Sunday, January 31, 2016

Our Devotion

In full surrender - each step
becomes the ground of
its devotion.

In truth, distance can't be measured, and time is nonexistent. We run in place with an ever changing scenario of perceptions. With no beginning and without arrival, there comes only a constant surrender to presence unfolding as the world apparent.
That's our devotion.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Puposelessness Of A Given Step

Purposeless - and grace is found by
earth and step.

Perhaps a greater purpose - or even none at all. It's enough to simply Be. Our existence is told in infinite language not spoken in common lives. We are grander than believed and too we are simplicity itself. And so to be defined by what purpose - an ego's game of win or lose? A race to hold a certain place across ground and time? Here's a purpose - to be lived through by life itself, an expression of beauty and known grace, to be motion for the caress we offer to earth and air. Our steps know this by design. Gravity is no more than the weight of their desire. Their only purpose is the fall and the love of their connection.


Friday, January 29, 2016

Finding No Distance

Between each step - lies the distance of the world. Traveling is the illusion that there is someplace other than here. Our steps are for the pleasure of their touch against the earth. There is no place we could possibly be than this moment at hand. Distance is always present between our steps. In this realization - we have arrived - at the place we'll always be.


Thursday, January 28, 2016

To Surrender Intent

With the absence of intent - we find ourselves measureless and running with each step arriving in the perfection of a moment. Already here, present, and now unfolding without means or care beyond a step taken - we know ourselves as distance.

It is not that we have to abandon intent as a means of achievement - it's that there is a recognition that on another note we are the measureless sweep of motion that has already arrived at a certain end. Indeed, our presence has been this tract of earth we run along, the air itself been a single breath of our extension, there is no place that has not held itself as our very own ground to step upon. We are distance in lieu of form. There is nothing then to achieve and intent only serves the runner. We are less than this - and too, as distance, we find ourselves as so much more.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

No One There

only steps - and the absence of a
runner apparent in tracks
now left behind

We are joined as space in what is viewed as distance - imaginary play of form dancing with itself. We call it running.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Runnig In Place

We dream of attainment, distance, and always farther. Our dream is never enough. Running is the paradox of motion and the appearance of gaining new ground against the reality of stillness and the always familiar center of our being. This is the unchanging location of existence and where we witness in awareness the world that passes. We only run in the dream. Yet in this paradox is our secret to abiding joy within the illusion of motion - to simply know that we are dreaming brings us back to center and again to awareness. From here all things, the ground and sky and path itself are moving through us. We remain in stillness, rested, aware, content to know we're dreaming distance.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Our Capcity Of Seeing And Seen

It's our capacity - open, allowing, intimate to the point of complete surrender to what is now and always present. This is how we see distance - with no break from eyes to view and still more as we continue in self as what is seen. One, unfolding in aspects of itself as other. Yet always one. There is no other and no place so far away that it is beyond us. Traveling is our amusement of time, the pleasure of steps to ground, and the mystery of rediscovering ourselves in so many hidden places.


Sunday, January 24, 2016

Directions To Here

It's all here - our furthest reach comes to source again. The infinite in all directions. One step is the entire journey and even this points to home. Running at its core is the art of stillness against an ever changing backdrop of beauty unfolding. The runner remains rooted to presence and the singular moment of now. To reach here is to surrender the journey and simply abide in the step taken. Everything comes this way.


Saturday, January 23, 2016


My practice - to lessen in favor of the world. There is loneliness in the full identity of self. The world is large against us. To look from here outside is to see a distance stretched far from our existence. And yet there is another way - to favor the view from a single eye of true perception. In a single moment, forget there is someone who sees, allowing borders of self and seen to merge as one. There is only seeing. Not distance from here, but only distance, the occurrence of object, and distance still. Eternity spread as our awareness.

This is our view as reality. Just Being - only, always, in all directions. So each step we travel, to run, to walk, is to simply be, here, in the center of all things.
With no place else to go.


Friday, January 22, 2016


No place from here - a single stretch of who we are. Each step the infinite found again and we know still too this goes on forever. There is only presence and even if forgotten it continues. All motion is but the recognition of this in the guise of travel. We are presence, now, with every step. Always.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

We Too Are Distance

and being distance, we too are a touch
against all things, and gathered to
each step the world

It's a lie, the view of a singular self that moves through distance, it's a lie of the senses. Distance is just the openness that allows the play of space to know itself. To know this is to relax in the very spaciousness of our own existence. To simply be. There is nothing that is any farther than anything else - it's all contained with a step. We too are distance.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It's Own Sake

Embraced  by what they seek  - each step immediate in its arrival. It's right here, distance, earth stretched and endless sky, our own spacious nature, it's all right here. And so motion becomes for its own sake and never cares beyond the moment.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Our truth - light roaming light in the guise of every color. We are an aspect of one light, shining now as form and yet formless in all ways that matter. But always light. And so we are travelers, extending brilliant through shadows thought as self - finding only colors forgotten as our own.


Monday, January 18, 2016


Be the welcoming - and all things lead to understanding. And so too do we reflect ourselves as distance, this openness that simply accepts each experience as a momentary passage through the stillness of our being. Nothing is denied by right of it's existence - and all things accepted to their temporal conclusions. As distance welcomes steps without concerned for measured values - our own spaciousness opens to life and the gifts we hold as moments.


Sunday, January 17, 2016


One step, intimate with the earth and then let go to the skies embrace. In constant release we move through distance. It's the nature of surrender, to expand past known borders in sudden realization of being more. It's why we run distance.


Saturday, January 16, 2016

Nowhere Else To Be

it only seems far when thoughts measure the effort of our arrival. Be here, and here, and hear - each step announced as the motion of our presence. In truth there is nowhere else to be. One step contains the whole and distance spreads only as illusion. Running is a continuous arrival. There is nowhere else to be.


Friday, January 15, 2016


The barest touch - recognized, has roots within us all. And so too the earth responds to every step and the sky is given to a single breath. Nothing is unnoticed. Indeed, each step and breath prove essential.


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Weighted And Weightless

Weightless - gravity to form only. We are empty to even this and all things pass through as our own projection. The body does not carry spirit. We are an extension of light, given rise to form, and touched to ground. Yet light we remain. Our weightlessness is expressed as distance - as if there were anything far from a continued reach. Every step is simply a recommitment to earth for even they taste flight in a brief catch of air. Running is our invitation to remember that gravity is the love held by earth and sky and we are the essential touch between the two. We are weighted for this moment only.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

On Not Chasing Distance

Not chasing distance - but abiding in a moment unfolding as illusion of steps and time. Distance just is - existing as our own spacious nature, yet given to the world at large. We are travelers of an interior landscape that includes an outward view. There is nothing to chase, no arrival, and no distance outside our own existence/awareness.
It's all right here.


Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Just Follow The Step

a turning step - indeed, we find an
equal distance unfolding
now within

Each step - outwards and yet unfolding from a source we ourselves can't see. Turn the gaze, trace steps again to where they originate. What do we find? No-thing. Only infinite space, aware, willing of its own expansion. We are just followers of the step.


Monday, January 11, 2016

Here Too

each step again to earth - and carried
too is our continuation

We are never not, earth, sky and the steps that seem between the two. It's all the continuous expression of one caught in a momentary guise. Distance is the play of space given form and then spread further still for rediscovery. There is no place our steps leave off. Running is less motion than the recognition that, yes, here too we find ourselves again. In this sense - we never move at all.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

All One

it's all One - steps, and earth, and the
gravity of their

From stillness - it's the world that passes. Even a runner is a still-point carried by form. And from this eternal center all things emerge and again seek themselves in recognition. Running is no more than the desire of this connection.


Saturday, January 9, 2016


Stripped of direction - distance
unfolds as every step
now taken

It only seems so - a direction given and the steps respond. It's an abstract notion we've taken as true. We're directionless and lent to the whimsy of a motions notice. Distance is the infinite of all directions. We are center-point, always unfolding from here, this step, this moment, now.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Brief In Their Appearance

a last step, no more runner, and yet the
clear note of motion brushed
against presence
Some things are brief in their appearance. But the presence that held the passing moment of such expressions remains. We are the eternal backdrop. A silent witness in our own participation as life. A runner is no more real than step taken and then left passed. Gone by the moment. Yet something is real. If not steps, if not runner than perhaps the unending distance that held each briefly and cherished the moment of their touch. Perhaps too - this is who we are. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Like Steps

our steps are measured at once by the singularity of their expression and the stride of their true existence. Our steps contain the distance of worlds. These are aspects of motion which in turn is but an aspect of our own nature. It's all One - expression in infinite ways.
Like steps.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

With No Place To Go

Suddenly - all things went. And now this allowing place, being found the bare essence of all that passed before. Nothing really changed. But we saw.

We are the allowance and capacity for steps, for trails and for motion. We are the screen of existence and all things act out their theatrical passage against us. It only seems we're runners - in truth we are the stillness that gives motion rein. In this recognition we may relax - with no place to go, we have arrived .


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Small Lie

Our loss is the gain of the world - for in absence there is unfolding of a singular existence. Not joined but continued. There is a fragment caught in an illusion of self and we have embraced it as our own. We've lived a small lie. We travel set distance in place of the infinite we have to roam. We're not what we appear to be. But we think we are. Surrender this thought, this small lie of self, for a selfless moment stretched forever. It's who we really are.


Monday, January 4, 2016

All Things Continue

Immeasurable - and even distance contained within. This is who we are, the backdrop of all things played out against us, within us, through us. There is no end. My touch to you continues onwards - for you are unfathomable in essence, embracing as my reach. Our steps too are but a reach to know the earth. And distance no more than their continuation.


Sunday, January 3, 2016


Distance - so near, pressed against us, expanding from our touch. Nothing seems so far away. It's a different type of seeing - an inward look at what seems to be the outer world. We move through distance as a belonging place, an aspect of self offered as a void. It has the capacity to hold us and we in turn open to our own innate borderless realm. We are joined.


Saturday, January 2, 2016


Appearing in distance - all things are transient by nature. A runners time is a measured lot. And yet preceding each step there is our presence. We are beyond runner and not given to time. We are immeasurable. Appearing as distance- we display our true nature.


Friday, January 1, 2016

This Promise

Before distinctions - distance abides in endless wonder. We are free to roam, measureless, extending past imagined boundaries of thought and bone. Perhaps, in a less solid moment, even the stars would find our reach.
There's always this promise.
