be contained for long. Allow yourself to shine.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Inspiration of Ultrarunning

I think a big difference between my first attempt at the 100 mile distance last spring and my first 24 hour run this fall is inspiration. For quite some time I felt driven to train hard and accomplish the ultimate ultrarunning experience -100 miles - and yet somewhere within that distance my will failed me. I dropped at mile 63. Perhaps I had some justified reasons to do so - stomach issues that lasted for over a day, I felt injured and my pace was slowed to the point where a deepening chill was becoming worrisome. But the bottom line is I quit - I no longer had the will to push myself past the point of my discomfort. I'm not beating myself up over this fact - I'm gathering what I've learned and I'm happy for the experience.
Two weeks ago I ran my first 24 hour race - I completed 75 miles within the time frame and 77 miles total. There were points within this race where I became violently ill, throwing up regularly for over an hour. My hip flexors locked up painfully slowing me down considerably for a portion of the race. Lots of little things went wrong - including a lost toenail that became pretty painful. Yet at no point did I feel as if I was suffering, I was happy being out there and new without a doubt that I would finish. I ran the few miles in hard and faster than at any other time of the race. The question of will never appeared - it didn't matter to me if I ran a single mile or 100 or if I was walking or running. Pain was just part of the experience - maybe one I could have done without - yet there it was. So I kept going. I didn't force myself and I didn't need too.
The difference between these two races? The first race I was driven and relying on sheer will to get me through. Will power has limits - maybe those limits are different on different occasions for different people. I don't have those answers - I only know that at a certain point I was done. This last race had no defining moment of drive - I never felt the need to urge myself forward. I was inspired and inspiration kept drawing one more step happily from me. Even in the face of sickness and pain inspiration never left me - it called to me, whispered to me and at times even carried me. And that made all the difference.
For now my prerace thoughts and prayer will be one of surrender - will power may see me through my training - inspiration will guide my racing.


Monday, November 18, 2013

The Neuroplasticity of Hill Running

Rebrand the hills. By the comments I hear before people attempt to run or walk a hill in races it (too) often seems that they are already beaten before they even start the climbs. Hills are tough no doubt, yet there is no reason to increase our mental suffering as well. Our self dialogue determines much of how we will experience any given situation. Running a hill is no different. The science of Neuroplasticity deals with this extensively (well, not hill running) It demonstrates that our brains are not static and that we can make drastic changes in how we relate, process, and experience virtually any situation. The brain can be retrained. This is wonderful news for those who suffer or have loved ones who suffer from any number of brain injuries or syndromes that may hinder their lives. It's also great news for us (ir)regular folks who like to run where there are hills. It means we can look at a hill and relabel how we will experience it. A simple means of doing so is to first identify the negative self (or vocal) talk. Often we are unaware that we are even entering negative territory  - that groan that escapes from our lips at the first sight of a hill is by now fairly ingrained for many of us. So lets be mindful and at the first sight of a hill we relabel it not as an obstacle but as an opportunity to use different muscles, to walk or refuel or gain elevation....whatever thought works best. Reframe the mental image of the experience to one of opportunity and then use positive self talk to engrave a new pattern within the mind. In Vedic wisdom this is call Sankara - a mental vibration much like a CD track that we automatically play when faced with a given situation. Much of our lives are a response in this manner instead of fresh insights on how to deal with problems. This is why we often catch ourselves responding in ways we wish we hadn't - we know better - yet the mental pattern takes over before we even realize what is happening. So we are building a new mental vibration - a retraining of the mind on how we will deal with hills (or anything we wish) Our negative patterns did not appear overnight - it took a lifetime to lay the tracks. Fortunately it doesn't take quite so long to retrain our thought system (it does take practice). And again fortunately, as ultra runners there will be plenty of time to practice - maybe even a 100 miler or two. Will this method end the pain of what may seem like an endless hill? No. Hill running is tough. Yet maybe we will suffer just a bit less.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Soon To Be End of Year Review

This year of running is soon to end - I have raced often and trained hard and yet it's been a mixed year. I'm not complaining - I began the year with a 5k PR, set a 50k PR and I'm closing the year with the greatest distance I've ever run -75 miles official and 77 unofficially. Still, I feel as if I could have ran better - faster in some races and farther in others. For much of the year I feel that I was over trained. This had little to do with the races but more due to the amount of training I did in between. More rest would have meant faster times in all but a few races. I'm learning. And a new year is soon to come. I plan to race as often if not more as I did this year - yet I hope to do so as a smarter, wiser athlete. This year got me to the 100 mile starting line - next year gets me to the finish. I've learned a lot this year. I'm looking forward to using this knowledge in 2014 and learning some new lessons as well.


Saturday, November 16, 2013


Author Joe Vitale's new book - At Zero - has recently been released. Joe has authored numerous books and has appeared in the documentary The Secret. Perhaps his best none work is Zero Limits which deals the topic of Ho'oponopono - the ancient Hawaiian shamanic technique of using forgiveness to arrive back to the point of original innocence (or zero point) where miracles are possible. What I most enjoyed about this book was that it offered a method of forgiveness that one could easily put into practice. It was the same radical forgiveness that first drew me to A Course in Miracles - accepting full responsibility for ALL that occurs within our lives (even if, or better yet, especially if) it involved others because of the simple premise that they are present in our lives. It's a place to start - we can't fix others but we can fix the issue within ourselves that draws problematic people and event in our lives. Zero point is the new beginning of each present moment that is free and clear of all issues - it is our original innocence we presumed lost yet was only forgotten. The basic method of Ho'oponopono is straight forward - accept responsibility for all that occurs within our lives. Forgive each issue. Forgive ourselves. Release ourselves from the energetic binds that keep us attached to the past - we release by repeating four key phrases - I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive, Thank you. We are not saying this to another or even to ourselves - we are declaring our freedom to the Divine that lives within and connects us all. We don't have to believe in magic (although I do) It's a method, a ritual that serves as both an affirmation and a tool to break free from painful connections. Somethings don't need to be believed in order to work - they only need to work. And this has for me. I'm looking forward to the sequel to Zero Limits - At Zero. It's on my desk now and has secrets to tell me. Perhaps for you as well.


Friday, November 15, 2013


If at all possible I blog daily - usually with no planned agenda. The exceptions have been long races when and where blogging have simply not been an option. Still I write on these days even if it's just a few words scribbled on a napkin or a text I send to myself. It's like flossing our teeth - if it's important (vitally so) then we find time every day to do it. Writing is vital to me. It matters little that it is read yet matters greatly that it is written. I could give a reason why and I have in other post - yet really I think that those who understand will nod in silent agreement - and those who wish for explanation would find any such words lacking. So I will leave these words for both parties and be satisfied with what I have accomplished.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Long Run

As much as I enjoy track workouts, fartlek and tempo runs I think perhaps my favorite run of the week is the long run. It is a run (for me) without agenda other than distance. With each step my mind settles into a rhythm of stillness and empties itself of superfluous thought - there becomes only breath and steps and the feel of the world pressed against me in motion. When things are just right I am matched with the conditions of my run - cold, wind, heat, rain - are not conditions against me but met with welcome calm. They are aspects of self recognized in a slow and steady movement of body and soul. The farther the run the deeper this recognition until lines are blurred between realities of spirit and self - motion and stillness are one, the world that holds rain, heat and snow is the same world that beats within as heart, lung and blood. Only one world. The world I run within.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Page of My Undoing

I don't approach the page to accomplish anything - writing for me is a meditation on undoing - to become less than the person I was before the page was found empty. I seek to change places - to exchange the fullness of ego for the emptiness of promise and potential. Each word left becomes a lessening of self and leaves me closer to original being. Perhaps a billion more words to go....


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Race Review - Croatan 24 Hour Run 2013

Croatan 24 is done and now in the books! My number one goal of staying on course for the duration was met and how much I learned within that 24 hour period is still sinking in and will be for quite some time.
The race is held in the Croatan National Forest - a tidal salt marsh on the shore of North Carolina. It's a beautiful course in a wild and beautiful area. Each lap was 1.31 with lots of bridges over the marsh and spectacular views of the area - even with such short loops the course was never boring. I enjoyed the short loops as it broke things down nicely and made it seemed as if the miles were piling up quickly. That might have been an optical illusion though.
The race was held on Veterans Day and there was a ceremony before the race honoring vets and the first loop was led by veterans holding the flag of their service. The race also served to benefit the MARSOC Foundation ( Here is a quote from their website describing their objective - 
The MARSOC Foundation was established to provide benevolent support to active duty and medically retired MARSOC personnel and their families as well as to the families of Marines and Sailors who have lost their lives in service to our Nation. -
It's always an honor to run for a worthy purpose. A big thank you to Race Director Brandon Wilson and his family for hosting this event and the purpose that it served. Brandon's efforts help our armed forces and made for a wonderful event. Another big thanks to all of the volunteers who really extended themselves in this race. I remain impressed and touched by their commitment to the racers. Thank you all!
I had a good day. I ran with walk breaks through the day - steady. A few pauses at the start/finish area that served as the one aid station but nothing overly long - mainly to refill by water bottle with Tailwind - which worked remarkably well. I had no solid food until almost 17 hours into the race when my stomach became a little sensitive. I realized that I was actually going beyond my planned 250 calories and once actually doubled up without realizing it (drinking two bottles within the hour) Hoping that a little solid food would help I ate a little vegan food offered by a friend and that did not go to well. The next few loops were walking and throwing up - but I did keep walking. A little coke and a few cookies gave me some caffeine and helped settle my stomach and the stomach issues seemed to pass. At no time though did I experience a drop in energy or really feel hungry. With a few adjustments Tailwind will remind my source of race calories. Taking the guess workout out of fueling is a big issue for vegan runners and Tailwind has been a great source of peace of mind and calories for me - not to mention the personal touch and concern they show to those who use their products.
Since my main goal was to complete the whole 24 hours miles were a secondary concern - but of course I still wanted them (lots of them!) 70 miles was my low bench mark number with an outside thought of 80+.  I will happily take my 75.33 official mileage with no complaints. Unofficially I ran 77 - our last loop came in less then 2 minutes after the 24 hours. We left (Moca and I) for the last loop with 14 minutes left in the race and gave it a great effort to get it in - Moca really wanted a 100k and she wanted it official. We were close. She got the distance but not in the record books. She ran a great, strong race though with an impressive finish. I think we're both hooked on timed events so a rematch with the clock is in short order.
I will post a follow up with some of the things I've learned as I process them - there are many. I want to end with a thank you to Tom Green, Paula Carrigan and Michael Strzlelecki for their advice and support - words from each of you entered my thoughts in the times that I needed them and helped see me through the day. Thanks guys.
And that's a wrap. Thanks for reading!


Monday, November 11, 2013

It Doesn't Take Much

Croatan 24 Hour Endurance Run is over. It's good to be home, to relax and to write a few words. It doesn't take much to pleas me.


Friday, November 8, 2013


Today we leave for the Croatan 24 Hour Endurance Run - it's an exciting step, a big step. My hope is to keep moving and let the miles add up. Motion is the only plan I have. Everything else is details. At the suggestion of Tailwind Nutrition I will use 250 calories an hour with maybe a little food depending on how I feel. Fortunately that takes care of a very large, important detail - fueling. Stay tuned for more details coming up.


Thursday, November 7, 2013


I read today that the  Western Black Rhino is now extinct

If this is definite then the world we live in is a much sadder place. Poaching and lack of conservation are directly attributed. There's no excuse - in this modern day and age we let a majestic animal cease to exist. Scientist are now saying that other species of rhinos may soon follow - several are making their last stand right now. There should be no market for a rhino anything other than a photo. No animal should be treated as a commodity (including the human animal) This is not about being a vegan, or hunting or any issue other than the protection of earths precious creatures and resources. It's almost too late for many plants and animals. It is to late for the Western Black Rhino.

Peace (please)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Race Plan - Forward Motion

Race day is drawing near - although I think of this as less of a race than a personal endeavor - a quest is actually more accurate. That seems the nature of a timed event - perimeters given and working within that given structure. As much mental and spiritual as physical. My plan is motion - forward motion and I won't ask for anything more than that. Let's see what the day brings.


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

It's A Choice

In truth it only takes a moment to forgive - an instant recognition of a peaceful heart once free of resentment. It's a choice. Do we choose peace or continued conflict? Freedom or ties that bind us to the past? It's a simple matter of dropping an emotional weight that is much too heavy for our heart to carry. Unburdened of resentment our steps are light, our mind is free and the future now bright. Choose peace.


Monday, November 4, 2013

How To Forgive

How to forgive? I wish I had an easy answer or a formula that would take us from the bondage of anger to the freedom that forgiveness offers in quick and easy steps. The truth is that forgiveness can happen in an instant through the grace of a sudden awakening to years of working through a steady process of shedding layers of anguish. A Course in Miracles is a yearlong workbook on forgiveness - I bought my copy 15 years ago and it has been a steady companion to me ever since - and I still struggle with issues of forgiveness. Even after experiencing the miracles offered through a forgiving heart I find myself caught in moments where forgiveness seems just plain impossible. So what do I do in times of struggle? I forgive myself. It takes time. Maybe less time now after years of practice - but it still takes time, a little effort and some patience and kindness towards myself. Self forgiveness offers internal space - a little breathing room to maneuver around some weighty emotional issues. It's a place to start. It's a healing place. A sacred place and place where I can extend this self love and compassion to others, where I can recognize that not only are we one in spirit but that indeed we are one in our struggle as human beings sharing a world that can be difficult sometimes. We all suffer. We all wish for peace and joy and freedom and love. I recognize this in myself. I recognize this in others - especially the ones I love. Yet it's only one step, one small step further to recognize this in the heart of someone who may have hurt me. I can take this step - here - in my sacred place of self forgiveness - I can take this step and offer all that I wish for myself and for my loved ones to this person that I now see clearly shares so much with me. I can take this step and I do. As many times as needed.


Sunday, November 3, 2013

No Meaning

And here...this single
point of words.

No meaning.

But to kiss an empty
Creating provides its own meaning. Or perhaps no meaning is needed. We create simply because it's an extension of our deepest self and we are helpless against the rising tide of our true expression. It's role is not to leave something lasting behind that says "we were here" - no, it is a declaration that "We Are" It's a statement of our being that goes beyond the point of existence-  nothing lasts forever - yet creation continues. Always.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Running With Mystery

Albert Einstein once said that "the most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious" - and long distance running takes us to the very edge and often beyond the mysterious. There is no greater mystery than our own mind, our heart and our soul - material thoughts often cloud our ability and desire to look for a world full of mystery. Where our inner and outer worlds connect is a thin veil that parts in equally mysterious ways. Yet part it does and the nature of long distance running often aids in the parting. Distance running brings us to the point of surrender of will and ego- and spirit transcends in that moment - we look at the world (both inner and outer) with eyes reborn to the miraculous. The veil has parted. Every step now delivers us to the mysterious. It's a beautiful place.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Kaballah And Ultrarunning - Reactive Vs. Responsive

The teachings of Kaballah tells us that there is the 1% world in which we live and the 99% world in which we truly existence. The worlds of ego and spirit. Heaven and earth. Our role as spiritual beings having an earthly experience is to bring more of the 99% into this world. We do this with thoughts, words and deeds. We strive to move ourselves away from being reactive to being responsive. As a reactive person we are controlled by forces of the ego. As a responsive being we are the voice of spirit. We can bring this concept into every aspect of our lives. Even ultrarunning. To react to experiences that happen during a race is to often mindlessly compound mistakes at worse and to needlessly waste precious emotional energy at best. Yet by responding mindfully to what each moment and situation brings to us we are able to create a spacious feel surrounding our events and the freedom to respond accordingly. We run peacefully.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Few Thoughts On my First 24 Hour Event

Just a little over a week away from my first 24 hour race - I'm very excited about - perhaps more so than any ultra I've run to date. The mental challenge of running over a set course is part of it, although it is a 1 mile loop through a scenic state park - many 24 hour races are held on a traditional quarter mile track - now that takes a very strong mental constitution. Another factor - and this may be the largest part - is the freedom within the structure provided. It's entirely up to the runner what mileage they fill that time frame with - from 1 mile to 100+. Of course I wish for many miles - my main goal is to reach a distance PR (63+) and this should be doable simply by staying on the course for the entire 24 hours. Anything over 70 and I will be satisfied, 80+ and I will be thrilled. Anything above that I don't think my brain has processed yet. Simply running until I am out of time is a worthy goal. Running happy - of course - trumps all else.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ultra Running and Detachment

Detachment plays a vital role in ultra running - yes we need the desire and drive to train for events, to push through the hard times and continue going - yet without detachment we become too caught up in what each moment offers and lose sight that no moment (or what's contained within the moment) will last. Detachment offers freedom. Our desires remain intact but we have the freedom to maneuver around them instead of being manipulated by them. Placing demands on the body during a race becomes an ego game and will often leave us burned out and unable to finish a given race. A preference however means that while we are still driven towards a particular outcome - we are no longer attached to it's achievement. Detachment means that we are aligned with present circumstances and our surroundings - there is no wasted energy on placing demands on things beyond our control. To stay in alignment we allow ourselves the emotional space to shift when needed, to make necessary changes when we must and stay in motion when we are able. In Ultra running this means forward progress.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Any Low Mileage Ultrarunners Out There?

I love to run - obviously - but not so obvious is how that fits into my thoughts right now on reducing training mileage in the near future. I have never worked up to terribly high mileage - I think peaking at around 90 miles while training for the C&O 100 - and usually while training for a race I seldom go past 80 miles. Right now I'm thinking of a more flexible approach where the mileage would vary yet top out for training in the low 60s to mid 50s. I'm looking for strength in my training and longevity - even though I felt fine hitting 90 miles in a week - I knew it wasn't sustainable and that a long recovery would follow. My plan is to race often - from 5k to 50 miles and use the racing to push for bigger mileage races - ultimately at least two 100 milers this year. Maybe more. It's been done and it's being done - I'm interested in learning more. If anyone would like to share their stories on low mileage training and frequent racing please do. Thanks!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Running With Forgiveness

Forgiveness and running - a stream of becoming. With forgiveness comes rebirth and we no longer run with the previous mind or body. Aches and pains may still exist - yet we no longer run with them as obstacles to be overcome but opportunities to learn about our body and how we respond to what limits we may be faced with. Forgiveness brings freedom. No run is judged by performance - ego aside - we run in a holy space free of attachments to all of what we may have ever wished for from our running. Running simply is - forgiveness erases the concept of past so every moment given to motion we are reborn to run in original innocence. There is an art to forgiveness and running becomes a vehicle of it's expression. We run to become artist - the road and trail our canvass.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Bliss - happiness beyond apparent reason. We are divinely aware of God's presence in this state, we experience a kinship with all life. This is a moment expressed in deep meditation. It's what I aspire towards and ironically it is only available when we surrender goals, agendas, and aspirations. It's beyond all these things - it a of grace and inspiration. A paradox - if we don't attempt to find bliss it remains far and if we do strive for blissful states we drive it further from our reach. And as in all paradoxes the answer lies in a willing surrender to something greater than ourselves - and in this state - we find bliss.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Nothing Seems The Same

There was a moment when
You whispered –
"Turn to me"
I turned…and now nothing seems
The same.

The world turned with me.
We will be called upon. God, the Universe, the Tao....something will whisper in our ear or tap us on the shoulder and tell us - "it's time." And from this moment on nothing will be the same and yet still - things will be no different. Except our smile will hold a mystery.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Least Effort

My meditation flows best when I cease to struggle, relax and simply listen to the mantra playing through my mind. When thoughts distract - repeat above instructions. Running is most enjoyable when I quit struggling with expectations of time and distance. When I run - simply run - I run my best. There is a theme here - the law of least effort.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Instructions To Myself

Morning and late afternoon meditation - mantra based. Little effort and seeking to just let go, let go. I have a desire yet no goal. Meditation works with the law of least effort - allow the mantra to work, the mind to settle and higher consciousness to emerge. Hard effort spoils the effect. Subtle intent spreads the desire as ripples across the pond of consciousness. Spirit responds.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Final Gift

And after all, perhaps the final
gift is tenderness.
The faith to love on the
edge of broken parts.
Faith...when all we have is
no clear end,
only the ache of uncertainty.
And still we
towards the jagged edge that's
sure to cut and we bleed
our touch in a tender
offering of
despair, and maybe something
more we can't name,
but know in silent
Perhaps the final gift is not
blood...but our
ability to
bleed and bleed
more when all we wish for is
dried away and still we
bleed more.
Perhaps the final gift is
this- these blood soaked
tears...when it's all we have to
For all those who have loved, and continue to love through the pain of loss and the anguish of continuing in the face of only more to come. To love is to honor who we are - our true self that knows that loss is a brief illusion and a moment spent together a glimpse into eternity. This is for you.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Protein, Veganism, Diet Options and Caring For Each Other

I'm always amazed (even after years) when I hear of someone reporting that a vegan diet "doesn't work", or that they quit after years of being a vegan because they suddenly discovered that they weren't getting enough protein. Really? At what point within a multiple year period would someone discover this? The World Health Organization reports that even active humans need no more than 5 to 10% of protein from their overall caloric intake. If you're eating enough - you're getting enough protein. I have thrived on a vegan diet. If after sometime I discovered that I was no longer thriving - I would certainly address the issue. Yet it's doubtful that animal protein - at the exclusion  of countless plant-based protein sources - would be the answer. The bottom line is that people quit being a vegan for the simple reason of wanting to eat meat. I'm fine with that - I just ask for some honesty in reasons being given. Eventually we will all be faced with the need for dietary change - our current model is simply unsustainable, not just for future generations but for ours as well. We are in the midst of a health crisis, our environment is in rapid decline and our agricultural process is run by big businesses with little concern for us let alone the animals they treat as commodities. We will have to change. We will need to change. Many will resist - that's the nature of change. And as it is in nature change will overcome many. With a little education, self care and compassion for beings large and small we can make this change as seamless as possible. We don't all have to be vegans. But we do all have to care for each other, and other beings and the planet. Lets start today. Right now. Simply reduce the amount of meat to smaller portions - use is as a side dish instead of the main course. Try a "meatless day" once a week. Eat vegan through the day and enjoy a well planned meal that includes meat in the evening. Or be a vegan. There are lots of options. Not caring isn't one of them.


Sunday, October 20, 2013


 with each and every
 breeze my life is swayed in
 new directions...yet
 untold -
until another shift of

I love this time of year and I especially love catching sight of a single leaf drifting in the wind - recently surrendered of self, no longer a tree and yet not less then before - a death and a birth and in between a moment of near flight playing soft amidst the breeze. Our story told in a seasons grace.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Long Run

The long run is the back bone of any distance training plan - it's the string that ties everything else together. Speed is useless if you can't go the distance. It can also be the run that takes us the deepest spiritually as well. The slower pace allows us to soak in our surroundings and observe things we may well miss on our faster paced runs. We have a chance to commune with nature and turn inwards at the same time. With less emphasis on speed we are able to turn the mind off and allow thoughts to tumble through until we find an inner stillness  - as if the motion of our legs become a mantra for transcending thoughts. In this inner silence inspiration may whisper secrets and problems may get solved - we are open and ready for new beginnings. It is also our chance to endure - to take one more step than we may have thought possible. To reach new ground. To explore. Enjoy the long run.


Friday, October 18, 2013

More on Spiritual Practice

In my previous post I talked about my spiritual path and it occurred to me that I could have just as easily (and as importantly) added writing and diet. Writing is very much part of spiritual life and my practice. It's done daily and often with great inspiration that can only be a direct link to something greater than myself (of which I am still part of) I have written everyday since 2001 - inspired quite a bit by Steven Pressfield's book - The War of Art. I don't think of it as a streak - it's a way of life.
My diet is my spiritual practice demonstrated. Compassion on the plate. Kindness needs to extend in all directions and shouldn't be discontinued for a momentary dinning experience. There is greater pleasure in knowing that our appetite meets our values.
When my practice(s) are aligned my life runs in smooth order - if something is not aligned it is a simple measure of taking stock of my practice and seeing what is (if ever so slightly) misaligned. True spirituality may be less about being in balance as it is about balancing. I try.


Thursday, October 17, 2013

My Spiritual Path

Here's my spiritual path:
Run. Run simply, run loose and relaxed and free of expectation of anything other than motion. Run for no other reason than the love of running - everything else, all the great aspects of running - spiritual, health, mental - will be delivered from love.
Meditate. Meditate daily. Find the path to stillness that resonates within - there is no path to this stillness - stillness is the path. Sit, breathe, surrender. If prayer is speaking to God then meditation is listening - so simply listen. The breath, the heartbeat, the silence...has many answers.
Pray. Ask for what we wish for - be grateful for what we receive. There is no distant God and our voice (inner and outer) is our connection. God does not care how we pray - only that we commune with His (Her) presence within.
Be Grateful. We are blessed. Live with this recognition.
Forgive. There are no justified resentments - each one is a link that chains us to a reactive cycle that leaves no room for peace. Forgiveness is freedom. It takes practice and lessons come daily. Practice.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Meditation Path

Recently my meditation has shifted focus back to Primordial Sound Meditation (PSM)  - PSM is a mantra based meditation technique that shares some similarities with Transcendental Meditation (TM) It is meant to be effortless - the power of the mantra penetrating deeply past the mundane and subtle thoughts to higher and higher states of consciousness. Concentration is not part of the equation although it will develop naturally within the practice. I have practiced PSM since 2001, along with Buddhist mindfulness and Passage Meditation. Every practice has something to offer and these three have been my mainstay. It seems time right now to devote myself to PSM and allow it to unfold through this devotion. As the practice deepens I will add in the sutra meditations that Deepak Chopra talks about in his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire (I love that title)
And that's where my meditation is headed these days. I hope that everyone who happens to read my blog has found a path that works for them - and devotes themselves to their own fulfillment. Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Two Sides

From my lips...

The night is torn by the
whisper of your name.

Two sides of infinity.


And my longing to be
near you.
 Prayer...a simple utterance of a name. Prayer is what connects the Divine and our longing to return to the stillness of our being. Prayer - if only for a moment bring us home again. It's not complicated, there are no rituals needed. Simply whisper to the stillness of the night...

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Little Vegan Note

I'm happy to be vegan. Almost daily it seems that I am hit with an anti-vegan sentiment - yet nothing has every caused me a moment of doubt about my commitment to my vegan lifestyle. I feel great, my running is better then ever and I am living by my ideal ethics. I wish for everyone to feel this good.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Contemplating Walls

As if alone...

We wish for distant

Yet even walls are embraced
by the space they seek to

We stand as walls before
the night...

Caressed on every
My wish for you - my wish for myself - to know that we are never truly alone in a world of intimate connections. There is an illusion that holds us distant and yet space itself is so full of our connection that we can close our eyes and draw the essence of each other near. The space between is alive with all that makes us one. Know this one thing - never are you alone in a universe that loves you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Next Time

While running this morning around a local lake I witnessed a man catch a fish and casually toss it in the air to land at the feet of a companion some several yards away - where the man left it flopping on the ground, fighting for it's life. Things like this aren't easy for a vegan to see - it's a reverence for life and a sensitivity to suffering that brings many to this life style and both of these qualities only increase the longer one remains a vegan. I am sure the fisherman views himself as a good person, kind and decent and I would not say otherwise - yet we as a people have generally become so callused towards the suffering of animals (and others) that a living being literally fighting to maintain it's existence goes unnoticed. It was hard for me to not say something or take action and perhaps I should have - I've asked myself if I am as much to blame as the men fishing and the honest answer that comes to me leaves me feeling ashamed. To witness suffering and allow it to happen makes one a participant - there is no casual observation in a participatory universe. But again to be honest - I don't know what I could or should have done -all I really know that the weapon at hand were and are my words to educate and inform and hopefully plant a seed of awareness within the heart of a good man who simply did not know the capacity for other beings to suffer in the very same way we all do. Next time....


Friday, October 11, 2013

As The Earth

And I stand…willing
Myself as the
Earth –
Grateful in receiving.
One moment....fully realized in perfection...can mean enlightenment. Open to the moment - not the clouds of past that threaten to storm the mind nor thought of where the future lies-  just now - in the rain, or the shine of sun that falls across the shoulders - just now - open, willing, surrendering to this single moment. It's enough.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Deeper Still

Your skin to
Mine –
And deeper still…our

It's the reach - from soul to soul and flesh the means to find completion. Our longing - a sacred prayer for more and still again an answered prayer in its return. It's the reach - our touch embraced by the space we find between us.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's 9:00 AM

I love how Somerset Maugham once told a group of students that he found it most important to write when he was inspired - and that fortunately inspiration showed up at his desk every morning at 9:00. The lesson? We have to court the Muse. Inspiration strikes us blindly only because we fail to be opened to it 99 percent of the time. It is always present - a Divine attribute that we can all tap into at a moments notice. By courting the Muse we arrange our priorities to be open to her ever present whisper. We remove the walls that block Her voice from reaching us. Meditation has been essential in opening myself to inspiration - acting as a direct link that allows the Infinite to (sometimes) speak through me without the personal filters of my ego. My best writing is when I am mostly absent from the process and allow inspiration access to my fingers and the page. Through meditation the world becomes my desk and every moment 9:00 AM - the muse is always present, always whispering - my one job is to simply listen.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Loneliness of The Long Distance Runner (Parentheses Included)

I have never been lonely on a long run - alone often - yet never lonely. It seems to me that long distance running broadens the sense of self to the point where the self itself (bear with me here) becomes irrelevant - or better yet - non-existence. Our sense of self is in actuality illusory - we are concepts bundled within an image that quickly fades under the light of contemplation. Who we think we are involves the ego - who we really are involves only spirit. Running far, running really far, strips us of ego (if only momentarily - yet that freedom lingers, it lingers....) and we find ourselves free of self (it makes sense of you don't think too hard about it) and free of concepts that bind us within ordinary borders. In short we become extra -ordinary. Or better yet (and far more accurate) we become our true Selves - a Self where we find that there is nowhere where we leave off and the world begins there is only the Infinite - and the motion of the run that takes us there. 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Race Report - Blues Cruise 50k Trail Race 2013

Sunday was my first running of the Blues Cruise 50k Trail run in Pennsylvania. It's a beautiful run consisting f one large loop around Blue Marsh Lake - a man made lake just north of Reading Pa. The idea of one loop around the lake really appealed to me and was a big factor in signing up. Unfortunately there weren't many sightings of the actual lake - yet the few  we saw were breathtaking and well worth the wait. The trails themselves wander through typical Pennsylvania country - which is to say beautiful and rugged. This is some of my favorite country to run through. Untypical for this are were the fairly nontechnical trails - not too many roots and not too rocky. Very nice for my tired feet which have taken a beating from the last few races. This made for some fine running and helped offset the surprisingly summer like heat and the unrelenting hills that made up the majority of the course. None of the hills by themselves were "deal breakers" but there were plenty of them and they added up through the course of the day. I ran using the Galloway method of 2:30 of running and :30 of walking and this allowed me to run many of the hills that I might have normally walked and made for a great workout by the end of the day.
There were 7 aid stations on the course and each one had a different theme with volunteers wearing different costumes - this definitely helped the day pass and their enthusiasm and top-notch aid service made each station a pleasure to run into. Aches and pains were easily forgotten in the fun. Thanks guys!
Again I used Tailwind Nutrition as my primary fuel along with 4 or 5 banana quarters and it worked great in the heat and helped me bring the race in at around 6:31 feeling pretty fresh and happy. What left me a little unhappy were the bee stings - 3 of them - again. It's not the bee stings themselves that are so bad (ok, they hurt) it's the two weeks of itching that make me take things a little personally. Fortunately the were wasps and wasps don't die after they sting - they just go one and sting some more. But I am happy they don't die even if one was responsible for stinging me twice. I believe this brings the total up to 14 stings for the year - that may be a PR.
So to sum things up - beautiful course, fun aid stations and a terrific group of runners made for a perfect day. Including the bee stings. It's not a trail race without a little misadventure.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

Thank You For This Time

It's been a long day - lots of miles in hot conditions and my bed is calling. I wanted to leave a few words here however before retiring. Writing here brings me a sense of connection with my creative self, my spiritual self and to those who wish to join me for a few moments. It's this opportunity that I cherish and helps keep me focused on the truly important issues of my life. With that in mind a big thank you to all who take the time to read.


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Training Thoughts

Today will begin a modest streak of daily running until it is time to taper for the Croatan 24 Hour Endurance Run November 9th. The goal - barring schedule conflict and aches and pains - is to get my legs used to the idea that this is what they're made for - to move and keep moving. This is the last "big" race of the year and I hope to go out with a major distance PR. I'm putting no pressure on myself however - the plan is to move easy and move often. Tomorrow will be Blues Cruise 50k and a good day there will certainly add to my training. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!


Friday, October 4, 2013

Goverment Shutdown Rant

I try not to get political when I write about politics - by that I mean I don't wish to see things in a narrow perspective designed by media and political parties. I like to be informed and I like to listen to all sides even if my instincts point me in the opposite direction. Everyone has a valid opinion by virtue of their existence and feelings yet not everyone has valid facts. Including me. I do try though and I do try to not let my biases influence my listening skills. Sometimes I fail. Maybe often I fail.
The government shutdown is a good example and a perfect opportunity for me to practice patience and careful listening. I accept that there is fear of a federal government over-reach with the new heath care law. Yet many facts show that far from being harmful this law will help millions of people who are in desperate need for such care. So where do we compromise? My thoughts - on this issue - is that we don't. It's a law - unpopular with some and much needed by others. Need and aid trumps popularity with me. There are issues with the law for certain and these issues I am sure will be addressed and corrected and this can and should be done in due process. Many laws have come to pass with a rough start and unpopular beginning. As a people we worked through the issues. We will this time too. To my friends and family who have been affected by the government shutdown - I'm sorry. Please contact your Congressman and Senator and ask for action. As Albert Einstein once said -" nothing changes until something moves." It's time we move as a united people.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Few Words

Few words
Me –
And I become your

On all sides - the Infinite breaths against us. We are an empty page and creation seeks to write its story large and bold. Be open. Be inspired. The story is larger than us all yet each of us essential, unique and co-authors through it all. Be breathed by the Infinite and lay graceful on the page.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


The Blues Cruise 50k Trail Race is this weekend and once again I'll be hitting the trails with fairly tired legs. Training hard for Croatan 24 Hour Endurance Run and I only want to taper so much for smaller races right now. Having said that I will take a day or two off to be somewhat fresher than previous recent races. I also want to return to Galloway's method (run/walk/run) and be a little more strict in my adherence. I recently read that Galloway himself ran a 4:15 marathon (Air Force) using :30 of running and :15 of running - at the age of 68 and not to far from a recent surgery. That's impressive. I'll keep you posted on how it goes. Right now the plan will be 1:30 of running with :30 walk breaks until near the end wear I hope to run it in a little harder. If all goes well I'll try the same (possibly) for a road marathon the following week. Stay tuned.


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Good Thing And A Bad Thing

Today the new health care law goes into effect. Regardless of politics lets all pray that it's a success - a successful program means that millions of people with out health care benefits will get the help they need and deserve. That's a good thing. That's a great thing. We all have different opinions on political issues and that's actually a good thing too - and we should all be heard. Yet no law that has been passed and has the potential to help so many should be blocked. That's not a good thing.


Monday, September 30, 2013

The Path Itself

With another 50k fast approaching this weekend and the Croatan 24 Hour event not too far ahead thoughts of priorities have been running through my mind. I have set some significant PR's this year - from 5k to 50k along with covering some new distance - some key races have not gone as planned and it's likely due to over racing and over training in between. After Croatan the plan is for some major rest and a break from longer races until at least January. And yet in reflection I realize that being the fastest runner in the field has never been my goal - to be faster, yes - but the race itself is the goal. I enjoy being out there, on the trail or the run and running the long miles and seeing the scenery again or for the first time. There is a Buddhist saying that the path itself is the goal and that rings true with me.


Sunday, September 29, 2013


Transcendence. My one pursuit. All streams lead to this ocean. Meditation, poetry and long distance running are the means I use to reach this state. All have provided a glimpse or somewhat longer - a moment caught within this timeless realm. Yet more miles, and longer time on the mediation cushion fail to deliver any more than just this taste. It takes less effort  - a surrender of self to a moment of simply being. It's no longer a goal - it's an act of letting go.
And this is where I'm heading.


Saturday, September 28, 2013


Winds blow
Unseen –
Yet every leaf knows the
Taste of their caress.

I have no doubt of
Your embrace.
Faith. Our world relies upon the unseen yet ever present. We too are part of this natural order - a bird is born with the faith of flight and never doubts the sky's embrace - and no less then flight and infinite skies for us as well - have faith in the worlds embrace.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Listening With The River

To sit and listen with the

As a breeze whispers secrets
through the grass.

And birds sing nothing to the air but
the carried flight of their

The river moves in stillness.

While I sit in the quiet motion of
my thoughts -

Listening with the river.
Everything is revealed through stillness - motion weaves its story only as a caress against a moment held still. Sit quietly. Listen. Nature has secrets she will share.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

My One And Only Obamacare Rant

I don't write too may political post and my hope is to (one day) transcend political boundaries all together and see and live from a higher perspective. It's hard for me to imagine that there is someone who doesn't feel that everyone deserves health care - and care is the operative word here. I believe that for the most part people are arguing politics and details and while these may be worthy topics of discussion and debate there are millions of people who are going without care. This needs to change. There are promises in Obamacare that I hope are true and there are some points made by it's opponents that I hope are not - regardless I wish that we could put politics aside and focus on the care. If the Affordable Health Care Act is a bust we will know soon enough and can regain focus on an alternative plan. Yet what if it works? What if people who are in desperate need for care receive it? Isn't it worth the chance? If presented with an alternative option that would help more and cost less I would jump at the chance and I believe so would the President - and leaders of both political parties. A true leader seeks to heal. Regardless of party I would and will follow someone who has this as their main agenda. I hope this law works not for political means but for those who need the care it may provide. It's happening now and so has my support. If another plan promises more than lets act -immediately. I pray that we pull together as a people and support not a Bill, not a Law and not a political party - but each other.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hollowed Weed

And I am
As a hollowed reed
Swayed by life's most passionate
Winds - emptiness mourned
As solitary sound.

And yet I am
As a hollowed reed
Played holy by the whispered
Breath of God - a singular instrument
Within a symphony of sound.

I am
To become a witness to our duality is to see beyond it - we are at once both fragile and unbreakable, time bound and infinite, ego and spirit. To see past duality we become wise that all that is not spirit is an illusion bound in time, space and matter. Our reality rest in the Absolute and yet we have precious moments to know ourselves holy in this moment now. Lets not waste a single one.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Don't Be That Person (Vegan Topic Warning For Those Who Are Sick Of Vegan Topics)

Some people love to champion their food addictions and they love to make fun of a vegans passion for ethical eating. There is what they're joking about -

Funny stuff huh?
I don't suffer from the delusion that I feel the pain of other beings any more than a non-vegan does - but I do make myself more aware of it, I don't shy from the reality of their suffering and make lame jokes about it so I won't have to confront my own ethics and my eating habits. Those who witness animal torture daily and participate in their mistreatment slowly change and compassion- just like a muscle - atrophies with lack of use. I understand why people don't want to see where their food comes from - it's horrible - and I know that a joke makes it easier to turn away and continue eating in a manner that is inhumane to animals, deadly to the planet and unhealthy to the consumer. Yet our capacity for compassion and compassionate action will continue to shrink and it will become easier to turn away from the suffering of others as well. Don't become that person.


Monday, September 23, 2013

A Season of Letting Go


I ask the Spring

"Why do you cling?"

And the answer later falls to Autumn shades of
Happy autumn. This is the season of letting go and in the process setting ourselves for a new spring of becoming. Letting go is a magical act of accepting our spacious nature and knowing that even as all things must pass so too are all things are connected and that loss is only an illusion. May this season bring each of you peace, joy and all blessings.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Conestoga 10 Mile Trail Run - Race Notes

Tired legs today. That was the theme. Sometimes we can't run on the legs we wish for so we run on the legs we have and that was today. Conestoga 10 Mile Trail run is always an adventure -from the shuttle but to the race start, the never ending hills and this year the slick course. It's all part of the fun. The Race Director Bill Smith takes great pride in this course - you can hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes during the last minute instructions. And everyone who finishes the race should be proud as well - it's that tough. And it's beautiful. Pennsylvania is a rugged state and this trail gets the best of it - rocky, rooty and I think I mentioned the hills, right?
Today was a little rough for me race wise. Coming off of several weeks of heavy racing and training left me with little to give to the hills and not a whole lot of speed on the down hills either. Early on I settled for a finish and time on my feet for Croaton 24 Hour that's fast approaching and to leave a little something in my legs for Blues Cruise 50k in two weeks. It was great feedback and hopefully I won't be too thick headed to heed it.
So race number 5 at Conestoga is in the books and I'm gunning for 20 - 15 more to go!


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for race report for Conestoga Trail Run either tomorrow or Monday. As mentioned it's my favorite trail race of all. This will be the first in a series of fall and early winter racing - with the main goal being the Croatan 24 Hour Endurance Run. My plan is to do some low heart rate training and little racing after this even November 9th while I gear up for another run at some 100 mile/24 hour races in 2014. My body is due for a rest and a few easy weeks should do the trick and I'll be running strong through next year. I'm exited about the upcoming races and future possibilities. Stay tuned my friends!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Attachments, Freedom and Our Addictions

Well it seems that I should be writing about attachments today - that has been the direction the universe has been pushing me towards. From an audio program I was listening to in my car, to a random quote from the Bhagavad Gita, to several post on Facebook this afternoon. So here goes - attachments lead to suffering. Free from attachments we while we will still experience the ups and downs of a well and long lived life, we will be free from any suffering usually accompanying said life. Pretty simple. And fairly easy to accomplish - recognize the nature of our suffering - and release. So, than, why is it so hard and so infrequently practiced by so many? Well, that's simple too really - it's because we're addicted to both our pleasures and pains. We're addicted to thoughts and constant motion and distractions and we're afraid to let them go. We're afraid that without our addictions we would be nothing. And we're right. Without motion we are stillness. Without thought we are being and without attachment to pain and pleasure we are free. Simple. And not quite so frightening. Yet a lifetime of addiction takes a bit of time to overcome -maybe not a lifetime - but some time, some practice and lots of patience and care. We have time to practice.


Thursday, September 19, 2013


Life seems complicated. And much of it is - modern times have escalated the pace of daily life to frantic levels. Yet spiritually we have few, simple tasks at hands - to be grateful and to forgive. And to further simplify - be grateful for everything that crosses our path and forgive all things that offend the ego. This means everything - as A Course in Miracles states - there are no justified resentments. Life may indeed be complicated - but our spiritual response to it is not.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Purpose of This Blog

The purpose of this blog is to simply be the
space that's open to

There is generally no agenda and nothing planned ahead until I'm facing the page - I ask for words and sometimes they're the right ones and sometimes not - I suspect the quality is dependent upon my openness and ability to listen to the silence from which all words originate from.

The purpose of this blog is to start here - with space and
willingness and to take just a bit of that back to the
rest of my day.
