Friday, October 31, 2014

A Course In Running (With Miracles) #2

Perfect love casts out fear. If fear exists, then there is not perfect love.
                             - A Course In Miracles -(Text, pg 12)

Surrender - there is grace in
letting go.
And love is our reception.


We run as an expression of love - each step given to the earth, life exchanged as
breath and motion itself caressed through air. There is no fear as each moment is
recognized fully as love. Certainly doubt and fear show their presence - and
yet this occurs only when love is not remembered. Running brings us
back to awareness - steps and body committed to a mantra of
rhythm and distance.
We remember.
We run- not to find love but to be an
offering of love.

It's who we are.


A Healing Path - Powerful Words From Emily Kerstetter

Powerful, healing words from Emily Kerstetter - she continues her path of recovery towards a full healing of body, mind and soul. I'm proud to have her on this page and as a friend and inspiration in my life.

Open flesh rosy and pulsating
Shards of bone crunching
You become one with the pain
It is all you know

Confined to a bed
Thoughts swirling in my head
Parts of my body have been stolen from me
Tingling skin, sensations anew

Raw from the inside out
Numb to reality
Floating away from my body
Living in a world unseen

Shaky first steps
I am still the pain
Propelling through this wall of torment
I tread lightly, vibrating

Energy inside me waiting to burst forth
Become more stable
Rest in my cocoon
Sleep comes, a relief to the body

Many moons later
I trudge forward
I still carry the pain each day
In my heart and body

Scars tell the story
A map of the past
Skin closed, bumpy
Explosive blackness still peppers my skin

Always a reminder of the struggle
Each day to get up and push through
Spirit returns to the body
Acceptance of my new beauty

This tragic story told on my young body
It has become part of who I am
It no longer dictates who I will become
Embracing all of myself.

Emily Kerstetter 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Course In Running (With Miracles) #1

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. (Intro)
                                       - A Course In Miracles

Our steps seek the
infinite -
In every distance known

In the depth of fear and fatigue brought on by the longest run and
hardest race - there is a core aspect of Being that remains
unaffected by these outer circumstances. We know the truth of
every distance is the infinite placed within the borders of the
world. To run in this reality is to be true to our unlimited
potential as pure spirit - the body simply our
vehicle for expression.
We run within this world - our steps given freely to the
earth and the warmth of the sun received gratefully
by our bodies. Yet we are nor fooled by
illusions -
The infinite is the truth of
every step.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Faith (9)

 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
                      - II Corinthians 4:18

By faith alone...and every step is
shown through distance.

Our steps show the faith of possibilities. We accept fully what is and
yet remain faithful to what might be. There is a fine distinction between
imagined and the seemingly real - as all things pass we find our selves
fluid in thought and motion. Nothing is fixed in a singular position
when viewed from an infinite perspective.
In the timeless realm of spirit the greatest distance of
every run is but a moment.
Our steps are eternal and we will run beyond the
boundaries of thought and flesh.
There is a long view - seen only by the
eyes of spirit.
We have faith that every step will lead us there.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Forgiveness (8)

“If you want to see the brave, look at those who can forgive.
                                            -Bhagavad Gita

Each step cleansed - forgiven by the
earth in its reception.

We run reborn in innocence.


We run to return - to come back to our original state of innocence as each step is
given to the earth and reborn new and full of promise and lifted to the
air. We are cleansed of self-concepts that imprison. Forgiveness is
the simple remembrance of our true expression - we are free, we are
motion born of stillness and we are innocent of guilt, shame and
projections. Running is of the moment and pure at its
essence. There is nothing to forgive in that instant of
contact with the ground - we have reconnected with
earth and air and innocence.
We are beyond forgiveness.


Monday, October 27, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Sorrow (7)

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
                                 - Psalm 34:18

In distance...we roam the spacious
nature found in sorrow.

And every step -
a healing.

Distance is our salvation - our steps a length of prayer said
purely by our stride. Our hearts will break through the
hardships of life - grief, sorrow and suffering at times
seem near constant. We don't seek to escape. Running is
our path to understanding, to cope and to heal.
Running is the prayer for grace.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Beauty (6)

"The blue mountains are of themselves blue mountains;
"The white clouds are of themselves white clouds."
                                                                    -Zenrin KushĂ» (The Way of Zen 134, 222)

Only steps taken.
Yet the beauty that unfolds....

We are merely runners - a gatherer of steps with distance as
a goal. Our meaning is provided not by what we do but
in the quality of our actions. A step taken depends on
the earth to meet its fall. We are inter-dependent
with our surroundings.
The truth is there is no runner - only motion and
the object of its caress.
And truer the moment of this
meeting - only the touch exists.


Friday, October 24, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Chosen (5)

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
                                  -Isaiah 30:21

We are guided...our steps certain in
faith and stride.

We are chosen. We are those who find the infinite in a
world defined by borders. Distance is but the stretch
of imagination - our steps now eager to explore.
There is a silent pull - a gravity of steps and distance that
haunts a runners soul.
We have been asked to run.

And so we do.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Running As Love (4)

Listen! My beloved!
    Look! Here he comes,
leaping across the mountains,
    bounding over the hills.
                                                  - Song Of Solomon 2:8

Each step...swept through air and a
moments joy against the

Our love is found in distance.

We are joy in depth and truth and our stride barely contains the
rush of steps eager to sweep the earth. Running is the act of
reuniting steps and ground and breath to air.
We become the sum of all parts - runner and path
rediscovering themselves as one.
Running is our cry for the beloved...and the
world responds with love and distance to
be covered.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Desire (3)

You are what your deep driving desire is.
                                           - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

The purpose of a single to lose
itself in earth and stride.

We belong to something larger than ourselves.

Beyond want - there is desire. Our needs are basic but desire is drive to
know ourselves as more. Distance is the reflection of the infinite and
our steps long to explore their deeper truth. We wish for expansion from
the finite and running serves no reason but to seek the porous borders of
our self definition. A single step is the answered prayer of every step
that's gone before and still more they wish to know the infinite.

Our deepest desire - is to know the Self in every step.


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Reverence (2)

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.

-Psalm 150:6

Our steps - prayerful. And distance
calls for our devotion.

Our steps are reverent. Breath is given and received as whispered
prayer. Running is a temple laid in distance and our worship
no less holy than the earth and sky. With full body we
sing praise - unafraid to give ourselves away
completely in devotion.


Monday, October 20, 2014

The Running Scriptures - Run (1)

“Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, "Grow, grow.”
― The Talmud

  • Run - a subtle urge breathed from spirit through bone and flesh. We think we're runners - but more - we are the answered prayer of motion. A body given to spirit moving fully through the world. We are runners only in the sense of self -description. We are beyond definition, beyond steps and stride and beyond even motion. We are realized space playing in the world of distant borders. The earth calls for us, the air exist for our breath alone, we feel a single word whispered from the
    And so we do.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Spirit


We are spirit...expressed as bone and
flesh and motion -
Only brief in human

Every step is taken as spirit - and yet we're mostly unaware of
this reality. We run with a blind promise of results and
miss the gift of every moment.
We are spirit guised in human form - we bring the
sacred to our steps and transform path and
stride to holiness.

But only when we wake to this truth.

Distance is our grand remembrance. Every mile lessens the
hold of self and brings us closer to

At once there comes a single step - taken with grace and
ease and we remember. We may not when this
step will be delivered.
But it will come.

And we will run with spirit.


Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running - Being (Conclusion)

Being (Conclusion)

To exist is to be - we are the simplicity beyond need, desire and
impulse. There is nothing to be done. Run from here, with no
agenda other than existence. There is deep pleasure in
Being and allowing the world to pass unencumbered
by our effort to command.

We run to Be in motion - a gift of freedom from soul to
body and given further to the world.
We strive for nothing.
Everything belongs.
Nothing is absent.
Be present to the singular aspect of
existence -

The rest is details.


Friday, October 17, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Being (Part One)

We are - and the world resides
within us.

There is never a time when we are not - and yet each
moment holds us to a new and different
Expressed as motion - we are runners - but the essential
state of Being remains the same.
Only the expression

Being is the simplicity of existing when all
else is let go. Surrendering the will to
breathe -
and we are breathed.
Nothing needs be done to exist.
We are.

Our steps are unique in their expression - at once given
flight yet pulled joyful to their return.
We exist in this world and beyond.
We are an expression of spirit - steps taken in a
kiss of air and again in a brief caress to

In running and stillness - we are Being.



Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Stillness (Conclusion)


Even in motion - we are stillness extended. The core of
our being unmoved through steps and stride.
As spirit we are constant presence
Our body is for the experience of the senses - we travel a
well marked trail of spirit. Yet within the wandering
of the farthest run we remain the still, focal
point of Being.
Nothing strays from this.

Stillness is a quality of a run easily missed. Our thoughts will
crowd a still point past a moments notice. Yet stillness is
the blue sky nature of Being.
Clouds pass.
Patience is stillness demonstrated.
We run with the mindful awareness of the sky - patient,
abiding in the open blue nature of spirit.
We find stillness.
We find our still point.

Everything else is clouds and illusions.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Stillness (Part One)


We are stillness - lent to motion for the
momentary pleasure of
our travels.

All things begin from stillness - motion arrives in a
stir of pleasure uncontained. There is no choice
but to express ourselves through the
ecstatic movements of
our steps and stride.

Even in the midst of our run there are hidden still points - almost
clues of our true existence. We find the small moment
that waits between each heartbeat. The subtle
pause - hushed, holy - of the breath.
They appear through distance-  matched by silent
notes of nature played across the earth.

All things return to stillness - motion given and
now returned. A time to pause and listen.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Gratitude (Conclusion)

Gratitude (Conclusion)

Gratitude corrects the illusion of separation - our steps a
continuous display of reunion with the earth.
There is joy in this connection.
In this state of recognition gratefulness is the
simplicity of being. Running brings us to
awareness of life and gratitude
becomes as keen as
breath itself.

We breathe.
   We are alive.

Our very nature is an exchange of momentary attributes  - we trade stillness for
motion, a breath returned in exhalation, a step given and distance granted.

We are essential.

Gratitude abounds.


Monday, October 13, 2014

Emily Kerstetter - Breaking Free

This is from Emily Kerstetter  - it's a beautiful poem from someone who is only running with spirit right now. Her body is soon to follow. As we can see in the strength and beauty of her words - her spirit is soaring. I look forward to sharing many long runs with her.

Breaking free of these chains
Finally able to push forward
Running toward the future

Feet slapping the pavement
Full force electrifying the grid
Body gliding, slipping just from reach

Exhilaration fills my lungs
Sharp and cold yet welcome
Gasping for crisp oxygen

Focused on the path ahead
Never looking back in regret
Leaving behind the past

Emily Kerstetter 

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Gratitude (Part One)


We run - grateful for steps and
earth and the moment of
their meeting.

We are joy and we are motion - expressed as the
steps we offer to the world. Running is
the means of our

Given motion - we move.
Given life - we live.
We are a continuation of each gift received and
this alone is why we run, and this alone is
why we love.

We are grateful.


Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Grace (Conclusion)

Grace (Part Two)

Grace is the revelation of Divine presence  - a veil lifted for a
momentary glimpse of wonder.
Our steps become the means of promise - distance
courting the parting veil.

We run knowing that each step is
cast as prayer -
Distance stretched in a length of answers.
Grace comes to those who endure.

Effort itself is the reward for distance. Our steps taste the
infinite in the length of what they give and
ask for nothing more but
further distance.
Grace comes to those who endure.

This is what we do: We run not to know but to seek. We explore the
depth of the Infinite in a single step.
We accept.
We give.
We endure.
We run - and grace the presence found
beneath our feet.


Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Grace (Part One)


Grace is given in the
distance of our

Every step is measured.


Grace is a mystery in its appearance - we court its presence with our
steps and length of runs. Yet in the end it is given and received
by our willingness to be open to each unfolding moment.
Distance holds a stretch of life for runners - experiencing the creation of
our stride from those first early steps, to painful miles where joy and
ease seem far. Be open without discernment.
Grace is near.
Accepting pain and pleasure as equal gifts a runner earns through
distance - we deny nothing.
Everything is noted.
Everything is loved.
Grace comes by tenderness - our ability to love on the
edge of all things.

Running takes us there.


Friday, October 10, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Surrender (Conclusion)

Surrendering is to become in the space of
letting go. The present moment is the
open possibility of all things.
Yet are our focus is narrowed to the trivial in the
face of the infinite.
In the acceptance of what is each experience melds to
the whole - a minute becomes a drop in
eternity and a single step the
path of our completion.

We run only to surrender to motion - to become
vast in our experience of time and
distance and travel.

We surrender to the earth to feel again the
ground of our existence.
We surrender to the sky to once more
come home to light.
There is nothing that does not become us.

We surrender to it all.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Surrender (Part One)


In the depth of something found larger than
themselves - our steps know distance
through the stride.

Surrendering is faith demonstrated. In the acceptance of the present moment we
retain an awareness of the fluidity of all things - time, space and
distance - illusions of the mind and senses.
Even steps sense the greater distance known by
their surrender. Our stride is the
grace of their reward.
Running itself is the art of letting go - trusting in a moments
free fall before steps touch the ground.

All things give way to something greater.
Our struggle is against the unknown.
We surrender -trusting in this larger, unseen power.
In truth we are surrendering only to

In letting go - we accept ourselves as
part of the whole.

And gladly give ourselves away.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Forgiveness (Conclusion)

We forgive all aspects of ourselves - from the body to thoughts that
serve no purpose other than to tie us to the past.
Forgiveness severs these ties and offers the freedom of the
present moment. We no longer run with the shadows of
yesterday nor wishful thoughts for tomorrow.
We are free to create within the
reality of motion.
This is who we are now - runners with no past save miles trained and the
beauty of our distance covered ingrained deeply to the soul.
Nothing remains unforgiven.

To forgive is to simply remember innocence - our own and the innocence of
others. It's the path for distance runners- miles stretched in
contemplation, thoughts of self reduced to the basic needs of our
travels. Running brings us to the still-point of being - the simplicity of
steps and breath and heart.
There is no room to justify resentments.
We have matched the spaciousness of the path with our
own inner nature.
It's a shared space with all of creation.
In this recognition - no one
else remains.

We are all forgiven.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Seven Attributes Of Running With Spirit - Forgiveness (Part One)

With every step - forgiveness. And the path
unfolds in grace and glory.


Forgiveness is the return to original innocence. It's a grace granted not to
victims- but to the innocent within. Opening to forgiveness allows us
to return to the ease of stride we were born with. We heal the scars that
bind us to an unforgiving past.

We begin with the body -forgiving each part judged
unfairly. We have run with the weight of
expectations pressed against us.
Forgiving allows the joy of motion to return - the simplicity of running just to
match the wind and feel the earth beneath our feet.
We're reborn to innocence.


Monday, October 6, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - Z Is For...


With every step a lessening of
self -until at last we meet
the earth in the bliss of
pure existence.
In the absence of self - there is only stillness and motion.

  • In final miles - we outrun the ego. We are the bliss of pure motion and give ourselves to the path as if a caress to earth and air. We have reduced ourselves to the simplicity of Being.The material world will reassert itself in our affairs - but from this path we'll never wander.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - Y Is For...


Our steps flow from a constant
source of understanding.
All things belong to the time of
their existence.

We yield only to the present moment.

  • We run with flexibility of expectations - allowing each moment the right of its existence without grasping for anything beyond the present. We yield in our desires and dare to face what the moment holds. Yielding provides the power to be present and aware - we are not driven by need, want or wishes as each is surrendered to what is and what we find right now. We yield and then allow the stillness of our being to unfold - and this is where we build the future.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - X Is For...


Expressed as distance...we are
infinite in the path of
our devotion.

We run in the holiness of our expression.

  • We are absolute. The truth of our existence is the pureness of being - we are love, beauty and mystery and anything outside of this realm is an illusion of thought. This is our center. This is our expression. We run from here.

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - W Is For....

Our steps wake to the promise of
day and distance yet

  • Every step taken unaware is a sleepwalk through time and distance. And yet as well, each step has the potential to wake us to the promise that they hold. To wake - we simply give ourselves to the experience each step brings. We know that there is joy to our travels and a purpose that may hold sadness, fear and fatigue as well. Our steps take us through this - from a dream of suffering to the wakefulness of a life lived aware of all its promise. A single step is the entire journey.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - V Is For...


Our steps vanish to the
touch of

and only stillness left behind.

  • In our finest moments - we vanish - fully absorbed in the singularity of the run. We have given ourselves away - freely and with the wish to be no more than a hint of motion brushed past the trees, grass and ground. We have vanished - only the pureness of our Being still remains. And the run itself continues.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Alphabet Sutras For Runners - U Is For...


There is a moment - our steps
meet the path in a
touch of pure

We are joined to something larger than ourselves.

  • Running is the art of forgetfulness - for unchecked moments we forget the illusion of our separateness and unite again in the wholeness of the infinite. We become what we touch - our steps a lover's caress of motion joined in union with the beloved. Each step but a moment - so we give ourselves to distance and seek again this touch.