Thursday, December 31, 2015

Without Reference Points

No reference points - only distance stretched with no concern. This is our allowing place. Steps are offered no length to measure - existing of their own accord. This is the purity of distance, bare essence, before arrival, and concept of runner. It simply is.

We are invited to run with empty awareness - to be motion for its own sake, to leave no trace beyond presence, to run without the reference point of beginning or end. We are invited to run as we truly are - free.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

At Play In Empty Fields

The path is real, distance - our steps and the sense of travel are transient. We are brief by nature yet eternal as soul. It's all here, we are at play in empty fields, simply presence, spread for our own delight. For this moment - we call it running.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Immediacy Of Distance

presence, unfolding - and all
we see is distance

It's no longer measured - there are no reference points in the immediacy of distance. We are here, now, and intimate with the space of our surroundings. All things encountered and surrendered and again steps taken. It's simple. A journey with no set place to go.


Monday, December 28, 2015

I Concede

yet in favor of the earth - each step
concedes to equal

We are an allowing capacity - at once empty and accepting of the fullness of another. And so we welcome distance, conceding runner to infinite space. Meeting ourselves in spacious awareness.


Sunday, December 27, 2015

Distance To The Runner

Through us - yes, motionless, an allowing space for all that passes. Ours is a reality of stillness and motion an illusions caress. There is form that travels and there is the formless template of awareness that remains. Stay. Allow distance to the runner. Everything comes our way.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Only Joy

only joy - and no reason
beyond for steps and

In asking why we search for purpose and meaning - and all reasons are a subtle mask for joy. We are here for the pleasure of being here. Suffering is our forgetfulness. There is no denial - pain is recognized, all things are allowed in fullness and accepted. In this we transcend suffering, finding beauty in the transient, love by absence, and peace within chaos. It's life.


Friday, December 25, 2015


undone, and from here - all
things proceed

It happens now - once we've been unmade as concept and illusion. We're free. Thoughts happen, form and formless still exist - yet weightless. From here, the infinite is ours to wander.


Thursday, December 24, 2015

Play Of Self - Discovery

through - and within ourselves, we
come to distance

there are no separate origins

No more is distance apart from steps nor destination - there is one view and endless means for its unfolding. Distance is the long view of reality. A runner is simply moved by design to be expressed in terms of steps and the length of their desire. Distance is the play of self - discovery.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

At No Distance

at no distance - we too are joined as
space unfolding to the

It's perspective - all things aren't as they seem. Our eyes tell us that distance is space between form and specific points of origins. Yet where does space begin when form itself is an illusion of the senses? We own an emptiness ourselves - a spacious awareness that allows itself to be filled with all things. Including distance. Seen from here, we are finite space in a continuous merging to the infinite. No distance. Just the unfolding of our presence by the grace of every step.


Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Swiftly Going Nowhere

swiftly, we go nowhere...our stillness
remains through motion and the
distance that passes

We are timeless, still, essential to the very fabric of the universe - our nature is to remain. Everything else passes. Motion is the illusion of the world passing against the stillness of our center. Running is the allowance of a swifter passage. It's simple - we don't run - we surrender to the movement of the world.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Self - Navigation

distance invites our own expansion - and
every step says yes in its

There's no out there - the infinite is a reach in all directions. So distance has no point of origin nor will it end with a completion of steps. A runner travels always by route of self-navigation. Distance is our home.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Singular Aspects

It's the path - endlessly unfolding in
aspects of singular

And our steps exploring each and
every one.


Saturday, December 19, 2015


slowly, slowly...there is
seeing -

I am not at all

and yet, I am


From here  - distance. Yet nothing seems so far. Distance is measured by absence - from where we are to where we wish to be. Once seen - our own spacious presence is found from a single step to the farthest reach of stride. Distance will no longer be measured but experienced as an aspect of the runner.


Friday, December 18, 2015

Views From A Headless Runner

From my view - I vanish in your presence. There is the emptiness that holds a promised fulfilled by the appearance of all things. Our truth is both the emptiness and appearance, the promise and its fulfillment. We are a shared reflection. Distance unfolds from this view without a single point of origin. Space simply encounters itself in the guise of form. Steps follow and yet the trail is pathless. We wander, joyful, with an illusion of intent. Motion is a prayer to and of itself. Stillness our abiding presence. It's one view - seen from many eyes.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Letting Go Of Smaller Wants

and letting go - we roam a
greater path.

content with what the ground has offered

There is a greater magic than our own - we are a joined creative force that belongs within the framework of all that is. On our own we create from the supposed needs of thoughts and mind. We are limited by demands and want. And yet the world itself is a grand desire for the sole benefit of our expansion. Our needs are met in breath and beating heart. And in ten thousand unseen ways we are supported in every fabric of our being. It's all beyond our faith and imagination. Surrendered to this greater will we are opened from the inside to out for full reception of all the infinite offers. In letting go - distance holds no borders.
And we are invited to run forever.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Where We Need To Be

Distance arises - and steps appear as
if to reach a finish.

Yet still there is no runner.

Only emptiness given form for

In a practical view - distance doesn't exist until something is measured. In this light every step is at once a finish and a new beginning. The truth is that distance is just the continuation of this paradox. With this acceptance - each step places exactly where we need to be.


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

In Our Own Absence

turn - and just briefly catch a moment in our own absence. At the returned end of our gaze we find no one present. Only the empty promise of pure existence - and within this space the world is filled.

Try this - relax, follow your gaze, notice. There is much to see. Now gently turn the gaze back upon itself. Briefly search for the source of sight. Where is it originating from? Is it possible to find this source through observation alone? Douglas E. Harding called this the Headless Way. By turning awareness back upon itself we may drop, for what seems like a moment, into pure existence. It's this empty space - our headlessness - that allows all things to pass through, to be, to exist, within us. In this space, all of distance unfolds, not just a hundred miles but further, the infinite revealing itself as my own spacious awareness. No longer a runner - there is no place to be. Yet there's motion.


Monday, December 14, 2015

A Beautiful Experience

always receiving  - we are the space that
meets the world.

allowing all things to become.

A runner is within distance - there is no obstacle to be overcome, no separation of step from ground but only a continuous awareness of shared existence. Even this is an illusion. There is awareness and the selective focus of One. Running is what happens in this focus. It's a beautiful experience.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Nothing Happened

one step in ultimate
compassion - gives itself away...

and so the stride is born from this continuous stream of devotion. It's from allowing something to dissolve into something more that the infinite opens to the smallest detail of it all. One step to the stride and the runner further still into distance. Ad yet runner and step were never separate from the vast expanse that opened. Nothing happened but a letting go...


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Absence Of A Runner

why not just distance - and motion
roaming through the
absence of a

certain of its own existence

Perhaps there is no need for a runner - only distance and any identity would bring a crowded second to a singular dance. We would simply be motion given rise from the empty reach of distance in a self-caress. As a runner we are bound to time and place and no true freedom past the point of known. In the absence of our identity we are the empty and wild sweep of all things that can't and won't be known but are opened and offered to be explored. It's the discovery of self in the nameless. There is nothing really to be known - only experienced.


Friday, December 11, 2015


unbound - and all things
come through this

There are no constraints  - all things flow to their own accord in a singular stream of being. Yet we believe otherwise. Somehow we have come to believe that we are a separate strand of existence. If we simply drop this belief and see again the world of our original innocence - no thing would stand apart. Including you and me. And to this view - distance is only the continuous flow of self hiding in the guise of miles. It's a game of seeking, finding and once more letting mystery come and hide. We rediscover ourselves with every step.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Past Borders

begin here - and then further
past the borders of the

It's an illusions-  that we end at a particular point and then the world begins just past the flesh. Ours is a singular world of continuation. Running is the short path to this realization - one step is the whole journey and the earth spreads from this connection. Distance is our opportunity to discover the absence of borders and play through spacious fields of our existence. We find our truth in distance - and then continue ever on.


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Distance From Within

distance - and from
within our

It's our view that keep things so far away. Distance itself is an illusion of perception. There is no single space that holds itself as separate from our thoughts and even our form. Everything is the continuous ground of our existence. Distance is simply self - yet explored. And thus viewed there is no place so far away that we are not found.


Tuesday, December 8, 2015


to escape my borders - and carry on
through steps and distance even

It's why we run.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Dancing Through

begin from the place where all
things unfold,

our every step follows the source


Running is the art of the arbitrary  - an assigned number for the day holds key significance and distance is the measure of commitment. But not really. We have given ourselves borders as the edge of our creative play. At heart we don't believe in numbers. Running is the infinite expressed in singular steps. The length of our expression may seem significant in terms of body/mind - but in truth it's the play of presence dancing through us.
Beyond this - nothing really matters.


Sunday, December 6, 2015


no longer steps nor distance intended - only
presence unfolding to a
singular moment

My goal is to simply recognize myself as the presence that unfolds as distance - to allow the grace that naturally occurs in a moment of pure recognition that we are separate from no-thing. From a single mile to one hundred more it really doesn't matter past this moment.


Saturday, December 5, 2015


choiceless - and distance proceeds
each step

no matter

We are without choice or will - we are played through by the divine as its own expression. It certainly seems that we have chosen to run, to push ourselves to the extreme or quit before our time is done. And yet that's just what happened. It was perfect. More so it was perfection. Of course we will argue that this just isn't so. Until a certain point - and then we let go. We get out of our own way and allow- we allow grace to speak and move and play through us. The way it always has. But this time we will be aware of our choiceless participation.
We'll join in the play.


Friday, December 4, 2015


a continuation - our steps caressed against the
earth. And deeper still is our

nothing else remains...

but one caress

If we allow it - we find our continuation in all that proceeds a single step. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015


So much unnoticed - as if our eyes were meant to
view the world but not the secrets of its
Yet grace appears in the faith beyond
our's the sway of leaves
dancing in an unseen breeze.

There's a holy breeze constant in its giving...close your
eyes and sway

Running is motion expressed through awareness - it's our acceptance of the invitation to take part in the conversation of all things. We see a leaf swaying in the wind for what it truly is - an invitation to dance.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015


dissolved - self to ground and
every step we rise as

In the absence of a runner - there is motion, distance and the truth of who we are. 


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Simple Plan

our steps know -

the perfection of the
fall is found by

Our steps know earth, gravity and surrender. The rest is details. If we trust in the perfection of what each moment holds - even if it's beyond our thought filled comprehension - there is no distance we can't cover.
