Sunday, March 31, 2019

Only True Intimacy

it's our only true intimacy - offering ourselves as a void of all but a wish to hold, and in this we include our own tender hurt and wounds. Nothing is excluded from this, not sense of self, nor appearance of another, and the more we find within our view the greater our capacity expands in the intimacy of its holding. 


Saturday, March 30, 2019

My Only Conclusion

and finding no separate place between, no point of departure, nor true beginning of self or world - my only conclusion is of one thing in continuous shift of form to formlessness, appearance and capacity for things to appear. There is no world apart from me, nothing that is not also my own continuation. It's always, only, just one thing. 


Friday, March 29, 2019

Always Room For What Is

I don't discard this heaviness, what might be called depression - seeking to escape is my option for suffering. What appears in presence is always a mystery, never a chosen state, and seldom announced in arrival or its stay. What is present, is, and that alone is the grace of my salvation. Yes, I might be choice-less in regard to what's happening, but I am free in options, to seek aid, to reach out, to engage my own self in the capacity of healing. Options appear in the clarity of being open to what's here, in allowing things to unfold in their own timeline and story, to neither cling, deny, or wish away - just simply see that this too belongs by nature of its appearance, and that within this very same nature there is enough space for patience, kindness, and tenderness as well. This then, is my own nature too, that which is welcoming and not seeking an escape. If it appears, it is loved, even if its wished away, for that also is an appearance in this open, welcoming nature - here, this presence, there's always room for what is. 


Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Failure of My Description

the thing is, words fail to capture their description, especially in the essence of letting go of the need for descriptions themselves. I am witness to earth with life branched out to reach the sky, there's fresh color, vibrant, just now beginning to appear, and various forms of mystery alight for just amount before again reaching for the air. Just as mysterious is my own seeing, a sudden opening, spacious, that seems to allow these things to appear, including the sense of there being a witness to it all. Everything is seamless, just life happening on it's own terms without interference of my interpretation. The magic was, and always is, in the experience. Today, I saw a tree in beginning bloom, birds sitting briefly on it's offered branch before again seeking flight. But for the briefness of a moment - there was the grace of truly seeing. 


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Shades of Understanding

then, we see it's spring - and the world is
green in the shade of 

it's how one thing shifts, subtle in a seasonal sense of life presenting itself in beginning bloom - it's just a touch of green, flowers in their first bud, and air in promise of coming warmth. Yet there's no break between seasons, no sudden end to one so the next begins. There's a spontaneous order in nature's wisdom, things occurring just right for the next to be, and nothing can be rushed to bring the perfect light touched against a branch to urge its blossom, or rainfall given to earth to for it to green. It all happens on its own. 
This too is how we see, truly seeing - days ago it seemed the world was winter, life waiting for warmth to show itself in vibrant color. But all the while life, expressed in seasons, was simply happening, no agenda other than its own occurrence. Spring was happening even in winter's decline. To see, is only a pause in our own rush for things to be other than they are now. We see, in perfect understanding, that it's all happening, only, and exactly, as it will. 


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

From Branch To Air

there's no measure from branch to air, and then no
distance continued on through sky-
it's just one thing in the guise of form and the
emptiness of it's expression. 


Monday, March 25, 2019

Aware Devotion

and again - for the very
first time, 

this seeing...

and the wonder held in 
its awareness. 

An embrace is one thing folded back against itself in pure devotion - so we find that awareness is not apart from any object or thought held in observation, but is an embrace of itself seen in form. Our own aware nature can be traced back from an object to its source of observation. Simply point towards the beginning of the view, back from object to where we might find the solid presence of a viewer. Explore what's found. Explore what isn't found. A simple note is that we are aware, and yet there is no evidence of something that holds this awareness - whatever claims ownership is somehow too included in awareness. So lets simply say -  it's all aware, no points separated in observation and thoughts or object. Let's just say we're embrace by our own aware devotion. 


Sunday, March 24, 2019

My Absence

it's my absence- not of thought, or body, or even sense of who I am, but the absence of a self that seeks to always be in control, the absence of the knowing mind. In truth, nothing is really absent, in truth none of these things ever existed at all. But I believed in them. They appeared and with the added weight of belief- became anchored in my mind. They became my identity. One day I looked for this actual self that believed he was so important, so essential to it all - and found nothing but a spacious, aware, understanding. Everything was still appearing as usual, identity, ownership of the world I believed to have created, but there was no solid presence for it all to appear to. Just appearance, appearing, and awareness of it all. Still, sometimes I forget and believe in the existence of an all important self. It's how life goes sometimes. But I can always look again and find my absence. 
It's always there, clear, and waiting. 


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Solitary grace

it's a solitary grace, just one thing appearing as wing, and air, and my own observation. Yet at no point is one apart from the other, each aspect given to this singular moment of appearance, a participation of the whole - seen as bird, sky, self. 


Friday, March 22, 2019

Without Knowing - A Bird Knows

no bird has the illusion of confidence given to its flight, there is no power gifted to wing that is not present as well throughout bird and air - a bird suffers no voice that urges a consideration on such matters. There's only flight, a true belonging as the whole. 
Without knowing - a bird knows its all 
one thing. 


Thursday, March 21, 2019

Yet Always in Essence Just The Same

its always motion, change happening even in the faith of stillness, a constant becoming, lessening, and then again to nothing. This is how we're reborn in moments that add themselves to a lifetime, never once the same even from an instant gone except for memories we now cling to. Accepting this is the peace of not knowing anything as true but motion, seeing that it is not separate from stillness, indeed its simply the inclusion of life in it's natural flow. Stillness allows itself to become motion, as emptiness lends itself to form - one thing, arising, and then returning, shifting, yet always in essence just the same. 


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Emptiness, Always Present

our own emptiness is a scary prospect, a lifetime given to a solid understanding is completely undone in what seems only an instant. We have placed an enormous promise on thoughts, personality, and body to last at least a lifetime - if not a promise for forever. Yet emptiness is the truth of what we are, but not the only truth, and that's the real promise we've been given. Emptiness is the space that allows - something, in fact it allows everything, more so, it's the basis of what is now and what will soon and later be. We have become from nothing, and here we are, now, still full of the same potential to become in endless fashion. We have no idea what's next, there is simply and only this moment, and again that great potential of becoming. So, in this light we see that emptiness is always present, always the backdrop of what is now, and always full in its allowing nature. Seeing this - its not so scary anymore. 


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

We're Included

and then the body - only a sense of who we are amid the play of life. It's a limited identity, false, but only in the belief that we end at the layer of thought and skin, a physical hold that sets apart from earth and sky, rain, sun, and wind. Our bodies are a larger field, as much space as solid feel - we breathe air that's touched upon the highest mountains, nourished by oceans, and given light by distant star. Nothing is set apart as just one thing, separate, without as well being an extension of the whole - and this too includes the body. 
It's all life - and
we're included. 


Monday, March 18, 2019

Sometimes We're Lucky

its just words, no meaning given, and 
yet sometimes -

just maybe sometimes, there's a
glimpse of nothing,

and the world is seen anew

Sometimes we're lucky, or lets call it grace, and we catch a glimpse of the seamless function of the world, our own nature now not so hidden, a wink given from mystery itself. Words themselves are never the thing, but again, sometimes it happens - and words point us to the way. 


Sunday, March 17, 2019

From Observed

from observed - to that which 
holds it within view,


and so I find myself as sky, and bird, and the
flight of this awareness.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

One More Grasp

and then its known as just another story, one 
more grasp in a continuous 
letting go.

our mystery defies an observation, for no final verdict is ever shown, and even the witness we take to be eternal passes through its time at hand. All we really know is this one present moment, how the edges of certainty fray with each layer of self let go, and that for now there is the truth of our existence. 


Friday, March 15, 2019

And Continue on Forever

right now, if I went outside - I would continue on forever. At this moment, I am in a room, headless in my own view and the walls and ceiling are all that seem to contain me. My headlessness is not a metaphor for an enlightened sense of spacious being. It's the literal view of my gaze returned to find itself, my eyes seeking to behold themselves, awareness found in pure wonder of itself. So, I sit in a room, headless, truly spacious, and trace my outline by walls, and bookshelves, a ceiling that presents a thin line to my continuation. Right now, I am a room and each item that fits within my gaze - in a moment, I'll step outside and continue on forever.....


Thursday, March 14, 2019

Is Quiet

is quiet - and always so, 
for every sound and thought emerges from this, given a
moment as note, and then again returns to
silent song.

is quiet - and always so...


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Promise of A Page

its the freedom of a page, empty, until the 
mark assigned as meaning

yet even then the page remains a 
promise to hold more. 

This, then too, is our promise, our own reflection really - we are matched to the page with the possibilities that only emptiness holds, no meaning aside from what we given ourselves, and no separation from what is written as our lives. We are a story told within the infinite page of existence, only for an instant believing that we are words alone - always we remain the promise of the page. 


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

No Returning to The Present Moment

there's no returning - only thoughts wander, our attention wavers, yet the moment itself is always, exactly, belonging as awareness. Everything is held here, our past visits in thoughts occurring right now, the future dreamed in this very instant. It's never not this present moment. Our mindful effort is wasted in an attempt to return here, clearly we never leave and while the action trains our attention to note the travels of our thinking - our aware nature remains in welcome to it all. 


Monday, March 11, 2019

The Wing Sutra

from wingtip - to the flight of
its expansion, 

a bird knows nothing apart from sky

and its own sense of 

Our mistake is that we believe there is an edge of thought and skin that keeps us apart from the touch of world, sky, and even stars - we think there is an inner essence of being that is remote from what we view, a separate self removed in all but seeing and interpretation of the seen. Yet is there a space buffered between flesh and sky? Do we find thoughts existing on their own without belonging to the whole? Is there any line of separation that tells us we are not continued in formless air? A bird finds flight as its own natural expression, it's not freedom offered to a trapped entity imprisoned by its own beliefs - the sky is simply an invitation for a bird to be itself in flight. It's own natural wonder. The wingtip is at no point separate from air, and too its seen that the sky does not give way for the presence of a bird - its the wing sutra, emptiness now expressed in form, and the wing showing itself fully as the sky. 
Yet always, only, its just one thing. 


Sunday, March 10, 2019


to be this, realized, and 
awake to simply
being -

endless in the possibilities of
it all.


Saturday, March 9, 2019

Simply Being Who We Are

amidst - and not a disappearance of self, but an inclusion of this very moment of our distinction. For however brief or long we are form, personality, and full of unique passions. We are life itself, lived with an expressed purpose of simply being who we are. Yes, we are more, or perhaps better said we are less - spaciousness itself, capacity in full welcome for the world to be. Yet let's not forget our fragile smallness in the enormity of it all, that against the odds of our existence we have braved ourselves to be here, awake, and fully human as well. In this light - the best of what we offer to ourselves and to the world, is tenderness, knowing that we share the briefness of this moment being lived. 

Awareness is not limited - what we are, right now, belongs in
its inclusion. 


Friday, March 8, 2019

In This Great Becoming

and in this great becoming, continuous, one thing giving 
way to itself in different form - 
I am

expressed within this moment.

I see myself unique, distinct, and yet belonging no more so than a single blade of grass amidst a field, or infinite stars across the heavens. I see myself as a person in the divine display of humanity, appearing by virtue of some holy mystery, a moment given in the endless play of life. To this all, and equal to my seeing - is the emptiness for it all to be. 
There is no break in this becoming, emptiness to form, objects and the space that allows for their distinctions. It's always one thing becoming of itself. 


Thursday, March 7, 2019

To Claim the Kingdom

and where did Jesus claim the kingdom, so near, precise, yet still we find ourselves in an outward search for heaven. My own holy scripture is written here, words given from a creative void that claim nothing but my own understanding - it's this, a two way view merged as one, the kingdom spread in both directions. 

The search for heaven ends - just by seeing. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Just Aware

just aware - and it really is that simple, without effort, nor will of any kind. Our description is varied, what we are is every appearance and object held by view, as well we are the viewer-less source that takes it all in, emptiness embracing itself by given form.
We are aware. 
And more so, we are awake to this, an aware nod of recognition to ourselves beyond the sake of form. Some will call this an enlightenment, the final state of wisdom. But really, only, it's what we always are. 

Just aware. 


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

In The Same Breath

in the same breath - it's a welcome and
then a letting go. 

yet always it remains life in singular motion, with no true separation between what's received and then surrendered. It's constant in this seeming coming and going, what's cherished and then lost, feared to later be embraced, denied and one day given - everything changing but never apart in this motion. 

seeing this, aware, and our only question becomes what is it that stays unmoved through it all, who observes the breath in full motion? The answer always be unknowable, a mystery - and that's exactly what we are. 


Monday, March 4, 2019

That We are Always Part of

it's our intelligence too - as the breath let go carries on though it's own guided wisdom, we are part of this great functioning of the whole. We can surrender ourselves to this same grace and know to be carried as if the breath of something larger, infinite, that we are always part of. 


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Trust That What You Are

and I would only add to trust yourself, to not judge the past based upon how you feel this present moment - no mistakes were made beyond the measure of simply being human, of giving yourself the luxury to err for the sake of love, to be so tender, kind, that now those years seem to come back to haunt you. Right now you are broken not for the sake of what's gone, but for the promise of what is yours to hold, brokenness is the gift of spacious grace, allowing the narrow scope of attachment to bloom as true and selfless love. 
Trust that right now, there is only, and always this promise, and that at no point does the past exist within this moment. Trust that what you are - is simply love. Nothing is excluded, your nature is to be, and to this you add those memories that haunt you, the people that seemed to fail you, and the judgement's you now turn against yourself - they all belong, until their moment comes to pass, and that too is the open nature of your love. 
Trust yourself. 


Saturday, March 2, 2019

Conclusion is Emptiness

on looking, and in the absence of a single thing that 
resembles my description -

the conclusion is emptiness,

and the details of the world that's 
found there. 


Friday, March 1, 2019

Galaxy of Their Existence

stars aren't contained by the space of their surroundings - the universe is their very own reach of distance, an infinite stretch of their belonging, and whatever else is touched upon becomes part of the galaxy of their existence. One more thing is always included. So, too are we the very same light, a star reaching in thought and view - and every object found, observed, each item of our fascination, is instant in its inclusion to our expansion. 
