Thursday, March 31, 2016

Grace Revealed

And grace - revealed again as a
moment met with our

It's not simply letting go or giving up entirely our wants or needs - no, this deep surrender is the realization that all our desires are but one. To know the grace of who we really are. This is peace. In this truth we ourselves are surrendered and embraced by grace of our reality. No more struggle. Everything simply is allowed for the moment of its existence. Nothing is excluded.

My only prayer - may I run with grace.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Presence Unfolding As Itself

This presence, ours - and found in step and earth and the air that passes in between. We are all things in essence, and more we are the template of allowance for all things to arise. Inter-dependent from the view of one existence. Our one step is the illusion of a singularity of purpose - in truth it is met by distance in every aspect of its nature. There is no real purpose to be displayed. We simply follow as the sweep of presence unfolding as itself in the guise of steps and ground.


Tuesday, March 29, 2016


All embraced - and yet nothing held and no borders found against us. Only openness. This one great allowing - expansive to whatever may arise, patient, and unattached to all that passes. True distance. We are of and within this source - a traveler at constant home, a runner seen as path and destination. Embraced by it all.


Monday, March 28, 2016

Not Our Becoming

This is not our becoming - as we exist prior to form and still more reside as formless. We are finite in step, and breath, and yet our travel is forever. With each moment we are only an appearance and life is nothing more than moments seeming to unfold. Our truth is relative to time, yet always in the timeless. And so we find ourselves here - as template spread for all things to come, and as this singular point residing in time. It's a beautiful place to be. It's the only place we could ever be.

Running long is the art of balancing moments - one step equals the perfection of foot against ground and nowhere else to be. Yet still we stride to reach for more. Balance is in acceptance of each aspect of step and stride and seeing in truth that they are One.


Sunday, March 27, 2016


Recognized - and aspects once thought
removed now again returned as


It's the thought of separation that keeps our steps absent from the distance that they seek. Indeed each step finds itself again as an expression of that which it touches - from earth to air in endless stride. Our bodies know, and hold this memory to the depth of every cell. It's our return. Thoughts no longer separate.We have circled to our point of origin - and find distance as our home.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Some Instructions (or not)

Here, and now this step, it's enough to simply know there are no borders from this moment. We touch the earth in whole - each step complete in distance. It's all right here. The illusion is that which seems far away. In truth, we remain in stillness and the world revolves to meet us. Through grace - all things will be delivered.

Nothing matters within awareness. And nothing exist outside of awareness. So simply run - observe the play of body, thought, and distance as they all unfold as a story told no one. Drink when thirsty, eat when hungry, fix each issue as it appears. Take none of it personally. It's all just happening. Even the runner.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Believe In This

Believing in the separation of steps and where we wish to be - keeps us always to the far end of the world. Distance itself is our connection. The open capacity that holds all things between us. Believe in this - one step, and its touch to air, and earth, is infinite in its measure.


Thursday, March 24, 2016


Alone - and yet all else too is our existence. We are found in unexpected things that play within the senses. Here, in sight, and then again in sound, and touch, there is nothing save the essence of one life carried through. We are alone in the impossibility of two.
No one else exist - yet everyone is here.

Only one runner - found in the infinite steps of others.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Appearing As This

Appearing as this - all things recognized in the simplicity of self unfolding. We, ourselves, are arising as sound against the ear, as the scene to reach the eyes, and brush of air to touch skin. One existence in varied form and still too as the formless in between. We travel in aspects of ourselves - a moment to explore what only seems as two. It's our world. It's us as the world. One thing.

Every step - self meets self and continues to explore.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Where Continuation Ends

And in a sense - continuation ends in the sudden light of only this. It's all here. The illusion of continuation is only the play of awareness come to form. There is no self that will continue and no object that will begin. Only this. One thing in endless manifestation. We see this - and nothing more is seen. Yet everything simply is.

Running is more than a series of step that may continue to a set destination - and it is less than the end set of our travels. Running is the prayer of one step - in recognition of itself and the infinite wonder that it holds.


Monday, March 21, 2016

The Nature Of Our Suffering

It's the nature of our suffering - existing and yet having no intrinsic existence of its own. Suffering is wholly dependent on the constant arising of thought to maintain its home within the mind. To suffer is to linger within the aftereffects of pain and trauma. Real, and still but a ghost in its reality. The way through suffering, is through suffering - awakening at once to the subtle truth beneath it and stepping through to travel home.

Distance running often presents a long stretch of discomfort- yet too it is a meditation on the nature of what it is to suffer. Allow, accept, and befriend each moment at hand in the capacity of what we are able too - no more. Explore the boundaries of where pain ends and suffering begins. What thoughts are held on too? What thoughts released? Perhaps our suffering is not as solid as it seems. Allow each step to find its answer.


Sunday, March 20, 2016


And perhaps all of distance - gathered now in single-point, for a moment of a steps reception. Remembering itself as one existence.

We are self-supported. Running is singular, in as there is only one existence masquerading as steps and ground, runner and distance, motion and stillness. Just one thing - and it contains the all of which is happening. The whole universe, right now, and this single step about to be taken. All here.


Saturday, March 19, 2016

The End Of Seeking

Nothing is given - but existing always on the edge of what is asked for. Steps that seek distance are always behind. We are here. Distance unfolds around us. Simply take a step - and join in the unfolding.


Friday, March 18, 2016


There is no connection - implied as two in the seamlessness of pure existence. There is only this. One continuation made manifest against its unseen self for the mystery of its pleasure. And so a step is seen as a self caress of air, weight, and ground. Just one thing expressed as the gravity of unconditional love.

This is it. From here - running takes care of itself.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Don't Know

Don't know -and yet from here we find all answers. Everything is held in uncertainty. We are broken by the false promise of comfort. It's a faith of changeless in a world of wind and sand that leads to underlying sorrow and discontent. But this too is our salvation. We don't know - life is a shifting storm of beauty and fear based against an unchanging backdrop. There is something constant. This is our capacity of allowance, to not know freely and unforgivingly as mystery plays itself through awareness. That's the one thing we know, we are aware, and this awareness is our existence. The reality of this is unaffected by life, wind, or sand. It's who we are. From here - we don't know the play of mystery through life. But we smile at our uncertainty.

The outcome of each run is uncertain - save for beauty is every form.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Entire World Is Given

There is no piece of earth - one step
taken and the entire world
gives itself in

It's all so seamless  - one touch, continuous as earth, step, and air. We are broken by our senses. By thoughts. A belief that we see an object, hear a note, or smell a fragrance that could somehow be separate from the experience itself. It's all one. It all arises from one source. No difference with running - seen as distance and indeed there is very far to go. Yet seamless, there is just this, only now, and nowhere else we could ever be.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Casual Forgetting

A casual forgetting - and so we allow ourselves again the innocence of a first step, the acquaintance of air as new breath, and the world reborn with every with every blink. Our touch against all things is constant. We play in mystery, this forgetting and rediscovery of ourselves in endless fashion. Our joy is in knowing who we are and then the letting go - creating time only as the concept for our own re-awakening.

There is a length measured in the concept of distance - it's a finite time to play in the mystery of our infinite nature.


Monday, March 14, 2016

A Clear Forgetting

Not through distance - but an aspect of self aware of its unfoldment. Our furthest journey belongs to stillness. Everything happens here and nothing too. Even distance is touched by porous borders that allow for its expansion. And so we find ourselves in a mystery of our own creation - a clear forgetting of our source so our steps may re-explore.
That's the role of distance.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Stories Told (of you, me, and raindrops)

Countless raindrops - and yet rain is singular in its expression. Our story is similar. We are a divine aspect of One. Unique in our stories, yet told against an infinite, backdrop of awareness. Every story is fiction. A raindrops existence is brief but only as its story is told. Seen as once the ocean, then sky, and cloud before release, and even then absorbed in earth there is continuation - there is really no such thing as just a raindrop. Now tell me who you really are?

Run - without the story of runner, or distance travelled.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Unforgiving Steps

Each step is unforgiving - and there lies the perfect understanding of the grace of our acceptance. It's all simply here, a moment, now, and then the passing. Nothing is carried but the weightless blessing of earth that lifts the heel again to sky. What could be forgiven? Even the stone, sharp and bare against the step, has its own offering. There is no forgiveness in the sense of occurrence - things happen on their own accord and our role is to know that this too serves the whole. Indeed, this too is an aspect of the whole. Nothing is apart, nothing needs to be forgiven. Only seen in the light of one existence.


Friday, March 11, 2016

Always Here (and here)

Here is our love - absence given in favor of one. In this we are complete. Our view of self is only held by separate means. We see steps, and distance, and a wish to some conclusion. There is no love in view of parts. A runner has one real desire - to be absent of the self that keep them far. We are asked to abandon nothing but the false sense of where we are. We are always Here - and distance is no more than the reach of our existence. Always here. Always here. Runner's love their way through distance.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Even This

Existing in distance - not apart from step, nor ground, nor even reach of imagination. Even this - is This. And so we run, a swift caress of motion against the earth of our existence. It's all seen as One. Even this.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This Seemingly Solid World

This source - infinite in stretch of distance. Every step continues from this point, a perfect manifestation of form from formlessness, and at once both in some subtle mystery. This is where we belong, this source carried as a void in a seemingly solid world.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Just One Step Taken

Consider - it's all spontaneous. Distance, now here, the moment of a step's release. Perhaps the world arises for its own fulfillment. A runner then, is motion dreamed to form. We have been desired by distance itself - for just one step taken.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Joy Of Its Own Mystery

Not surrendered - only one in received and given. Yet still this merging in a selfless act of love- step to earth, breath to air, and one again to distance.

There is only this - and it seems as motion, and appears as runner. It's the reality of One played against itself in the joy of its own mystery.


Sunday, March 6, 2016

Matched By Our Reflection

We are matched by distance - emptiness spread in both directions. Distance allows the world to unfold in the perfection of its order. And too, our emptiness is simply this same capacity carried further to meet the world. There is really no direction. We are the origin and continuation of distance. Seen from here - we are matched by our reflection.


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Various Shades Of One

disappeared - and favored now as earth,
and motion, and the way that
led to here

It's an act of love - a lessening of self to serve as the capacity of what is seen, and heard, and experienced. Seen from direct experience, there is just the view extending through in all directions. We are the template for the scenery, the allowance offered as spacious awareness. From here - running is pathless. There are no distinctions other than various shades of one existence.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Question And Non-Answer

every step a whispered yes to the
world of its creation...

Does the step create distance for the expansion of its reach? Or does distance exist prior to the step, empty, aware, allowing of its capacity to be filled. Perhaps both, and still something more, perhaps we run within the stillness of the answer.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

This. All This

As this - distance plays through us. It's the awareness that each border, from bone, to flesh, and then air itself is a shed layer once examined. We are always more than that one step taken and then continued further as steps yet to be. In a word, we are expansion, and even this is defied by the infinite stillness of our nature. We are the capacity - for this. All this.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Before (And The Distance That Comes After)

Before - and then a step taken. Unbound, and distance yet a measured thought, only awareness singular in existence. One step brings the world to view. One thought is its creation. Nothing abides before - full of this potential.

Distance is a concept measured to the mind and step. Before we take a single step there is unbound awareness. Each step is taken in awareness. Indeed, there is nothing outside of this existence. There is only this. A runner goes very far - and never leaves their home.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

(We) Go On

We just go on - expressed as form and formless. We find ourselves continued in inconceivable ways. Find the single point where the infinite touches against flesh and we become less than who we are. With hands pressed to air our reach continues past the stars. There's only this on going presence of awareness. There's only Oneness dreamed in many forms. And so we come to distance - and a single step seeing itself in the vastness of its beauty.
