Saturday, September 30, 2017

In Our Acceptance

let's start as awareness - and everything 
added beyond this,

simply falls in our



Friday, September 29, 2017

Swept Against

and the wind - swept against my skin. Yet only in 
my thoughts. In truth, within that 

there was just the sweeping breeze. 



Thursday, September 28, 2017

Here, Our Liberation Found

Moksha - and here, our liberation lies not in freedom from emotion, but so, in the allowance of things expressed free of out attachment and investment. Indeed, our nature, spacious and accepting, has only one demand - to be fulfilled by the experience of each moment, yet never marred in the wake of its passing. Moksha, Nirvana - no more than our attention turned to pure awareness, and here, our liberation found. 



Wednesday, September 27, 2017

As We Are

truly, as we are - a most
allowing nature


Why argue with reality? (but of course I often do) Yet when I realize, even this, fits into my acceptance - thoughts of discord drift harmless on their way. 


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Fully, Only, This Function

as gratitude  - and being fully, only, this
function to the world, 

we give ourselves 

empty of all save love



Monday, September 25, 2017

Generosity of a Moment

the generosity of a moment - extends 
itself to infinity, 

let's give ourselves 

our nature, as every given moment - is capable, meant for, infinite expansion, inclusion, and the agreement with reality that this too - belongs.


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Like This - We Embrace The World

here, an endless depth to our greeting - my emptiness given solely for the pleasure of your form, intimate beyond compare. As yours to mine. 
Like this - we embrace the



Saturday, September 23, 2017

No Self To Harm

there is no self to harm - certainly there's 
pain experienced,

and suffering to be

yet these are things not existing on their own, real, but only to a phantom thought to be an independent self. There is no denying the hurt caused through life and virtue of a caring heart, and thoughtful mind. We don't forsake the silent cry of an inner child. What we do is seek truth, we inquire into the nature of reality itself, searching not for answers, but for that which is aware of suffering and if there is one who truly suffers at all. Indeed, we search for our existence. Yes, there is pain, and hurt, and a world that often seems to cut deeper past the bone - and the question remains of what is it that stays open, clear, and allowing for these things to be and to pass, what is untouched yet in paradox holds it all dear, intimate, aware and present to it all? Perhaps our pain serves to know these questions, a deliverance of their own. Perhaps all we have to do is ask and allow an understanding to unfold. Maybe. For me, it's enough to ask, to explore the space that follows every question, a space empty of any answers, but full of countless revelations. 


Friday, September 22, 2017

No Self

no self to surrender - but still a letting go. And so we come to an understanding, a deeper truth, beyond a self to know, or even sense. We have vanished. And now - only presence found, existing fully on its own. 



Thursday, September 21, 2017

This Is All There Really Is - And Yet...

this is really all there is -  and yet, in its entirety, it continues as the whole, infinite, extreme, and distinctive in the smallest details of existence. Life is here, expressed in fullness through the very emptiness that we offer, participating as well as silent witness. We must not be fooled by our apparent smallness - there is nowhere else to be, and truly this all there is, yet in its entirety, infinite, it is all our very own presence. 



Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Of Service

of service - and no less a role to play than the vital capacity that allows all things to be expressed in full terms of their appearance. Our first assumption is that we serve chiefly as an individual self that affects the world. In this we are misguided. We are a flicker of self given to a moment. a light not lasting past its due, fragile in our personage. That too is our beauty. Our true service is much larger than appearance - we are the template of existence, the means of beauty expressed and known. To believe only in form and a limited self is to deny the very identity of spirit large. Our role is less than of person and more of service to life - and all it's expressions. 



Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Everything Else Has A Moment

nothing contradicts reality - even opposing thoughts belong simply for the sake of their inclusion to the whole. What is present - is - if only for the brief moment of appearance. Yet more, it's this very acceptance, open, clear, our very own spaciousness, that is the ground of all reality. Everything else has a moment - but only in their passing. 



Monday, September 18, 2017

My Capacity Is To Serve Your Beauty

so - thank you for this beauty, my own clear, and present emptiness embraced against your form. We have become the better face of each other, a traded space now holy in its function to hold the world, to give itself away for the appearance of another. My capacity is to serve your beauty, as your own is truly given to hold mine. 
We are emptiness - and only for this reason. 



Sunday, September 17, 2017

Empty and Full

it's always a promise held - that outward there is the world, and in return, and any time, our origin is always direct, and open, and easily found at the source that holds the view. Two directions - and yet the promise, the hidden promise in plain sight, directionless, is always here, present, indeed presence itself, empty and full. 


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Gathered To Branches

and every leaf - knows the 
grace of letting 

giving themselves to winds gathered to
branches, trusting in a will 
greater than their


yet never without destination 



Friday, September 15, 2017

Cared For

trusting - and it's a matter of faith not of things appearing, but in the void that provides all things the space for their arrival. My role is only one of patience, and even this becomes misleading, my only real function is to Be. 
Everything else is cared for. 



Thursday, September 14, 2017

Only Tracks

and just arriving to the page - it 
comes to me,

words only tracks of a 
moment left 

every experience happens now



Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Subtraction of Seeing

and then subtraction - it's not a lessening of self, but more a dismissal of all which holds us bound to a single, false identity. We see in terms of objects, and yet seeing itself takes place in spaciousness of pure awareness. With this turned around, gazing back from object to boundlessness - there is the subtraction of all but scenery. 
Only Seeing. 


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Astonished (at once)

astonished - at once I find myself absent from the scenery, and too the flesh of every detail, the continuation of object to space and then again to different form. I am in awe of what I am, the view of new becoming, and just as much the emptiness I find myself as, that allows this all to be. 


Monday, September 11, 2017

Abiding All Along

in a quiet space found, between thoughts of 
you, and me, and objects named,

there is only pure

abiding as such all along



Sunday, September 10, 2017

No Experience

at every point - a 
letting go,

no experience is forever



Friday, September 8, 2017


complete in our surrender - and seeing with the 
clarity of a single view.


and nothing left to do but 
simply be.



Thursday, September 7, 2017


the rest is commentary - reality exist in exact perception, we see with instant clarity our self as selfless all. It's only in the wish to hold such intimacy for just a moment closer, longer, as if at all this could be anything other than its own perfection - it's only then in our description, we divide ourselves in what seems as two. Seeing, happens now, or not at all. And even the duality of thought and words measured against direct experience fit within our seeing. Nothing is ever really divided - and this is the truth of what we see. 


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Familiar Quiet

again - a familiar 

always this

as every thought passes


And here - it's presence known. Our return is not from afar, or even from a wandering thought, but in simply remembering that at no time is our presence swayed. We are always right here, now. 


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Abiding In The Calm Of Our Acceptance

by appearance alone - it all 
fits in our belonging,

there is no denying what is now, and to 
what may come we do not 

it's enough to simply be - abiding in the calm of
our acceptance. 


Monday, September 4, 2017

It's Not Just A Headless (Empty) Path

we think of this as a headless path, spaciousness found in replacement of common borders that reign us within a divided life - and yet too, there is the heart. With the absence of a known self contained within a head, we find a direct line to the fullness of the heart. We are spacious, yes, but not empty. Our world is now a great welcome to all appearance, a yes given to the mystery of existence, not needing to know the length of what may arrive, or vanish in its time. It's the heart that is awakened, our headless view revealing the simplicity of acceptance - by virtue of arrival it all belongs. This path is really about the fullness of this moment - and our capacity to hold all it may offer. 


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Nowhere Less Holy

to the point where it's no longer a practice, method, nor even a path - but simply seeing, and now abiding, in the space found empty in the absence of a seer. There is the view, and no effort given to achieve what's seen on either end. Our faith is not divided - it is seamless in devotion and nowhere less holy in either space or form. 


Saturday, September 2, 2017

This Love

absolute in its intimacy - even distance is 
touched against the step that 
seeks to reach it

there is no place beyond this



Friday, September 1, 2017

Emptiness, Yes...

emptiness - yes, but not empty of the 
world and the beauty of its

we serve in the capacity of template - allowing the artistry of life to be
expressed through our awareness. Nothing comes to be denied or
wished for other. There is only true acceptance. 

