Sunday, August 16, 2020

An Easy Allowing

it's always an easy allowing, gentle, whatever appears in life simply comes to a call of its own belonging. There is nothing excluded from this, and in my own life I find the struggle to accept this the single point of suffering. This is a paradox, that what arrives uninvited to disrupt my life can somehow belong, and more that the refusal to accept this is the greatest cause of anguish. At first this seems like an affront against my every day reality, a sudden crash of events, or troubling appearance, and life is no longer filled with certainty and ease. This is life in its allowing nature, there is no preventing uncertainty, possibilities are constantly at play and what appears now, this moment, belongs by virtue of its appearance. It's how life works. Yet too, my own response is found in this belonging, my suffering, anger, fear, it all belongs and in someway may serve in the aftermath of their departure. I'm no Zen master in my acceptance. I'm not always calm, nor without strong reaction to events that shake my own little world (or the world at large) But I know it's all allowed - and this brings peace even in the midst of a strong reaction, that this too, one more things, is welcomed as life without conditions. I have found myself in a refusal to part from life, not a purposeful will of belonging, but that I can no longer be removed from all that's happening, no thoughts separating me from life in its continued flow of whatever it now brings. I'm living, being, a verb of consequences at play, and always, always, this allowing motion. Life. 


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