Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Infinitely Small

Infinitely small:

from the infinitely small, to my complete involvement as the world, and further still the reach of stars - it's a network of engagement, one thing in aspects of itself. To begin as spaciousness, nothing really but emptiness somehow reserved as the place where I'll appear to be - and to this particles dance themselves as energetic form, atoms, and then to molecules and eventually the vast collection of cells for the body that I know. 

from the infinitely small - I am. 

and yet, do I think it ends here? That the very atoms of my existence don't touch against another? I am part of something larger still, an ongoing network of some infinite self, a cell in completion of the whole. To all this, I am blessed to be aware, a moment granted to appreciate the immensity of it all. I know myself as life, simply this, but still so much more as well. 

in this regard, the word life should indeed be emphasized, it is no one small thing, but everything added to its description. Nothing can be excluded. I'm continuously in awe to know myself belonging to this, engaged within an infinite engagement. Appreciation is the one true miracle of awareness, awake to my immensity, as well as the smallest aspect that I hold. 

from the infinitely small - and somehow I'm aware. 


Peace, Eric 

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