Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Spontaneous Inspiration

Spontaneous inspiration: 

if there's a struggle, it's always for the first words, the opening phrase that sets the tone for everything that follows. The reason it might seem more difficult is that I often approach the page without a clear idea of what's to be written, relying on spontaneous inspiration to guide me. And it always does, without fail, but sometimes there's still those first few moments of doubt, even after all these years, a presence of fear that whispers to me that this morning might be the point when inspiration fails to show -

and the page stays empty for the day.

of course this doesn't happen, inspiration is always present and only needs to be courted through faith and a patient wait. So it's easier for me now, I have my ritual of coffee and calm abiding sips that fill those moments with a peaceful curiosity, knowing that I can easily wait here through the course of morning, yet eager to hear those first words that inspiration might whisper. 

they never fail to cause a smile...

as even if it's a familiar theme I know that every word will be freshly delivered in a way I've never heard before, bringing a brand new arrangement that offers deeper insights and meaning. That's the magic of spontaneous inspiration, it bypasses my intellectual understanding of any topic that I've been considering writing of, and leaps directly to my intuitive sense of creatively knowing exactly what's to be written. In a way, it's channeled writing, a gift received by the spirit of whatever it is that demands these early morning hours of my attention, urging me to write directly from my heart. 

and through the years I've learned to listen, 

relying on this spontaneous inspiration,

letting of any sense of struggle- 

writing only what is hears.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Each Asana 

Also, please visit to buy: The Bhagavad Gita 

Thank you. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Each Asana

Each asana: 

each asana holds a true moment of poise, pure yoga, an opportunity for breath and body to extend themselves to a quiet mind. I feel most open to this in the early morning hours, everything already hushed in awakening and there's less struggle in my surrender to each pose. At this time yoga feel more like a revelation to me, a moving form of self-inquiry that tells me exactly who am I through this easy motion, a whisper going through my body that contains the secret of the breath...

a silent voice that tells me that I am. 

 and with each asana revealing my existence.

a pure moment of is yoga discovered. 

the sage Patanjali defined yoga as the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind, yogas citta vritta nirodhah, and that's the essence of each posture. That's what I love about my asana practice, that the entirety of yoga is found within a single pose, or even subtler still, contained within a breath. So every practice becomes an opportunity to know myself a bit more deeply, a soft inquiry that doesn't strain towards an answer but simply allows me to reach that true moment of poise that revels itself to me.. 

I am witnessing my essence through the grace of breath,


and the blessings of a quiet mind.

Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: At Once 

Also, please visit to buy: The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali 

Thank you. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

My Entire Day

My entire day: 

it's all yoga now, my entire day unfolding as a display of union, seamless, and even the disruptions that seem to throw me from the path belong completely to my practice. The truth is, this was always the case, but I just wasn't able to see it so clearly. There's never not been yoga, life itself is the path and it flows easily as a thread between the sacred and mundane, one thing really, yet divided by my own beliefs of isolation. Yoga simply bridged this gap for me, a lifetime of practice allowing me to finally come to the realization that the reality of this union was here all along. 

my entire day now shows me this.

everything is yoga. 

of course the term union, as well as the words sacred and mundane are just descriptions. Yoga too isn't really an actuality, it's a story of a practice that brings great joy and meaning to my life, but still only a story, no matter how deeply my devotion is shown. I remind myself of this whenever I find myself taking my practice too seriously, getting caught up in the story of yoga as if I'm doing anything of any great importance. 

it's just yoga.


happening on it's own without any need of practice.

and my entire day reminds me of this, that it all unfolds naturally and without effort, a rhythm to it that calls for me to simply note it in curiosity and wonder, surrendering to its easy flow. That's yoga, a complete path presented in a moment's notice. 

and my entire day unfolds in this awareness. 

not a practice at all.

just the life I'm now living. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: At Once 

Also, please visit to buy: The Hidden Gospel: Games for the Kingdom 

Thank you. 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

At Once

At once:

it can't be anymore direct than this, simply looking for our own head, not in a mirror, nor photo, but just relying on our own line of vision and then regarding what is found. This is meant to be an experiment, approaching it with curiosity and innocence, playful, yet taking seriously the results. I like to do this as a more formal inquiry, asking the question "where am I?" and then giving a serious search for self, dismissing object after object until at last my own headlessness is revealed. 

and then I just live myself from there.

there's no need to make a big deal over it.

reality is always present.

and if I ever need to remind myself...

I only need to look again.

I'm equally fascinated by the emptiness found here as I am with the rich texture of the world that immediately fills this newly discovered void. It all happens at once, everything, my disappearance and then rebirth as the appearance of every single detail of the world. And this occurs beyond the realm of time, quicker than instantaneous, already present and available for me to explore. 

I am everything at once.

 and nothingness as well. 

newly discovered,

yet ancient and ever present too.

I am reality, life...

revealing myself in small details of a personal world.

and seen from my own headlessness,

an entire universe shines through.

everything, nothing, 

at once.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Greatest Small Surrender 

Also, please visit to buy: Zen Experience

Thank you. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

My Greatest Small Surrender

My greatest small surrender: 

as for me, perhaps my greatest small surrender is in approaching the page each morning without a clear idea in mind to write of, my own emptiness of words matched to the screen, and simply having faith that inspiration will soon arrive with exactly what I need. My only plan is patience, writing is never guaranteed, and yet it always seems to happen. Waiting for just the right word or phrase is part of writing, it can't be rushed as then the words are mine and not a true gift of inspiration. And the difference is amazing in contrast, if I rush for words, reaching beyond my present silence just to fill the page, there's the absence of an easy flow, a struggle, and a sense that whatever's written isn't truly mine. They weren't gifted to me, not given as a reward for my patience and surrender...

but words without a touch of inspiration.

and not truly belong to the page.

the thing is, it's not really my surrender, it's a process that now mostly happens on its own, and it begins with the clear recognition that I'm not the author, more of an arranger of words, and even that is based on an intuitive sense of rhythm. All of this has been gifted to me, and in no way can it be seen as an achievement, I'm an author in name alone. 

my attachment to the process has been surrendered.

and even that happened on its own.

each morning, my greatest small surrender...

yet no one there to claim it.

until I sign my name below. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Just...Wow 

Also, please visit to buy: Stillness Speaks 

Thank you. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024



I think the definition I'm looking for here is interjection, meaning an exclamation that occurs in spontaneous fashion and doesn't pertain to an object in regard to a name or actual description. These are words that are invoked from within through a sudden burst of awe, or perhaps an intense moment of fear, anything that might overwhelm us to the point of returning to our natural states of astonishment or wonder. Really, these seem less than words and more of a frequency, a vibrational expression that somehow matches what's being experienced within the actual moment. 

my favorite is wow.

a natural expression of astonishment, curiosity, and wonder.

it just comes to the lips unbidden,

summing up my heart and mind. 


it's said that the word is of Scottish origin, dating back to the 1500's, probably further, and perhaps all the way back to the first exclamations of our species. Wow is natural astonishment, with the actual origin being of the soul. It's a heart felt exclamation, and probably defies borders and language. If our vocabulary was suddenly wiped out in a moment - the interjection wow would survive and resurface in our first witness of a sunrise, or flower, any site that invokes the need to verbalize our astonishment. 

it's not a word at all, not really,

but an invocation of soul called to surface.

escaping from our lips in a rush of emotions...


with nothing else to possibly say.

and nothing more needed.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Finally, Truly Learning Yoga 

Also, please visit to buy: A New Earth 

Thank you. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Finally, Truly Learning Yoga

Finally, truly learning yoga: 

as my recent back injury improves and my yoga asana practice begins to reshape itself again, I find that I'm recommitting myself to the basics poses that brought me here. These are the postures that helped ease my pain and slowly rebuild my mobility, allowing me to continue my practice each morning while feeling firmly connected to my roots in yoga. 

it's not surprising that Vrksasana, tree pose, plays such a large role in my ongoing recovery, establishing a firm base, root deep, spine long and opening to the branching of my arms. I can feel my back healing in this pose, each vertebra settling into place properly aligned. Mountain pose is another, standing in Tadasana, strong and enduring as any mountain, committed to this position through the length of several breaths, mindful, an unwavering base of existence. 

there are several more asanas that made my practice so healing, some with gentleness and ease for my injured area, while others brought just bit of challenge for me to hold. It's exactly what I needed, a balance that helped maintain my strength and kept me engaged mentally, while also providing a safe balm of comfort that allowed for me to heal. So it's important for me to stay connected to these postures, to not gloss over them in my rush to be an advanced yogi again. The truth is, my mind settled more deeply into stillness with only a few committed postures, my focus sharper, and I rediscovered the value of each pose through the limits of my practice, an ongoing lesson of healing and surrender. 

after decades of practice...

I'm finally truly learning yoga.

deeper now than ever before.

 recommitting myself with each breath and every asana.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Hours With God

Also, please visit to buy: How to Practice Self Inquiry

Thank you. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My Hours With God

My hours with God: 

I love how my mornings begin, a first grateful prayer to my mind and lips, just a thankful thought and smile for my existence, and then I'm on to breathwork and meditation, followed by a yoga practice that grows ever more spontaneous and flowing each morning. I am truly blessed within these early hours, being so completely still and dark and seemingly belonging to me alone. 

there's no regret for my even earlier bedtime. 

these morning hours are just cherished too deeply. 

 they're Brahma Muhurta, 

my hours with God.

my best explanation for this, if one is really needed, is that I am called to these hours as a time of self reflection, developing an intimate relation to the presence of God within, a relationship that defies any description, but is known so completely as the very fabric of my existence. This isn't a deity that calls for my worship, yet I am devoted to waking earlier each morning to spend my time within this unfolding presence, looming ever larger in my life now. 

truly, not a deity at all,

but simply life, reality, awakening within me.

and so I find myself waking up well before dawn, several hours actually, and give my time to this devotion, happily, and each morning my connection to this presence only deepens. I use the term Brahma, or God, yet only for the sake of reference. The reality is just life itself, an aware sense of beingness and a feeling that I belong completely to these morning hours. 

it's a sense of being claimed.

or reclaimed, really.

and I'm curious of this mystery, 

how it calls to me each morning, asking only for my surrender.

and I gladly give myself away.

devoted to its call.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Headless Posture 

Also, please visit to buy: Who Am I? 

Thank you, Eric 

Monday, April 22, 2024

My Headless Posture

My headless Posture:

when asked which yoga asana was best for self-realization, Ramana Maharshi replied that it was the posture of the heart that one must position themselves in, taking our seat as consciousness itself and remain unwavering in our steadiness and ease here. Pressed further and he stated that only one posture was truly necessary, sukhasana, easy pose, and that this is the asana of happiness, no other posture needed for one seated in this way. Sukhasana is the heart pose, it's where we take our seat as awareness without strain or effort, our authentic posture of self-realization. 

Simply sitting as we are. 

I love to think of this as my headless posture, my place of revelation where the yogi disappears and only the yoga of life remains, an infinite display of seamless wonder, the world already in union with the divine. This the is heart center, my only true place of worship, and the easiness of sukhasana gives me reason to smile at my years of effort. 

it was right here all along. 

yet I was too busy performing complicated asanas.

entirely missing what is ever present.

it's not that yoga isn't a worthwhile practice, indeed it's brought me years of joy and opened me to a great source of energy. But the irony is that only one posture was ever really needed, the easiest of them all, and it was simply sitting comfortably until my true self was revealed. So sukhasana is a posture of inquiry, a seat designed for self-revelation, it's where the yogi is revealed as the source of every asana, the very beginning and endpoint of yoga practice. 

this heart-seat is my yoga.

simply sitting...

and reality revealed.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Giving My Surrender 

Also, please visit to buy: Be As You Are 

Thank you. 



Sunday, April 21, 2024

Giving My Surrender

Giving my surrender:

to give my surrender, and the impossibility of such a task is now a cause for me to smile, knowing that any such release is not through any effort of my own, but simply the natural point of reality letting go of that which can't be held. What a relief to finally arrive at this realization, one more concept dismissed and now I'm free of this concern. What's seen is that I have never truly surrendered a single thing, nothing has ever been let go by force of will, nor even as a spiritual practice.

life just happens.

being always in motion.

and everything is already, always, surrendered.

with nothing left for me to give.

but of course this is a realization, an insight that arrived to me through many years of practice and rituals performed. That's how it sometimes is, or so it seems, that our beliefs have gathered in a cluster of actions that we call a practice, and that we have great faith in the magic of their performance. Yet it's life itself that carries out the details. That's how it is with surrender, it's never about our actions, we don't cause any such thing to happen, and there's nothing for us to give but a smile as life easily moves on. 

everything is already surrendered.

even as it happens.

and that's the reason for our smile.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Patience, Surrender, Trust 

Also, please visit to buy: The Surrender Experiment 

Thank you. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Patience, surrender, trust: 

there are infinite things to write of, from subjects of fascination to the mundane of simple pleasures - my mind awaits for each arrival. Whatever the morning brings me, that alone holds my inspiration and I'm happy to surrender to the process of my writing. It's much easier to rely on this delivery than to search out a subject each morning, a stressful task of feeding my self-importance as a writer, believing that everything most a deep meaning that only I can possibly reveal. 

whatever arrives to me,

I write.

it's really that easy now.

usually it's the first few words, or a phrase that drifts in from wherever they happened to be before. It doesn't take much, and so often I'm without a clue as to how I'll proceed from here. But the nature of surrender is trust, to have faith that if words arrive others will soon follow and a theme will then make itself known to me. That's my only process as a writer, patience, surrender, and trust. Adding to this is to enjoy my early morning coffee, being the present moment reward to my patience, a ritual of warmth and sips that seems to invoke the presence of inspiration.

this process works for me.

and these are the words that arrived to me this morning.

as I patiently sipped my coffee.



Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Coffee Maker 

Also, please visit to buy: Myths of the Asanas 

Thank you. 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Coffee Maker

Coffee maker:

I'm soon to graduate to a coffee maker, no more teaspoons of instant coffee added to my ancient cup and given a satisfying stir, but an actual machine that brews it to the specific amount desired. It's a leap into the modern age, or a re-leap really, as years ago I used one before surrendering back to the simplicity of needing only boiling water, cup, and spoon. I enjoy the ritual of it, an honestly, organic instant coffee has a very fine flavor and I can tailor it to my exact taste each morning, lighter or bold depending on what I wish for. 

of course I'll be able to do the same with my new coffee maker, it will simply become a new ritual, updated to what I hope will be a convenience.  But these things often take time for me to gain a sense of comfort, it's not that I fear change, or dislike it even, it's more that I come to love these rituals of performance and how their mindful actions set the course throughout my day. 

yet this ritual is in need of an update.

and it suits my morning better.

what a coffee maker adds to my morning is a more even flow, that I can set it to brew and then continue with the rest of my yoga without the interruption of a teapot's whistle. My practice will be a bit more seamless now, unbroken for even a moment and that's perfect for my approach to yoga, that it's growing softer, almost tender in my easy effort of attention. An injured back has brought a great gift to my practice, with every posture carefully selected and given just the right amount of breath and concentration. I feel an energy here that wasn't present before, subtle, and it grows with my attention. So I wish to surrender to this process, wherever it might take me, and that means not breaking away for even an instant. 

but I'll miss the teapot's whistle reminding me that other rituals follow.

that a morning's work of writing is just ahead.

and it's best enjoyed with coffee. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Hardwired for Meditation

Also, please visit to buy: The Story Behind the Poses 

Thank you, 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hardwired for Meditation

Hardwired for meditation: 

some people are natural drawn to meditation, sitting for an extended period of time with either breath or mantra as their gentle focus. Others favor more dynamic methods such as a flow of yoga asanas, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Sufi twirling. Yet for many there doesn't seem to be meditative path they're suited for, perhaps believing that they're not meant to have a quiet mind or enjoy a moment of true stillness. 

but we all are.

we're hardwired for meditation.

and it's as simple as walking, gently so, being surrounded by nature as it's found, in the company of trees, flora, and even the smallest patch of grass will do if we give it our attention. Our brains are designed to be drawn to fractals, it's a factor of resonance, the brains patterns matching the construct of nature and settling into an easy rhythm and alpha waves, with studies showing a reduction of stress by up to 60% after even moments of this natural exposure. 

and amazingly it happens completely on its own. 

with least effort

 it seems we're hardwired for meditation. 

naturally so. 

fractals are the patterns of nature, self-replicating at different scales, and they're found throughout every landscape without need of searching them out. They're present to the eyes as soon as we step outside and gaze upon a single tree or blade of grass, belong to the ripple of a pond as a breeze sweeps a signature design across its surface. Nothing need be sought for, no effort given, we are awash in fractals from the moment we emerge from house to nature. 

and that's our meditation. 

as simply and easy as that.

we just need to leave our busyness and distractions behind, or at least to get the full benefits of what fractals offer, turning their gift of healing into an actual practice that never fails us. This is where a little effort is needed, an intent to surrender to the experience of nature, not splitting our attention to a screen or play of music. We only need to be in nature, fully so, and even if the mind wanders we will soon be drawn back to the beauty of the world, those patterns of intelligence designed to quiet even the busiest mind. It seems we're hardwired for this to happen. 

an easy meditation. 

naturally so. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Much the Same 

Also, please visit to buy: Walk and Talk 

Thank you. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Much the Same

Much the same: 

another birthday is here and many things seem much the same as last year, older, yes, but there's a certain continuation of circumstances that hasn't really changed much at all. Life is amazingly stable and I'm grateful for that, it's a blessing in many ways, knowing that my world today will be much the same as it was yesterday - even if it's mostly an illusion. 

sub-atomically, my body is completely new, virtually every atom has been swapped out for another, not a newer model, but fresh for me at least. Cellular changes  have occurred here too, not always for the best as I grow older, with many cells losing their capacity to perform optimally, changing in shape and and structure with a slow accumulation of effects. Oddly, the body replaces billion of cells on a daily basis, and my body will be completely renewed within the course of several years. But this process seems to come with the price of aging, cells no longer retaining a memory of their youthful function. My cells are new, just not as spry as my former model. 

so really, it's a paradox of stability.

things are much the same.

and different too.

what hasn't changed at all is the ever present awareness that has been witness to everyone of these events, my life has unfolded through this sense of being aware, each change being noted in a changeless capacity that remains completely unaffected by time's incessant flow. Through the years, it's this awareness that I seem to relate too most clearly, a softening effect on how I view the course of life's actions, no longer quick to judge myself or others. I relate more to motion now, change, even as I find myself expanding in a subtle state of a stillness and an easy quiet. Yes, I find myself as more a witness now, yet this isn't by any means a new affair, nor is it separate from a life observed, being far too seamless and eternal to be anything other than a continuous state of simply being aware.

in this sense, truly...

everything seems much the same. 


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Grace and Poise 

Also, please visit to buy: I am That 

Thank you. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Grace and Poise

Grace and poise: 

maybe it's the warmer weather, spring finally taking hold and my body now responding to its warmth and shifting from a winter's length of back pain. Or it could be my perseverance paying off, that I worked through this injury with carefulness and patience, being mindful of even the slightest twinge and making instant adjustments to ease my way into each pose. In either case, I am not yet healed, but feel that I am well on my way to at least a less painful practice. 

and so with this, I'm reintroducing some postures that I've been unable to perform for the length of this injury. Or I should clarify that I can them now without pain involved or any linger discomfort that used to last for several days. Oddly, it was bringing these postures back into the fold that finally allowed me to turn the corner on my pain. This was a big deal for me mentally, as well as energetically, as I was missing what these asanas offered, feeling that my practice suffered from their absence.

even if that was only in my mind. 

it's really all connected.

as my body instantly responded. 

one of these asanas is standing bow, Dandayamana Dhanurasana, a beautiful lengthening pose that stretches through the spine and opens up the chest and shoulders. It's long been a favorite of mind, lending itself to a sense of grace and equanimity that symbolizes yoga for me. I'm happy for its return yet approach with great care and caution, unwilling to sacrifice my long recovery for even a moment's grace within this pose. This is easy to forget though, as the standing bow has always called for my surrender, urging me to commit myself to the possibility of falling forward from the pose as I stretch the entire length of my body. It's a tempting bit of poise, a moment of grace and balance for the price of a backache tomorrow. I've made this trade before, and probably will again. 

yet for now,

 just this small taste of grace and poise is enough to suit me.

it bring me back for tomorrow morning.

and again the day after.

sometimes a taste is all that's needed.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: This Shade of Green 

Also, please visit to buy: The Luminous Self 

Thank you, Eric 

Monday, April 15, 2024

This Shade of Green

This shade of green: 

with each day that first hint of green expands and grows a slight shade darker, spring is in full effect now and nature is rapidly changing, blossoming with life and beauty. I love this time of year, the quickness of this season and how it becomes measurable by the day, almost by the moment really, as a sudden rain seems to bring a flower to bloom within an instant after parting for the suns arrival. Within a week the trees will have filled out their branches with new life, a darker shade of green that eventually overwhelms me with its vibrancy. 

I become so fully alive within this color. 

what I most love is the contrast that it offers with the sky and the many flowers that bloom within its reach. Green is an allowing color, accompanying life in all of it's various shades. This is the color of lights absorption, nutrients soaked into a leaf and being fed to root, branch and flower. I see this shade of green and know that I am witness to life, a miracle of existence that I'll never understand but feel so deeply part of, knowing that I am a seamless expression of its continuation. 

absorbing light too within each cell of my existence.

and that no matter how brief my bloom...

I had this moment in the sun.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Place to Start 

Also, please visit to buy: Book of Ceremony 

Thank you, Eric 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

A Place to Start

A place to start:

it's a rare morning that I stare at an empty page and not know what I'll be writing. Sometimes I'll not have an opening line that begins the proceeding flow of words, but at least I'll have a theme in mind, and then it's simply a matter of trading thoughts around until the right idea captures my imagination. Often, I'll come to the page with only an opening line and an entire theme will build from there, surprising me with the eventual outcome. But it's seldom that I arrive at my desk without a single idea in mind in which to write of, no theme, nor first line, just the emptiness of the page to greet me. 

and that's okay too.

it's a place to start.

there was a time though, when that would have completely scared me as a writer, believing that inspiration had to be apparent from the beginning or that a struggle would ensue. An empty page wasn't a place to start but a challenge to be filled, having arrived to the page full of ideas that would mark me as a writer, and all I had to do was arrange them in a perfect order. Emptiness was an impediment to my success, a frightening prospect if it lasted longer than a moment. 

which of course it often did.

and I found little joy in writing.

the turn around for me was the rediscovery of my own place to start, that I possessed a true beginning point with every moment that was just as empty as any page. There was never a challenge for this inherent emptiness to be filled, life always flowed through me, indeed, that I myself was the actual content, as well as capacity, for the story of life to be told. Every moment was a place to start, a perfect opportunity for inspiration to unfold, and it all happened completely in its own.

nothing to be frightened of at all.

so with this, there began a re-enchantment of my own sense of emptiness along with an ever present curiosity for whatever might appear. I am constantly being filled, never having to reach for the next idea, nor wait for a sudden burst of inspiration. Everything comes to me, truly so, an entire universe appears exactly as it's needed, no effort from me required. Emptiness isn't a challenge to be filled, it's the pure potentiality of my existence. 

it's always, and only...

my continuous beginning. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Content Creator

Also, please visit o buy: Emptiness Dancing 

Thank you, Eric 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Content Creator

Content creator: 

there's at least two terms that label what I'm doing on YouTube, social influencer and content creator, and neither of these feel quite right for me to use. I'm most certainly not seeking to influence anyone, perhaps inspire a little, urging others to use a social media platform to share their own unique voice and vision in some creative way. While content creator seems to give me more credit then I really deserve here, as I'm mainly just talking and sharing aspects of my daily life. 

it's far too simple to truly need a label. 

especially as I consider so much of what I share to be flawed, there's no editing involved, and little concern for how others might view the thing that are shared. My nature clips are often shaky and are of common sights of what many people see daily, with the most recent being a squirrel nibbling an acorn near a stream. It's ordinary, and that's what captures my imagination, just a small miraculous moment of existence shared with others. I consider it art, but not mine, nature does all of the arrangement, including placing me exactly where I'm needed to witness such a view. 

it's the same with my talks that I live stream daily. I'm not influencing anyone here, or even creating content, I'm simply sharing conversation, my imagination feeding off of any comments provided, unconcerned with any thoughts of teaching or if my current views match the expectations of others, Often, I'm challenged by those who see things differently than I do, entering the conversation with a need to debate and prove me wrong. But these days I'm largely unattached to my own opinions, these conversations are just words with useful labels and not the actual experiences that I share. So there's no need for me to be defensive or even force an explanation. 

my only role is to share.

the question most often asked if there's any need for any of this, does any of this really need to be shared at all - and of course the answer is no, it doesn't, and yet I find myself doing so anyway. There doesn't always need to be a purpose, and what I do doesn't have to be explained. But sometimes I like to off a description, that my attempt with this platform is for sake of an artful conversation and it's not between myself and anyone else at all - it's just life talking through the variety of its presentation, infinite aspects of which I am one, and for some reason, there's a wish to share it further. 

so I do. 

and content is created completely on its own.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Common Grackle 

Also, please visit to buy: The Wise Heart 

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Friday, April 12, 2024

Common Grackle

Common grackle: 

so it seems that I've recently discovered the common grackle, a medium sized bird that slightly resembles a crow or raven at first glance. Of course they've been here all along and in large numbers too, yet somehow they've escaped my notice, never capturing my imagination. I'm embarrassed to think that I've dismissed them as simply a blackbird without distinction, as even their name suggest that there's nothing very special about them, in fact, most often, they're considered a nuisance, problematic for farmers, aircraft, and other types of birds.

the common grackle has an image problem. 

really though, they're a beautiful bird, yes, with some issues of population and a somewhat aggressive nature, descending on crops and driving other birds away. But it's an issue of survival, a grackles instinct to thrive in an often difficult world for birds and people. It's hard to fault them for the many habits that we seem to share with them, our own large numbers, competition with others species, and consuming a vast amount of resources. And at least we're not given a label such as "common people" and described as a nuisance species. Perhaps most truly, we're seeing a bit of our own image reflected back to us with the grackle and like little of what we see. 

and it's easier to blame a bird.

especially if it's a common grackle.

this doesn't mean that they're aren't some issues to address, or that the damaged caused by the grackle isn't a real concern. But nothing will be solved without looking at things from a holistic perspective, seeing things from nature's angle and how everything belongs within the context of a larger picture. Grackles belong here, the environment is their home, and this includes the loudness of their call and often aggressive behavior. It's our home too, with all of our own faults and destructive tendencies. So there's much we can learn from grackles, perhaps even gaining a sense of hope that we possess an intelligence that allows us to view the world with empathy and compassion. 

to once more be holistic. 

grackles also give back to nature, they perform a necessary role of predator as well as prey, being a nuisance only through the lens of our own perspective. This doesn't mean they don't cause problems, or remain in competition with other birds. They do and are - but holistically they somehow belong within the entire framework. 

as do we.

perhaps that's lesson from the grackle.

that we are all belong in some unique and unfathomable way. 

and that's our connection. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Quiet Life of Seva

Also, please visit to buy: A Path With Heart 

Thank you. 


Thursday, April 11, 2024

A Quiet Life of Seva

A quite life of seva:

lately, I've been thinking of the concept of seva, a Sanskrit term for selfless service and is usually viewed as a means of practicing karma yoga, a transformative means of surrounding ourselves to the aid of others without concern for personal attainment. This is the path that mindfully recognized the ego as it rebels against what often feels like such a thankless task, instead of an attempt to subdue this voice of displeasure and personal demands, it's simply recognized and worked through until it eventually surrenders to the joy of serving others. 

it seems to be a difficult path to follow.

yet only to a point of that surrender.

and then we serve with love...

for that's all we have to give.


traditionally seva is practiced within a community, being of service to a guru and the place of gathering for their devotees, an ashram. It's pointing other peoples needs above our own and surrendering the results of our actions to God. In this way we are actually serving in worship to life through its various manifestations and forms, trusting that every appearance is divine.

it can be a beautiful path. 

but lately, I'm thinking more on intimate terms, a quiet life of seva, just a small welcome to those who enter my personal orbit and wishing them well, being of service to their most immediate needs. Silently asking how may I serve is a mantra of soft awakening, momentarily subduing my ego for the sake of simply being present for the sake of another. It's not a grand gesture, seldom even recognized, but everyone is welcomed and offered a silent wish of love. 

it's a quiet life of seva.

and being the cause of my surrender.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: For Now, It's Rain 

Also, please visit to buy: How Can I Help? 

Thank you. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

For Now, It's Rain

For now, it's rain: 

it appears there's going to be another three days of inclement weather ahead. I should just mange to get my first early walk in before this latest streak of steady rain begins. Every outing thereafter seems to hold the promise being wet throughout my morning excursions. It's going to be fairly unpleasant, or mostly so, as no matter the rain gear worn there's always wet feet incurred from countless puddles, raindrops somehow leaking in through unsuspected ways, and shoes and jackets that never really completely dry before the next walk arrives. Some walks are absolutely miserable, and no amount of positive affirmations can possibly tell me otherwise. But even the worst weather is an opportunity of exploring nature, a true adventure just outside my front door, and I'm always eager for the experience itself, as being miserable means I'm in the thick of life, immersed in the joy of what every moment offers. 

and for now, it's rain.

I'm absolutely fine with that, even if it's not my preference.

as the rain holds a certain magic too.

for one, I mostly have this time alone, with few others venturing outside to face these downpours. I love solitary mornings, and a rainstorm presents the perfect opportunity to embrace this aloneness. As well, there's nourishment to these storms, as if springs arrival is washing the last remnants of winter away and the world will suddenly blossom in the colors of this season. There's magic happening right now, every raindrop meeting the earth as a blessing, and if I venture out, no matter how unpleasant, I meet this magic head on, blessed by the storm, baptized for the arrival of a new season. 

it's well worth a few unpleasant moments.

because for now, it's rain...

and it holds a magic of its own


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: An Awesome Responsibility 

Also, please visit to buy: Living Love

Thank you. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

An Awesome Responsibility

An awesome responsibility: 

what an awesome responsibility we each have, everyone of us, having the power to be kind and contribute to the collective happiness of the world. And this isn't an overwhelming task at all, no, it's simply micro actions done with hardly a notice, friendliness done on a daily basis. 

it's easy really. 

so why is this our responsibility? 

because we're able to.

that's the only answer, we're able to be kind by choice as well as possessing an innate wish for the well being of others. It's Darwinian, survival of the friendliest, that we thrive through cooperation, not just within family or ever community, but with the environment as well, seeing the world ourselves as belonging within an ecological whole. Charles Darwin never actually stated the theory of survival of the fittest, it was actual a phrase attributed to Herbert Spencer and those believing in "social Darwinism" as an attempt to justify their stance on racial superiority.  Darwin himself put forth the idea that cooperation and friendliness was far from a social construct, but a deeply ingrained survival instinct. 

with this we could rightly say that it's our responsibility to a well ordered society to be kind, an awesome one indeed, that are friendliness has a far reaching influence past a simple courtesy. Yet more immediately so, it simply feels good to be kind, knowing that we've contributed even a little bit of joy to another, brought forth a smile, or eased however slightly someone else's burden. 

and it's easy enough to do. 

for me, it's a matter of relationships, seeing myself as being in relation to the entire world, inter-dependent upon the well-being of others as well as the environment. When the great sage Ramana Maharshi was asked by follow on how we should treat others, his answer was concise and full of meaning - "there are no others" was his reply. Imagine of we took this truly to heart, deeply so, and lived our lives from this expression. With this in mind it's easy as ask how we  ourselves would wish to be treated, and then to simply turn this around as a gift to everyone we meet. 

to the entire world. 

an awesome responsibility. 

but it's the easiest thing to do.

just by being kind. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: A Headless Yogi 

Also, please visit to buy: Be As You Are 

Thank you. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

A Headless Yogi

A Headless yogi; 

a Jhana yogi, that seems to be the direction now, but maybe one without an intense need of answers, settling for the mystery itself and letting life unfold in curiosity and wonder. Jhana yoga is one of the four classical schools of yoga and is often considered the most direct path to realization. Traditionally it consist of studying sacred scriptures and practicing self-inquiry, an exploration of our inner world while employing an unwavering sense of honesty, never settling on an easy answer as to who we truly are. 

just as easily

I could call myself a headless yogi.

as the end result is much the same. 

Jhana yoga is often referred to as the path of the intellect, using the means of a sharp mind and pinpointed questions to plumb the depth of our minds for answers. The study of scriptures is used to confirm our findings, that there's a tradition providing clues for us along the way. Douglas Harding, a British mystic and architect discovered this largely in his own and then spent a lifetime sharing his most remarkable discovery. More so - he showed those curios few who gathered to his home or went to hear his talks, exactly how they too could be Headless yogis. 

perhaps the most direct path of all. 

the Headless Path simply asks us to look right towards the source and then spend the rest of our lives living from the place of this discovery. We literally point directly to reality and then allow the world to unfold in seamless curiosity. It can't be doubted, and this brings us to Jhana, an intellectual understanding based upon the actuality of our experience. As well, every path of yoga falls into place here, our actions unfold from this point of origin and this is also the means of our surrender and devotion - the practice is life, reality, and the path flows onward with every possibility. 

the classical question posed by Jhana yogis is  - who am I? 

asking this...

I point towards the source of asking.

and live my life from here. 

a Headless yogi all along.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Easing 

Also, please visit to buy: On Having No Head 

Thank you. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024



it seems I'm easing into spring with less pain and a more fluid sense of body, my back injury noticeably improving each morning as I approach my once again comprehensive yoga asana routine. There's a growing sense of joy as I leave this painful aspect of winter behind and regain my mobility just in time for warmer days of spring's activities. My earlier walks are longer and I find myself running more in my afternoon excursions. 

each day I'm easing more into a joyful body. 

leaving a pain filled winter behind.

or at least I hope that's so, at a certain age an injury's recovery is never fully guaranteed and this is an old and reoccurring one for me. Yet I am optimistic by nature and attempting to be smarter in my approach to healing, not rushing into the things I used to do, but viewing things through a wiser body, more patient now, and willing to ease into a sense of comfort. 

oddly though, it was only when I expanded my asana sessions to include the postures that brought be the most challenge that I began to see my greatest improvements. Almost instantly it seemed that pain subsided by a large degree and with its return each morning was lesser by degrees. Through at first this felt like an impatient rush into a more comprehensive practice, it turns out that it was an intuitive call for my body to return to what it most truly needed, access to a healing prana that was made available by opening myself to these harder asanas that I returned to. 

and with that I began to feel better.

not healed.

but healing. 

and so I'm easing into spring, leaving no small amount of pain behind, happy to be expanding once more in the joy of motion. There's a paradox here, and it's one I'm careful to explore. That it seems I'm easing into a new season with a leap, being careful with my healing by just the right amount of physical as well as emotional challenge. I need to do things just right, listening to that intuitive wisdom of my body and allowing my self to be guided through my practice. 

and this seems to be the art of healing...

easing into it with a leap,


yet always being mindful. 

and most importantly,

being grateful for every small degree of motion.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Visual Haiku 

Also, please visit to buy: The Power of Now 

Thank you.