Monday, April 3, 2017

Empty Of Myself

Empty, yet only of self - and in this 
space we hold the 

To clarify, our reality is emptiness so that we may serve as the capacity for the appearance of the world, for each other, for life to be. Emptiness is not void of meaning but provides the space for the meaningful to be expressed. To be empty of self is simply stating the Buddha's realization that there is no fixed entity that carries beyond our identification of personality. In this moment - we are a collection of stories told by mind and body, it's a relative truth but not absolute in the grand view of existence. Who we are - what we are - is existence itself, the template that allows for a story to be told. In this very moment - we are a story of emptiness holding all the world, holding each other, it's a beautiful story of one existence, and the infinite possibilities that may unfold. 


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