Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Present as The World

to look - and find the world present in seamless completion, nothing excluded, and even the perceived self, through every real and imaged flaw, belongs with grace and certainty. Everywhere I look I find this completion, wholeness undisturbed by any judgement I impose. This too is my own inclusion, finding myself belonging to the view, and no less complete in this acceptance than any other aspect of the whole. To look is to instantly, spontaneously, find. No matter which direction. Knowing my view is infinite in its capacity to hold whatever comes before me, by nature always allowing one more thing without concern or bias - I relax in this acceptance. Nothing is required of me but to simply be, existing as existence without effort nor active will to make it so. To look is to see life in every aspect of itself, unfolding in appearance as tree as well as its reach to sky - that the formlessness that allows every object to appear, is also included as the view. Life is spacious as well as distinct in form, flowing patterns of energetic structure without true lines of separation, a continuous flow of mysterious nature. At no point though any of this am I missing. To look is to find myself as this flow in temporary stay, motion gathered as a moment and somehow offered as a lifetime. To look is bring immense gratitude that this is so, that I am, here, now, and present as the world. 


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