Friday, February 9, 2018

It's All Held In Presence

we are what appears - and too, we are
not that alone

everything belongs to the
moment that it's

and it's all held in presence 

There seems to be no separating the appearance of things from that which allows them to appear - it's all open to examination, to find a line of separation, an item seen or known outside of our awareness. So the inquiry becomes not - what or who am I? But more so, is there something that appears in sight or mind that I am not? 
Looking to a larger view - there is only one thing not found, and that in fact is the appearance of the viewer. There are no signs that a seer exist, only that which is seen, and a presence, somehow awake to itself, that holds it all in the void of its embrace. 
And that is what we are. 


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