Tuesday, November 26, 2013

(Some of) What I Do

There are three things that have been tremendous factors in keeping me healthy as a distance runner - mobility, flexibility and strength. It doesn't take a great deal of effort in any of these modalities to pay dividends and it doesn't much time either - honestly an extra hour or so through the week - maybe less. I put more effort into strength training then many runners only become I originally come from a lifting background and I enjoy it as much as I do running. I do longer train to see how big or strong I can get but I enjoy the movements and the efforts and it definitely helps in ultrarunning - I am more resilient, recover quicker and less prone to injury - to only name a few benefits. So here are a few things I've been doing to give  brief outline of a nice little routine for runners. Enjoy and let me know if any questions. Full credit to those who designed and posted these workout videos - thanks!


These are just variations of routines that I've done or am currently doing - kettlebells of course are a big part of my routine as well. Ab work and such are thrown in daily as well. Strength training can be done twice a week, although I do it more often and the mobility and flexibility can be done daily if desired. Train smart!

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