Sunday, August 30, 2020

Myself Continued

I just find myself continued, or maybe better said - I find only a presence that includes me continued as the world. This is where I belong, a self that's an aspect of the whole and not center in any true sense of being. Only a part - yet it's a seamless existence. I find this in my view, from both direction of my glance - an outward scene that's unbroken in it's distinctions, from my sight to any object shows a spread of continuation, no point leaving off from another. With my gaze returned, traced back to the origin of the view - I am nowhere to be found. There's only more view, an object I know as body and then a vanishing of self. No seer found, but the scenery remains. No witness, and yet awareness somehow noted. It's not a miracle of awakening. Only seeing. 

So I find myself continued on both of the view. One in absence and the other through every detail of the world. In truth, no side exists in this existence. It's an imaginary line drawn to navigate through a world of objects, a mental map of formless transition to form. 

Right now, more than anything - I just find that I belong. 


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