Friday, February 8, 2019

My Solid, Real, Life

it's a solid, real, life - deeply felt in the extremes of 
joy and bitter loss and all that's found 

and yet, and yet...

there is a spacious understanding
surrounding it all,

I am that too

and that makes all the

There's no denial here, nothing excluded and life lived as presented to the moment. It's enough to simply be. Certainly there is an aspect of reality that leaves me fully engaged as thoughts and body, that brings suffering from loss and pain, a real, solid existence that I have no wish to deny. In truth, I would be unable too - it's a life in which I belong. Yet it's not the whole truth, it's not my entire story by far. Just as easily as seeing my world as filled with objects, form found solid, and the suffering that accompanies their eventual loss - there is also, within the very same moment, a timeless, empty presence providing the capacity for all this to be. This is the greater part of me - in truth it's the only one thing there is, the template for my solid life to emerge and know itself in and as the world. It's all happening now, emptiness allowing form in no separate fashion from itself. It's all just occurring on it's own - One thing. 
And nowhere do I find myself apart it. 


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