Friday, April 30, 2021

As They Are

As they are: 

as they are, and this is my acceptance, perfect in its way, and even with a wish for things to change - everything belongs. Nothing has to be different than it is, and this includes my every reaction, and all my demands for things to be other. I accept my every seeming fault, my failures to respond in better ways, and choices made without regard.

it's all allowed to simply be.

and honestly, there is no choice to this matter - there was never a fault, nor failure chosen, no point where even surrender became an option. I participate with life the best I'm able, but I'm not the one who steers its course with sure command. Life is it's own agenda, infinite ways of intersection, and everything brings me 

as they are.

realization is simply coming to this acceptance, and it happens on it's own - life again in its delivery. That life is perfect in acceptance in no way means that I'm happy with every end result, that I accept the world without a degree of remorse and desire for some change. I allow myself every expression. Whatever it is that occurs within each moment - is assured of my response. 

this brings me to an easiness of living, not without struggle - but an ease of mind that everything belongs, for however long it does. There is no battle in even the things I seem to commit myself to war against. It's just how things are, and how I fit within it all. 

perfect in its way. 


Peace, Eric  

Thursday, April 29, 2021

By Definition

this life by definition - from my own claim of existing, to every aspect that supports my individual needs to be alive. There are no clear lines. I'm alive because something else is too. It really is that simple, and yet complicated through its diversity as well. I am an ever expanding web of living things in vast expression. I am life in all that's told. 

any definition of life fails in its attempt to classify a single view - that life can be by separate events, and individual points existing on their own. There is only life in self participation. I am made of infinite cells with a willingness to lend themselves for the sake of my existence, I'm a cooperation of elements, as much ocean as I am sky. It's all life in my fortunate claim of being my own. 

yet in truth - I belong to it all. 

my life by definition is one of belonging - I belong to every cell that claims me as a home, every microbe that holds me as a host. I am infinite things. And just as small as cell and microbe in the vastness of it all. I too lend myself to something greater still, a participant of a larger participant called the world. Through this, I am endless, infinite in all directions. 

life - by any definition. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

From The Whole

From the whole: 

it's our cause for separation, that each event is seen broken from the whole, and not sure in their belonging. We believe in parts, life given in pieces to most easily be managed, and miss the seamless flow of a world operating together, every piece really just an aspect of the one. 

yet life itself not is not divided, it doesn't belong to parts, and no description really ever captures this - but it's our true experience, that we see a blade of grass belonging to a greater field, still touched to earth and equal in its embrace of sky. 

what we see is seamless. 

somehow this world is lost to us in translation, we see wholeness and break it down to parts, managing life by what seems like pieces. Perhaps we believe it's an easier way to deal with the world, something smaller for us to hold and make our own? But through this we also lose our real belonging, that we are seamless too, and held by earth and sky as surely as every blade of grass. 

we can see what's so, our true world - simply search for any real separation, a part of nature that is not instantly held by something else as well. Our world is intimate beyond compare, each of us touched by one air, a single breath received. 

nothing is ever broken from the whole. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Of Our Own Presence

Of our own presence: 

that there is life at all, and that it continues through such improbable odds of it's existence - this alone should be our religion, a worship of our own presence within this seamless flow of living. That we are, and that we belong with so true precision - it is indeed, cause to be in constant awe. The miracle is that we're able to take this all for granted, not the measured quality of living, but existence itself, and that we are somehow granted an awareness to our presence. 

it's without struggle, existence, to find ourselves here, alive - yes, life presents it's share of suffering, often violence, and aspects that defy our sense of belonging to this world. There is no explanation for so much sorrow. It's just what life holds. Yet, existence, this rare privilege of being, was simply given. By grace and no struggle. 

we are of collapsed stars from long ago, an event of  condensed energy given infinite expansion. Life came from a process of single cells longing to be more. Now, here we are, this is our moment to be alive, we are an endpoint of all that came before, aware that life continues in its motion when we're gone. This is our gift...

that we are aware.

and so we know this, of our own presence simply being given, whole, complete, and without ever being asked for. It's our moment to be alive. Knowing this, for me, seems to give cause for compassion, true worship of the tenderness life holds, it's fragile balance of achievement. Our presence is a gift, to each and every aspect of living - to be aware, to care, and offer love, is our true religion. 


Peace, Eric 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Of The Elements

of elements - that all life flows from long ago events, of stars in collapse and the infinitely small sudden in expansion. We are made of the past, composed from long ago, and remain mysterious in our existence. What we truly seem to be is an alchemical process, from that distant beginning to a mix of just the right elements, of their every atom found perfect in the formation that they hold. 

but what we are is life.

these elements are the basis of everything, different in composition, yet we are still made of the very stuff of earth, akin to every tree and flower, a singular belonging with every creature too. It's all life, one substance, and of the elements. 

we are at home..everywhere.

so we know ourselves from past events, and that we come from an arrangement of the unseen - particles to atoms, to every element and cell. Yet, and more mysterious too, we also know ourselves aware, that somehow this vast collection of elemental stuff, a process continued from forgotten eons ago - and we know ourselves as life, aware, a self within this composition of the whole. Somehow...

and that's the mystery, all of it - our beginning point as stars, the big bang of our expansion, to just the right elements of what we are, it's all mystery, a somehow grace of our existence. 

of the elements, and somehow now...aware. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Interior Work

Interior work:

right now, it's seen - the interior work of all that seemed dormant during winter's barren hold, of days short of sunlight, and icy touch of snow and wind. This is what winter brings, this heart depth of green, and the varied hue of every flower set in bloom. This is what my body aches for though every bitter cold day, what my eyes long for in the sight of empty branches. I am alive to every season, yet it's spring I feel the keenest, so gradual in what it brings it gives to me. 

but this is truly winter's gift, life stirring unseen beneath the bark of trees, flowers prepping future bloom, and the earth nourished by the snow. This is the true seamless flow of every season, that earliest spring occurs through the shortest days of winter. 

right now, it's barely seen at all - light in growing length, the sun slightly warmer than the day before, and every color deepening to my view. This moment, fully spring, and as well the early touch of what's to come. It's how the seasons go, always in motion, seamless. 

to this, my own seasons come to view - that I am present to this moment, enjoying the warmth of sun, that heart-touch of a deeply green world, and every patch of flowered color. Yet, there's interior work as well, life stirring to whatever mystery lies ahead. I am in motion, seamless too through every season that life offers. 

right now, it's spring, warm, and green - a gift for just this moment. 



Saturday, April 24, 2021

As We Are

As we are: 

as we are - and no explanation needs to be given, no attempt to be anything other, we are perfect in the moment of this expression. To say this, and still wish for things to be different, to realize that perfection includes all that coincides to make this instant happen - it all belongs too, our perceived faults, limitations, and desire for improvement. Everything belongs and nothing needs to be apologized for in this inclusion.

 it's simply how things are. 

and of course we change, no one is held to a static position, and life continues to offer itself in an ever new expression. We are carried in this flow, seasonal, sometimes finding ourselves fully in our bloom, and other times quiet in a winter's hold. 

it's as we are, how we find ourselves, and to accept it all for just a moment is immeasurable in the peace that's offered. For right now, nothing needs to be other than it is, we are broken and whole at once, we are fragile yet enduring, full of every contradiction. We are life, continuing, changing, motion. Trust this, trust that life will always be varied, and that we are part of its expression, without fear of ever being excluded from anything it offers. 

it's simply what we are. 

to be just this, alive, and knowing that life has brought us exactly to this moment - there is no further explanation to be given, nothing to be defended, and no attempt to be anything other. 

it's enough to simply be.


Peace, Eric 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Through Listening

Through listening:

through listening - and every sound arrives to me, no effort of my own, and the morning wakes from a silent hold. Each day begins this way, by different sounds, but still the familiar drift of vibrations reach me - birds in tentative early call, cars distant in travel, weather hinting of the day. The world stirs, a gentle hum of living, and something from the depth of me responds. 

I wake. 

there's something about these mornings, the easiness of their arrival, and how they prompt my eyes to open to the day. The world tells me of itself through listening, and at the still point of this earliness I am most receptive, able to hear it's quiet voice, soon lost to the rush of busy days. 

each morning I listen, and even before I register that this so - sounds come to me so subtle through stillness, as if there's no rush that I awaken, but still a wish to make their presence known. The first note of everyday tells me I'm alive, and more so that I belong to the world in a meaningful way. The morning is telling me its secrets, whispering life, urging me to give myself to this listening.

and I do...through listening, I participate with the day, providing my own wakefulness to whatever sound finds its way to be me, eager to be heard. I contrast my own stillness, original in its abiding silence, and how every sound just seems to appear within its hold, as if waiting for that cherished note alone. I am active in my listening, but still, and always, without effort. 

the world comes to me to be heard.

all I have to do is...listen. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Personal Evolution

Personal evolution: 

as to my personal evolution - I really see no progressive path, that at every point my life was complete as it could possibly be, at no time set apart from my position as the whole. I've always been an aspect of life, integral, and without need to progress to be anything other. Of course, it hasn't always been apparent, and now, for whatever reason so - it is. 

let's call it grace. 

to evolve is to develop in some way, added complexities, perhaps gain features never known before - and yet my own life has simplified, become less in both need and things wished for. There is less that I demand. The true things of life are constant, always present, and only seem to be revealed. Once seen, they're seen seen deeply. 

and only left to be explored. 

that's why it seems to be an evolutionary path, that something led to a single point of a grand awakening - but every revelation is a present moment reality, showing only an aspect of life somehow overlooked before. Life continues, and yes, it seems more magical in many ways, yet only because I give it more attention, a greater appreciation for the details I encounter. 

as to my personal evolution - it's all right now, this moment is always my awakening, a clarion's call to the end point of any seeking. This moment, the world is present, available, and reveals itself with every turn - it's always been this way. 

but now I see it's so. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Infinitely Small

Infinitely small:

from the infinitely small, to my complete involvement as the world, and further still the reach of stars - it's a network of engagement, one thing in aspects of itself. To begin as spaciousness, nothing really but emptiness somehow reserved as the place where I'll appear to be - and to this particles dance themselves as energetic form, atoms, and then to molecules and eventually the vast collection of cells for the body that I know. 

from the infinitely small - I am. 

and yet, do I think it ends here? That the very atoms of my existence don't touch against another? I am part of something larger still, an ongoing network of some infinite self, a cell in completion of the whole. To all this, I am blessed to be aware, a moment granted to appreciate the immensity of it all. I know myself as life, simply this, but still so much more as well. 

in this regard, the word life should indeed be emphasized, it is no one small thing, but everything added to its description. Nothing can be excluded. I'm continuously in awe to know myself belonging to this, engaged within an infinite engagement. Appreciation is the one true miracle of awareness, awake to my immensity, as well as the smallest aspect that I hold. 

from the infinitely small - and somehow I'm aware. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Deeply So

Deeply so:

alive, and deeply so - of course life isn't divided by levels of engagement, I am amidst in its flow through every moment offered, a participant, and in ways beyond my conscious involvement. I am life in every aspect. To feel alive, truly so, is to simply surrender to this process, a realization that no one drives this force in a particular direction, that my demands are voiceless in concern. Life has me in its hold, and more so, I belong to this embrace, fully to the point of letting go. 

I'm alive, and deeply so.

every aspect of life involves me, from breath in equal exchange of vital energy with trees and plant, to the host of microbes that make my body home, and every cell that gathers in creation of this form - I am life on every level. Nothing exist apart from this, life, complete and whole. This than, is my only real surrender, my beliefs that I am somehow a separate point of life, a force that drives the immensity of it all. 

I surrender my small life to its larger role. 

this is a welcome belonging, at home in the world, without need to force its turning. Life continues on, unfolding beyond any care or concerns that I might hold. But I am vital to it all, a deep and true belonging. I am alive, and deeply so...

through every level of engagement.


Peace, Eric 

Monday, April 19, 2021

My Experience

My experience 

of my experience, and this alone is what I offer, the basis of all written, and my only wish to share - each moment has it's own magic, a unique shifting of what was once previous to now, and it's this that comes to notice. It's all I ever, truly write of, it's all I really know. 

in a sense, what's experienced is motion, and perhaps it's better said that I am always in the midst of experiencing, a participant of what seems to be observed, belonging as well to the motion of the world. I make no claim to be the single constant of any encounter - for each moment I am altered too, changing in response to what this instant holds. 

even as I write these words, I am a different writer than before - in subtle ways I've changed with every moment, and here, right now, my experience shifts too in writing. I can only offer something other than my original intent, spontaneous, allowing words to flow that reflect this present moment. I am experiencing, and this is what I share. 

of my experience, and yours as well - we share this world, and with each encounter we trade a certain aspect of ourselves between us, experiencing our true uniqueness through the open capacity we offer one another. This is so with every object, with every arrival to the senses, that I am an openness for each experience, a willingness to be altered by every chance encounter. 

what I am, right now, is experiencing. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

What I Can Confirm

What I can confirm: 

what I can confirm, yet offered only as my own considerations, as every insight comes by grace and belongs only for the moment known. This is only as things seem, what I note, and there is no weight given to anything as a belief. The world may very well be seen different by another, and indeed, by my own very next view. Nothing written is ultimately true. 

that I am aware, and this always seems my first consideration - it brings a certainty to my existence, awareness of the world, objects, thoughts, and my own sense of body and presence. There is no denying this existence. But I am aware, and this very statement shows me another way to see it all - that I am that which is aware, without definition of presence, nor body, nor any object viewed. 

just aware. 

this than, provides a seamless world - everything belongs here, fit perfect, even if I wish for something entirely other than what's found right now. Everything changes on its own. There's no mover, no grand arranger with a master plan. There's simply what appears. With this, I find myself as an appearance as well, an aware object of the world, yet seamless too. I am a contradiction of my own description. I'm fine with that, again, none of this is offered as true by any means. Accepting tones of irony frees me to share words. 

every view is temporary.

no philosophy is made to being aware, no great conclusion that this is all and final in its stay. This moment, I'm aware. I have no idea of any moment after. That's the great miracle of this present moment, to find myself aware, and that the world is sudden in its appearance, each instant I'm given another spontaneous view, a gift to be explored.

what I can confirm, for just myself alone, is only of this moment. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Through Looking:

it's through looking, curiosity, and not needing anything more than the possibility of what the moment holds - by this I come to my own easiness of being, uncomplicated, resting in whatever happens to appear. This is my true surrender, without effort, and nothing really lost, nor given away. To just look - and let the world happen. 

really though, I couldn't interfere even with my hardest effort - I am completely of the world, a motion of its turning, an action that belongs to its completion. Nothing I do is separated from this. Through my own looking I find no place that I don't belong. I happen as, and with, the world. 

of course, I often come to doubt this - and all it takes is to look again to reaffirm what's so. 

right now, there is only this, a moment, and it's continuous shift of experience. I belong to each moment, aware, and occurring too as an event. I am not a separate observer, nor am I cause, or a consequence of what occurs. It all continues on. I am simply this continuation that thinks myself a pause. Through looking, I find myself as motion. 

that's it, my only inquiry, an exploration of my position in the world. It's that easy, and I don't trade my experience for the wisdom of another. What I need will be revealed by looking. Whatever I miss will find me by another glance. 

with each look - I find the world. 


Peace, Eric 

Friday, April 16, 2021

For Need of Inspiration

For need of inspiration: 

for need of inspiration - as if the world wasn't present and invited to the page. There is always something to write of, always the topic of what this moments holds now, and how it offers itself in endless expressions of the world. I find myself inspired through patience, by silence, and allowing each world to appear in it's on spontaneous manner, sometimes in singular fashion, or perhaps an entire phrase comes offered to be written. My actual role is minimal. 

everything finds me here. 

the real skill is in waiting, to not rush the words on their appearance, giving eagerness to the process of allowing and  fill this creative void with my demands. The only sin is to become a writer, declaring myself all important to words and miss the point of simply listening, of abiding in the inspired silence that exist before the appearance of each word.

for need of inspiration - sit, be exactly as you are, breathe in, release, and wait. Nothing happens, there is no magical burst of energy, no enlightened whisper in the ear. Or maybe there will be. But none of this matters, inspiration is an inherent quality of the world, it's first breath of every morning, a glimpse of early sun light, or preparation of a cup of coffee. It's always present, through silence, and even in the anxious waiting for ideas to begin to flow. To be alive, again that first breath, is too be inspired. 

for need of inspiration - the world appears to fill this void. 

and so, infinitely inspired...we exist. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Shade of My Belonging

Shade of my belonging:

my world is turning green, vibrant in a shade most deeply known - I feel this season as my own returning life, coming from the length of a long internal winter to something approaching my own rebirth of belonging to the land, of the earth itself. This than, is the shade of my belonging, 

of course I'm not removed from any season, I am part of the world in every sense and through every change that's offered. Winter's grip is the harshest, and for years I fought its barren hold. Spring would arrive in green relief, a new hope that would thrive all the way to Autumn. I felt the colors of the seasons, my body with its own moods, responding to their every shade. Green, in deepest hue, with each contrast of blue sky, a catch of yellow and lavender coming now to bloom - through it all I come alive, as vibrant to every color. 

yet seasons change, and watchful through their passage, I've come to see that I belong to the aspects that they offer in completely different ways, that winter was my denial and I suffered in its loss of vital color. I wished for the version of life that I loved most. It's different now, although my moods still darken to a harsh cold and barren landscape - what I see most often is space between branches, that there's room for new growth for another season, and that in the depth of cold life slumbers for a Spring's release. It's a necessary time for life's continuation. It's my time too...

another shade of my belonging. 

through Winter's realization - my world is turning green with new appreciation. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

From Continuation

From continuation: 

from continuation, life in it's on going expression - it's from this that we trace ourselves to here. We belong to this, intrinsic, and every bit the point of life. It's a real belonging, unearned, and simply known by grace. It's essence, that everything is being expressed in the only manner possible, sure by its nature, and that this all comes together in some perfect way. 

it's true being.

life continues, inter-dependent through every aspect of itself - each point expressed in someway that touches endless upon the world. We are not remove from this. From continuation we affect the world in known as well as unseen ways, mysterious in our reach. Every aspect of life is influenced and influencing nature by its expression. It's an ecology of one, infinite, intimate, and our true belonging. Nature knows this without question - a stream is dammed by beavers being true to their expression, every gene urging this to be, influencing further to benefit of stream, land, and wildlife. It's all a continuation of a beaver's will to be, life in full diversity.

our only real mistake is in believing we don't belong to this, that somehow we are removed from our very own expression, separate from the reach life. Yet even as we forget ourselves as nature we are teeming with life, a cooperation of microbes, influenced by internal events of their own best interest. We are in the midst of all things, swimming in the reality of this continuation. 

to remember this, knowing ourselves as influenced by other aspects, and our own influencing factors - we return to essence in a more meaningful way. We relax in our own sense of being, sure that we belong, true to ourselves and our very nature. From continuation...

we are. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Consisting of Patterns

Consisting of patterns:  

consisting of patterns - that somehow, through infinite space, the world is arranged just so, and that we hold perfect to this particular form. Our truth is not substantial, being mostly space with an aware sense of ourselves being granted. We are are patterns interacting through spacious design, emptiness arranged for the benefit of the life we know. 

my own sense of eternity is that we are simply rearranged, our pattern dispersed and again formless in its nature. There are aspects that continue, certain cells recycled in an energetic fashion, our atom, every particle of our existence, just lend themselves to the sake of other patterns all together.

in this sense, it seems that we continue. 

as for awareness, I have no idea - of course there are things that I imagine, stories that have taken hold, hopeful, and believed for some time. Yet, mostly now, I have given myself to each moment, not in a mindful sense, but in knowing only of each instant at hand. Nothing more, and nothing more needed to be fulfilled. 

just now. 

so really, this my cosmology of the moment, no belief held certain, no hope given to what seems to be unknown. My eternity starts now, an entire existence simply given. Life, consisting of patterns, somehow arranged for just this moment. 


Peace, Eric 

Monday, April 12, 2021

Supreme Balance

Supreme balance:

it's a supreme balance, that we find ourselves a fragile aspect of life with every reason for the outcome to be other than it is now.  Yet life defies reason, of how it came to be through non living matter, a series of chemical events that led to being, and that any one occurrence could have turned the world otherwise - and that we evolved from this, a single cell that held the potentiality of our existence. 

and we find ourselves alive. 

even now we hang in the balance of infinite chance, cooperation of events, and the inter-dependence of life in other forms. We're made of proper elements, precise, and from this we're given start, a chemical reaction. molecules, cells, and from this - somehow, here we are. Any one thing different and we wouldn't exist at all. 

amazingly, every detail is handled on its own.

this alone could offer proof of God's existence - and yet I find myself unable to attribute life to anything other than itself. Life is, and without reason. We exist because we do. This doesn't dismiss God from the equation, but includes everything within life's balance. God is in the details, God is life and not separate from chemical events and the chance of our existence. 

for me, I like the name Tao, the Way, that things are simply as they are and, couldn't be anything but this. The Tao is balancing itself, proceeding in its own perfection. It's all without individual effort, no doer to direct events and cause reactions. The Tao is life in supreme balance, an easy flow of all that is. That I'm an aspect of life curious of itself, aware of my own fragile nature and the balance that it holds - is just the way things are. 

and still, I'm amazed that this is so. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

This Is Fulfillment

This is fulfillment:

this is fulfillment - that emptiness is served my virtue of my presence, and nothing needs to be done to make this so. I am the fullness that's promised by the void, potentiality made manifest, and it all happens on its own, no effort ever made. This is the first, and only true miracle, that I exist at all from the infinite possibilities of otherwise. 

fulfillment is achieved, it's the end result of simply being.

this is the easy way, awakening to capacity and followed to its conclusion - first the world is acknowledged, objects, everything solid in appearance. It's real. Myself included so it seems. Yet there's another way to see it all, and it begins with innocence, curiosity, and the wish to be fulfilled, truly so. Trace any object back towards the origin of the view, a search for seer, and more, to look for the source which holds both seer and the view. An honest look, and nothings found. 

capacity is revealed.

it's my first awakening, seeing, the world originates through emptiness, from nothingness itself, and again myself included. But there's more to see, a further awakening - though I find emptiness, the world remains, my sense of self remains as well, and I am aware of it all, emptiness and its fulfillment. Capacity, and its seamless hold. Everything, and nothing too. It's all at once, a constant trade of one thing, only shifting in how its viewed. I see myself as capacity, emptiness serving, and as well I am an appearance in the world, both true and known without a contradiction. 

capacity is its own fulfillment. 

this gives me a world to explore, an endless inspiration of seeing myself emerge from nothingness to a universe fully formed. It's genesis in action, the big bang of every moment. It's my own fulfillment, and the worlds, happening now.

always now. 


Peace, Eric  

Saturday, April 10, 2021

A Self Appears

A self appears: 

a self appears - not in any sense false, nor separate from myself. It's an appearance, as natural, organic, as every other thought that comes to me. Yet, by virtue of its persistent presence, the added weight of belief and years, it seems to gain a firm and lasting purpose. I believe myself to be something other than I am - a self appears, and I forget my own persistent presence. 

what I am is more lasting than a self.

this isn't a mystical plea for a presence greater than the world, it's not a claim of immortality of soul - it's about spaciousness, being open, sky-like to what appears to me. It's about finding myself aware and resting in every possibility. It's in this openness, this capacity, that a self appears, and through this I see that it's no more lasting than any other appearance. Every moment brings a new self to my awareness, added to by experience, a new belief, or another story told. It lingers, and passes too, like everything else, and as it reappears I see it has no true substance, no quality that really gains traction through its spacious hold. 

a self appears - and belongs for whatever length of stay. It's that simple, there's no ego that rules my world, no self that will last beyond this moment. What reappears is a new relation to each experience, a sense of being an observer to our own participation with life. It's a ghost within my presence. So there's nothing to chase away, it all belongs, it's  all an appearance. 

nothing more. 


Friday, April 9, 2021

Through Everything

Through everything:

through everything else -and this is how to see the world, that nothing is truly independent from any other aspect found,  an intricate belonging that serves to continue as the whole. It's really, only, one touch of existence spread trough distinctions. 

through everything else - there is the world. 

we know this of our own bodies, that we are cells upon cells, microbes, and elements that have somehow come together. We are not one thing alone, but a series, a process of events that lead to a form we call our own. Our existence depends upon what's touched, an interaction of infinite things that come together as a whole. It's seamless, the grace of one thing lending itself to another for some continuation, immortality gained through giving oneself away. 

through everything else, we belong. 

it all goes on this way, particles gathering to atoms and a universe gained - everything owes its existence to what it's touched against, even its distinction is known by contrast, and in a most subtle sense it's really just space that gives itself to form - nothing coming to fulfillment as everything. Through this we come to the life we've been given, still touched upon emptiness, and now continued on in form. That's the true gift, this continuous giving, one thing touched against the next in the endless fashion that makes the world. One thing giving itself away. 

and through this - everything. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Returned As

Returned as:

returned as soul - and by this it's not meant as a separate thing, a holy self that makes its way to heaven, no, this is the true soul of which we belong to, the collective soul that makes the world. It's a whole reality, one thing in infinite functions of distinctions. We know this through science and its explanation of particles dancing through a charged space in the making of an atom, and from there a universe comes to play. We feel this as true when our hearts respond to another, some magnetic pull that seems to urge our form together. 

this is soul, one thing.

in no way do we deny the individual self, our own distinction - yet we see this self as a function within the world, motion that belongs only through its interactions. This is what we return to, or better told, this is what we remember, that we are vital to the whole, a performance within an ever greater performance that continues without end. As soul, there is nothing to transcend, no place of heaven that isn't already now, a nirvana of our very making.

we are soul, here, now, and always. 

of course there are many ways to say this - that we are life, being, and part of the universal whole. Perhaps soul sounds too mystical, distant from our everyday existence. And that's exactly why I wish to use it here, to urge for our return - daily life is indeed magical, even through what seems mundane. We are part of dance that makes existence, a collection of atoms and dancing particles, and belong to and as the charged space that brings us life. This is all happening now, immediate, and all without an individual effort. It's soul. 

it's what we are. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

An Easy Way

An easy way: 

let's simplify things, an easy way to hold the world - my oft repeated phrase is that everything belongs, and this is so for me by virtue of seeing. My view, right now and always, reveals no lines that cause division, it's a seamless flow of distinctions, unique features lending themselves to the continuation of the world. This carries over to everything - to the current birdsong outside my window and the silence played between each note. There is only listening, the effortless wait for sound, and the song that then emerges. It's the experience of one thing only, even through the infinite components that come to make this moment happen. My actual experience is simply listening - one thing of many interactions. 

so for me, there's little to argue, no cause for debate when others claim to see a different world, or believe there is a point of separation. Everything belongs - including views other than my own. This too is a seamless experience, not found anywhere but my own immediate understanding. If it's present, it belongs for however long its stay, even if it's counter to my wishes. Each experience shows me through endless capacity my position in the world - that to be aware is simply a process, an event of present moment that somehow holds its own attention. 

what I find myself to be - is this belonging. 

to be clear, I'm not the one who chooses this - that everything belongs is my own inclusion, my every thought that gathers as a belief is part of this belonging. This all happens on its own. That's why it's all so simple, such an easy way to hold the world - nothing has to be done to make this so. Everything belongs, even arguments that say otherwise. 

it's that simple, really. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

My ego: 

the ego's okay, at least mine is, it's not a mistaken belief of who I am, nor the false self that runs my world - it's simply an appearance, part of what shows up as a daily voice, no different than the sunrise in its place. It appears...

and it belongs.

in the past I fought this part of me, viewed as an unacceptable, non-spiritual source of pain. It was made more than it really was meant to be. No aspect of myself should be battled.My ego has collected cherished, as well as dreaded portions of my life in it's attempt to guide me. In its role it wishes me well, safety, and love. 

no different than a friend.

but it's only been a recent friendship, that I believed there were parts of me that didn't belong, a war fought within myself for a false claim of self and ownership of life. It was all imaginary, a windmill in my mind and my tilt to battle. Somehow though, and without much fanfare, it's all gone away. I've grown agreeable with myself. 

yes, my ego remains, and still voices its concerns. Yet I'm at peace with my friend, a growing sense that every aspect of myself belong through virtue of appearance. These are all part of me, or perhaps better thought - it's all me in seeming parts.  The war is over, even if an occasional skirmish of agreement still remains. 

I'm happy just to be. 


Peace, Eric 

Monday, April 5, 2021

Just Sit

Just sit:

just sit - as if at this moment everything belonged, that nothing possibly could be out of place, and things could only be exactly as they are. Each breath will fall perfect on its own, heartbeat continuing in its rhythm, and every function cared for. Not a single thought is out of place, no emotion found without reason or need of validation. 

just sit as if everything belongs.

and of course it all does - what's found each moment is all that's available now, changing on its own, and no wish, no demand, will make it at all otherwise. Yes, there is a will to respond, action, perhaps even a choice in what we'll offer - but nothing changes what a moment holds, what belongs right now, and with this recognition, we give our best response. 

this is really the essence of meditation, natural, finding ourselves in easy acceptance of all the world offers.With this, our dislikes are equal to what we favor - not in terms of our reaction, but in a knowing that we only have this exact moment at hand, it's this, whatever's now present, that we find ourselves responding to. 

acceptance isn't passive.

our very nature is dynamic, a constant shift of molecule's dancing our creation. Our reality of one of change, motion, and allowing. To ask of us to just sit is really a request to simply be this motion, to recognize ourselves as dancing with and as creation. That's what we accept, that we a process, changing to a moment's notice, and that no effort to escape this will ever be applied. 

to just sit is to be alive.


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

To The World

To the world:

then, it seems there's a return, a reattachment to the world, more deeply committed to serve and cherish those I love. It's a different way now, lighter, even in its growing depth. I care, simply because I do, without reason beyond the love that's present. 

with this, I give myself fully to the world. 

of course it's not that I divorced myself from these affairs, nor cared less for those I love - but a distance came to the meaning of things, I found myself unattached to views once held before, and with this there grew a sense of viewership, a slight remove from people and events. I loved, but with dispassion, less involved in details of the world. 

it seems there often comes detachment, waking from an ego sense of love to one of less concern for events and circumstances of life goes. It's seeing life without story, a love free of any burden in its flow. It's a universal love, all giving by its nature. This was a great awakening, life hurt less in whatever loss came my way, there was no grip to hold things in passing, and my heart found peace through letting go. There was a greater ease to it all. 

and yet, again, I awaken to the world - belonging just as fully as before, a willingness to ache, and suffer, and allow myself to break at a moment's call. I am involved through every detail that occurs, not as witness but participant. There is no distance to be found. And there is wisdom here too, a knowing capacity that's willing to hold my every broken piece, a true wholeness that reveals how everything belongs. It's another freedom all together, simpler, and in a sense - returns me to the world. 

this is just my experience, not give as any record of events. It was all an easy, natural flow, just how life unfolded. There was no grand awakening, no sudden way of seeing. Life is often subtle in its ways, and so I find myself now with a love that's free to give, to receive without concern if it may be lasting, that indeed there's a deeper way to hold the world. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Terms of measure:

each moment being a mystery of its own, that it is even described in terms of measure is misleading, and nothing stays lasting in its hold. There are no perimeters here, no real unfolding, just the experience of life changing in often sudden, and always subtle expressions. From one change to the next, a note of different thought given to these matters - we come to call such things a moment. 

yet with nothing truly lasting, how can a moment ever be defined? 

of course we can say when this happened, an experience of deep meaning, significant to our world - but with that measure comes the determination of what has meaning, how an event comes to be defined. Perhaps everything has meaning if it leads to these moments, not one past thing can be left from the equation, nothing more added. 

that's the mystery.

maybe it's best to say that a moment is life, experienced through the senses, and meaning assigned to what's been noted - there's no real reason to say more, to give any further definition. A moment will always remain a mystery. Nature itself makes no such clear distinctions, seasons blending to a flowers bloom on a chilly April day, the experience of spring in late arrival. There is no clear moment to attend to, and even my own notice is a mystery - at what point was my curiosity turned towards the contemplation of a flower, of a seasons length, and how time is then determined? 

this curiosity has no moment of its own, it's an appearance through some grace, spontaneous, and belonging to mystery itself. I have no real need to know why, or how any of this has occurred - the world has been gifted, given complete in all its wonder. 

any moment, however its been measured - is enough. 


Peace, Eric 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Just for me:

it's really just for me, writing, allowing any thought to follow it's path to page without restriction or censorship, a creative expression of what's occurring now, and my wish to lend myself to its process. There is no higher meaning to these words, nothing offered but a moment shared between us. But perhaps there is a truth told - anything I write is an honest account of the moment committed to it's writing, sincere, and pure in its intent. 

what I write belongs only to its moment.

so it's changeable, fluid, and I don't hold myself accountable for anything written in the past - at least not in any sense of being true to a previous belief, nor entertaining ideas intriguing at one time. I write what's present, a snapshot of my mind, and then leave the page behind. What's true isn't the words, nor is it told in any philosophy, but the moment itself, so open, creative, and fulfilling in its purpose of allowing ideas to flow, words given room to play, and the space remaining when all this passes - that's the only truth that's found, and the only point with meaning. 

this is just for me, and yet I appreciate it's sharing, that moment of writing extends to anyone who later finds it. That's the real fluid nature of creativity, it's the infinite touch of all that's come before, shaped again through some unique fashion, and released once more to its expression. I am grateful for my moment in its hold. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

On Fluid Terms

On fluid terms:

no real present moment, no special point of where I am, nor anything lasting past the instant of my notice - I live on fluid terms, motion, being. There is no capture of a moment, and what feels timeless, for me, is to find myself amidst life's flow, an unfolding too of my own events. Now, is never anything less than motion, constant, and elusive to any wish to hold. 

what I find myself to ongoing.

through any experience of stillness, I find motion - that perhaps the two are entwined in intimate allowing, existing only for the sake its caress. My own point of quiet isn't removed from listening, nor absence of a thought separate from the mind. It's all really one thing lending itself to different expression, the self-dialog of this existence. 

again, I find that I live on fluid terms, any moment truly noticed is already seen as nothing lasting and won't be categorized by any term, nor spiritual attainment. There is no now that isn't changing, twirling as life's motion, and too mysterious to be named. 

to be here, now, is to simply be alive - and that's all I really have to notice, that through infinite motion I somehow find myself as living, aware, and ongoing. This present moment is really just continuation, an event flowing as further aspects of itself, unique through each appearance, but always still one thing by nature. 

on fluid terms...ongoing.


Peace, Eric