Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Empty - And Aware

empty - and aware of
all things that 

even without my recognition 

There is no need to be aware - we are. From here, it's simply letting go into the moment while it happens. 


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Continued Presence

I am - and this extends to
you as well. 

We are. 

And as such we find ourselves as

In finding presence that exist as prior to, before thought, an action taken, or view defined - we come to an original sense of pure belonging. Nothing can be excluded by virtue of its appearance here, rising from the same primordial essence as the one thing before or whatever may follow next. Seamless. 
I am - and in no way can we not be, you are 
included in view, and space, and
continued presence. 
One thing.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Just Awake

I am not removed from pain, or suffering, nor 
faults that seem to need 

Just awake

And in this I find a

It's not that I don't seek to correct myself, to take what seems the proper course of action, or even to avoid pain and any suffering that may follow. It's that all this merely happens within the larger context of awareness. 
I am not witness to life. 
I am awake to all that happens. 
And it's enough to 
simply be. 


Sunday, February 25, 2018

An Illusion Of Becoming

reality remains unswayed by 
what we hold as 

we are aware.

and all else is an illusion of

it's all one thing, reality - appearing in the
guise of many. 

It's difficult to talk about, maybe impossible - to say that the world is an illusion is true only in the sense of its solidity. Everything is fluid, changing, shifting. That's reality - and deeper still is that beyond the appearance of things being separate, there is really only one thing, lets call it presence, at once rising in form and again collapsing into itself as a spacious template for new things to arise. Yet still, and always, it remains one thing. 
Ourselves included. 


Saturday, February 24, 2018

Absence Of A Holder

all held - yet more, in the 
absence of a

it's an endless, open embrace.

Emptiness doesn't quite serve our description - it's true that we lack a solid self, we are more a fluid sense of energy and motion seemingly contained within a temporary form. Searching for this ever changing self leaves us right at the abyss of nothing found. 
Yet we don't stop there. 
Our search shows the infinite expands in all directions - beginning exactly where we happen to look. This is the big bang of continuous creation, from mystery, the very same abyss that starred us down, is now the openness that that serves our expansion. 
It's what we are. 
And as this there is nothing beyond our reach - indeed we are an ever flowing reach of allowance, and even more our capacity lends itself to manifest form in the state of each other, and earth and stars as well. 
Emptiness, yes - and as such we 
hold the world. 


Friday, February 23, 2018

Why Not This Too?

and why not this too - awareness has no preference, no agenda to our wants and needs. It's all life and sometimes, often, there is pain to accompany bliss, sorrow to our joy, and sights less pleasing to the beauty that we seek. Yet it all belongs - and even more, it is all still an appearance within the framework of allowance and as such the is no separation from one thing to another. There is no escape, nor is one needed. 
Simply be.
Everything changes. 
Nothing is truly lost. 
In this regard we ask - indeed, why not this too? 
Abiding in the space surrounding 
any answer. 


Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Unspoken

and once given words - our love
becomes other to meet
this notion 

we are the unspoken

prior to and just

there is only this moment of 
our together

The Tao told is not the true Tao - and to speak of love is a dim description of the undying light of our reality. It simply is. The words here offered - are but symbols of something greater. 
Yet still they point in loves

Peace (and Love) 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Let The World Provide The Details

it's enough to


and let the world provide the

It's all unknown, and even if there's a grand design it's held from our point of view - and truthfully, we are not clever enough in this distinct form to guide our way through life. We make guesses at best. Or ask guidance from a higher source. 
There is power in intent and self will, a driving force of ego to make claims on our desires. 
Yet still it all remains a 
And then comes our surrender. 
Not to anything other than our own true self, our release to our empty nature to simply serve in its role as capacity, including all things to our existence, nothing left out save our will for things to be other, and even this fits somehow in it's own way. 
Mystery allows. 
There is no need for us to do anything other than
follow suit in its 


Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Solitary Community

it's a solitary community - beginning from the one, and spreading forth in view and understanding. My first recognition is existence, I am aware, and this finds me in fascination of all that's held in this awareness. In this view there will be no lines found that separate myself from scenery, no points of departure from what unfolds directly from the source which holds the view, indeed even the thoughts that there is a viewer involved in seeing disappears in continued looking. 
There's just one thing. 
Awareness in a constant flow of attention to itself. 
One thing appearing in the guise of many. 
A community of only one. 


Monday, February 19, 2018

Bardo Teaching

the true and only Bardo teaching - is that there is
no in between 

existence is everywhere

and we exist, always, only
right now

for simplicity sake, lets only ask - "do we exist?" And reside in the silence of the answer. It's enough to find ourselves, right here, now, alive and present to the moment. 


Sunday, February 18, 2018

Didn't Want To Let Go

didn't want to let go - yet this too belonged 
in the moment that was 

It's not an argument against reality, our longing, our hurt, and lost desires are an appearance and in a sense illusory, there is no real self to hold to suffering. But there is no denying their occurrence, no need to. By virtue of appearance they belong, for the entire length of stay the are an honored guest within awareness. Even though they hurt. Even as we demand for them to leave. What saves us isn't denial, or an attempt to wish a thing away - no, our relief is found in the search for the one who suffers. It's this inquiry that leads to a profound sense of relaxation. The absent not of suffering but of the sufferer. What we find is simply space, or better said, our own spaciousness that allows for all things to be exactly as they are. 
Until they change. 
When something new appears. 
And that too belongs within our 
capacity to hold all


Saturday, February 17, 2018


some storms pass
sudden - 
belonging only to the moment of their
and some linger - as if touching two
points of stillness and raining
motion in between. 
we are at once both sudden and
lingering - a flash of desire
held long against the
we are storms - raining holy for
each other. 



ask -
and my world 
responds to the parting of
your lips. 


Jagged Edges

it's not okay, it's a broken moment with it's jagged 
edges held against me, but still -

even this, even this...

and it's all held in awareness

softening every edge as 
one existence

It's okay to hurt, to not deny what feels broken, and to cry in a great surrender of long held back tears. This too belongs. 
It simply is. 


Friday, February 16, 2018

Given To Each Other

and it's you - your brokenness and space found
open, that draws me to the better 
portions of myself,

only known by our together

We are an exploration given to each other, uncharted territories without the borders of self for interference. Inviting, at times no more than distance - yet always, always, given to each other. There is no place without you. 


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Very Same Light

it's like enlightenment - a search to prove existence even as we reach the very next breath. And too our love, always here, presence itself, always expanding to allow just one more thing within its openness. 
There is no search for enlightenment, no dawn of light to what is always and always brightened. It's simply the removal of all that keeps us in the thoughts of darkness. It's one light seen as our own. 
There is no search for love. 
It's the very same light. 
Shining as our own. 


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Unseen Things

my only role is letting go - and even this is beyond my will, and more so beyond my comprehension. I can no more try in this surrender than a blade of grass is able to cling to the breeze that sweeps against it. I am made open, spacious - even in the faith of what appears a solid world. My life belongs to unseen things. 


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

No Parts To Us

there are no parts to us - we are whole, undivided, with
endless aspects to this being. 

and so - we continue as the

Is there a marked point of change from body to air, or even more subtle from thought to form - do we find an end point of our own becoming, where we see a clear break in what we hold within awareness? 
This is our exploration, our investigation into the mystery of self and world. With this there is no meditation that does not also involve our own touch against air, breath mingled with the history of a thousand others, and feet firm in recognition of their own roots as earth. 
It's a meditation of One. 
Self -exploration. 
It's seeing exactly, truly, who we really are. 


Monday, February 12, 2018

Only For This Alone

so the realization is this - we are what holds the appearance of all things, and too, with no clear lines that offer a true separation, we are that which appears as well. You, are an aspect of myself, an offering of kindness and intimacy to fill my view, which is really my own empty capacity that is offered in love to you. It's an equal and on going exchange. Our emptiness, our very nature, belongs only for this alone. 


Sunday, February 11, 2018

Peace Of Our Acceptance

as we are - and to this there is
no exclusion.

everything belongs to the 
moment of its

and this - is the peace of
our acceptance 


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Even Our Forgetting Belongs

sometimes we forget - immersed in a world that often seems distracting, keeping us from the better nature of our souls. Yet even our forgetting belongs, part of the whole, and essential simply by virtue of its appearance within it all. 
In truth - there is no 
The world is immersed in who we are. 


Friday, February 9, 2018

It's All Held In Presence

we are what appears - and too, we are
not that alone

everything belongs to the
moment that it's

and it's all held in presence 

There seems to be no separating the appearance of things from that which allows them to appear - it's all open to examination, to find a line of separation, an item seen or known outside of our awareness. So the inquiry becomes not - what or who am I? But more so, is there something that appears in sight or mind that I am not? 
Looking to a larger view - there is only one thing not found, and that in fact is the appearance of the viewer. There are no signs that a seer exist, only that which is seen, and a presence, somehow awake to itself, that holds it all in the void of its embrace. 
And that is what we are. 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sometimes - There Is Suffering

this moment, within the vulnerability of our suffering, breaking 
us open - yet showing how much love we have to

we see each other clearly

It's okay to be broken - the reality of our wholeness holds it all, each piece belongs within our spacious understanding. Everything fits, somehow, in someway, and as often beyond any reason we may know. So it seems there is suffering - this moment, all we do is allow. 
And love ourselves through it. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

This Too

and again - this 

love is my expansion 


It's always one more thing, and we are always the open, endless embrace for its allowance. We are this love. 


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Whispered Forth in Words

from mystery - and now whispered
forth in words. 

writing only what's received 

It's no method, simply being, and with this I find myself grateful, open, and ready to receive all of which mystery wishes to share. There is no need to even ask - it's all within my own belonging, and no claim to even authorship. 
Everything is always here. 
It's always, only, simply


Monday, February 5, 2018

The Courtesy Of Acceptance

it's not complicated - it's all one thing, presence, alone in 
its awake acceptance of itself. 

only thoughts divide. 

and even they 

So it seems that nothing is out of order, there is no grand design that must be followed, or path that delivers us to a distant home. We are here. Exactly in the only moment ever known. It's enough to simply be, to relax and allow ourselves the courtesy of acceptance. There's really nothing more to do - and if there were, we would find ourselves in the completion of this moment, doing what was needed. 


Sunday, February 4, 2018

No Attainment - And Yet

no attainment - and yet as well it
seems we receive the 

it's just a subtle shift in seeing

There are no lines drawn within awareness, no end point between seer and the seen. The view is as much our extension as our fingertips - and to think that each breath is drawn from a sky that touches onward to the infinite, our steps are taken on a continuously spinning world that spreads as our delight. 
It's all one thing. 
A mystery. 
Yet exactly where we belong. 


Saturday, February 3, 2018

By Design - We Are Forgiveness

by design - we are forgiving, open, our very nature an invitation for the things of the world to pass through in the fullness of their expression. Nothing is held past it's time, and even thoughts must bear repeating to leave behind their impression, not one remaining constant, but a flow of similar ideas that only seem to have a fixed existence. In this way we are always forgiving, each experience immediately allowed, and then given to departure. 
No matter how many times it 
may revisit. 
By design - we are 
Accepting all that comes and goes. 
And yes, even our non-acceptance belongs 
within our forgiving space. 
It all fits within 


Friday, February 2, 2018

Always No More Than Eternity

there's this - and 

yet that's enough for the
world to be. 

a flower blooms in the immediacy of now, this moment is enough for countless ingredients to coincide in beauty. In fact every moment is simply a recognized turn of attention to the infinite, it's always no more than eternity right now. 
And we have all we'll 
ever need. 


Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Light Of Its Own Diminish

a candle gives itself solely to the 
light of its own

and reveals clear and absolute the
essence of itself -

it's a candle and

it's light

without a split between the 

