Saturday, February 28, 2015


At the far end of
my gaze...
There are no distinctions.
The world falls seamless to
my eyes.
There comes a time when steps and earth merge to one existence. We are less running then joined in the turning of the world. There is grace here. Our steps are drawn to this point - the far end of our gaze where transcendence happens. It's why we keep running...


Image result for running on open road

Friday, February 27, 2015


So much unnoticed - as if our eyes were meant to
view the world but not the secret of its
Yet grace appears in the faith beyond
our's the sway of leaves
dancing in an unseen breeze.

There's a holy breeze constant in its giving...close your
eyes and sway

Running is a dance to our own private song - the world sings for the singular purpose of our content. Every breeze a partner for the dance. There is no one else. That's the secret our eyes miss but spirit knows for certain - everything is contained within the framework of One. Running is the path of recognition - our steps are an endless return to earth and are breath is drawn from an infinite sky. We find no limits. This is the reality of distance - there is no finish. We run only for the pleasure of the dance.


Image result for running with the wind

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Lessening Runner

Our steps - always falling, reaching, given fully to earth and stride. While distance abides in grace and welcome. We are changed by this reception. Becoming something other than mere runners - we are taken within the fabric of ground and air - a lessening runner now found holy in absorption. Our steps lead to union. Distance- the path to One.


Image result for spiritual runner

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Reflections Of My Run

It's the long stretch of distance ahead - empty of our presence. It calls as a sirens song to steps and breath. Running is an endless pursuit of nothing. We seek to trade false labels of self with the infinite truth of our expansion. Emptiness is always the far end of who we are - it's the void that makes all things possible. Running is our bridge between two worlds - the finite sense of self and our reach as the infinite source of all. We look ahead...and see only our reflection.


Image result for running inspiration

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Running As Remembrance

It always starts here - earth and steps joined in primal urge of union. Every step is a return to origin and the earth spreads its welcome in the distance that it offers. There is a greater energy at play than merely running - it's a sacred exchange of self for the very ground of our becoming. We become again the earth and all that's holy in existence. Running is our prayer of remembrance.


Image result for running prayer

Monday, February 23, 2015

Return To Original Grace

We run with no purpose save motion - it's enough to simply sweep the ground in a foots caress and taste the air against our lips. We move with the divine right of every breeze that's ever touched the earth in passing. Running is our return to original grace - no effort and no force - just the release of self to join the world without restraint.


Image result for running free

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Sometimes it's the moments after - a restful pause and sense of distance traveled. We have come far and still perhaps more to follow. Yet for now- we abide in the wonder of the moment.


Image result for resting runner

Saturday, February 21, 2015

It's Own Perfection

Snow falls
Lightly –
Yet branches soon bend to the
Weight of storm and time.
In my warmth…I watch,
Grateful for the strength of branches, for the
Lightness and easy fall of snow, and
Even for the weight of time.

Soon the storm will pass…and perhaps
Grown heavy with the grace of their
Burden – branches will snap.
Every moment holds its own perfection.
Running is the patient step - content in it's placement until lifted again. That's how we cover great distances - the patience and perfection of a single step.


Friday, February 20, 2015

Outrunning Karma

Each step given - either binds us to a field or sorrow or frees us to roam in holy distance. The choice is ours alone. Running is a karmic path of transcending. Our actions are left behind with every step and bring a purity of flight before we choose to act again. We are free and grace-filled for countless moments in our stride. Transcendence. There is no need to carry the karmic load of steps that came before. We are reborn - and choose to run in this awareness.


Image result for karmic running

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What It Is...

It's simple - running is desire expressed as motion. We have replaced an object of our want with distance unchecked by need. There is purity here. All things seek to expand - the world was created from thought to form by the spoken word of God. Original desire remains. Running is the expansion of a single step - we create our world with breath and stride. Desire is the language of the universe. Running is our chosen voice for its expression.


Image result for running

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Our Devotion

We are devoted - the simple act of running is our commitment to the holiness of earth and air and the place we hold between the two. Our devotion is pure of expectations. There are no demands. Only a prayerful communication of what each moment offers. We are free in our acceptance and open in our giving. Running is the sacred exchange of greater energy - our steps to the earth and breath to air and the world is given in return.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Giving Path

Running is our giving path - we ask for nothing save the welcome of our steps and distance stretched before us. There is a dance at play - the subtle shift of breath returned to air and feet received by earth. We are the line of gift and reception - two worlds merging to the point of one.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Running As The Witness

The body endures, mind abides - spirit is the quiet witness to it all. It's a subtle shift of first awareness and then identity. Distance brings to the edge of all that's physical and held by thought. Beyond this is our own spacious presence. Running takes us fully into the body and in further steps we reach the mind games of endurance. This is our beginning and at once the ending as well - we have reached the gateway to the limitless. It's here we cease as only physical - we are the witness and view everything as an extension of our Self. From this vantage we no longer simply endure - we create - and now run in the joy and challenge of our creation.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Faith Repeated

Great distance is covered by a single step. Repeated. We ask for patience - we ask for one step to be enough and the faith to take one more.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Swept Aside

And then at once I am
The wind,
Having swept aside
Illusion’s form –
And joined my spirit to the

We could run like this - joined to earth and air by common bond of motion. We would be a singular caress in the absence of form. In the pure essence of all things there is only stillness - and then a wish to know the brush of air against itself. From essence comes motion. We run to know ourselves as caress and caressed, as motion against stillness and creator and creation. Distance brings us to the edge of form - one more step - and we know.....


Friday, February 13, 2015

It's Pretty Simple Really

We run with ease - we are light parting space with our slightest touch. There is no resistance to our travel. In truth there is no distance - motion is simply our fade to spacious nature and the reappearance as form in timely manner. We are infinite Beings playing in a finite field. We are master travelers in an illusory world. Running - fast or slow - is the expression of our mastery.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Exploring One World

To runners - distance is but a stretch of imagination waiting for our stride. All things are possible. Every moment is an opportunity to explore inner and outer worlds until they blend seamless to our steps - one world of creative potentiality.

In a very real sense we are exploring aspects of ourselves with every run - it's simply a matter of bringing a new level of awareness to focus. Distance is a projection of our inner landscape - we fill it with either the pollution of negative self-talk or allow our natural interior silence to come forth and steady legs and mind. In either case it's a choice and that's where the importance of awareness shines - to know we have a choice. We have the ability to watch our thoughts and more importantly to notice the stillness between each thought. It's there. As we watch the thoughts pass through the mind (without judging content) we find ourselves in the curious position of being witness to their passing. And there we are - reality - the witness. From this vantage the world indeed becomes seamless and our steps simply the outer means of exploration. It's all one world. Waiting for our run...


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Running With I AM

We are the presence - I Am. We are the pause before the pronouncement of thought and the emptiness trailing after.We run from the perspective of presence - proclaiming ourselves as joyful motion. And so we create the world we run in.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Running With Affirmations

Our thoughts affirm our reality - every step is an affirmation of existence between ground and runner. We believe in the solidity of ourselves and the earth. We think it so. And yet the world is malleable - nothing is solid and everything holds the potential for re-creation. We believe it so. Running is the landscape of mind projected to our steps - we create pleasure and pain in artful wonder. We are free to create something new - anytime, with every step. With every thought - we affirm it so.



Affirmations are a wonderful tool for runners - and yet they can also be wielded in ways that create a less than joyful experience. Listen to fellow runners (or ourselves) during the next race - we create painful steps and agonizing hills with affirmations on how the run has yet to even unfold. We have created the inner environment for our suffering. We can affirm anew though - we are able to re-create the world with a more enlightened view of tired steps and steep hills. In fact our training is affirmation of faith that we are quite capable of meeting these challenges. Affirm this truth - I am Light, and Pure Motion and Create challenges for the sheer Pleasure of their Completion. And so it is.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Running With Questions

It's the questions not asked that shape our world - a static mind sees little wonder. Running is the continuous dialogue of mind and steps. The right questions lead us the silence of infinite answers. All things are possible. We run not to know but to explore the unknown - the quest for distance is no less than questioning the limits of steps and imagination. There are always further questions - and no answer is the end. Keep asking...



Ask "what if?" before facing any perceived limit...and watch
your word expand. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Running With The Mind Of Ahimsa

No-harm. We run in accord with what is present - disallowing the struggle to succeed or pursue. There is no mental grasp of things or thoughts beyond this moment. To do so is to fight ourselves to eventual destruction. As runners our grace is realized through motion. It's inherent in the fabric of our being. There is no struggle in this realization - only allowance. Grace is who we are. Anything - thought or action - that prevents the full expression and expansion of who we are is an act of violence against the Self. We run to cause no-harm. We run centered in the realization of grace. We run in harmony with the world.


Saturday, February 7, 2015


It's not the race - it's the gathering of those who seek to run on the edge of steps and self. It's a shared community of effort. And we each the better for recognizing the self as one.


Friday, February 6, 2015

What Are We listening To?

We listen. Running takes us to the depth of sound - vibrations from steps against earth and the subtle shift breath through the air become our experience of the world. We find resonance. It's a shared energy and the grace and ease of our motion reflects this - we're connected to the largeness of it all.
Running is simply our response to what the body hears - it's the vibrational urge to dance to the rhythm of the earth.  The more we listen - the farther we run.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

One Song

No one runs alone. We run to meet the world on a singular level of personal experience. We are expanding the concept of self past the borders of the body. Running is now an intimate moment of steps merging with earth and our lips caressing air in a new breath of life. Our heart beats with the underlying pulse of all things - a sacred, subtle rhythm of infinite harmonies. One song.


The question remains - how? How do we come to experience such intimate settings during a run? And the answer is that we are always in the midst of such experiences. Wonder is our natural state. We don't have to try to reach this state - we simply have to allow its presence to be known. The world is always eager to respond to our openness. We only need to actually open the doors to a keener perception. Running works a magic in this regard as do other acts of motion (and stillness) that lead us to a more contemplative awareness. So, really, there is no how - there's just running and being. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chosen Worship

It's not discipline. It's not motivation. It's devotion. Running is a chosen worship - path and steps meeting in faith and holy form. We seek the Divine through motion and the awareness of what is given to our steps. The world is ours to roam.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Running Interior Landscapes

There is no outer world. We run through landscapes of the mind projected underfoot. Running is an interior journey - our steps a mantra leading within and distance our own spacious presence. It's an illusion of direction. Running brings us to the edge of this illusion - two worlds merged in a reflection of self looking at Self. We become singular in our vision. We see one world. We run in the infinite direction of reality.


Monday, February 2, 2015

Celebrate The Run

Every step is holy - it's the return of bone and flesh to earth and raised again to air. Motion is life. We run to celebrate.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Holiness Of Distance Running

We seek repetition. Distance is our prayer-field and our steps turn in endless devotion. Runners are Dervishes in modern garb. Our steps reach for perfection - abandoning themselves in the continuous stride of their true nature. And so we give ourselves to motion - to the repetition of breath and steps and sweeping stride. We are erasing the smallness of our false identity. All parts come together in the wholeness of reality. In the end - the repetition of each movement flow seamless to the purity of motion.

All that's left if the holiness of running.
