Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Emptiness, Always Present

our own emptiness is a scary prospect, a lifetime given to a solid understanding is completely undone in what seems only an instant. We have placed an enormous promise on thoughts, personality, and body to last at least a lifetime - if not a promise for forever. Yet emptiness is the truth of what we are, but not the only truth, and that's the real promise we've been given. Emptiness is the space that allows - something, in fact it allows everything, more so, it's the basis of what is now and what will soon and later be. We have become from nothing, and here we are, now, still full of the same potential to become in endless fashion. We have no idea what's next, there is simply and only this moment, and again that great potential of becoming. So, in this light we see that emptiness is always present, always the backdrop of what is now, and always full in its allowing nature. Seeing this - its not so scary anymore. 


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