Thursday, April 29, 2021

By Definition

this life by definition - from my own claim of existing, to every aspect that supports my individual needs to be alive. There are no clear lines. I'm alive because something else is too. It really is that simple, and yet complicated through its diversity as well. I am an ever expanding web of living things in vast expression. I am life in all that's told. 

any definition of life fails in its attempt to classify a single view - that life can be by separate events, and individual points existing on their own. There is only life in self participation. I am made of infinite cells with a willingness to lend themselves for the sake of my existence, I'm a cooperation of elements, as much ocean as I am sky. It's all life in my fortunate claim of being my own. 

yet in truth - I belong to it all. 

my life by definition is one of belonging - I belong to every cell that claims me as a home, every microbe that holds me as a host. I am infinite things. And just as small as cell and microbe in the vastness of it all. I too lend myself to something greater still, a participant of a larger participant called the world. Through this, I am endless, infinite in all directions. 

life - by any definition. 


Peace, Eric 

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