Thursday, December 31, 2015

Without Reference Points

No reference points - only distance stretched with no concern. This is our allowing place. Steps are offered no length to measure - existing of their own accord. This is the purity of distance, bare essence, before arrival, and concept of runner. It simply is.

We are invited to run with empty awareness - to be motion for its own sake, to leave no trace beyond presence, to run without the reference point of beginning or end. We are invited to run as we truly are - free.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

At Play In Empty Fields

The path is real, distance - our steps and the sense of travel are transient. We are brief by nature yet eternal as soul. It's all here, we are at play in empty fields, simply presence, spread for our own delight. For this moment - we call it running.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Immediacy Of Distance

presence, unfolding - and all
we see is distance

It's no longer measured - there are no reference points in the immediacy of distance. We are here, now, and intimate with the space of our surroundings. All things encountered and surrendered and again steps taken. It's simple. A journey with no set place to go.


Monday, December 28, 2015

I Concede

yet in favor of the earth - each step
concedes to equal

We are an allowing capacity - at once empty and accepting of the fullness of another. And so we welcome distance, conceding runner to infinite space. Meeting ourselves in spacious awareness.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Distance To The Runner

Through us - yes, motionless, an allowing space for all that passes. Ours is a reality of stillness and motion an illusions caress. There is form that travels and there is the formless template of awareness that remains. Stay. Allow distance to the runner. Everything comes our way.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Only Joy

only joy - and no reason
beyond for steps and

In asking why we search for purpose and meaning - and all reasons are a subtle mask for joy. We are here for the pleasure of being here. Suffering is our forgetfulness. There is no denial - pain is recognized, all things are allowed in fullness and accepted. In this we transcend suffering, finding beauty in the transient, love by absence, and peace within chaos. It's life.


Friday, December 25, 2015


undone, and from here - all
things proceed

It happens now - once we've been unmade as concept and illusion. We're free. Thoughts happen, form and formless still exist - yet weightless. From here, the infinite is ours to wander.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Play Of Self - Discovery

through - and within ourselves, we
come to distance

there are no separate origins

No more is distance apart from steps nor destination - there is one view and endless means for its unfolding. Distance is the long view of reality. A runner is simply moved by design to be expressed in terms of steps and the length of their desire. Distance is the play of self - discovery.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

At No Distance

at no distance - we too are joined as
space unfolding to the

It's perspective - all things aren't as they seem. Our eyes tell us that distance is space between form and specific points of origins. Yet where does space begin when form itself is an illusion of the senses? We own an emptiness ourselves - a spacious awareness that allows itself to be filled with all things. Including distance. Seen from here, we are finite space in a continuous merging to the infinite. No distance. Just the unfolding of our presence by the grace of every step.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Swiftly Going Nowhere

swiftly, we go nowhere...our stillness
remains through motion and the
distance that passes

We are timeless, still, essential to the very fabric of the universe - our nature is to remain. Everything else passes. Motion is the illusion of the world passing against the stillness of our center. Running is the allowance of a swifter passage. It's simple - we don't run - we surrender to the movement of the world.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Self - Navigation

distance invites our own expansion - and
every step says yes in its

There's no out there - the infinite is a reach in all directions. So distance has no point of origin nor will it end with a completion of steps. A runner travels always by route of self-navigation. Distance is our home.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Singular Aspects

It's the path - endlessly unfolding in
aspects of singular

And our steps exploring each and
every one.


Saturday, December 19, 2015


slowly, slowly...there is
seeing -

I am not at all

and yet, I am


From here  - distance. Yet nothing seems so far. Distance is measured by absence - from where we are to where we wish to be. Once seen - our own spacious presence is found from a single step to the farthest reach of stride. Distance will no longer be measured but experienced as an aspect of the runner.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Views From A Headless Runner

From my view - I vanish in your presence. There is the emptiness that holds a promised fulfilled by the appearance of all things. Our truth is both the emptiness and appearance, the promise and its fulfillment. We are a shared reflection. Distance unfolds from this view without a single point of origin. Space simply encounters itself in the guise of form. Steps follow and yet the trail is pathless. We wander, joyful, with an illusion of intent. Motion is a prayer to and of itself. Stillness our abiding presence. It's one view - seen from many eyes.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Letting Go Of Smaller Wants

and letting go - we roam a
greater path.

content with what the ground has offered

There is a greater magic than our own - we are a joined creative force that belongs within the framework of all that is. On our own we create from the supposed needs of thoughts and mind. We are limited by demands and want. And yet the world itself is a grand desire for the sole benefit of our expansion. Our needs are met in breath and beating heart. And in ten thousand unseen ways we are supported in every fabric of our being. It's all beyond our faith and imagination. Surrendered to this greater will we are opened from the inside to out for full reception of all the infinite offers. In letting go - distance holds no borders.
And we are invited to run forever.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Where We Need To Be

Distance arises - and steps appear as
if to reach a finish.

Yet still there is no runner.

Only emptiness given form for

In a practical view - distance doesn't exist until something is measured. In this light every step is at once a finish and a new beginning. The truth is that distance is just the continuation of this paradox. With this acceptance - each step places exactly where we need to be.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

In Our Own Absence

turn - and just briefly catch a moment in our own absence. At the returned end of our gaze we find no one present. Only the empty promise of pure existence - and within this space the world is filled.

Try this - relax, follow your gaze, notice. There is much to see. Now gently turn the gaze back upon itself. Briefly search for the source of sight. Where is it originating from? Is it possible to find this source through observation alone? Douglas E. Harding called this the Headless Way. By turning awareness back upon itself we may drop, for what seems like a moment, into pure existence. It's this empty space - our headlessness - that allows all things to pass through, to be, to exist, within us. In this space, all of distance unfolds, not just a hundred miles but further, the infinite revealing itself as my own spacious awareness. No longer a runner - there is no place to be. Yet there's motion.


Monday, December 14, 2015

A Beautiful Experience

always receiving  - we are the space that
meets the world.

allowing all things to become.

A runner is within distance - there is no obstacle to be overcome, no separation of step from ground but only a continuous awareness of shared existence. Even this is an illusion. There is awareness and the selective focus of One. Running is what happens in this focus. It's a beautiful experience.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Nothing Happened

one step in ultimate
compassion - gives itself away...

and so the stride is born from this continuous stream of devotion. It's from allowing something to dissolve into something more that the infinite opens to the smallest detail of it all. One step to the stride and the runner further still into distance. Ad yet runner and step were never separate from the vast expanse that opened. Nothing happened but a letting go...


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Absence Of A Runner

why not just distance - and motion
roaming through the
absence of a

certain of its own existence

Perhaps there is no need for a runner - only distance and any identity would bring a crowded second to a singular dance. We would simply be motion given rise from the empty reach of distance in a self-caress. As a runner we are bound to time and place and no true freedom past the point of known. In the absence of our identity we are the empty and wild sweep of all things that can't and won't be known but are opened and offered to be explored. It's the discovery of self in the nameless. There is nothing really to be known - only experienced.


Friday, December 11, 2015


unbound - and all things
come through this

There are no constraints  - all things flow to their own accord in a singular stream of being. Yet we believe otherwise. Somehow we have come to believe that we are a separate strand of existence. If we simply drop this belief and see again the world of our original innocence - no thing would stand apart. Including you and me. And to this view - distance is only the continuous flow of self hiding in the guise of miles. It's a game of seeking, finding and once more letting mystery come and hide. We rediscover ourselves with every step.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Past Borders

begin here - and then further
past the borders of the

It's an illusions-  that we end at a particular point and then the world begins just past the flesh. Ours is a singular world of continuation. Running is the short path to this realization - one step is the whole journey and the earth spreads from this connection. Distance is our opportunity to discover the absence of borders and play through spacious fields of our existence. We find our truth in distance - and then continue ever on.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Distance From Within

distance - and from
within our

It's our view that keep things so far away. Distance itself is an illusion of perception. There is no single space that holds itself as separate from our thoughts and even our form. Everything is the continuous ground of our existence. Distance is simply self - yet explored. And thus viewed there is no place so far away that we are not found.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


to escape my borders - and carry on
through steps and distance even

It's why we run.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Dancing Through

begin from the place where all
things unfold,

our every step follows the source


Running is the art of the arbitrary  - an assigned number for the day holds key significance and distance is the measure of commitment. But not really. We have given ourselves borders as the edge of our creative play. At heart we don't believe in numbers. Running is the infinite expressed in singular steps. The length of our expression may seem significant in terms of body/mind - but in truth it's the play of presence dancing through us.
Beyond this - nothing really matters.


Sunday, December 6, 2015


no longer steps nor distance intended - only
presence unfolding to a
singular moment

My goal is to simply recognize myself as the presence that unfolds as distance - to allow the grace that naturally occurs in a moment of pure recognition that we are separate from no-thing. From a single mile to one hundred more it really doesn't matter past this moment.


Saturday, December 5, 2015


choiceless - and distance proceeds
each step

no matter

We are without choice or will - we are played through by the divine as its own expression. It certainly seems that we have chosen to run, to push ourselves to the extreme or quit before our time is done. And yet that's just what happened. It was perfect. More so it was perfection. Of course we will argue that this just isn't so. Until a certain point - and then we let go. We get out of our own way and allow- we allow grace to speak and move and play through us. The way it always has. But this time we will be aware of our choiceless participation.
We'll join in the play.


Friday, December 4, 2015


a continuation - our steps caressed against the
earth. And deeper still is our

nothing else remains...

but one caress

If we allow it - we find our continuation in all that proceeds a single step. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015


So much unnoticed - as if our eyes were meant to
view the world but not the secrets of its
Yet grace appears in the faith beyond
our's the sway of leaves
dancing in an unseen breeze.

There's a holy breeze constant in its giving...close your
eyes and sway

Running is motion expressed through awareness - it's our acceptance of the invitation to take part in the conversation of all things. We see a leaf swaying in the wind for what it truly is - an invitation to dance.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015


dissolved - self to ground and
every step we rise as

In the absence of a runner - there is motion, distance and the truth of who we are. 


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Simple Plan

our steps know -

the perfection of the
fall is found by

Our steps know earth, gravity and surrender. The rest is details. If we trust in the perfection of what each moment holds - even if it's beyond our thought filled comprehension - there is no distance we can't cover.


Monday, November 30, 2015


in perfect acceptance - our steps touched by
earth and air with every fall and

It's the continuation of our touch against the earth and steps again lifted to air that brings us to completion. It's not distance. It's knowing we belong.


Sunday, November 29, 2015


we are the spread of distance - and
further still,  

we are

Here it is - to know ourselves at the depth of all things, to see connection from ground to step, to reach with no regard to destination. It's simple. We are not running towards or away - we are here. Connected to all things.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nothing Is New

as awareness - we expand past the
step now taken

there is nowhere that we are not

Even distance is contained within awareness - consciousness spread in measured form. Our steps cover a ground of revelation. An aspect of self given rise for us to know again. Nothing is new and yet we captivate ourselves in endless expressions.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Once Let Go

Once let go - no steps, no distance, nothing
save the space of our

It's all concepts - the measured world of daily living. Concepts are great for navigating certain times and events of our lives. Yet they limit the freedom we allow ourselves. Without the concept of distance - one step contains the infinite. Without the step there's just infinite space existing all at once. In letting go - we find ourselves everywhere.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Unfold - In All Ways

we unfold as distance - expanding further
than the boundaries held

It's a painful stretch- letting go of the comfort of who we thought we always were. In truth there was nothing to hold to. Identity is based on the illusion of gathered thoughts, emotions and form. There is nothing tangible here. Our reality is in the letting go - becoming expansive in all things and all ways. Running is the metaphor of reality. One step and then let go to the faith of distance. We keep going. Always.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Distance - the ground of
our presence.

Waiting to be known.

Each step a revelation - an aspect of self touched on new ground. Running is an invitation to be known. Our presence expands in recognition that we are found in all things. And so every run is endless. Only awareness past the moment is paused in the illusion of a day. We will run tomorrow - once more accepting the invitation to know ourselves again.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

It's About Light

It's light - we too are the stuff of sun and stars now touched against the earth. Motion is our cast of light across the shadows edge of life. It's in seeking past illusions - through darkness - that reality is found. Light is this reality and our steps are the vehicle of its deliverance. The sun and stars simply shine - there is no seeking to be known as light. Every beam cuts through darkness. Trust each step to find its home. We too are the stuff of sun and stars.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Not Taken

and no steps taken - but given as a blessing of
distance covered and ground

We are what we give  - and running is the opportunity to give ourselves away completely to the point where we are empty of all save the blessings of all the world offers.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Greater Whole

each step at once reveled in essence as
earth and self and stride

all things greater than the
single step taken

Joined - and running is the revelation of this connection. A single portion is let and go revealed to be the whole. The step bares witness to the earth and in return is recognized as no less than the original dust of its becoming. Our touch upon the ground is that moment of recognition. And every step is then lifted in this continuous prayer and called a stride. All singular aspects of the greater whole.


Friday, November 20, 2015

No Point Or Meaning

the essence of step - is
found in distance

Tomorrow I will move almost non-stop in a little over a one mile circle for 24 hours. Sometimes I'll run and often I'll walk. Always I will be happy. There is no point, no meaning - save to know myself as motion and distance yet covered.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

As Light

as if light -

no agenda save

and so our steps continue

Distance is effortless - it spreads from the still-point of our existence. We simply follow in the direction of our choosing. It's the arbitrary numbers that the ego follows that lead us to chase what's always present. Numbers are fine. Especially in races. But they don't define us. We are beyond definition. Follow joy in all its many guises. Our hearts will know the path.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


dissolved into
nothing -

and further still

I am

Allow the runner to dissolve. Be nothing save motion. And distance accumulates of its own accord.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


surrendered to the path - our
steps are selfless in
their falling

In truth we are selfless too - thoughts gathered in opinion and concepts become a reality we label as our personality. It's false. What we are I cannot say. Words are just another label. So we run - but we are not runners. Motion tells us what we are. We rest - yet we are not less for lack of motion. Stillness shows us who we are.
And so we come to understand.


Monday, November 16, 2015


continuous - we just emerge as
aspects of the one

not a separate self at all

but expressed in singular

A reach is continuous even as it finds it's destination - it's the illusion of objects kept apart by thought and vision. We believe in separation even as we sense our deep connection to all within the world. Holy scriptures tell us we are one. Science proves it as relativity. We know it in our bones. A reach is no more than an intent to join. Energies re-emerge only to the senses. So a reach finds its object and then spreads further in its endless quest to know all aspects of itself. We are reach and object. We are what continues after. This is why we run, why we travel - to reach, to know every aspect of ourselves by breath and step.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

All Directions

not beyond, distance is here - this
moment, spread in all

Accept that we are here - and all distance spread from this moment. At once. Everywhere. And then take a single step in that direction.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

It's All Right Here

Complete in every

One step contains the whole.

And so it goes - one step taken and the world complete. There is no need to go farther or faster for it's all right here. We are present. Everything is present. So the miles are a bonus. Enjoy each one in the course of its passing.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Goalless Goal

my goal - to be as the goalless
nature of the

always going on

Relax. Distance has no agenda other than expansion. Anything the mind and legs can dream of will fall short of this intention. Trust nature. Run as the infinite - expanding past our own agendas - and reaching something more.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Every Run Continues

already we are distance - even in the
measured steps of our

the infinite rest on the edge of
our awareness

Relax. No distance goes uncovered. It's the simple recognition that our presence never ends and awareness continues on forever. From this perspective - every run is just a sample of eternity.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Just Our Imagination

Every step is an illusion - and the runner too is imagined. Only that which is aware of all our travels is real. Of course our path is believed and feels solid to our steps. Nothing we experience is diminished by reality. But what if we held these beliefs lightly? And nothing was as solid as we thought? Perhaps our steps would sense this mystery - and each run would be a gift.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It's easy - each step a letting go. And distance
no more then the space of our

One step. Surrender. Repeat. And so comes distance. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Our Best

At our best - we are not runners. Distance
unfolds beneath our feet and
presence simply

In our surrender - nothing happens. Reality unfolds in its perfection. It's our own interference that complicates matters. In our surrender to the emptiness that precedes expectations we join with reality. We know our own perfection. Running becomes joyous even as we endure the struggles gained through distance.


Sunday, November 8, 2015


my prayer - to dissolve
against the

and every step returned to Eden

To be just motion - selfless in grasp and goal. Just a traveler. In the end this is what it all amounts to. Everything else is left behind. Run for joy.
Everything else is details.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Running As Reality

This is reality - a continuous presence from
step through distance.

There is no place we don't belong .

Here - presence is the abiding sense of awareness permeating all things. Existence is continuous. Seen is such there is no beginning to our run, there is no finish. There is only motion and the pause that always follows.


Friday, November 6, 2015

The Only Goal I Know

What if our only goal was to just let go - to meet the
world without resistance.

Then every step another chance to
know our own

It's that simple. Let go and simply be - we may or may not match the stories in our head with the body's own perfection. We don't have too.
We only have to run.
The rest is only details.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Running As Surrender

each step creates a natural space of letting
go - neither earth nor air fully
claim hold

and distance spreads from this

Our surrender creates the space of a new becoming- one step let go becomes the stride and distance is discovered. Nothing is lost. What's real cannot be surrendered. Each step is the unfolding of the infinite. What's real is the emptiness that holds the promise of this potential.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Path Is Non-Attachment

I have surrendered
to your fire,
And burnt -
I come alive as nothing more
than ash.
And scattered by some Holy breeze,
I now reach every

We burn our attachments with every step. Fire is the metaphor of liberation and through running we burn thoughts that attach us to a single moment. Running is the breeze that allows us to touch all things against the path. It's the final realization that we are all things. The path included. In the end we are only motion in a self caress across the stillness of our essence.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Don't Become (A Runner)

Don't become a runner. Beyond labels is the mystery of motion in all its many forms. Join with this expression.
Be all things.
And all things are possible.


Monday, November 2, 2015


From the infinitely small - our
world expands.

One step becomes the journey.

Running of itself is full completion. No more is needed then a single step given to the ground or the lift that follows offered to air. That moment spreads as distance.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Running With Less

Actually it's a continuous
letting go -


And even this we will

It's distance - and everything else is a long surrender for the length we run. The race is won by the those who hold the least.


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Running With Paradox

We don't arrive at distance. Every step becomes
our home. And still there's always

In the acceptance of paradox we are free to move continuously - while stopping on the way. It's all just travel. Motion. Stillness. We are runners, walkers, meditators and nothing. At once. Take every step lightly.


Friday, October 30, 2015


this very step could
be our last

and the runner revealed to be the path

Revelations - each step a shift of light and earth and the same story told a thousand times told once more yet heard as new. It's about possibilities. One more step and we could be...revealed to who we truly are.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Taste Of Something More

a moment - given to

within the infinite path of mind

Endlessness - a taste with every step. Perhaps that's why we run? To feel at one with the smallest particles that swirl as the form of our existence - as well as the reach of light from sun and stars pressed against us. The infinite is all directions. Sometimes we feel as if we could run forever. It's only a moment. Yet it's a taste of something more.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Final Gift

And after all, perhaps the final
gift is tenderness.
The faith to love on the
edge of broken parts.
Faith...when all we have is
no clear end,
only the ache of uncertainty.
And still we
towards the jagged edge that's
sure to cut and we bleed
our touch in a tender
offering of
despair, and maybe something
more we can't name,
but know in silent
Perhaps the final gift is not
blood...but our
ability to
bleed and bleed
more when all we wish for is
dried away and still we
bleed more.
Perhaps the final gift is
this- these blood soaked
tears...when it's all we have to

Letting go - and through this we find the infinite space from which we learn to give. I first and most deeply learned this lesson from my mother in her last years with Alzheimer's. Her final gift was this lesson - there is always more to give. It's our nature. I relearn this lesson every race and through the distance of my very long runs. It's not a lesson of will power and how much my mind and body is able to give. No, the lesson is always on the subject of love. Here it is: can we love ourselves through broken parts? Are we able to love our very brokenness? And more - are we able to find the wholeness of our being through the cracks that ache from this expansion? The lesson is always on the subject of love. The answer is always yes.

Perhaps on a race or long run we could ask ourselves this - can I love myself through the very next step?


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Running Out Of Power

We are powerless - even as we believe strength of
will and body will carry us through
In truth - only distance holds power. The infinite inviting steps for
further exploration.
All we do is surrender.
And accept the

There is power. But it's not ours. Yet we can surrender to it and in process reveal ourselves as one with it. Power is in the whole. The infinite. It's who we are in our deepest surrender. Running is a great revelation for this. It never ends. Only arbitrary numbers loom in the illusion of a finish. Still distance stretches ahead. In our surrender we will see that there is no finish - and more we too stretch ahead in the infinite view of who we are. We're endless.
That's power.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Running As Stillness

In reality there is no quiet mind. Our stillness is a further depth existing on its own accord. Thoughts happen. They appear and pass and again become in their own fleeting wave. It's the nature of the mind. Yet our truth is much different. Our nature is stillness itself and the impartial witness to all that passes. We are the presence that observes the mind. At one time I believed that running led to stillness. I glimpsed the quite mind and thought my steps would take me there again. There is no need to be taken to reality. It was running, distance, far distance, that revealed an intrinsic stillness that never waivered. I am stillness and all things pass through this. You are stillness and all things pass through you. We are stillness.
So there is no need to resist the mind. No reason to believe that thoughts carry any weight through our existence. The mind thinks. We exist.


Sunday, October 25, 2015


No story told - and the path leads
only to a quiet

Allow things to simply be. A hill is not measured by effort to reach its summit but by the length of beauty that's extended. Beauty is not a story. It simply is. It's the mind that searches for a contrast. Distance is a story. Our steps know motion. They know rest. How far is just a belief offered to the body. We are free to accept and free to deny. Certainly we grow tired. The body is finite in its resources. Rest as needed. Eat. Drink. Care for both mind and body. Here's the thing about stories: they are neither false nor true. They are simply a narrative - commentary told by mind. Who are they told too? Who is listening? That's the secret.


Saturday, October 24, 2015


within awareness - all things
simply are

and it's enough to let them go

knowing they

Distance running brings this clear - all things really simply are. A hill is no different than a valley save for effort given and preference of our run. Both simply exist. And we are free to except. Or not. Either way we run the hill.


Friday, October 23, 2015


Moved to letting go - and distance
unfolds to the grace of
every moment.

Just this - the moment and all that it holds. Perfection even as we let it go. Our steps know. Motion is their wish and to this end there is nothing but a letting go. And so our stride is born. Listen - everything will be revealed. When thirsty we are invited to drink, when hungry, eat. Run - until it's time to walk. Walk until there is a wish to run. It's that simple. Easy? Maybe. Sometimes. But not always. That's okay too.
Let go.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

As Light

as light - we reach and reach and lend
ourselves to grace as shadows
play across the

all things rise in our existence

We are light as well as shadows and all that plays between the two. The path itself is our creation. In this we bring our steps against the earth in union.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

In Our Absence

No thing.
No one.

And still there is

There is power in absence. In the absence of a viewer - there is only the view. And we are equal in its beauty. Without a runner we too are stretched as distance with nothing found beyond our reach. There is no self found separate from the source.
In the absence of beliefs - we are.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Running Transparently

In this great transparency - the path becomes
beneath our steps.
And every thought revealed as
its creator.

Relax - and the path unfolds without effort. There are hills to climb and streams to cross. There always are. It's perfect. Even if we think otherwise. Yet beneath the wave of thought is a clear and steady pool of being. Run from here. Create from here. We become transparent - and the path reflects perfection.


Monday, October 19, 2015

On Being Trackless

trackless -and the path holds no memory
beyond the step now

Running is the expression of the present moment as told by steps. We are free to allow the experience to be the simplicity earth and step meeting new or to carry the reminder of steps taken once before. Either way the reality remains awareness of the present moment.
It's our choice on where we focus.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Only Here

It's all right here - the step is taken
only in the mind.
And thoughts unfold as

If running is viewed only as a point of achievement, as a means of arrival to somewhere other than where we are - we will find ourselves less than who we are. Or better put - we won't find ourselves at all. Running is the great unveiling. Distance strips us to the essential moment of awareness - one step making contact to the earth holds the world. The infinite begins, holds and ends here. The rest is just joyful travel. Enjoy.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

The No Attainment Of Running

There is no attainment.

We dream of absence in a sleep of
shared delusions.

Waking to a false dawn that
holds all distance.

And day begins with
settled borders.

This is our time to

A true dawn of no attainment.

Only moments yielding to the constant
flow...of what is always

It certainly seems as if we attain something - miles, a sense of accomplishment, or even the allusive sense of peace. Yet they fade. Even medals eventually rust. It comes back to the simplicity of running - we give all kinds of easy answers to the question of why we devote ourselves to distance - and the answer always remains the easiest one and yet the one that we're unable to articulate in any reasonable way. We run - to give ourselves away.
Not to get a single thing.
But for a certain length of time and distance - we run to know the emptiness of only motion. In this we find there is truly no attainment.
Nothing can be absent from
our touch.


Friday, October 16, 2015


Running is an invitation to a world that knows both ground and sky. Each step is a bridge of intimate connections - earth touched and at once gifted back to air. Seamless.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

To Find Our Own Perfection

we find our own perfection in broken
parts along the way.
trusting in the space that
binds them

If we run far enough - something within us will break. Ego, will and even faith will flee. We are left with nothing. And there we find our own perfection. Everything of the world will break. It's the first truth of Buddha and the law of impermanence. It's a known fact for runners. We break. Yet still we carry on. Here's what we find: there is something more, ineffable and light bearing behind the solidness of mind and will. To break is to allow. It's to reveal. We are that which waits behind the wall of self. If we run far enough, long enough, if we break and continue past the hold of mind and body - we find nothing. Just the space that holds are own perfection.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Awareness Of The Runner

it's every step - and awareness is the
constant of all the paths
we travel

Think of awareness as the backdrop that all things emerge, pass through, and fade from. It's the presence of reality. It's who we are. Our personal identity is a temporary illusion held in place by beliefs. When attention is withdrawn - we return to the fluidity of pure awareness. Is this important to a runner? No. Because there is no runner - only awareness in a play of path and motion.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Faith Displayed

the innate wisdom found in every step - to
have faith in the fall of its

Running is the simplicity of faith displayed - each step finds its way.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Passing Through

allow the path to simply be - before conceptions arise there is
only distance and the awareness of our

It's only distance - filled with mental constructs. Yet the weight of our beliefs fall heavy on the legs. In a slight shift to the knowing of awareness - we become weightless. Running simply is. Distance simply is. We are the awareness to all that passes through. Thoughts and concepts create the physical world. Smile at creation. Keep running. This world is only passing through.


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Don't Worry

always a fall - yet each step
perfects its own

Don't worry - running is the agreed faith between steps and ground. It's the gravity of trust and the grace of earth's reception. We are left with only one thing to do -
take a step.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Revelation Of Steps

We are not the same as when we started - our steps are supple in the art of letting go. It's the mind that clings. Running brings a momentary contact - the earth kissed in brief and then again to air. In our return we find new ground. And yet even in this quick exchange the runner too is transformed. We have touched both earth and sky and in our letting go we carry still the reminder that nothing but the touch itself remains.
Everything is transient.
Except for love.


Friday, October 9, 2015


the discovery of light through shifting
shades of darkness -
we run through shadows of the

It's a dark place - yet unafraid our steps carry heart and mind through a maze shot with fear. My dark place may be different than yours and the times of our suffering will vary. It's a personal place. And no mater the company - we must take those steps alone. If we keep moving - here's what we discover: There is no absence of light.
Only shadows cast by fear of our
own brightness.
Keep running.
Not through but within will light be revealed.


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Our Song

it's who we are - echoed against the
earth in steps of grace and

Running is a note in the song of our expression - played on trail and road without distinction. It's our personal song. Others may choose to harmonize or sing alone. Regardless - we sing, we run.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Beyond Labels

Without labels - we are each a
brush of space against the
traveling by means of our own
time and distance

There is really no need for validation - all sources of measurement and comparison and external have little meaning beyond the limits of our own imposed definition. We are larger than that. Greater. In our own immeasurable nature there is room for all to travel - and the realization that there is nowhere far to get to.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Throw Away The Rule Book

The illusion is motion - as if there's somewhere existing beyond our presence and we must reach to get there. In truth there is no reach for we are constant in our presence. There is nowhere that we leave off and the world begins. It's all here. Now. And yet in form we play by the rule of the senses. We believe the illusion. Running is just a game. The object is to pretend to travel somewhere we are not. We can always cheat. Don't play by the rules. Simply remember that we are not limited by the senses - they exist as an experience within the unlimited truth of presence. We are formless awareness watching form appear as a runner in motion.
It's a rigged game.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Everything I Know About Racing (and life)

Distance remains - borders of our start and finish exist only in the mind. The point is motion, stillness, and then motion once more.
There is no need for

When it's time to run - run. Listen to the body. Rest when needed. Walk. Relax the mind allowing thoughts to pass with little care. Be kind.
(eat, drink and tend to what's needed)


Sunday, October 4, 2015


Runners strive by nature - and yet aside from fixed objects -distance always remains immeasurable. It's our true nature that we really seek. And here it is found - not by any finish or the illusions end of a set time. It's the endlessness itself that holds our secrets.


Saturday, October 3, 2015


Aware - and nowhere else do
we reside.

This is all we need to know. Our presence is aware and all things and every thought simply pass through. Each step is an experience in awareness. Know this - and every step is our arrival.


Friday, October 2, 2015


Imagine - no difference between earth and step and the slow caress of one through the illusion of time and distance. And so it is. For in truth there is no singular existence - only awareness recognized or the moment left unnoticed. We decide our truth - and run from there.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

This Too

individual drops become the
rain of one existence

And so it is with no step being separate from another and greater still our stride connected to earth. In all things there is only - This. Running is the recognition that this too - this step and the ground that it's touching - are one in the endlessness of our existence.


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

As Is

As is - our steps greet the path in its perfection. Only the mind perceives otherwise. And this is why we suffer. Just as easily the path receives each step as belonging to its own perfection. Without thought the earth accepts as one. And so we are - One - no runners existing of their own accord but simply an extension of all that is expressed as motion. To run like this - as is - is to be at ease with all presented within a given moment. Everything is and everything will change and through it all we will accept and be as runners - graceful in our motion.


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


revealed as infinite - we now go
further in our

No distance is that far - running is only measured by the mind. Our bodies know steps and rest and their repeated fashion. Our infinite nature knows travel. Distance is an expansive game we play against no one. The singular goal is to know ourselves as greater. Running is our means to play. In this regard distance can't be measured.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Here - Now

 and so it is - each step proclaims the

while distance spreads as
our arrival

From here - there's not much more to be said. We are exactly where our steps have brought us. Running is the art of this acceptance.


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Seasonal Answers (Sometimes)

I ask the Spring
leaves -

"Why do you cling?"

And the answer later falls to Autumn shades of

It's that one last step - the one questioned and voiced concerned before completion. It's one step more again. There is no immediate answer on why we give ourselves to what seems like endless steps. Yet distance is it's own reward - and an answer sometimes follows.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

This Allwoing Place

this allowing place - now stretched to reach
our very steps.

distance unfolds as our becoming.

Everything is fine. Everything is fine because we allow things to be as they are without the interference of wishing otherwise. Runners know suffering. There is no escaping the certain ordeal that we will experience the rise of pain and just as sure its disappearance - very often in subsequent steps. We learn to abide. Yet this is not a passive state - it's alive with tenderness and the grace known from holding ourselves with care. It's this healing calm that allows for us to take the next step and perhaps the one after.


Friday, September 25, 2015

The Experience Of One Reality

turn within - the Infinite flows in all

Running is a bridge between worlds - or a better truth told - it is the world experienced in original unity. It's not air pressed against skin and steps lent to ground but a breath drawn to life and expressed as motion to the world. One thing yet told in parts as our reality. In certain steps we find the direct experience of this functioning One.
And that's what draws us on.


Thursday, September 24, 2015


and not just distance -it's the virtue gained by effort given and then released. It's the grace of letting go and then becoming in the space we're left to follow. Distance is the chance to rest duality - and simply be.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Simply Love

love allows expansion - and is the presence pressed
against all boundaries

Running as love - devotion cast against limits held and each step the allowance of just a little more ground covered then the step before. Distance is the unfolding awareness that here too we belong - and never once losing presence of previous steps that touched the ground. We find ourselves in this expansion. It's love awakening to itself in the form of steps against the earth.
It's simply love - expressed and accepted in return.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

It's All Okay

No departure and no arrival - only a
singular awareness in the
nature of our

Be at peace

Trust the body, believe in the fitness gained through training and have faith in the strength of will and mind. Relax. Surrender any desire for a particular result to the greater cause of spirit. We run our best by simply Being.


Monday, September 21, 2015


A single step contains all distance - and our reach is but an expression of the infinite itself. Running does not take us anywhere. We are travelers on an interior plane. Yet certainly our bodies are engaged in motion. The paradox is that for all the motion granted - distance remains always on the tip of every stride. The infinite remains our reach. We are always touching that which we seek. The gift of running is that we are here - and the world has stretched to find us.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Measure Of A Run

distance is defined only by the
infinite - and the steps we
take to add our

Every distance run is a measured illusion - there is no set point belonging to an infinite world. As our own true essence is matched to the endlessness of reality - we are in fact running in place. Of course the body will tire and the mind will fatigue - that's why we play this game. Yet knowing this truth allows us a higher vantage as well. It's simply not possible for spirit to tire. Watch and tend the body. Observe the mind and the thoughts that cascade. But know your truth. And run from there.


Saturday, September 19, 2015


Expansion - running is awareness given to steps and breath and the stretch of ground before our stride. Our world becomes larger in the singular aspect of our doing.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Now Taken

distance can't really be told of - but only
expressed in steps now
If awareness is centered on these steps - each present step and its placing on the ground - then distance unfolds in the wonder of the moment. There is no need for focused concentration-  just a gentle nod of recognition that one step contains the whole.
And nothing more is needed.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Devoted To Ourselves

We meet ourselves in distance - a landscape found of steps laid against earth and soul. Running is the revelation of all we are not. It's the great dismissal of a false reality - that we are somehow a body carried by will and not spirit fully immersed in form and motion. Distance strips us bare of all illusions. Our steps are just given and given until we are empty of all save the devotion of our giving. And here we find ourselves - devoted to the pureness of our Being.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Zen Of maroon/The Zen Of Hills

There is no maroon...
Only thoughts that are
steeped in the wine
of color.
Until the moment offers the
blue of its expression.
And then...there is no blue.
Only the cobalt nature of
the thinker.

And so it is with running - there is no distance and nothing more to measure. A hill is first experienced by the mind and followed by the body. Yet before and during there is always and only the witness to the experience. We are the witness and the more we relate to this reality the less we struggle with the struggle of a hill. The body runs. Infinite awareness smiles at it all.
Even the hills.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Running is easy. Our very nature is the play of motion brushing stillness - two sides of our existence acting as a life's caress. Running is to extend the metaphor of our being even further. Our infinite nature is given form to sweep the earth in steps and breath. We are only here to love. And distance offers room for our caress.
Go run.


Monday, September 14, 2015


absorbed - and now our steps
become the path

Giving - running is the constant exchange of subtle force. Our breath is given back to air and again received as life. Each step is a measured gift to distance and in return we gain the world. Running is our giving path. Watch as our movements are absorbed back into the fold of life. This is our existence - to simply give and be alive.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Alone (And Yet...)

alone - yet touched by all that
distance holds

Running is awareness held through motion - our scope is narrowed to steps and smaller views yet at anytime we can expand our vision. What would we see? No boundaries - only the seamless stretch of how things are.


Saturday, September 12, 2015


It's where we are - and the fullness of
existence brings joy to
every step.

It's not the finish line - it's the moment of each step touched against the ground. Perfect. There is no need to wish for more.


Friday, September 11, 2015


Beginning - yet no steps taken. Distance is a stretch of mind and always starts with a measured thought. Until that point it's void of all but possibilities. We can always return to the beginning - even with ten thousand and more steps taken. Simply pause, look again. It's a new distance. And the world is just beginning.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

All Distance

All distance is a promise - and every step the
means of it's fulfillment.

Running is simply form measured within the infinite - all starts and finishes are arbitrary lines against the endlessness of our existence. We have pinpointed our awareness to a limited view yet we are free to expand our gaze at any moment. Running is the slow allowance of more - a greater perspective of being comes into play with each step and the sense of breath drawn from air to lungs and returned to sky expands us even more. We are no longer contained by bodies. We are promise itself - fulfilled.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Not (always) Obvious

it's not the ground separate to the step - but a
continuous stream of being flowing as
earth and stride.

We are connected in ways not obvious to the eyes


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

For Motion

All distance contained within a step. The infinite drawn
with every breath.

The world exists for

We move as prayer - a grace offered and found in return of motion.


Monday, September 7, 2015


it's our belonging - a sense of earth and
air open to our steps and breath

Running is our means to caress the world and to feel the brush of earth and air offered in return. In each caress there is a forgetfulness of separation - two objects merge on point of contact. No less for every runner. We need only remember - we belong.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

In Pleasure

our joy found in steps against the
ground - and in return
the earth revolves
in pleasure


Friday, September 4, 2015

Faith Displayed

Least effort - runners give themselves to a step and the fall that follows. We trust the earth will meet against the foot and nothing more is needed. Distance is faith displayed.


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Earth Again

We are the stuff of earth breathed to life - a divine essence in grounded form. With every step the world resonates with our return. Earth again and sky kissed against skin - we are at once the path and the garden waiting at the end.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

In The Absence Of A Runner

To disappear within a step - aware solely of earth and sky and the sweep of all things passing. There is no runner - only motion. And so it is with every step.

In the absence of a runner we find ourselves as unbridled awareness swept as motion. Absence means that we no longer fully identify with the trivialities of what we think while running. The thoughts may still flitter across the screen of mind -yet they are weightless in their drifting. As well, we tend with care to the body's concerns yet we know we exist beyond its form. It's the simple measure of opening to the endless sky after years of being clouded in - we come to know our original nature. The contemplation of any object or thought along with the self-inquiry of searching for the observer will shift perspectives to new awareness. Distance running provides us time to go beyond the thinker and the runner. In the absence of a runner - only awareness remains.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Our return - steps given to the ground that once was our flesh and again to sky that holds our spacious nature. Running is the practice of merging briefly and then a flight of rebirth. Distance is simply the play of life against earth and air in measured form. There is no step that doesn't deeply in its passage - and in that truth we are less traveler and more settled in the reality of always being home. No matter the distance. Every step. Home.


Monday, August 31, 2015


Trackless - we leave only thoughts behind. And those who wish to follow must seek their way with an empty mind. The path is ours alone.

There is valuable information available for runners - books, videos and encouraging words and advice from those who have gone before and covered the miles we seek to run. We learn from every source. Yet in the end it is all left behind for the value of our own instinctive surrender into the unknown. We can be guided, supported and befriended - but we will take each step alone as another's truth is just a finger pointing at the moon. The path waits for our own experience, steps and understanding before unfolding as the way.


Sunday, August 30, 2015


each step a return - to earth, to
something deep within

We are travelers on a homeward path.

With every step a return to a deep familiar - there is no rush to be beyond the present moment. We enjoy what we become and then just as brief another step is taken and again we are reborn.


Saturday, August 29, 2015


We find the earth through single steps. And the sky is passed against our lips. In certain moments - we are intimate with the world.

Running is how we find these moments


Friday, August 28, 2015

Definitition Of A Step

It's the flesh - pressed against
another world.

Becoming one in the step of its connection.

Where do we leave off and the world begins? Only a thought divides. Our steps remind us of our connection - a quick press against the earth and again lifted briefly to the sky. We lose our sense of separate self in the easy repetition through changing worlds. Ground and air are but different aspects of one and our steps a thread in this connection. There is no becoming - only a shifting awareness of now our touch to earth and now once more to air. The reality of now remains one. We are literally earth/air/runner in dependence of attention. In this awareness we are free to draw from the source of our belonging - we are circulating a continuous stream of steps and identity that contain all aspects of the world.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Running From Innocence

from a thought - and so our steps flow in
fear or beauty

Every step declares the path and each is taken with a thought in mind. Yet preceding thought is the clear, naked awareness of our nature. Run from there. How? Begin with disbelief. Not every thought belongs to reality. Until we make them so. Until we believe them. And then the world solidifies. Self-inquiry is the art of gentle questioning. Is each thought true? Is it always so? And deeper still - who is the one asking? These question are our return to original mind. Asked in innocence we are returned to innocence. Our steps processed from here.


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Through Us

distance runs through us - unfolding to the
pace of our

Distance runs through us, time runs through us, all things must pass their course through our existence for the simple reason that nothing is separate from the reality of our true nature. We are all things. The mistake most often made is on viewing distance as a an outer place to be overcome - rather it is an aspect of self to be explored, experienced and enjoyed. There is no place to arrive and no time in which to strive for - there is only the moment viewed as an extension of existence ready now for our awareness. Run, relax and be present.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Running - No Meaning/Deeper Meaning

the ground between us - eager for the
steps of our connection

And so much more - running is the final realization of earth and step. It's the dharma of completion. Each step the fulfillment of gravity and the reason for the earth's abiding presence. Running is not just an act of love - it's love expressed as motion. Of course too running is just a simple act. Exercise. Devoid of deeper meaning.
Nothing is ever quite the way it seems.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Response

We are responsive - supple in thought and action. The world is as offered and our addition is acceptance. This is original mind. And yet we still affect change. By refusing to grasp what ebbs and hoard what flows we are joined in union with all things. The subtle aspect of our nature - the essential I Am of who we are - is merged to the world in its passage. Our self is now essential and the world shines with our brightness.

To be a responsive runner means to accept the earth in all conditions and merge our steps against the ground. We listen to the will of nature and allow ourselves to be a voice in the chorus of Her song. Our body speaks to us of thirst and hunger and it's joy and struggle. We are tender in response. The mind offers thought and will and we give our allowance for their passage - they serve the greater good and then they're gone. There is no need to cling. And so comes freedom.


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Greater Will

Follow - for every step there is a path. Nothing more is needed. Our agenda is fixed only in the mind and a greater will extends itself for exploration. Trust. Home is the direction we are facing.

All we have to do is run. Or walk. Or nothing at all. It's our adventure.


Saturday, August 22, 2015

Its Own Reward

No effort given - for even struggle is a gift to overcome. In later miles we continue simply for the pleasure of continuing. There are no goals.
Distance is its own reward.


Friday, August 21, 2015

No Distance

There is no distance until the moment of a step.
Until then - only the boundless
nature of the

Run - as if our steps belonged to non-existence. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

No Concern

No distance lies outside the mind. Within a single step our stride is stretched forever. There is no need to concern ourselves beyond this moment. Our needs are met with every step.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015


There is a flow to all things - steps and path meet in their own perfection. Each ready to be more by their own degree of lessening. There is nothing to resist. Our own perfection follows.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015


We are the center - and yet the world divides by each thought and demand. Returning to original mind is the acceptance of what is. Running a great length is brought by the simplicity of a single step. Life isn't complicated. Every step is a return to the absolute promise of the present moment. Running brings us to center - again. And again,


Monday, August 17, 2015

Step Lightly

Lightly - our steps
fall to their

Running isn't a serious concern. It's a joyous occasion of retuning steps to their source and the breath again becoming mingled through the world. It's a reuniting. And sometimes it hurts. In infinite ways we find balance - joy and suffering two sides belonging to each other. We run in the middle - certain only that our steps will fall.


Sunday, August 16, 2015


A deep belonging  - breath to air and steps against earth. Running is the return of all things to original order.


Saturday, August 15, 2015

All Things Reach

Meeting - somewhere between a steps release and its reception by the earth. All things reach. Our initial contact is that place between. It's a place where at once both earth and runner are less and yet greater still - than the moment just before.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Through Distance

We seek - yet not to know how far we can run. But to see how much further we exist. Our steps meet themselves through distance.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Not Here

We're not here. Boundless in existence - we are too vast to be contained. Running is the infinite channeled to a moments touch against the earth. We're not here. Yet in single steps we find the world.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We Exist Beyond

We exist beyond - our steps and thoughts no more than brief anchors to earth and form. Running is two worlds at once. Only one is eternal. That's are destination - more so it is our realization. In truth we are never absent from the reality of home. The farther we run the closer we get to the bliss of this existence. Running - through sheer repetition of breath and steps - takes us again to who we are beyond the veil of life's illusions.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Something Remains

It's the foot to earth - the placing of a single step and the holiness found in its connection to the ground. This one moment. Nothing else is our concern and nothing exists beyond the sanctity of this touch. Everything else within the measured distance of a run is temporal in its reality. Even our steps will fade and one day too the earth as well - yet our touch, our touch remains eternal.


Monday, August 10, 2015

Things That Shift

Reality shifts with every step. Our world is the belief held deepest at the moment. The gift of running is the insight found in the insular world of distance. We are confined to the extended realm of body - steps making miles that hold us briefly captive in thoughts of joy or pain depending on what the moment offers. Yet soon we find beneath shifting realities is an ever present witness to change. That's the insight. Something remains in calm awareness through miles and shifts of thought. That's our primordial mind that resides independent of constant flux. This is the center of response. It's our true reality. The more we again identify with this truth the less reactive to circumstances we will be. Running becomes a choice filled response to all that passes. And every choice will come with peace.


Sunday, August 9, 2015


Before distinctions made - we exist only within gratitude. As the breath belongs in a singular state where the gift and giving are one - we too are of this same belonging. No thought is needed for the natural breath. And so running precedes distinctions. It's an expression of gratitude and is returned as a prayer across the earth and joy drawn and given as the breath.
This is our belonging.


Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Way Things Are

It's the way things are - simple, elegant and a
grace lent to those who

Of course we forge our own way - we make our own world in accord to the force of thought and will. It only gets us so far. There is a subtle ease to reality - no bird in comfort and wellness struggles with flight. Flying is the natural expression of a bird and is as prayerful as any word spoken in mass. A bird is not confused by its nature because there is no whispered doubt within its mind. Flight is the shared synchronicity of wind and command. And then the bird surrenders to the air.
We know motion - running is an extension of our being. Flight given to the ground. Trust that there too is a greater synchronicity between steps and earth and breath and air. Our command to self is run. There is nothing more to do - but surrender to the way.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Don't Believe Everything We Think

Only distance - yet not measured by sight or steps. Not measured at all. Until a single thought whispers far away. And everything changes. Distance simply is - it's the unfolding of an aspect of self before projection or judgment. Until we perceive otherwise. A thought makes all the difference. Nothing is far until we think it's so. Imagine running before the perception of time took over, before we thought of distance as anything other than a stretch of unexplored. That's the nameless mystery existing before thought and label. That's the nature of the Tao. Here is the secret - don't believe everything we think. Be fluid in thought and form. Smile. Run.
