Saturday, September 23, 2017

No Self To Harm

there is no self to harm - certainly there's 
pain experienced,

and suffering to be

yet these are things not existing on their own, real, but only to a phantom thought to be an independent self. There is no denying the hurt caused through life and virtue of a caring heart, and thoughtful mind. We don't forsake the silent cry of an inner child. What we do is seek truth, we inquire into the nature of reality itself, searching not for answers, but for that which is aware of suffering and if there is one who truly suffers at all. Indeed, we search for our existence. Yes, there is pain, and hurt, and a world that often seems to cut deeper past the bone - and the question remains of what is it that stays open, clear, and allowing for these things to be and to pass, what is untouched yet in paradox holds it all dear, intimate, aware and present to it all? Perhaps our pain serves to know these questions, a deliverance of their own. Perhaps all we have to do is ask and allow an understanding to unfold. Maybe. For me, it's enough to ask, to explore the space that follows every question, a space empty of any answers, but full of countless revelations. 


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