Monday, August 31, 2020

Intimate Designs

intimate designs - that I am a pattern somehow emerged unique amidst the endlessness of every other existing and potential designs. From this swirl of energy I somehow came aware, a gathering immaterial stuff now seen as form. That's the miracle,that  there are infinite possibilities of designs, and I am witness to there display in the variety of the world. An even grater realization is the true intimacy of it all, being made of same particles, held together by whatever force it is that keeps it all true to particular form - and yet still it intermingles, patterns existing in a trade of designs and formlessness, so constant that one is never truly set apart from another. Intimate designs all. 

This isn't revealed to me - it's simple revealed. Every view shows the same, each breath drawn is intimate in air and life given, patterns of what I am now in release at once to become something other. It's what happening in every moment, existing, but feeling that it's so in the very depth of being. It's being aware. 

What I am, what we are - is symmetry.


Sunday, August 30, 2020

Myself Continued

I just find myself continued, or maybe better said - I find only a presence that includes me continued as the world. This is where I belong, a self that's an aspect of the whole and not center in any true sense of being. Only a part - yet it's a seamless existence. I find this in my view, from both direction of my glance - an outward scene that's unbroken in it's distinctions, from my sight to any object shows a spread of continuation, no point leaving off from another. With my gaze returned, traced back to the origin of the view - I am nowhere to be found. There's only more view, an object I know as body and then a vanishing of self. No seer found, but the scenery remains. No witness, and yet awareness somehow noted. It's not a miracle of awakening. Only seeing. 

So I find myself continued on both of the view. One in absence and the other through every detail of the world. In truth, no side exists in this existence. It's an imaginary line drawn to navigate through a world of objects, a mental map of formless transition to form. 

Right now, more than anything - I just find that I belong. 


Saturday, August 29, 2020

I Am Being

I am being - finding myself as an extension of the whole, life in process, and everything getting done through me, yet not by any effort of my own. This isn't passive or resignation of action, but the sudden revelation of myself as the world, an aspect of life not removed in any sense, and simply working in function with every aspect found. I am an expression of the whole, no different than a flower expressed in bloom, belonging equally to earth and sky, and vital in it's pollination. The flower is being fully itself, without effort of design, and yet by some divine urge it's given from earth, accepted by the sky, releasing its very essence in a prayer of continuation. A flower is life being itself in this one, unique expression. 

So here I find myself in union with a flower - I am being, in my own unique way, and no less vital. To question my function is to second guess the world, a mistrust of universal will. Of course I do question myself, wondering of a mis-guess for my own belonging. But it only takes a moment letting go in nature, a return to an order known by every particle of being, my own release of self in a prayer of continuation as earth, and air, and all things that live and flower. It only takes a moment to fond that, truly, I am being. 


Friday, August 28, 2020

This Body

this body too, it's not separate from world  - my very touch is skin on air, a constant press of infinite space accepting me in its hold. I am the stuff of earth, a tide as well shore. No different. Yet I find myself aware, able to note distinctions as well as my belonging. That's the difference, being somehow gifted to know myself as a valued part in a seamless existence, that I am, and so too am I simply life happening now. 

This is the body, gathered material of dust and function, measured elements held to form. It's a true belonging, it's earth and star made particles, made of nature itself. To bring attention to this is to find myself no less a continuation of life in ebb and flow. What's gathered now will someday be released, earth again, borrowed light returned to stars. Will I return as well? Regathered to another form? I have no idea. It doesn't matter. Right now I am life in full flow and recognize as well that the ebb coincides - I come and go in the blink of a cosmic eye, newly given cells instantly gifted. I have no say in any of this. It all continues on its own. Life.

And what of awareness? Does this too come and go? Or perhaps it's the cosmic eye that watches all that passes? Better thinkers will have to answer. I have no idea. I am aware now, and this comes as gifted as every new cell that makes my body. I have no say in any of it. It continues on its own. Life. And be aware brings a deep appreciation for what continues and a deeper gratitude for what ceases in present form. It's an awakeness of motion. That's what I know, that life is motion, a happening of events curved through stillness. Seamless. 

So, I am gifted with form, given this body made of whole cloth, connected to earth and stars. 

I am aware.

And I'm grateful for it all. 


Thursday, August 27, 2020

A River's Course

even the river owes its current to the bed of earth that holds its course of flow, and every raindrop too is added as a blessing. Further on is gratitude for clouds that give rain and the sky for its allowing nature. Nothing is truly independent from another. 

I find myself as a current too, motion in a course of life, and blessed by all that's given. There is nothing that does not hold me in some way, no different than the river in my place on earth, deep, connected to a depth that allows for motion. The clouds rain for me, drops falling to the benefit of my continued course, and every storm an event that steers my way through life. Then too the sky reflects my own open nature, allowing for things to be just as they are, unmarked by all that passes. It's the very air of its giving that allows for my existence. 

Truly, it seems, I am system of some sort - belonging deep as earth and open fully as the sky. Nothing set apart for another, co-existing in equal giving to the whole. I am a river of being, motion found somehow aware, and now grateful for the course that's given. 


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Seamless Too

Seamless too:

it's the mistaken notion that I am too not the universe, that it's a complete system of continuing existence that has somehow left me excluded from the whole - a small point of being yearning to belong. Yet the view shows me otherwise. From my perspective, everything flows from here, the world extends in all its grand distinctions from just a single glance. This shows only my connection, an aware aspect through the varied landscape shown. Nowhere is there a line drawn that separates me it all - from sun to sky, and then air in its caress of birds, plants, and my own form, it's a seamless reach of living grace. Everything belongs simply because it is, that it's found in this offering of allowing space, that it's here, now, and in this moment can't be otherwise. 

But the view doesn't tell the whole story - only when returned to its own point of origin, objects traced back to that which bears witness, do I see that life continues in its sweep, my body being nothing more gathered dust, particles in an energetic hold, one more aspect of the world. Further still the view reveals itself as capacity, an emptiness that invites itself to be filled. This too is seamless grace, it's where I find myself in both notion and body, appearing with sun and sky and every other gift that's found. 


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

My Own Existence

of my own existence - and this proves only that this moment, I am aware, conscious of the world and what it now offers. This is really the inquiry of the day, just a gentle note of being, that I am life, and sharing in this living process. Nothing more is needed than to know this. Every practice brings me to this same realization, and in the end they're all surrendered to simply relaxing as I am, whatever that entails in each moment. The message is always, only, that I belong. It would maybe seem that this would be obvious, that by virtue of being alive my belonging would be shown true. Yet for so many years this was questioned, my sense of somehow being apart from the world, from others, was sharp and left me without connection. I know this  feeling is shared by many, and the irony of our joined aloneness keeping us apart is keen. So what changed? Well, honestly, nothing ,with a single look I saw what was always, immediately, so - there is no actual point where I become separate from the view, no line that defines me in narrow stance of life, looking at a world that doesn't fully include me. It all flowed together, one thing in continuing aspects of distinct, unique creation, and following this view directly I came to my own form, a body made from earth and lit by stars, and further still I found myself aware of it all, life, existence, and it all fit perfectly in this capacity to know that yes, truly, I belong. Simple. That's all I need to see. 

My practice now is not one of seeking but exploration - seeing myself unfold in curious ways of form and the space that offers itself in pure, allowing, devotion. My practice is relaxing as I am, this moment, to every other moment that I find myself existing. My practice is being. 


Monday, August 24, 2020

Yoga By Glance

this is yoga by glance, a first look to revelation of my seamless nature. My view this morning unfolds as an awakening of belonging, from room, then window, and there I meet the world. Nothing is apart from me. The day begins with yoga, an actual stretch of union to all that's found, my capacity of allowing matched by morning sky. What's revealed is the simplicity of being, there's no need to strive for perfect union, without effort I am immediately accepted by the world. It happens every morning, and only plays as a ritual for my sense of belonging. What I note first is the view, what's found in my surroundings, and then further the coming day that greets me - each bird, cloud, the reach of sun just now finding itself on windowsill before committing fully to light my room. Every morning is a different view, a dawn of possibilities brought new, unique in the beauty that it offers. Yet what greets the morning is always somehow the same, an emptiness to filled by light and varied objects, capacity offering itself to hold whatever comes to be known. It's intimacy in a stretch to find one more thing that belongs - it's my own endless reach. 

This is my own personal yoga by glance and view: a routine of natural occurrence and only noted as an exercise of attention. It's about gratitude. Another morning and I find myself alive, gifted to be aware of this new day. It's beautiful right now. And I'm thankful. 


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Shifting View of Impermanence

Nonduality, Headless nature, all terms belonging to this shifting view of impermanence. What's found isn't a label but a world beyond what any description might offer. But here, I try, if only for the sake of words filling space:

no permanence to this, my view shows motion slowed to the point of form, even through the length of my glance another world is entirely revealed without registering this shifting scene. In an instance my world is gone and replaced with versions of versions in endless fashion. Most of this is unnoticed except through time - each versions offers just enough of before to keep my senses satisfied. Yet knowing this, knowing of my own belonging in this changing world, I find freedom in the impermanence that's offered now. I am as much motion as every other aspect viewed, nothing kept of past moments but memories already faulty in recall. This moment, now, and then just as quick again, now, I am something never before found, something offered only once and not to be repeated - I am impermanence somehow made aware of this miracle given. I am motion, life, constant and renewing. This there is nothing permanent is my only truth revealed - and even this might change. 


Saturday, August 22, 2020

Paradox of Writing Mystery

Paradox of writing mystery:

I'm okay being completely wrong - this moment gives me only a temporary truth, real, yet already something other by the time I commit to written words. To write anything of life is in a sense a fictional pursuit. My wish is to write of what I perceive now, the dynamics of the moment and how certain aspects have come to meet me through view, and sounds, and senses. My practice for this, the discipline of my writing life is simply gratitude - and even this is spontaneous in appearance, noting what's been given of which to write and how it all plays across thoughts and keyboards in a creative act of pure devotion. It's not the truth that I'm devoted to, or at least not a singular, philosophical truth, but only revelation of what was momentarily so for just this one particular point in observation, a glimpse of life at play through my own participation. Words never capture this completely, my only goal is a spectacular failure told as beautifully as I'm able. That it may all be proved wrong in the very next sentence - is the paradox of writing mystery. 


Friday, August 21, 2020

In Its Allowing Nature

Life - in its allowing nature:

it's not my allowing, but simply life in constant openness, inviting my involvement through details that garner my attention. It seems I have little say in what life delivers, from beauty to the distressing sites that plague the world, good fortune to tragedies personal and large -life continues to offer it all without discernment. Certainly I wish to stack the odds in my favor, care for my health and well being, avoid the things that may harm me. Yet still life will allow what it does without my agreement. What I if find is that I am matched to life with my own openness, indeed, that life can't be viewed as a separate event that happens to me, but that I am fully in the currents as its very own flow. It's not that I allow - it's that I am only allowing, an aspect of life in response to every other aspect found. What appears is what's allowed and there's no argument otherwise, even in the moment that I argue it's all immediately accepted. So what is - is. But in in this exact  moment it's already changing, becoming something other, offering only motion, and what I view as present reality is what's left in its wake. My moment is always now. Right here - I find a morning fully allowed, sun light inched to window and casting an urge for me to join further in the day. I know, right now, only of possibilities, that whatever the day holds will somehow belong, and that always, always, I am life in its allowing nature. 


Thursday, August 20, 2020

Found Aware

found aware for just a moment - and now a
lifetime follows. 

I have no idea how this came to be, that I am somehow aware of my surroundings, thoughts, sensations, and more, that this awareness provides an intimacy between me and the world. I have taken this for granted for many years, aware, yet not giving any thought that this is so, how fundamental this is to every function and precious a gift it is to living. To be a aware is what I offer to the world, and this is given back in even trade of life in every detail. Seeing this now brings each moment to focus, yet not in rapt attention, but an easy flow of note, gentle, and allowing. Nothing is excluded from this, and at no point can I be found separate from what's allowed. That I am aware is the only truth I know - and again life gives no reason for this to be. It's enough to be grateful that I am. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Just Be

Just Be:

but so too is my reaction, my sense of self, and every thought that lends itself to a belief - each is a reality of any moment they might appear, not lasting, yet still as much allowed as any other thought deemed holy or enlightened. There is no need to cultivate a perfect mind, indeed, my own relief has been in letting these notions go. My life is acceptance and always has been - I just didn't know this. Certainly I accepted somethings, many instantly, and so many more after struggle and refusal to simply see that this is all the moment offered. But everything belonged, all immediately, and even my battle for things to be otherwise fit perfect to the moment. It's just how things happened. This isn't about going with the flow so much as realizing that I am the flow, life streaming as the only reality that can be known, and this often provides a reaction, a strong belief that something can and should be done to fix things. Perhaps there is something and that too will be provided exactly when it comes, no amount of willful demands on my part will bring it any sooner. I have an easy role - be. That's all, be alive, be strong, be weak, be full, be empty. Just be. From me, nothing else is needed. 


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It's The Body That's Enlightened

it's the body that's enlightened, it's ease of function, effortless and without command given to perform its role of life. Everything works in benefit of the whole, to keep in motion, and express itself fully. I am blessed for this to be so. Yet I find myself wondering at the perceived separation of my body and the world at large, that I feel air pressed against me as intimate as my own skin, and breathe it as vital for my continuation. Why not too consider this my body? And further on to the sun, it's very light needed to exist at all, no less so for me than every tree and flower. Where than does my body truly end? I find no point from my morning view that doesn't offer me something of my own sense of being, life in every aspect of itself, perfect in its expression. It seems the universe itself is enlightened. In this light everything becomes my practice, a meditation of noting my own belonging, breathing as the world, a spark of sunlit form in minor offering to each plant that I might encounter, one true body in the grace and enlightenment of its function. It's good to be alive, to be part of this, grateful of my role. 


Monday, August 17, 2020

What I Can Do

here's what I can do - only note this letting go, that each moment arrives already surrendered and nothing is held past its length of stay. There is no practice that brings me to this moment, nothing to deepen this awareness. Yet I do enjoy quiet moments of observation, watching thoughts and sensation come to my attention and pass without my interference or concern. I have a sense of peace in knowing myself as motion, an effortless effect beyond control, and that right now I am part of this letting go, shifting to new cells even as my body seems to cling to present form, I am reborn in the very instant of release. I make none of this happen, I'm aware only of finding myself complete through each moment, delivered by motion as a promise passing, that what comes next is never guaranteed. This becomes enough for me, through sitting, watching myself as motion, and more, knowing that it's all done without personal involvement, beyond consent or control. What I am is already surrendered, becoming, and then let go - it's just this infinite change, and somehow a given moment to simply be aware. What I can do is recognize the world as motion - and note myself in passing. 


Sunday, August 16, 2020

An Easy Allowing

it's always an easy allowing, gentle, whatever appears in life simply comes to a call of its own belonging. There is nothing excluded from this, and in my own life I find the struggle to accept this the single point of suffering. This is a paradox, that what arrives uninvited to disrupt my life can somehow belong, and more that the refusal to accept this is the greatest cause of anguish. At first this seems like an affront against my every day reality, a sudden crash of events, or troubling appearance, and life is no longer filled with certainty and ease. This is life in its allowing nature, there is no preventing uncertainty, possibilities are constantly at play and what appears now, this moment, belongs by virtue of its appearance. It's how life works. Yet too, my own response is found in this belonging, my suffering, anger, fear, it all belongs and in someway may serve in the aftermath of their departure. I'm no Zen master in my acceptance. I'm not always calm, nor without strong reaction to events that shake my own little world (or the world at large) But I know it's all allowed - and this brings peace even in the midst of a strong reaction, that this too, one more things, is welcomed as life without conditions. I have found myself in a refusal to part from life, not a purposeful will of belonging, but that I can no longer be removed from all that's happening, no thoughts separating me from life in its continued flow of whatever it now brings. I'm living, being, a verb of consequences at play, and always, always, this allowing motion. Life. 


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Only What's True For Me

going by only what's true for me, and only for this moment - of being aware, and what's brought to note through my attention. The world comes alive through my senses, telling me its story through air against skin, sounds carried to my ears, and the view in new unfolding scenes. I am joined to this all, intimate in my participation, more than witness - I am the occurrence of sensations, of sounds, and every detail seen. It's not metaphysical, nor a philosophy of studied information, this is all too seamless to be anything other than direct, firsthand, and true for me alone. I can't offer anything but this, an account of my own moments, and what's true now may later prove false in telling, or at least grown distant by memory. Yet even than there's another truth to be told, more life to be known through the senses now, and then now, and now...always a direct telling of my own occurrence and how the world offers itself so fully to each moment, that I am an equal expression of its offering. Going by only what's true for me, and only for this moment - these words are shared, with no idea of what may follow.


Friday, August 14, 2020

Nothing Dramatic

nothing too dramatic - just a lessening of my hold to self and things that pass briefly through the world. Not every awakening devastates us to the point of letting go completely, at once, and then forever left in altered view and mind. I've enjoyed my soft landing into now, an acceptance of each moment on arrival, no matter what is thought or found. Even my apparent struggle or refusal to find comfort through a given situation is now known to belong. There is no effort to be other. I simply am, and it's a grace to be so and one for which I'm grateful. So I have no story to tell of a particular awakening, no event that left me different than before. Yet there's been countless moments of letting go, just a bit less of my own self importance, and more, and more, a recognition of a self that belongs so fully and completely to world. I've found myself as a pattern, seamless in touch to the infinite presentation of every other pattern offered as the whole. It's beautiful to see, my own unique expression giving and finding space for other things to be. Perhaps even in this softer light of recognition - it's pretty dramatic after all. 


Thursday, August 13, 2020

A Simple Inquiry of Looking

My starting point, a simple inquiry of looking - do I see the seer? This isn't a philosophical investigation, it's not mind game with end results of being clever. It's about opening up to the moment, finding what's present and how I fit in with it all. That I am aware is without question, before even looking I hear rain against the window, cars moving on damp streets, and birds muted in their song. I feel cool air from a nearby vent, noting my skins response of appreciation. I see the room from which I'm writing, and from a window I see the rain, cars, and birds. I'm aware of it all. Yet this isn't about attention, nor a mindful exercise of meditation. This is just allowing the world to find it's place through the morning of my awareness. The inquiry is this - who is it that sees the morning come alive? Who is it that's aware? This isn't an exhaustive search, truthfully I'm not even looking for answers. It's just turn around glance to find both the absence of seer and the pure, gentle, seamless grace of simply seeing. It's about looking, just once, for my faceless face, the one that is fluid in appearance as every object of the world. This is seeing myself as capacity as well as content, somehow an even exchange of form and immaterial wonder, a mysterious trade of self to selfless in constant fashion happening completely on its own. I take no part in any of this. It's an effortless inquiry that begins and ends with seeing. All that's left is a mystery - and a lifetime to explore.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Present as The World

to look - and find the world present in seamless completion, nothing excluded, and even the perceived self, through every real and imaged flaw, belongs with grace and certainty. Everywhere I look I find this completion, wholeness undisturbed by any judgement I impose. This too is my own inclusion, finding myself belonging to the view, and no less complete in this acceptance than any other aspect of the whole. To look is to instantly, spontaneously, find. No matter which direction. Knowing my view is infinite in its capacity to hold whatever comes before me, by nature always allowing one more thing without concern or bias - I relax in this acceptance. Nothing is required of me but to simply be, existing as existence without effort nor active will to make it so. To look is to see life in every aspect of itself, unfolding in appearance as tree as well as its reach to sky - that the formlessness that allows every object to appear, is also included as the view. Life is spacious as well as distinct in form, flowing patterns of energetic structure without true lines of separation, a continuous flow of mysterious nature. At no point though any of this am I missing. To look is to find myself as this flow in temporary stay, motion gathered as a moment and somehow offered as a lifetime. To look is bring immense gratitude that this is so, that I am, here, now, and present as the world. 


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The World Becomes My Welcome

and so the world becomes my welcome - it's this seeing that brings a sense of intimate belonging to my day, a first rise of not just light but a dawn of possibilities and remembering my place amidst the whole. First morning seeing is a two way greeting, an instant meditation of emptiness meeting itself as form and becoming the new day. It's the seamless grace of sun parting night even though it was always present. This is simply life in a shift of patterns, one thing in focus of a different aspect of itself, the depth of my sleep in subtle awakening, first moments of dawn continuing in its reach of day - it's the same light, the same life in constant motion. My eyes open to this each morning, another round of natural, effortless meditation. There is nothing to do but awaken - and so the world becomes my welcome. 


Monday, August 10, 2020

Whatever Arrives Now

and this too - it all arrives without agenda, one more thing that comes to belong by virtue of its appearance now. Life is expansive and at once without remorse, things once denied have often found their place in my acceptance, and other hard fought for treasures have slipped now to memories with little note to the passion once assigned them. Through it all life simply flows onward, a continuing event of seemingly separate actions - and yet at this point I find myself without agenda as well, neither acquiring, nor active in letting go, but a deep surrender happening on its own. No action is found separate from another and it's seen that the world is responsive to itself, my own life being an event of infinite before's adding to a clear and present moment. And so whatever arrives now, each object and every person and event - belongs, for however long it does. 


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Philosophy of The Moment

and certainly I don't wish to offer anything other than a philosophy of the moment, a truth told only now in the instant that I hold it. Yet every word is a memory already grown old, even as it reaches the page my experience is already other than before, shifting to a reality not noted until again the world moves on. What I write is always just moments behind, lagged by thoughts of an existing, permanent experience. This moment comes only once, stretched through a lifetime of now, but always arriving to a fresh promise brought through motion. So I write of moments past, what was know and felt just before and now already let go - this moment, I write of then. Everything happens in the present. At least that's the philosophy of the moment. 


Saturday, August 8, 2020

In The Absence of Between

with no between found - even as events seem singular, standing out through moments of their own, there is already a shift to something other, a seamless flow to what comes now, now, and now. Life continues in this way, unaltered in its course of ever changing. It's all motion, a subtle dynamics displayed through a lifetime. We remember the dramatic effects, from achievements to sorrow, and yet none of this is truly separate from another, there is nothing between what's gained through life and then lost - but more life. Our achievement is motion, and already slipping to another moment's loss. To see this is to live as the current that allows events to be, unattached to objects and favored situations - it's the joy of being let go, knowing ourselves as the motion of the world. It's life in the absence of between. 


Friday, August 7, 2020

Without Regard

It's simply about belonging, recognizing that whatever is found now, belongs without bias from the moment. Nothing is excluded. This is reality, that life flows without regard for our concerns or comfort - yet within this flow too we are accepted just as we are, indeed, we are life in full exposure of every detail through beauty and fault. It takes no effort to be. Relaxing as we are, belonging, life goes on. It's that simple. 


Thursday, August 6, 2020


transformed from the ordinary to the ordinary still - only now I find myself included, belonging to and as the whole. Nothing has changed, the world exist exactly as always, and I too am no different than before. Yet truly a transformation has occurred, a shift to seeing things in full, complete, and seamless in reach - one thing in a continuous becoming of itself in distinct form and empty hold. It's in this seeing that I find myself transformed. Once seen as standing alone, separate from all others, independent from the rest of the world. Now, I simply see that this isn't so - there is no world apart from me, others are joined to my own humanity in a way that's deeper than just form, and I stand on earth that supports me as its own, and beneath a sky that holds me unbiased in its devotion. Transformed - and now I know that I belong. 


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Both Sky and Star

I find myself too no less than the sky, holding unique in constellation every cell and particle that defines a personal sense of who I am, as well as the capacity that serves to hold. This is simply a match to my surroundings, a deep belonging to the greater whole. It's a dramatic way of seeing patterns within patterns, life in continuous play of shifting energy, and no place that doesn't somehow include me as well in this expansion. In this shift of self there is at once my vulnerable sense of being alone within the world, as well as the very embrace brought to comfort, the sky in complete offering of itself to every star - as life, I am no less than what I am, and this includes both sky and stars. 


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Empty Patience

not knowing what words will appear - but certain of the page, patience found in emptiness, that it remains fully itself regardless of content, always willing to hold what's been received, or stay unmarked by my demands. My role is to simply match myself with the page, a recognition of my own acceptance and empty patience. And as these words appear, spontaneous, and somehow found with meaning - I write with deep appreciation for the grace of all that's given. 


Monday, August 3, 2020

Here's The Self

here's the self - and note the absence of a permanent structure, that what I find is a fluid sense of affairs, shifting in response to what the world now offers. To deny either aspect of what's found, my identity of personal history and present desire, as well as a greater capacity that seems to hold this sense of self in an empty, allowing, embrace - to deny this is to limit my reality. I am self and selfless, and more it's a seamless trade at once, with neither being a true demand of time or effort. It's just a natural flow of expression, one thing in subtle exchange of energetic form. Every aspect belongs. No part is denied. I am, fully, what I am. 


Sunday, August 2, 2020

The World is Here

it's how the world comes to me, seamless to my morning rise, empty of all but the potential of what will be and how my day will interact with each new moment of arrival. Nothing is promised, not a continuation from yesterday's events, nor the brightness of future days. I am given just now, and for me, it's morning and fresh and a taste of coffee to ease me to these words - everything spontaneous from first impulse, action, and completion. The world is here. 


Saturday, August 1, 2020

My Truest Reality

to be sure - and for things to meet this caution, any speculation of my own consciousness, my reach of will, and sense of what is true past any moment, there is so little I know as certain. Right now, my senses lie to me, my sight and hearing lag in their delivery, literally past scenes and sounds received as current information. It's the nature of light and waves of vibrations. Perhaps my surest sense is touch, but only if left without a story, a caress given solely, purely to the experience found at hand. My truest reality it seems, is always uncertain. Yet, this too leads to peace - a comfort of free-fall, knowing the shock of any landing belongs to the impact of arrival. Until then there's just the fall. And my sense of ground is always changing, never certain. So what I know is a changing moment, shifting even as I grasp for insight, once more left in the empty hold of constant motion. What I know is already gone. This free-fall just continues....
