Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Mirror of Forgiveness

as if a mirror - forgiveness simply, and always 
reflects the given moment of 

in all it's scars and sorrows

 and here, forgiveness is seen as presence - everything, all trespasses and long held sorrows are simply and always included in this belonging. No effort is given, nor needed in order to forgive, only a recognition of this inclusion, and our own willingness to see this as our only true nature. 


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

In All Of It's Charm And Beauty

so we come to awareness, and here we find it's been a consent, always, a presence not removed from what we are - more too, we now see there's no place apart from what's held here in observation and this aware presence itself. It's a singular flow of unique qualities brought to it's own attention. One thing aware of itself in all of it's charm and beauty. 
To be aware - is simply
And seeing this in all that is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Constant Grace Of Welcome

it's not really allowing, there's no volition of space to cause or exclude otherwise - things appear on their own accord and we are always the grace of their welcome. We argue against this in the same space that instantly accepts our contrary opinion. 

Indeed, there is no escape from what we 
truly, and always are - 

the constant grace of welcome. 


Monday, February 25, 2019

Guessing Game

aware - and this our
present nature,

for every moment that it holds.

I can't speculation past this, right now, I know that I'm aware - and more I know that at this moment I am aware of this awareness. I find no break between what's held in attention, from object, sound, and even subtle senses, and the awareness of the moment. It all seems as one thing, continuous, but given details for my benefit. So I know that I'm aware, and that this flows with cessation. Beyond this it's all a guessing game. 


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Kindly Added

it's kindness - as our nature is to always bring one more thing into the fold of presence, an unmeasured, allowing space of reality. Our kindness extends beyond the basics of duality, of likes and dislikes, comparisons of any cause, and judgement of circumstance. Everything belongs, and even our case to argue otherwise is held in the same care that's offered to all. There is no sentiment here, nothing picked as favored past another, but an equal acceptance to whatever's found, to what's noticed in the infinite stretch of awareness - and so what's seen is simply, and always, a great belonging of our soul, one more thing kindly added as an aspect of the whole. 


Saturday, February 23, 2019

It's Almost Like A Revelation

...and the world becomes in 

wholly to itself. 

Nothing truly is revealed, it's always one thing shown as mystery, and we play along with our own forgetting, wonder, and surprise - and always there more, another aspect of ourselves that's come to form and somehow hides right before our eyes. The only secret is time, what length before we smile in recognition, seeing ourselves in the details of the world. 

It's almost like a revelation...


Friday, February 22, 2019

Nothing Is - And Everything Belongs

in deep appreciation of 
my absence - 

for it allows the world to be

There is no self that is solid, permanent, and understands the world - and yet there is life giving it's appearance as a person capable of navigating it's mystery in a unique fashion. To look for a complete self that is separate from any aspect of life is to find a collection of parts that never add up to the whole. But for parts to exist there needs to be a cohesiveness, a spaciousness of being that allows for what seems to be a separation. And there we are - that very spaciousness, empty of all but an allowing nature for life to carry on. 
Nothing is apart from this. 
Nothing is apart from us. 
Nothing is...

and everything belongs. 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Stories Lightly Told

we don't have to give up our stories - yet told
lightly in belief, 

we're free

and life unfolds continuous 
in it's mystery. 

How we perceive life is a story, and it's one we tell ourselves in versions inherited from others and then made as if entirely our own. Not all of our story is true, although most of it certainly feels that way in the telling. Stories can be useful, they help us navigate through life, and provide some meaning in circumstances that may seem to need a little light. But they also keep us chained to specific perspectives and allow us to live a life of comfortable untruths. To regain (what really is not/never) lost, there's no need to drop the current story we're telling ourselves, although that may happen entirely on it's own - all we have to do is to is simply realize it's a story, useful fiction, telling a version of our beliefs. Listen to it unfold - lightly, lightly. The real truth is in it's passage, this spacious freedom that allows it to be told, giving room for it speak, and always remains in it's leaving. Reality is the template for all fiction. 
It's the only freedom known. 


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Until There Comes A Letting Go

and even effort, striving, belongs - until 
there comes a letting go,

which happens always on
it's own. 

our lives are effortlessly lived, yet often full of hardship and struggle - and in this there is no contradiction, but only recognition that everything belongs in the moment of it's appearance, and will leave in the timing of it's own. We make work to make things better, to ease our suffering, and this too is perfect as it happens. Yet nothing changes until conditions arrive for change to occur - and the wonder of life is that everything does change, indeed, life is constant in it's motion, never static even for an instant. Therein is the effortlessness of it all - with no separation of ourselves from any aspect of life, we too are constant in change and motion, always gaining life by breath and heartbeat, giving back in respiration of shared existence. No thought belongs to this gifting, nothing is needed in the simplicity of Being. 
It all happens on it's own. 
To this we don't deny our own sense of gratification of trying, attempting to achieve something that seems to require a bit more than life provides on it's own. It's the nature of the mind to strive. Natural, and too part of the great belonging - as is the eventual letting go, and then allowance for life to be, for things to change and the subtle shift for a world in different shades of now. We may claim the authorship of doing - but in truth, we're simply part of this great allowing. 


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Before It's Told

there is the world - and then 
there is the story of the

yet before it's told...

there's only

it's what happens - first there is an appearance, fresh from mystery, and then comes a rush of thought adding to description. A story. It's how the mind works, a natural process to guide us through the world of form and give us function. Yet before all this - there is simply, and only seeing, without label and a beauty of it's own accord. 

That's the real world. 


Monday, February 18, 2019


inseparable - our witness to the scene is not apart by view, or even form, but only in distinctions added later by the mind. Reality is one thing given to contrast and compare for it's own mystery, and we find ourselves completely immersed in this giving, arising as form, unique, but still and always inseparable from the whole. 
Awakening to this - we let go in return to mystery, enjoying our moment of distinction, yet all the while secure in our location, one thing as the center of it all. 


Sunday, February 17, 2019

It's Simply What We Are

it's happening all the time, at once, and right now - we are open, 
listening, and with every sense we are responding as
a vibration belonging wholly to the 

there is no place apart from this

nowhere a separate existence that does not include the all, our own bodies as light filled as every star, and gathered as constellations of our own. We are distance as well as each measuring point imagined in between. 

it's simply what we are


Saturday, February 16, 2019


the body too is the listening - a responsive 
note within the singular song of

nothing is apart from this

we hear, yet more there is the true listening of 
silence giving forth the music of the

 and we are at once a vibration of note, unique in sound and form, as 
well as the quiet, formless, stillness, listening to 
it all.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Our True Resiliency

resilient - and we are, with no effort to achieve so, as even what seems broken, misplaced and spent, are always held in this aware space of understanding. Once seen in this light we are free to let go of suffering - but even more we are granted the freedom to love ourselves through loss, and what feels as a burden of grief, pain, and confusion. We are room for this, spacious, a holy capacity to serve ourselves alone, for it in this sense there are no others, our intimacy transcends the bonds of a personal self to hold the world in it's embrace. This is true resiliency - an openness that allows no escape from what the present moment offers, everything met in the effortless reach of love, and knowing that this is always, and already so. 


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Off The Path - And The Way Now Is Uncertain

off the path - and now the
field is seen as our

with nothing more to do....

then simply be

For a time - we all seem to follow a path, maybe spiritual, or one of personal development, or designed to lead us towards what's missing from life now. The path can be useful in helping us find our way from a particular wilderness to brighter lands but at some point we come to find that this promised land was meant for only those who follow and never belonged to those braved the woods and fields to begin with. So we come to this point, through the means of great teachings, hours of meditation, and fingers pointing to the great moon of our existence - and here we are, exactly as found before the path unfolded, complete and at home amidst the wilds of pure creation. We've circled back and now leave the path behind. The way now is uncertain - but there's nowhere else we need to be. 


Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Exactly As We Are

it's not a self that has experiences - what's gathered in thought and senses and believed to be what we are is but an experience mistaken for a sense of self. We are what allows all this is be, or perhaps better told - we are simply an allowing space for the world (and our own inclusion) to occur and with this is our sense of solidness and understanding. What we are - remains when all else passes, yet too it's not separate from what occurs either. It's just one thing. In this way I come to cherish every experience, to treasure whatever alights against the senses, and the uniqueness of thoughts and their narration -while still being free in the spaciousness provided in the reality of existence. For this to be so - there's no effort needed, no path or method to follow or apply. 
It all simply happens on it's own. 
Our only role is to relax - and
simply be exactly as 
we are. 


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

This Offering

this offering - a constant emptiness of self for the
world to be fulfilled...

yet even more,

our own reflection offered back again in 
every detail of it's fulfillment.

it's always, only, just 
one thing.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Another Aspect

touched upon wing - and the sky narrows to the
single point expressed as 

and the bird comes to knows itself as open air

everything parts in joyful wonder - to another aspect if it's 
one true self, continuing endless in this


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Exactly As We Are

constant in allowing - and simply held in 
and as awareness,

from this there's no conclusions drawn other than that
this moment is enough in all that's offered.

and all we need to do is 
just be -

exactly as we are. 


Saturday, February 9, 2019

just aware

held in observation - details of the world come to view and for a moment it seems to all belong to a silent witness, a higher source that's intrinsic, yet somehow still apart from what's observed. But even this is but a subtle illusion, as lines fade to a seamless reality, and all that's seen and then too the observer...

just aware

and whatever then 
comes after, 


Friday, February 8, 2019

My Solid, Real, Life

it's a solid, real, life - deeply felt in the extremes of 
joy and bitter loss and all that's found 

and yet, and yet...

there is a spacious understanding
surrounding it all,

I am that too

and that makes all the

There's no denial here, nothing excluded and life lived as presented to the moment. It's enough to simply be. Certainly there is an aspect of reality that leaves me fully engaged as thoughts and body, that brings suffering from loss and pain, a real, solid existence that I have no wish to deny. In truth, I would be unable too - it's a life in which I belong. Yet it's not the whole truth, it's not my entire story by far. Just as easily as seeing my world as filled with objects, form found solid, and the suffering that accompanies their eventual loss - there is also, within the very same moment, a timeless, empty presence providing the capacity for all this to be. This is the greater part of me - in truth it's the only one thing there is, the template for my solid life to emerge and know itself in and as the world. It's all happening now, emptiness allowing form in no separate fashion from itself. It's all just occurring on it's own - One thing. 
And nowhere do I find myself apart it. 


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Attending To

attending to - and with this we bring the
gift of intimacy to each 

it's simply space caressed against itself as form, a dualistic illusion of the senses for the sake of mystery's own fulfillment. We attend by observation, no effort given to noting detail but full allowance in all that occurs. 

here - it's all seen as one thing, spaciousness belonging to that which fills it, objects made available to the empty touch of their true existence. 

One thing in self completion. 

attending to this - just the simplicity of it all happening, right here, now, and that we belong fully to and as the moment itself and all that pertains. It's here that we know ourselves as emptiness and too as the objects that appear, as thought and body as well as the infinite space that surrounds. It's here, that we know ourselves as love - allowing everything to simply be, accepting the world in fault and wonder, spacious, full, and always, only just one thing expressed in mystery. 


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Devotion of Space

it's the devotion of space - parting only of itself for the 
sake of form to be and function as 
the world

yet still always, only, the emptiness of 
just one thing, 



Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Already Let Go

already let go - and this includes any
thought of our surrender.

nothing exist past the point of it's belonging 

and so we simply come to 
this allowing.

Surrender is constant, through no effort of our own, it happens by the grace of our only given moment - and there is nothing we have to do beyond this simple recognition (and even that is just an option) 


Monday, February 4, 2019

Instructions For The Living

and just like this, exactly and only
this moment - 

it all happens on it's own.

this breath, seeing, listening, and the rhythm and wisdom of our bodies are exact in their function - there is no higher judgement giving note or opinion on the course of how life flows. We are alive in our own perfection. Whatever that may be. This too includes the river of thoughts that often seem to rush through the mind, indeed, we find that in this natural perfection absolutely nothing is excluded. Even our displeasure at current states we may find at hand. 
Everything belongs for at least the moment of their appearance, and everything is free to leave when their time to stay is over. 
Our only true role is to be. 


Nothing more is needed. 


Sunday, February 3, 2019

Nothing is Found Beyond Now

perceived - and this the 
intimacy of our

there is just this moment, aware, even as thoughts wander to past and project tomorrow - nothing is found beyond now, no effort needed to arrive here. Indeed, there is nowhere else we'll ever be. This knowing is our salvation. 
every philosophy dropped. 
once perceived - nothing is found apart from the
moment of perception. 

it's always just one thing.


Saturday, February 2, 2019

One Self

one self, undivided in stage, consciousness, or 
appearance of what seems to be
another - 

yet unfolding always as the mystery of
the world.


Friday, February 1, 2019

Told As Gratefulness

perhaps told as gratefulness - as it's all, at once, accepted, and more so there's never doubt that everything ultimately belongs for it's moment of existence. Reality is always eager for more, self creating endlessly in thought and appearance, nothing rejected, and still giving itself in spacious wonder. It's all a gift, every object appearing, life in full circumstance, and the infinite, grateful nature - that allows it all to be. 
