Monday, February 29, 2016

A Story Of A (Non) Runner

Telling no stories - there is no step, no foot falling to the earth, nor ground laid for its reception. Nothing. Even motion is a story told against stillness. There is no denying the appearance of things. Yet to believe in objects separate from another is an illusion. Running is a story we tell of ourselves in incompletion - each step a sense of wholeness rediscovered. It's the joy of not knowing what we know. Yet the seamless reality is simply awareness in the capacity to know itself as our story told. In this moment, for me, I tell the story of a runner.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

All Things

Not surrendered nor returned - each step a seamless moment held of earth and air. And herein lies completion. A single step is all things.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ourselves Again

And nowhere not found - even distance is the spread of our existence. Running is joyful self-awareness in the midst of our forgetting. We simply know that somehow, we have become ourselves again. There is no need to do more. It's the meditation of Being.


Friday, February 26, 2016

Forgiveness Of Earth And Steps

The forgiveness of steps - known for a moment on the ground and the empty track now left behind. Nothing is taken. The earth too forgives. No track is found as lasting. Our steps are always free in their return and the earth is always welcoming. It's that simple.


Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's Here

It's here - distance, undefined by thought or
step. We are surrounded by that
which we seek.
Let each step tell you where to be.

In place of striving - know that distance unfolds only from the mind. We are the perfect distance in the reach of all things. Each step is our arrival. Yes, we run, race, and wish to know ourselves further in the view of distance. This too belongs to perfection. Yet always, even in this unfolding view - it's here. There's nowhere else to be.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Empty Of Command

Not for attainment - for distance spreads from every step and remains beyond measure. There is nothing to acquire, no reality of ownership, and only the illusion of control. We are empty of command. And yet things appear, distance seems to gather to the steps, and runners find a finish to their goals. But nothing is truly ours - and in this realization - we've touched everything.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Far End

Is it step placed against the earth, or ground given rise to meet the foot? And yet more so, perhaps in greater view - they have never been apart. All things are held within a common note of one. Never apart. We too are an extension of singularity - the far end of light in all directions. Take the step - and know we are connected.


Monday, February 22, 2016

Now Let Go

And now let go - breath and step fall entirely on their own. Effort is the illusion of control. Without the measured thoughts of distance - we are continuous. Without the thoughts that define us as a runner - we are effortless. Everything still happens, fatigue, and thirst, and surrender of will, they all exist in the moment of their happening. Yet now let go - they continue in their passing.


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Beyond Measure

It's not that distance ends - there is space beyond measure spread from every step. We are held in thought by how far we wish to go. Yet, before this, a subtle truth of who we are - we are matched by distance and spread too as infinite beyond measure.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

To Know Ourselves Again

To see no distance, no measure of view, nor length of travel. No label. Only the endless space of our existence - inviting steps of self remembrance.
This is our journey.
The only path.
Here, before each and every step - the chance to know ourselves again.


Friday, February 19, 2016

Distance Spreads

each step - complete in
surrender and

and distance spreads from
this awareness


Thursday, February 18, 2016

To See This

Distance - and nothing outside our reach contains this. We are the infinite capacity to hold all things. We are the stillness in which motion becomes and again falls back too. In truth, every step begins and ends against us- as both ground and sky are our becoming. To see this, an emptiness so full of allowance that all things gather to it - is to see the reality of our existence.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Immediacy Of A Single Step

Let's not talk of moments - as if there were anything other than the immediacy of a single step and the infinite gathered around it. Nothing lies outside of this. Our travel now complete.


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Passed Through

Passed through - and nothing claimed but the pleasure of the view. This is freedom. To know ourselves as the capacity of allowance for all things to exist in brief passage. We are stillness touched upon by scenery, with no hold to the length of stay or appearance. Things simply are. Runners are their own path and spread of distance - steps taken in self exploration and revisit to their beauty. We are passed through by the world unfolding. Our own scenery. Our own fulfillment.


Monday, February 15, 2016

Familiar Ground

Each steps a glimpse into the seamless - air to earth and again in stride. There's nothing else but its touch against an aspect of its own design. Even distance is no more than a continuation of the present step and the ground it holds. Nowhere to be. It's all familiar ground seen for the first time.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Continued Through

and not just touched by
earth and air - but continued through as

we are infinite in our measure

We are the spread of land as well as steps - and yet the runner is absent from earth and stride. The entity of a traveler separate from ground, and space, and fellow man, is an illusion of the senses. There is awareness and within this - an endless appearance of perception. All one. We, ourselves, are distance laid out in invitation for our own steps to travel.
There is no reason but to run.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Running Seamless

Seamless - one view and the world unfolds in the guise of objects. We know better. Our eyes see the flow of one thing into another and still more in a singular parade of wonder. We hear sound emerge from silence and then again fall to primordial stillness. To truly listen is to hear the continuation of this music. Our steps taste equal air and earth and find motion a continuous expression of devotion. It's all one. Until our thoughts divide with name and label. And even this is but a thought passing through the whole. Enjoy the scenery - and know that it is who we are.


Friday, February 12, 2016


it's this one step - and space
gathers to meet the
grace of its

and now, we have distance...

It's not complicated - all things exist because one thing exists. The only point of running is to know ourselves as motion. We create distance for the temporary pleasure, challenge, and joy of just this. It's enough.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Only Right Now

original nature - and steps know only the
immediacy of air, and ground, and
the motion that follows

Distance is the recollection of  - this - in what
appears to be a stretch of time.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Simply Falls

distance arrives to the step, that now, once
done seeking - simply falls in
grace to the ground of its

nothing more needs to be done

or said


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In Appearance Only

It appears separate -a step, its fall to
meet the ground and then

In truth there is stillness - and this
singular moment of connection.

Running is the illusion of separation told in motion.

 There is one touch full of
air, and ground and

No illusion.


Run from here.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Only Listening

only listening - and nothing
heard but the note of
our existence

Run, listen, and there is the sound of one heart beating as the world. Listening is the subtle acceptance of the whole - echoes once thought lost returning to the fold. It's our original state of reception. Each step is an invitation to listen, deeply listen, and motion is the response we offer in return.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Becoming Ourselves Once More

Be open - it's not from here that distance begins. We are space gathered as form and pressed on all sides by infinite expansion. Only thought localized as singular existence keeps us time and place bound. It's why we lend ourselves so well to motion - a forgetting of self again to formless and flight granted on the ground. We become ourselves once more.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

Just Another Layer

Body pressed to earth and air and
then continued - infinite in the
layers that we offer.

We are layers and still more we are the flesh to air and earth and even more subtle bodies in this continuous stream of existence. It's one thing - an infinite awareness alive with the unfolding of form and formless. It's who we are. One. The whole thing. Running is the self-caress of motion and the ground is stretch in distance for the pleasure of receiving.
Give each step to love.


Friday, February 5, 2016

As Endless Page

All things occur and again fall back - yet we are always here. This is our presence, aware, alive without breath, infinite in its allowance. Without steps, distance is spread without measure. A runner is merely passing as a story told. Our identity is misplaced as runner. We are not the story. We are the page, empty, endless in capacity, that allows breath, and steps, and distance to be written.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Running As Listening

listening - and receding into

only presence found

Running is the practice of listening to earth, and air, and the bodies rise to form. Our breath and steps are a deep echo from this becoming. True listening is the allowance of all things to briefly be and then reabsorb into stillness of our being. There is listening and nothing but awareness to it all. Running is the motion of this acceptance.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Given Steps

Giving is its own
fulfillment -
And so our steps continue on the
ground of their surrender.

For its own sake - just motion, the continuous moment of one step brought from air to earth in pure awareness. It's what we give - and what returns.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A simple Realization

Even distance now within - we are infinite in
step, breath, and being.

We are presence - abiding awareness for the pleasure and passing of all things. It's a simple realization. We are - and always have been. Our existence allows the appearance of form to play amidst the formless. This is where we find ourselves - stillness, yet given to motion, silent, but heard in sound. It's all within. Even running is a travel through the shared self of ground and soul. No step exist ever on its own.


Monday, February 1, 2016

Listening Happens appears
we do.

Yet deeper still we are the

Our steps speak a language beyond the measured tones of distance. In their fall is a whisper laid across the ground. No one hears. Yet listening happens. The whisper tells of our connection - and we know that this is so.
