Sunday, April 30, 2017

It's All Here Now

It's a different meditation - not mindful of conditions, or even temporary states that may occur. We are not focused on a singular point of concentration. We are present for the due reason that there is no other place that we could ever be. It's all here now. Our meditation is to simply see the world at large, to rest in the awareness that holds it all within view. It's not a search for peace, but abiding in the capacity that allows for peace. Our meditation is to trace the view to its headless source and allow all things to occur to their own perfection. Just the way it is right now. 


Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Greater Framework

As form, we are an appearance within a greater framework of existence - joined by all that's seen and experienced as the world. With this we are given to the joys and sorrows of a life fully lived. We even lend our belief to thoughts that this is all there is, a single lifespan with an eternity waiting after, or yet another span may one day follow. As form, appearing now, this may even be true - who's to say how this mystery may unfold. But truthfully, we are not mere form, or simply an appearance, we are that great framework that holds it all together. We are existence. All things come and go - only we remain eternal. 


Friday, April 28, 2017

It's What Holds The Absence

It's not the absence of thought, or object, nor even a self long believed to be the whole of our existence - no, it's the inclusion of all this within an endless, aware, capacity that points to who we really are, 

By what means does this body or mind perceive? Can they perceive with the
eyes, ears...? Your own Nature, being essentially pure and utterly still. is
capable of this perception. 

                                               - Hui-Hai 



Thursday, April 27, 2017


Unaffected - the sky itself remains the capacity for even the greatest storm to rage or the softest breeze to pass. We too are unmoved, equally spacious as the sky, and allowing to the whims of nature. That which occurs is simply life playing through our existence, we are joined in the experience  - yet always our truth remains unaffected. Look to the sky and then return the gaze to point of origin, we meet our own spaciousness in continuation. 


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Seeing: Briefly Explained

Explaining briefly: Seeing is to hold a view this no participation of one who believes they are the viewer. It's to know the world as it is before a thought is weighed against it. We see automatically and only after is our opinion added. The invitation is to see often, and again settle into the openness that holds the view. It's effortless meditation. It's seeing who we really are. 

It is easier to see the Self than to see a gooseberry in the palm of your hand. 

                                                                  -Ramana Maharshi 


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Returned To Grace

Returned to grace - mind and body appear within presence, it's life lived in the illusion of drama and all the while there is the abiding reality of our unmoved nature. There is no wrong to this, we fully engage in the joy and sorrow of this mystery. We are actors in a great play, forgetful to the point of our conviction, we believe fully in the part we play as individual self. Yet presence itself is not forgotten - our truth remains the eternal backdrop of theater. In a simple shift, our attention pulled from world of thought and form to that which allows these things to happen and then to pass - we find ourselves returned to the grace that's always present. We find ourselves home. In truth - we never left at all. 

As long as I am this or that, I am not all things. 

                                                    - Meister Eckhart 


Monday, April 24, 2017

Temporary Things Of The World

If it appears, a subject found of mind or senses - it is a 
temporary thing of the world. 

Yet always there is a presence 
aware of all that 

That is what we are. 

Keeping this in mind, we relate more to distance than the objects that we pass in our travels, or even the thoughts that occur while we are in motion. They are all temporary. Distance goes on forever - and so do we. 


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Larger Waters

We watch the river - unconcerned by
what the current carries. 

In the end every stream empties to
larger waters. 


Saturday, April 22, 2017

My Own Seeing

My own seeing - shows you, and then further still the world, as my existence. There is no line drawn between us, no clear divide of yours and mine, and no space we are not joined by. My own seeing shows a view arising seamless from an empty place that's fully self aware. Everything is included. My own seeing fails to find a separate self from you, is unable to locate a world that is not somehow pressed against us, there is only seeing how one thing simply shows itself in the beauty of distinctions, yet never diminished from the whole. 


Friday, April 21, 2017

Through Us

We are not contained - and through us the
world appears. 

It all happens here, this unconstrained spaciousness of infinite allowing. We have confused ourselves for the finite happenings of the world. A simple shift, perspective turned back to its own awareness - and reality is seen again. Regardless, seen or not, we continue in our spacious understanding. It's what we are. 

A sudden perception that Subject and object are one will lead you to a deeply
mysterious wordless understanding - you will waken to the truth of Zen. 

 -     Huang -Po 


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Only This Love

only this love - and no agenda save for its expansion. Nothing is excluded. Our very nature is shown in the simplicity of allowance, a true love beyond conditions. Even our hurt, our wish for things to be other then what's found - we are capacity for this to be, and more so we offer no fight against they're presence. Wisdom knows that all things will pass. Love knows that everything is perfect in its appearance as well as passage. Who we are - is only this love. 


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Search For Self In A Headless Place

It's not true that nothing's found - yes, our own absence is evident, we look in vain for proof of form where eyes and face should be, and even a mirror only provides the certainty of a face appearing opposite of its blank awareness. Our own truth, a search turned towards the source of sight, reveals no such thing that we could possibly call a self. According to our own view - not even a head is found. Yet something is there, indeed, the world is there. Searching for self-identity brings us to nothing, and in this empty place we find that all things appear. Truly then, we are the source and the source is all there is. One thing appearing as many. 


Tuesday, April 18, 2017


This alone - yet infinite in 

It's a beautiful world, an endless universe, and every detail unique in its becoming. Including us. But there is only this alone, pure existence, and nothing found apart from the source of which it flows. So it's all one beauty, one sorrow shared, one experience of a million different lifetimes. We are alone because there is no other. 

Turn your face towards your own Face - you have no kinsman but yourself. 

                                               -  Rumi


Monday, April 17, 2017

Familiar Ground

In this place of seeing - we find the same familiar ground we've always known before. Yet now, we are seamless in the view. This is the place of our belonging. It's always here to see. 

Loosing and dropping off body and mind, your Original face is clear before you. 

                                                                                         Zazen- Gi 


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Our Own Resurrection

It's our own resurrection - a visual becoming of form from the absolute formless, and too the solid world traced back again to its origin of empty allowance. We see reality in the wholeness of its unfolding, duality no more than one thing reveling hidden aspects of itself. We are resurrected in point of our attention - to see ourselves in absence of a viewer, and then turning to the world as the capacity for its continuation. Our resurrection is present in the view - no matter which way we turn find it. 


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Yes, We Are Layers...

even the body is joined by air, then stars, and continued further in infinite layers of one thing reveling itself as more and just as often even less than it appears to be. Reversed, and we are found equally vast in an interior view of who we are. There are galaxies within, and greater spaces still in a convincing spread that invites the notion that we were never a solid self at all. It seems that yes, we are layers, and as well we are the spaciousness that allows each layer its distinction.

Jesus said: A man who looks on himself only from outside, and not also from
inside, makes himself small.
                                               Gospel of Mani


Friday, April 14, 2017

In The End

In the end - there is nothing left to do but see. We have dissolved to a point that simply holds the view, no lines remain between us, seamless, a shared appearance holding space for each other to become. We see together - yet more, we see beyond together. There is only one. In the end - this is all that can be seen. 


Thursday, April 13, 2017

At First - We Practice

At first it's a practice - it seems our favor has fallen from a seamless view of the world to one of greater demand from a mistaken viewer. So we learn to see again - or rather we redirect the outward vision that gained exclusive right of way, and turn our attention towards the source awareness itself, our original face that requires no sight. We practice looking here, simple, no assumptions, looking - and then we're seeing. It's nothing drastic, and yet we've regained the whole world as one possession, a continuing view holding both emptiness and form. We've discovered ourselves - again. At first it's a practice, and then it's not. It's just the way things are - and always have been. 

I'm looking for the face I had
Before the world was made.
                            W.B Yeats 


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

And That's It

It's not about convincing myself of a belief, or flight of imagination - it's simply the means of recognizing both my own absence in plain sight, as well as my original presence that serves as loving capacity for all things to be. And that's my headless nature. 

Behead yourself! ... Dissolve your whole body
into Vision: Become seeing, seeing, seeing!
                                                                  - Rumi


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

So Nothing Remains

Nothing really ever becomes - only a shift in view, from an awareness that perceives its own empty presence,  to again find the world in a seamless state of being. Things appear. Yet still the source is empty. So nothing remains - and so too we find the world. 

Running, we watch distance appear before each step. 


Monday, April 10, 2017

We Already Are

to be mindful - and even this a concept within a greater understanding and then let go. Things appear on there own accord and pass in a timeliness of their own, we are free both of their appearance and eventual absence. It's all a constant letting go. No effort is given to this at all, nothing is needed save awareness of our nature and this too is always present on its own. Simply look - our spaciousness is hidden in plain view. 

Run, walk, be headless - and we find ourselves as distance too. 


Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Subtle Line Of Pure Devotion

no resistance - we meet the world not as flesh but in continuation now in form. Even skin is not a barrier between ourselves and what's perceived as out there, in a subtle line of pure devotion, it divides only one thing in worship of itself. In truth, there is nothing to resist and no one found to offer a resistance. There's just one thing in the guise of many - and every aspect is allowed. 

Here is the secret of distance - is always expands to hold one more thing. 


Saturday, April 8, 2017


In a world of gray
illusions -
You alone would stand 
And I would dream in color. 


Light, Remembered

Light, always - but now remembered. There is no
place beyond our reach. 

We are light, even in form our bodies are of the same (im)material as the stars and sun. 


Friday, April 7, 2017

The Cloak

we dance before the moon,
naked in all but our
desire -
and these...we use to
clock ourselves.


False Self

There is no false self - only layers later left to their moment of held belief. Our truth is bare essence, and as such all things are given their time in this awareness, even layers that serve nothing but to mask our essential nature. To even consider a false self as a temporary illusion is to weigh it with a reality beyond its note - what we are is an awareness of endless capacity, allowing the expression of this unique, beautiful, and all too brief, aspect of the whole. 


Thursday, April 6, 2017

A Shiva's Touch

I fall to the heat
of your gaze -
A Shiva's touch
that strips me past the bone.
I am nothing now.
Yet somehow...more than I ever was.

Lost Upon Arrival

looking back, and now towards the origin of our gaze - we are lost upon arrival, no self found, seeing again the certain faceless point of all existence. Here, is the seer, here, we become the seen. This is our becoming, and too the emptiness that allows us to become. Looking back, and now towards the source - everything is found. 

We are the starting point of distance. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Before The Lord Spoke

Before the Lord spoke - there was silence as a holy void to catch the word. Perhaps even the Lord was preceded by a stillness that allowed for a sacred presence to be. In this light, we see our own becoming from a point that starts as nothing, the same holy void that waited for the Lord's first whispered words, the very same stillness from which creations creator emerged. In this light it's all one and the same, we are not apart from source, we are both the word and the holy void, stillness and sacred presence. In this this, we are the light itself playing as the shadows of the world. Before the Lord spoke - we were. 

Proceed as stillness - allowing distance to unfold from the point of ever step. 


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Not Merely

and it's not that we are merely form defined by the world pressed against us - no, we are what gives form and world the space to find its meaning. It's the formless that provides a template for distinctions, we are bodies only for a means of expressing the infinite in contrast, as if emptiness itself longed for a point of contact. With great love that is exactly what we have offered - our own spaciousness seeking to serve itself in the pleasure of what appears in its allowance. We are not merely form at all - we are the capacity for form and world to be. 


Monday, April 3, 2017

Empty Of Myself

Empty, yet only of self - and in this 
space we hold the 

To clarify, our reality is emptiness so that we may serve as the capacity for the appearance of the world, for each other, for life to be. Emptiness is not void of meaning but provides the space for the meaningful to be expressed. To be empty of self is simply stating the Buddha's realization that there is no fixed entity that carries beyond our identification of personality. In this moment - we are a collection of stories told by mind and body, it's a relative truth but not absolute in the grand view of existence. Who we are - what we are - is existence itself, the template that allows for a story to be told. In this very moment - we are a story of emptiness holding all the world, holding each other, it's a beautiful story of one existence, and the infinite possibilities that may unfold. 


Sunday, April 2, 2017


Within - and we find in truth that the world is not apart from our existence, but unfolds from the empty capacity that we offer. Even what seems ours alone, body, thoughts, and mind, simply occur within this grande openness that is no more mine than yours. Nothing is exclusive. Dawn and dusk are no more separate from each other than they are from the day that joins them. Each is found within the other and so we come to know the subtle shades of continuation. Looking deeply we see that this is so in everything viewed, indeed, there is no line drawn in a vision held and the eyes perceived in one awareness. 


Saturday, April 1, 2017

At Center

Through grace and form - we lend 
ourselves to motion.

Still, at center, we remain unmoved. 

Yes, at center, we are stillness serving as an allowing ground for the motion of the world. As such, we are unmoved even as we travel through means of form and time. These things provide a temporary caress of illusion against the permanence of Being. It's the duality of a touch - and done simply for the pleasure that it brings. 
