Friday, November 30, 2012

Every Need Fulfilled

In the absence of
desire -
only you...and all my
needs fulfilled.
Tantric scriptures tell us that desire for material possessions and people are fine yet misplaced as our true search is for the Divine. We are never satisfied for long with mere playthings as long as our soul seeks a reconnection with itself. Our ultimate reality calls and that's the nature of all desire - to search for this hidden self. There's a clever Hindu story that tells of God hiding an aspect of Himself on earth in the one place we would be sure to search last - ourselves. The search for God within is desire - finding Him is the absence of all desire. Our every need is met.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Petty Tyrants and Great Teachers

Our greatest teachers are the ones who are least aware of what they're teaching - the ones who call into play the greatest patience, the most kindness and compassion and grandest acts of courtesy and empathy. Carlos Castaneda would calls these teachers our "petty tyrants" and laud their importance in our lives. Of course we mistake our petty tyrants for enemies and try to defeat them with tactics unfit for the destruction of our real enemy - our own self importance. Here's a favorite quote for The Fire Within (Castaneda) -

"Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it--what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone.
Every effort should be made to eradicate self-importance from the lives of warriors. Without self-importance we are invulnerable."
Our greatest weapons in this fight are simply recognition, awareness, and humor. If we're offended - we've recognized the symptom. Awareness brings light into the situation and humor dissolves the offense into the clear light of our recognition. Castaneda likens this awareness as being a stalker - to cast our awareness wide and deep and look for this signs of prideful offense. A Course in Miracles would simply urge us to smile at the demands of the ego - the tiny voice that "forgot to laugh".  Castaneda recognized the difficulty of this task and likens it to the call of the warrior. I prefer a more gentle approach as a war fought within is never won - it's in the surrender of self importance and ego that spirit comes to pass as our true identity. However Castaneda casts a powerful metaphor that serves many well and underscores the importance and difficulties of this endeavor.
With even a little progress (in a lifetime pursuit) we will find ourselves offended less and giving more. And a smile always near.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So my upcoming focus will be on deepening my meditation, lengthening my runs and sorting through my life - discarding what no longer serves and adding people and things that nourish and bring joy. Tall order? Sure - yet I have all the time in the world. With proper priorities material concerns - while still pressing - will fall into a natural rhythm. Peace is a priority. Joy and sharing joy are priorities. Kindness, compassion and forgiveness are all priorities. Everything else is a bonus that flows abundantly into a life that expects infinite possibilities and wishes fulfilled.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


It helps you grow. Everything - the good, the bad, friction and the smooth ride. Yet only when approached with gratitude for all and keen awareness. Otherwise we are at the mercy of life's waves - there is only madness top the ebb and flow and the magic of the moon is lost from view. Pay attention to patterns, coincidences and random encounters - they all hold deeper meaning and are the key to lifting ourselves to new heights.


Monday, November 26, 2012

In The Wake Of Thanksgiving

In the introduction on her new book (The Law Of Divine Compensation) author Marianne Williamson shares a report from economist Jeffrey Sachs stating that one-sevenths of the annual military defense budget (one hundred billion dollars) could eradicate deep world hunger within ten years. Two things immediately jumped out at me - eradicate - the complete elimination of a global catastrophe in a decade. The second was what a slim figure one-sevenths actually is. With a simple paradigm shift deep world hunger could be on be on the path of global elimination in a moment - a single moment. Many may claim that we cannot possibly shift our priorities (even by one-seventh) away from home defense in a dangerous world where many seek to do us harm. I won't make the argument other-wise. It's not for me to debate an issue that clearly has merit on both sides. I have seen facts and statistics that show we can indeed spare such a figure without a compromise in security and I have heard counter arguments. The debate goes on and people - children - continue to die. I will make this one statement though and leave it for each to workout on their own - imagine the esteem and gratitude heaped upon a nation that eradicates deep world hunger and the suffering that ensues. Yes, we may still have enemies that wish us harm - yet maybe many, many more that sing our praise. With gratitude comes one less enemy.

For what we can do please visit


Sunday, November 25, 2012

On Losing A Friend

So a friend has written me out of her life, just a moments notice and not a word said in advance. I could rationalize and tell myself that I am better off without someone like that in my life and like all rationalization there may be some truth behind such thought. But the bottom line is that it always hurts to lose someone and to lose someone because they feel there is a flaw in my personality hurts all the worse. Truth is there are many flaws in my personality and in everyone as well - that's life and that's people. We come to love one another through our flaws. They're gifts. Viewed through different eyes what seems as a flaw can reflect back to us a deeper truth - if we're willing to see ourselves reflected back from another eyes. Not many are. So news that someone may hold a negative opinion of me is not hurtful - but that they would sacrifice our friendship over it does indeed hurt. My heart is always open for a friend and does not slam shut by their behavior (at least not for long - once I'm over myself the door remains open) The best I can do is say I love you. And I do.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Out Running Ego

The question remains on whether we can out run our ego or not - can we use the vehicle of the body to advance the goal of the spirit. According to Kabbalah that is the only true goal of the soul to bring the Infinite to the finite. Kabbalah holds that the world of this reality is only 1% of ultimate reality and that Infinite world of true reality uses us as a vessel to transport truth between worlds. Running can take us to the edge of these two worlds yet without care we can find ourselves striding more into the 1% world of ego and (seemingly) leaving spirit far behind. My goal with the 100 mile race is to out run ego, training to the point where only the body remains in motion and the mind returns to original stillness. Miles alone won't do this - but mindful miles will. So every stride my prayer will be that every step will fall with spirit.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Quick Post

Shaky Internet service today - it's up now and hopefully will stay up but want to post a short blog to keep my streak going. Unfortunately I have nothing prepared to write about so I'll wing it.  safe topic is always running and the topic most on my mind is a 100 mile race - THE 100 mile race - which I'll find out if I make it in on December 1st. My training has started already as it seems best to procede as if I'm in - no sense losing training time. This will be the big even of the year - along with CAT and hopefully finally putting everything together for a fast marathon. It promises to be an exciting year and it's always great to have a new adventure to prepare for.
Thanks for reading!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Return to Thanksgiving

As a kid I used to love Thanksgiving for reasons I would have been unable to articulate back then. Looking back I can see that it was the simplicity of the holiday, the gathering of family and sharing of a meal together. We would travel from Maryland to western Pennsylvania to stay with my grandmother, riding through the mountains and forested land became part of a wonderful tradition that made me at once feel connected to my family and the land we traveled through as well. Thanksgiving seemed to be a very intimate holiday, a holiday in its own right and not a kick-off for Christmas, although yes it was the gateway for holiday seasons. But there was no madness about it, no sudden media urge to shop and spend. It was a different time - yet we are not different people. We still crave simplicity and intimacy. We have lost our ability to connect with this longing though and now is the time to reclaim it. Spend time with friends and family today, tell someone how grateful you are to know them, stay home and urge others to as well - shopping will still be there tomorrow - and the day after. Make a vow to keep the holiday season what it should be and used to be and could be again - it's a holy day and spirit can be felt deeply on these days. Allow it in. Resist the urge to shop and spend in excess - maybe ask each family member to exchange one gift, one that takes real thought and a depth of knowledge for the person you're shopping for. The quality of a present is truly the love in which it was exchanged. Quantity will never buy love although it seems to purchase a cheapened attention span. Those gifts aren't worth the price of holiness - nothing is. My holiday vow is a return to simplicity and a prayer for grace. It starts today.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am thankful to be vegan - this year and every year. I am grateful that no animal was harmed in order for me to celebrate this holiday. I see long lines at a local turkey farm and I'm saddened by this loss of life and the indifferent faces of the people emerging carrying a lifeless caress which will soon be their meal. I hope that they are grateful - not just for the food and for their family - but for the life that was lost, the life that was taken after brutal treatment so that they could enjoy. I hope so...but somehow doubt that the thought has even crossed their mind. Be grateful. Be mindful.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What We're Looking For

Beyond our names of
recognition -
something deeper calls...and we answer
with a silent language of our

I think this is why we run ultras, climb mountains and seek the wilderness - the ineffable calls to us and it's silent voice is veiled by crowds and cell phones and traffic and chatter. Herman Melville wrote that silence is the only voice of God and Psalms 46:10 urges us to "Be still and know that I am God". We seek stillness and silence to gain back our inner voice that is far beyond the world of noise, we are looking for the edge of our worldly existence where we leave off and become this spirit of our true being. Sages and Yogis have long sought out wild places and now as endurance athletes we claim this territory as well. We are out running our to gain a true Self and identity of Spirit. Our bodies are vehicles to the Infinite and as the Persian poet Rumi said -

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Holy Waters

We move beyond the simple
pleasures of our bodies.

Yes...the thickness of desire
still hangs humid in the

We taste it on the words we

And the weight of fingers pressed
warm across the flesh...thrills
to a deepness past the

This will never change.

Yet we have opened doors that
lead to higher worlds.

We have glimpsed the

And now nothing else
will do -

But to swim in holy

A Little Help From Mother Teresa

Here is a poem attributed to Mother Teresa - it was found written on a wall in the orphanage she ran in Calcutta. The original source of the poem is Kent M. Keith - both are powerful messages and words to live by yet Mother Teresa's (slightly) different version brings a surrendering to God for all the possibly outcomes that invokes a very true sense of peace. Here's the poem:

Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Yes, these are powerful words but they are also difficult words to bring to play - you see we have all been on both sides of these issues. We have built and and we have destroyed, we have knocked people down and helped others up - in other words we have been human. The question then ultimately comes down to our ability to forgive and accept ourselves, to recognize our faults and love ourselves thoroughly through them and because of them yet not succumb to the apathy of our lesser selves. We are all truly better then we know and capable to a depth of compassion and love that may seem to belong only to realm of saints and avatars. Yet Jesus cursed the fig tree and still forgave from the cross, the Buddhist saint  Milarepa was a thief and murderer who then rose to a level of compassion and caring that he was sought out from his remote Tibetan cave for council and wisdom, while Saul was struck blind from his horse to atone for the slaughter of thousands he gained new life as Paul and was to sainthood. I think our own personal sins are much milder, and if not, there is still the seed of kindness and compassion that must only be cultivated. It's possible. Remember the final analysis - it always between us and God and in this surrender we are able to rule our inner world.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Stone Mill 50M 2012 -Race Review

The third annual Stone Mill 50M is in the books and you couldn't have asked for a better racing day - a cool start and an afternoon in the mid 50's was made to order for a long day on the beautiful Seneca Creek Greenway Trail. Rolling hills, deep woods (lots of deer sightings) streams, the C&O Canal and a little bit of road running to stretch the legs - the course really does have something to offer everyone and is just technical enough to keep even the sharpest trail runner on their toes. This is my second year running and there will definitely be many more.
Last years course was a little long at around 54.5 but this year was right on the money - I believe must people came in just over 50. Since I took the scenic route several times (I got off track) I cam in again around 54.5 - maybe I just missed last year and wanted to repeat? Or maybe I just need to keep my head up and pay better attention. Extra miles never hurt and the detours really were scenic but it did keep my off my goal of sub 11. My official race time was 11:29:29 but somehow I ran without a chip - I don't know how or what happened other then I think I totally lunched and forgot to out in on - so it was a few minutes before my time was recorded and a few of us missed the start by 3 minutes so my "real" unofficial time was 11:22 (According to my Garmin) Regardless it was a happy PR for me and my legs told me and keep telling me that I can do better - so I'll keep trying.
Once again I under ate and hydrated - although hydration was a bit better the last few races. The fix for this is to practice, practice, practice on my long runs - at least when race day is approaching. Vega Gels and Endurance Bars, dates and a few pretzels were about all I had. It was just enough - but needs to be better. Something I'll work on.
As usual the volunteers were wonderful - I say this about most ultras and many races - I think running brings out the best in people. Yet my dealings with Stone Mill and Seneca Creek 50k have surpassed my expectations. The volunteers were not just there to help - they were there to serve, cheer, encourage, show concern, kindness and compassion. Again exceeding already high expectations. Thanks guys - each and everyone one of you!
Yet what brightened my day the most and confirmed my faith in the all that is great about ultras and people in general was seeing the long, long hours of commitment displayed by Doug Sullivan and Harvey Sugar and their crew-  from well before sun-up to (very) well past sundown it seemed their enthusiasm and work ethic never waned. And to top it off they kept the finishing line up until the very last runner rolled through - even past the official cut-off time - showing concern and patience well beyond the call of race director but what we should expect from runners honoring their fellow runners. And that right there is what makes this race so special. Thank you guys.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Brief Note Before Bed

A brief update befire bed - my first objective was achieved: I ran happy. And I did PR. But I didn't go sub 11. I think I could and should have but took a few wrong turns that added on the miles. Next year. As for this year - I PRd in every distance from 5k to 50 miles and I'm happy about that. Lets see if this trend continues!


Friday, November 16, 2012

Race Priorities

Tomorrow is the Stone Mill 50 Mile Endurance Run - my second year on the course and my third 50. It promises to be a beautiful day with temperatures in the low to mid 50s through the day. My hope for for a sub 11 hour finish -10 anything would be fine. I have the legs for it and we'll see if tomorrow is the day for it. Regardless I plan on running happy and if necessary - walk happy. When all you ask for is a beautiful day on the trails and friendly people to share it with -than it will be very hard to be disappointed. I have my goal. I also have my priorities.

Good luck to all who are running Stone Mill and JFK tomorrow!


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Responibility, Forgiveness and Letting Go of Harmful People

Sometimes it seems it's best to let things go - things and people. In the end, it's the clinging to false ideals and expectations that cause our suffering. The Buddha would tells us that's it's grasping at illusions that causes our emotional distress and A Course In Miracles would agree telling us that only love is real and nothing unreal exist. That thought takes some pondering but when it hits home it's a powerful truth. And that's the real lesson of forgiveness - forgiving the unreal and forgiving ourselves for believing it as real. That's what gives us freedom. For many - forgiveness is a passive issue - a simple turning of the cheek to only to be struck again. True forgiveness is karma yoga in it's highest form, it's a living and active force and takes us out of harms way because we are no longer stuck in a reactive situation. We are responsive - or responsible (able to respond in a proactive manner) It's time now for me to forgive and allow harmful habits and relationships to fall away. It's time to be responsible - and let go.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Vegan Racing

My third year of racing as a vegan is approaching - I'm feeling strong and racing more often at a higher level. Recovery seems to be the biggest accomplishment as a vegan, I recover quicker and that allows me to train harder and more often. The key is to be very mindful to what the body is telling us - the new strength and energy can easily lead some tweaks and aches from an eagerness to increase miles- so we need to back off accordingly. I still fall prey to substitute vegan meals more often than I would like - it's the same as relying on carryout or 'hamburger helper" for non-vegans. Again it's a case of being mindful - notice the difference these meals make in health and energy and change as needed. A little may be fine but when I little is consumed often it leads to trouble. This year I have Pr's in races from 5k to 50k and hopefully will add a 50 mile PR to the list this Saturday. Next year I'll test myself on a 100 mile course. I'm excited for what the future holds and I hope everyone takes the time to care for themselves and join in the adventure of their lives as well.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Nature Of A Touch

There is only this

It's how we see...

As our eyes reach in a slow caress of
light...reflected by the fullness
of our desire.

We hear...

With the gentle stroke of whispers
falling soft across the

We inhale the fragrance of the world in a
long embrace of pleasure.

We taste...

With a subtle understanding of all that
passes through the lips.

It's how we touch.

As if we are fingers of the
soul...and heaven waits
beneath the senses.

There is only this

And all we ever need to reach.

Listening With The River

To sit and listen with the

As a breeze whispers secrets
through the grass.

And birds sing nothing to the air but
the carried flight of their

The river moves in stillness.

While I sit in the quiet motion of
my thoughts -

Listening with the river.
nothing is solid, and everything flows to its
own accord.
our life too is as a river...with
nothing held beyond its

Monday, November 12, 2012


I'm having some trouble with resent lately. Life has left me feeling a bit emotionally raw recently, with wounds closer to the surface and my usual degree of detachment seems to be absent. A Course In Miracles tells us that there are no justified resentments and this is true. We can't justify them due to the damage they cause - too all parties concerned. It's a matter of taking responsibility - yes, even if we feel that the other party truly is to blame. You see how we feel and respond is up to no one other than ourselves. Our emotional health is our ow responsibility - and yet we grant others so much power and control over our emotional state. And then we blame everyone but ourselves - until too we lay blame at our own feet and the becomes more fuel for the flame of resentment. In Jungian psychology  they talk often of the Shadow - our individule and collective consciousness projected outward. Unrecognized the shadow can be quite a destructive force - yet acknowledged it becomes our greatest alley in our quest for emotional freedom. All that we view of the world is an extension of our interpretation of what we see and the labels we call them - it's not necessary the truth - just our interpretation of what the truth is. This wisdom is found in modern psychology , Toltec thought, and Buddhist psychology other schools of inner thought. When we are able to distinguish that what we see, hear and tell ourselves (and others) may not be the ultimate truth we have created a bit of emotional space in which we can recognize the shadow at work - and in this space forgive and let go of resentment. It's not easy - inner work seldom is - but for joy and freedom - it's needed.


Sunday, November 11, 2012


The way to joy, to true happiness is through the ego - and I mean straight through. The ego is never content with now and is always searching for the next object to grasp, or thought to cherish. There is no contentment for something so driven. And as we are so closely identified with the ego (we are not the ego) we cannot ever be happy for longer then the next ego need. Buddhism and A Course In Miracles are both wonderful systems for identifying and moving past the ego - they are road maps for the mind and heart. Both are open to be explored.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Heart Sutra (In Three Parts)

Before a whispered
word -
Emptiness waits to know
your lips.
And only then come to
Emptiness does not give
way to form -
Every object is for the caress of
space alone.
And in return nothingness wraps
itself to the curve of
We are defined by this embrace.


So we meet...realized in
form -
and surrendered at
once as
With no becoming we are free to
exist within one another.
With no where to leave off we mingle
intimate at fingertips -
Space meeting itself as form in a
play of pure delight.
And in this moment we
simply are -
And something more
entirely our

The Second Agreement

A very powerful book that greatly influenced me several years back - The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz - is back on my daily reading. Reviewing key lessons from A Course in Miracles and relearning (and applying) the Four Agreements reminds me of where my priorities must lay - and that's inward. I seem to have fallen far from my point of contentment and it's been a struggle to get back - of course that itself may be part of the trouble. Self contentment shouldn't be a struggle - but it too often is - until it isn't (if that makes sense) You see after every struggle the is a letting go and a sense of ease and grace that settles on the soul. Yet first we struggle. I'm not sure f we have too or if that is one of the agreements we have made with ourselves. And that brings me back to the Four agreements - here they are:
  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don't Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don't Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.
It's the second one I seem to be struggling with right now - allowing the thoughts and actions of others to affect me. We're not really free until we have a sense of detachment from the roller coaster of our emotions. Note I didn't say we were free of emotions - but that there is an interior spaciousness that allows us to maneuver freely without being gripped by the power of our emotions. So I need to spend some time with this agreement (we make with our self) and cultivate my own sense of spaciousness again. It's time.


Friday, November 9, 2012




Entwined...and through
a single strand of
met desire.


Practice For A Lifetime

Forgiveness is essential. I have touched on this topic many times and will again many times more. Forgiveness is a pratice - a practice for a lifetime - and that is why I return to it so often. Greivences and resentment will follow us through life. Always. The world is growing closer and friction is ound to be a common occurance. From traffic mishapce to work and social misunderstandings we will rub some people wrong and others will do similair. Forgiveness is the promise of peace of mind. Forgiving others, forgiving ourselves and forgiving circumstances and situations that are simply out of our controll - it's a constant, meditative expereince - it's the recognition that peace prevails beneath the surface of all things artificial and as the Course In Miracles tells us all that is not love is not real. So why get upset over an illusion? Forgiveness is the return to reality. It is also why the Course states that we can always choose love over any situation - the Course is telling us that we can return to reality, we can return home. But first we have to choose forgiveness - it's the only doorway available.


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Theory Of Racing Relativity (As Applied To Stone Mill)

Reflecting on my goals for next weeks Stone Mill 50 I realized that, yes, they have grown in specifics, the main factors remains the same - finish and finish happy. There's not much more to ask for on a long race and anything else is really a bonus. I have trained well, I'm beginning to taper and I'm running stronger than ever before. A fast time, a PR is not an unreasonable expectation and I will certainly strive for it - but not at the expense of a happy run. Of course happiness and 50 miles is relative. Happiness and any race where one pushes beyond perceived limits is relative. So my theory of racing relativity is to push hard, smile often, thank the volunteers and offer encouragement to others, walk when needed, eat, smile some more and have fun. I'll call that a successful day.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Congratulations to President Barrack Obama! Democrat or Republican he is the leader of our country and his success is our success. I hope that we can all pull together to make this happen and that we contact our elected officials and let them know that this is what we wish. There is room for conservative ideas within a liberal agenda and liberal compassion within a conservative framework. We are condition to believe in terms of black and white while reality itself has many shades of grey. If we can focus our energy on common problems then shared solutions will be the end result. In two years we will face another election and in four we will chose a new president - regardless of party - lets give our future leaders something to work with and a solid foundation left behind.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Endurance And Strength

Endurance is king. Praised as one of the highest of qualities by Buddha, St. Paul and social leaders such as Gandhi and the Reverend Martin Luther King. The ability to endure is inspiring in the breadth of what can be achieved in its nurturing. I have always been drawn to stories of great endurance and eager to test my own abilities to endure. From early outings of hiking, running and climbing to the sport of kettlebell lifting and now ultra running physical endurance has been a way of life for me. And the lessons we learn through physical means can rightly be applied to the emotional, mental and spiritual. As for the physical - here's what I have learned:
To endure we must be strong.
Seems simple doesn't it?
No explanation needed?
Yet it seems that many if not most endurance athletes tend to skip the strength training aspect or short change if they do hit the gym. Often I see endurance athletes take the same mentality to their strength training and do endless reps with a very light weight. Here's the thing with repetitions - we get enough reps running. What we need is strength. Not powerlifting strength, not bodybuilding strength or physique - just simple strength to allow us to run and move strong and do what we do best - endure. I'm a big fan of Pavel Tsatsouline's work, especially Power To The People and Easy Strength (along with Dan John) it's a very simple, low volume approach to strength that won't break an athlete or leave them too sore to perform their activity or sport. I use this approach with deadlifts and overhead press and throw in some extra stuff for fun (kettlebell swings, snatches, pullups, curls) 15-20 minutes and I'm done and out the door for my run. Of course this is only one approach - legendary running coach Percy Cerrutty has a great training circuit that can be found on line as does modern Triathlon guru Phillip Maffatone. The key is simple, effective and low volume. Endurance will always be king. And the stronger we are - the greater we endure.

Monday, November 5, 2012


We're not far from New Years - one or more goals left for this year and it's time to move on to what 2013 offers. As always I hope to run farther and faster - I also hope to run deeper - deeper within myself into a state where running truly becomes an extension of spirit. It's possible - the Hopi Indians of the American southwest would run towards the Pacific ocean seeking a vision. The Marathon Monks of present day Japan run a marathon a day for a 100 consequative days before eventually double that mileage. In almost every culture there is a history of seeking enlightenment, visions and peace of mind through the simple act of running or distance hiking. Modern day pilgrims ahve used the Appalachain Trail as their quest and crusade for generations now. This year mine will be 100 miles along with shorter events as well. My goal this year is to transform my body into something it is not (not quite) yet - and that is a body with a sole purpose to cover great miles.
It should be a fun year!

Have a vision for this year and feel free to share it!


Sunday, November 4, 2012


It's almost over - the 2012 Presidential Campaign is almost over. I think by reading my post most can tell which side of the political bed I wake up on - so we won't discuss politics in a "us vs. them" context - at least not today and at least not this close to election day. Let me just say that whoever wins, whoever has the privilege and honor to lead and serve this country - may he lead and serve us all as one. It's time for unity not just in word but in deed and action. With each potential president there will be decisions made that we agree and disagree with - may these choices be made with clear eyes and an understanding heart and may we - as a nation - understand that these descions were not made lightly nor easily. May we get the Government we deserve and may we truly deserve the best.


Saturday, November 3, 2012


It only takes a few words written on a page, a scribbled note, or thoughts arranged in poetic form. The promise to myself - made over ten years ago - was to write. Everyday. Without fail. And I have - sometimes poems, essays or stories and sometimes it was just a few hurried words on a scrap of paper. Sometimes I found the words beautiful and inspiring but more often not so much - yet they all fulfilled the promise. You see it only takes one thing to make a writer - I'm doing it now.
Promise kept.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Not That Dedicated

I am less dedicated than many would imagine - not that I am not dedicated - but people assume that running ultras, working out, being a vegan, writing, meditating, takes a great deal of focus and commitment. It does and it doesn't. At this point in my life all of these things are second nature and a part of my life I enjoy tremendously. They're (almost) always fun to do - not always easy - but always enjoyable to me. Of course there are times when I would rather listen to music or watch TV then to write, or sleep in instead of meditating or running - and that's were dedication comes in. But because I know I will feel better after doing what I love - it's easier to make that tough choice of getting out of bed. Find something you are passionate about and dedicate yourself to THAT. Everything will be easier.


Thursday, November 1, 2012



I have surrendered
to your fire,
And burnt -
I come alive as nothing more
than ash.
And scattered by some Holy breeze,
I now reach every


Meditation and Reduced Mileage

Reducing mileage this week and then tapering begins next week - not my favorite part of training. Reduced mileage often means increased stress as I lose part of my "safety valve" for stress management. Fortunately meditation more than helps in this regard and can be a runners best friend even in the none tapering times. Running is stressful on the body and no more so when mileage is high for race preparation - cortisol (stress hormone) is high and the immune system can be suppressed. Meditation has been clinically shown to reduce cortisol, boost the immune system and bring blood pressure under control. Combined with running it's the perfect recipe for health and well being. Try it - you really won't regret it!
