Sunday, August 23, 2020

Shifting View of Impermanence

Nonduality, Headless nature, all terms belonging to this shifting view of impermanence. What's found isn't a label but a world beyond what any description might offer. But here, I try, if only for the sake of words filling space:

no permanence to this, my view shows motion slowed to the point of form, even through the length of my glance another world is entirely revealed without registering this shifting scene. In an instance my world is gone and replaced with versions of versions in endless fashion. Most of this is unnoticed except through time - each versions offers just enough of before to keep my senses satisfied. Yet knowing this, knowing of my own belonging in this changing world, I find freedom in the impermanence that's offered now. I am as much motion as every other aspect viewed, nothing kept of past moments but memories already faulty in recall. This moment, now, and then just as quick again, now, I am something never before found, something offered only once and not to be repeated - I am impermanence somehow made aware of this miracle given. I am motion, life, constant and renewing. This there is nothing permanent is my only truth revealed - and even this might change. 


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