Monday, November 30, 2015


in perfect acceptance - our steps touched by
earth and air with every fall and

It's the continuation of our touch against the earth and steps again lifted to air that brings us to completion. It's not distance. It's knowing we belong.


Sunday, November 29, 2015


we are the spread of distance - and
further still,  

we are

Here it is - to know ourselves at the depth of all things, to see connection from ground to step, to reach with no regard to destination. It's simple. We are not running towards or away - we are here. Connected to all things.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nothing Is New

as awareness - we expand past the
step now taken

there is nowhere that we are not

Even distance is contained within awareness - consciousness spread in measured form. Our steps cover a ground of revelation. An aspect of self given rise for us to know again. Nothing is new and yet we captivate ourselves in endless expressions.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Once Let Go

Once let go - no steps, no distance, nothing
save the space of our

It's all concepts - the measured world of daily living. Concepts are great for navigating certain times and events of our lives. Yet they limit the freedom we allow ourselves. Without the concept of distance - one step contains the infinite. Without the step there's just infinite space existing all at once. In letting go - we find ourselves everywhere.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Unfold - In All Ways

we unfold as distance - expanding further
than the boundaries held

It's a painful stretch- letting go of the comfort of who we thought we always were. In truth there was nothing to hold to. Identity is based on the illusion of gathered thoughts, emotions and form. There is nothing tangible here. Our reality is in the letting go - becoming expansive in all things and all ways. Running is the metaphor of reality. One step and then let go to the faith of distance. We keep going. Always.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Distance - the ground of
our presence.

Waiting to be known.

Each step a revelation - an aspect of self touched on new ground. Running is an invitation to be known. Our presence expands in recognition that we are found in all things. And so every run is endless. Only awareness past the moment is paused in the illusion of a day. We will run tomorrow - once more accepting the invitation to know ourselves again.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

It's About Light

It's light - we too are the stuff of sun and stars now touched against the earth. Motion is our cast of light across the shadows edge of life. It's in seeking past illusions - through darkness - that reality is found. Light is this reality and our steps are the vehicle of its deliverance. The sun and stars simply shine - there is no seeking to be known as light. Every beam cuts through darkness. Trust each step to find its home. We too are the stuff of sun and stars.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Not Taken

and no steps taken - but given as a blessing of
distance covered and ground

We are what we give  - and running is the opportunity to give ourselves away completely to the point where we are empty of all save the blessings of all the world offers.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Greater Whole

each step at once reveled in essence as
earth and self and stride

all things greater than the
single step taken

Joined - and running is the revelation of this connection. A single portion is let and go revealed to be the whole. The step bares witness to the earth and in return is recognized as no less than the original dust of its becoming. Our touch upon the ground is that moment of recognition. And every step is then lifted in this continuous prayer and called a stride. All singular aspects of the greater whole.


Friday, November 20, 2015

No Point Or Meaning

the essence of step - is
found in distance

Tomorrow I will move almost non-stop in a little over a one mile circle for 24 hours. Sometimes I'll run and often I'll walk. Always I will be happy. There is no point, no meaning - save to know myself as motion and distance yet covered.


Thursday, November 19, 2015

As Light

as if light -

no agenda save

and so our steps continue

Distance is effortless - it spreads from the still-point of our existence. We simply follow in the direction of our choosing. It's the arbitrary numbers that the ego follows that lead us to chase what's always present. Numbers are fine. Especially in races. But they don't define us. We are beyond definition. Follow joy in all its many guises. Our hearts will know the path.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


dissolved into
nothing -

and further still

I am

Allow the runner to dissolve. Be nothing save motion. And distance accumulates of its own accord.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015


surrendered to the path - our
steps are selfless in
their falling

In truth we are selfless too - thoughts gathered in opinion and concepts become a reality we label as our personality. It's false. What we are I cannot say. Words are just another label. So we run - but we are not runners. Motion tells us what we are. We rest - yet we are not less for lack of motion. Stillness shows us who we are.
And so we come to understand.


Monday, November 16, 2015


continuous - we just emerge as
aspects of the one

not a separate self at all

but expressed in singular

A reach is continuous even as it finds it's destination - it's the illusion of objects kept apart by thought and vision. We believe in separation even as we sense our deep connection to all within the world. Holy scriptures tell us we are one. Science proves it as relativity. We know it in our bones. A reach is no more than an intent to join. Energies re-emerge only to the senses. So a reach finds its object and then spreads further in its endless quest to know all aspects of itself. We are reach and object. We are what continues after. This is why we run, why we travel - to reach, to know every aspect of ourselves by breath and step.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

All Directions

not beyond, distance is here - this
moment, spread in all

Accept that we are here - and all distance spread from this moment. At once. Everywhere. And then take a single step in that direction.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

It's All Right Here

Complete in every

One step contains the whole.

And so it goes - one step taken and the world complete. There is no need to go farther or faster for it's all right here. We are present. Everything is present. So the miles are a bonus. Enjoy each one in the course of its passing.


Friday, November 13, 2015

Goalless Goal

my goal - to be as the goalless
nature of the

always going on

Relax. Distance has no agenda other than expansion. Anything the mind and legs can dream of will fall short of this intention. Trust nature. Run as the infinite - expanding past our own agendas - and reaching something more.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Every Run Continues

already we are distance - even in the
measured steps of our

the infinite rest on the edge of
our awareness

Relax. No distance goes uncovered. It's the simple recognition that our presence never ends and awareness continues on forever. From this perspective - every run is just a sample of eternity.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Just Our Imagination

Every step is an illusion - and the runner too is imagined. Only that which is aware of all our travels is real. Of course our path is believed and feels solid to our steps. Nothing we experience is diminished by reality. But what if we held these beliefs lightly? And nothing was as solid as we thought? Perhaps our steps would sense this mystery - and each run would be a gift.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It's easy - each step a letting go. And distance
no more then the space of our

One step. Surrender. Repeat. And so comes distance. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Our Best

At our best - we are not runners. Distance
unfolds beneath our feet and
presence simply

In our surrender - nothing happens. Reality unfolds in its perfection. It's our own interference that complicates matters. In our surrender to the emptiness that precedes expectations we join with reality. We know our own perfection. Running becomes joyous even as we endure the struggles gained through distance.


Sunday, November 8, 2015


my prayer - to dissolve
against the

and every step returned to Eden

To be just motion - selfless in grasp and goal. Just a traveler. In the end this is what it all amounts to. Everything else is left behind. Run for joy.
Everything else is details.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

Running As Reality

This is reality - a continuous presence from
step through distance.

There is no place we don't belong .

Here - presence is the abiding sense of awareness permeating all things. Existence is continuous. Seen is such there is no beginning to our run, there is no finish. There is only motion and the pause that always follows.


Friday, November 6, 2015

The Only Goal I Know

What if our only goal was to just let go - to meet the
world without resistance.

Then every step another chance to
know our own

It's that simple. Let go and simply be - we may or may not match the stories in our head with the body's own perfection. We don't have too.
We only have to run.
The rest is only details.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Running As Surrender

each step creates a natural space of letting
go - neither earth nor air fully
claim hold

and distance spreads from this

Our surrender creates the space of a new becoming- one step let go becomes the stride and distance is discovered. Nothing is lost. What's real cannot be surrendered. Each step is the unfolding of the infinite. What's real is the emptiness that holds the promise of this potential.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Path Is Non-Attachment

I have surrendered
to your fire,
And burnt -
I come alive as nothing more
than ash.
And scattered by some Holy breeze,
I now reach every

We burn our attachments with every step. Fire is the metaphor of liberation and through running we burn thoughts that attach us to a single moment. Running is the breeze that allows us to touch all things against the path. It's the final realization that we are all things. The path included. In the end we are only motion in a self caress across the stillness of our essence.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Don't Become (A Runner)

Don't become a runner. Beyond labels is the mystery of motion in all its many forms. Join with this expression.
Be all things.
And all things are possible.


Monday, November 2, 2015


From the infinitely small - our
world expands.

One step becomes the journey.

Running of itself is full completion. No more is needed then a single step given to the ground or the lift that follows offered to air. That moment spreads as distance.


Sunday, November 1, 2015

Running With Less

Actually it's a continuous
letting go -


And even this we will

It's distance - and everything else is a long surrender for the length we run. The race is won by the those who hold the least.
