Thursday, February 21, 2019

Stories Lightly Told

we don't have to give up our stories - yet told
lightly in belief, 

we're free

and life unfolds continuous 
in it's mystery. 

How we perceive life is a story, and it's one we tell ourselves in versions inherited from others and then made as if entirely our own. Not all of our story is true, although most of it certainly feels that way in the telling. Stories can be useful, they help us navigate through life, and provide some meaning in circumstances that may seem to need a little light. But they also keep us chained to specific perspectives and allow us to live a life of comfortable untruths. To regain (what really is not/never) lost, there's no need to drop the current story we're telling ourselves, although that may happen entirely on it's own - all we have to do is to is simply realize it's a story, useful fiction, telling a version of our beliefs. Listen to it unfold - lightly, lightly. The real truth is in it's passage, this spacious freedom that allows it to be told, giving room for it speak, and always remains in it's leaving. Reality is the template for all fiction. 
It's the only freedom known. 


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