Friday, August 14, 2020

Nothing Dramatic

nothing too dramatic - just a lessening of my hold to self and things that pass briefly through the world. Not every awakening devastates us to the point of letting go completely, at once, and then forever left in altered view and mind. I've enjoyed my soft landing into now, an acceptance of each moment on arrival, no matter what is thought or found. Even my apparent struggle or refusal to find comfort through a given situation is now known to belong. There is no effort to be other. I simply am, and it's a grace to be so and one for which I'm grateful. So I have no story to tell of a particular awakening, no event that left me different than before. Yet there's been countless moments of letting go, just a bit less of my own self importance, and more, and more, a recognition of a self that belongs so fully and completely to world. I've found myself as a pattern, seamless in touch to the infinite presentation of every other pattern offered as the whole. It's beautiful to see, my own unique expression giving and finding space for other things to be. Perhaps even in this softer light of recognition - it's pretty dramatic after all. 


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