Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Exactly Here

it's finding existence - our initial encounter with emptiness seems to be annihilation of self, or at least a personal self we've come to know as who we are. Yet speaking for myself, there was a brief seeing of my empty nature, followed by a seamless extension of world, and then again my reappearance of a personal self. At no point was one separate from another, and each equal in insight and treasure. This meant that nothing could be discarded, the problems and the joys of life, everything, were as cherished in their belonging as the very spaciousness that allowed them to be at all. It was one existence. There was no loss of anything, but certainly there came an ease of being, knowing that this empty capacity to hold no less than the world itself, was constant in the space it offered, and there was nowhere else for me to find it - but exactly here. 

And all I had to do was see. 


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Mystery's Whim

and then the Heart Sutra - finally it's 
seen as formlessness in the
guise of every

there is not a choice of one to another, emptiness giving way so an
object can now be. 

it's one thing in constant shift,


and we just play along.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Not Free Of

we are not free of - but
simply free

everything belongs

and freedom is known in
this acceptance

there's no escape, it's not a spiritual path that leads to a destination of freedom, there is no liberation from life. There is only living. However there is a clear seeing that we are not removed from all that happens in life, indeed, there is a calm acceptance that we are the capacity for it all to be. In this - I find myself free. 


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Not Really

it's not a path, not really - there is no way to spiritual existence. There is simply life and the varied form of it's appearance. It's here that we surrender, done seeking, there is just the moment and our awake acceptance of all that comes. The practice now is to not practice but only be, to get lost again in the details of the world and smile at suddenness of remembering, to live in accordance with life's unfolding. 

It's nothing special. 

Yet always full of wonder. 


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Purpose Of Life

I don't know the purpose of life - other than simply being, alive to the joy and sorrows of each unfolding moment. My guess is that this is enough, and that even awakening to a sense of deeper intimacy, a true belonging, only serves the moment itself. In years of study, meditation, seeking, and longing to know the way - I have been brought right here, now, and fully at peace with what the moment holds for me. 


Friday, October 26, 2018

Moment's Notice

our gift is mystery - that each moment unfolds in it's own unique fashion and there is no grand design save for life in full and various expressions of itself. We are given possibilities. This is the wonder of the coming day, how we too will be expressed in ways totally unknown right now. In this light we see that there is only mystery and that every revelation is held only for a moments notice. 


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Review - The Ten Thousand Things By Robert Saltzman

Discernment - that, for me, is the true gift of The Ten Thousand Things. All beliefs now become a question, yet not in an aggressive, answer seeking way but more so an open ended inquiry without need of final answers. It's simply see the openness that surrounds any perceived truth. The Ten Thousand Things systematically (for me through repeated readings) installs a "spiritual BS detector" that rings a silent alarm whenever one is confronted with the certainty of a guru, master or teacher. That's discernment. Robert is not a guru and he won't lead one to awakening - but he might, verbally and visually, shove one (usually gently and always kindly) in the right direction through his words and stunning photographs. Yet only if we're lucky. The Ten Thousand Things has been a significant book for me, more so than many "spiritual classics" due the language that meets the reader right where they now find themselves. There is nothing to decipher, nothing to take for granted, and nothing argued as a final truth. It's an invitation for the reader to find their own truth - with every given moment. There is freedom from (and even within) seeking and The Ten Thousand Things points the way.


Perhaps - A Tree

perhaps - I could have just as easily been a tree, the mystery of existence extends to all possible outcomes, and a tree is no less holy than my appearance now. Beyond this moment I am privy to no more knowledge than what's drawn to my attention. Yet the moment itself is an endless wonder, a continuous unfolding of the miraculous - that I am at all, and aware, and even thankful for all that's granted is enough for me to know. The mystery goes on, formlessness will manifest itself to a new appearance and perhaps I will again find myself aware in different form. I would not be at all surprised. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2018


to be here, fully present to another - and 
this alone the gift of 

and in this sense we find that our only role is one of capacity, wide open for the appearance of another, for the world and further still for the sky and every star. It all comes to rest here, in the spaciousness we have to offer. We are emptiness as a blessing, a gift to form in it's arising - and it's not an effort to give, it's our own constant presence, allowing, accepting what comes to view as our own natural wonder. 

It's presence. 


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

That's Why Forgiveness

that's why forgiveness - and it's the simple recognition of innocence within and only of the present moment. Our freedom, liberation, is found now or not at all. There is no process of forgiveness, it's not a time bound ideal - it's seeing from capacity, that within this one great holding there can be nothing considered as a sin without our own inclusion. To forgive is to declare our own innocence, yet not in the sense that perhaps harm has not occurred, but that we have relinquished the need to prove our own righteousness or condemn another. Forgiveness is our freedom from the past, as well as to open to the present. 
It's not granted. 
Nor earned. 
It is the acceptance, again, and once again, of each occurrence in the world. 
It's love - without the concept. 
Happening by the grace of
simply living. 


Monday, October 22, 2018

Complete And Wholly Well Lived

it's not without effort, or struggle, or suffering - it's a life fully lived and allowed to be exact in it's unfolding. It's also about seeing. In this full participation there is equal regard to the spaciousness of allowing, here is where we find ourselves as capacity for life to be and play through us in complete engagement of space to form. So we come to find that with effort, there is only action, struggling is simply a call to let things happen on their own, and suffering a cause to hold the world in spacious arms. Seeing - and nothing is denied, and yet too, there is a grace to this surrender, an acceptance of things as they are and in this grace comes a life complete and wholly well lived. 


Sunday, October 21, 2018

At Alone

at alone - and nothing but aspects of
this single 



ceaseless in it's mystery of


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Only Light

it's a clear light - and only that. Yet somehow, objects arise in and of this illumination. I have no idea how, or even why. But they do - and so we have the world. Of this, all I know is my own single flame is an illusion believed to me shining on it's own. 
There is only light.
Everything shines as one. 


Friday, October 19, 2018


it's the content, the details of world and every object that's presented - that's the aspect of life that's gained and held attention. Yet it all belongs within the open space of our awareness, this great allowing of life to unfold exactly as it will. 
There is no line between the two. 
We are aware of our own unfolding - we are the details, as well as that which gives it structure. It's a beautiful, mysterious play of one thing in duality to itself. 
But it's always, only, one thing. 


Thursday, October 18, 2018

No Alone

it's seeing this small, fragile self in proper light and wonder - there is no isolation, no alone in even infinite expansion. We are held. Even more, we are the unseen embrace that comes to reach our own wounded self. It's all one thing - and to know that this life of ours is but a brief appearance within the larger play of Life itself, and that at no point have we broken from the whole, then we see in the clarity of this knowing that indeed we are our own healer, our own light, and never, ever, can we truly be alone. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Occasion Of Gratitude

it's an occasion of gratitude - that I am here at all, aware of just this moment, and an aspect of something so much larger than my own concerns. I find myself now in two worlds of one existence - an appearance with a full life and given meaning, as well as the presence that permeates and holds it all. It's a seamless reality, with a full belonging of each detail to the world. 


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Divinity In Exhalation

it's not just the breath - we have drawn air that's touched upon stars and further still an infinite reach. We share life in it's release, our own divinity in exhalation, and this too is carried on. There is no separate action, no single breath that doesn't include the whole - it's all one thing in holy order, a mystery in it's agenda. 


Monday, October 15, 2018

Conspiracy Of Beliefs

it's a conspiracy of beliefs - a point reached where we are living as the accumulated thoughts inherited through a lifetime of being told who we are. It's a well meaning prison with the best intent of keeping us exactly in place. We will continue in the lie of ages, always striving for more, something better on a far horizon, yet always slightly out of reach. In this way life goes on without the need to explore the freedom we are without beliefs. We are (sometimes) granted a brief time to question the beliefs that we've been given (from parents, and their parents before, teachers, books, media, clergy) and then to quickly, quietly settle into a conformity of being. None of this is meant to harm, again it's just the continuation of social constraints that have been deemed necessary for our betterment and survival. It may even be true and for the best - but not for everyone. And it maybe completely false as well. That's the troublesome nature of beliefs - we grow to serve them and not a higher truth that may well set us free. 
So what's true? 
What beliefs serve us best? 
I have no idea. 
I have my own beliefs on this matter and I hold them very lightly. From my own observations and inquiry it seems that freedom, indeed liberation, is only a question away - or perhaps better stated is only the space between a question and conceivable answer away. This is the room of not knowing, the spacious quality that allows answers to be a possible conclusion and more likely a mystery we may never know. In this space beliefs roam without certainty. It's in this space where they may serve us well. 
But here's the things - find out if this is true.
Don't be afraid of not knowing. 
In the end, it may always be a


Sunday, October 14, 2018


let's use the word capacity - yet even this has a subtle suggestion that we hold within a certain limit and boundary not to be exceeded. Perhaps the term boundless capacity is best suited for our description. Every word and phrase will eventually fail us - there is no real map for this territory and only our own exploration will do. 
So let's explore. 
Each moment is given to what can be held, limitless, without borders, there is no end to this allowance for things to be. Of course we may not enjoy what appears, we may object and rail against what the moment brings. 
But it all belongs. 
So we are capacity - but more, we are the seamless blend of what's held and this unseen embrace that is cause for an ever greater expansion of true self. 

In the end - they're just words. 


Saturday, October 13, 2018

It All Takes Care Of Itself

perhaps there is no real letting go, no deeper surrender save the
natural moment - expanding to allow 
whatever next comes to

it all takes care of itself - everything

our role is to live, relaxing in the 
faith that everything

and nothing lasts beyond the time that it is given


Friday, October 12, 2018

In View Of Light And Sun

for just a moment - to know myself as light again and 
disappeared in view of sky and sun. 

only this

and nothing else but
simply seeing.

from the source, it really is simply seeing the world without the filter of self being a constant, heavy presence against the view. It's not the denial of self, but the inclusion of form, thoughts, and traits of personality into seeing of the whole, one reality, existence. It all belongs, it's all light in condensed waves, slowed just enough to seem beyond us. 
But really, it's all one thing, 


Thursday, October 11, 2018

In The Mind Of God

in the mind of God - perhaps I'm no more than a imagined figure, a dreamed life that wakes in certain understanding to the fiction of it's days. Truthfully it's a bigger concept than I care to know, my own inquiry always leads me exactly here, to this moment, and I find it undivided from the whole. Perhaps this too is my awakening - and everything else just details of the dream. 
In the mind of God - I am.

And this is all that I can say. 

I take poetic licence here with the term God and could just have easily (and maybe more fittingly) used existence. I like both terms. Today I used the word God. No reason other than it sounded pleasing to me. Please don't take these words as any sort of truth at all, it was simply a moment of exploration to see where words might lead me - and this is what I found. 


Wednesday, October 10, 2018


sometimes a forgetting - and 
even this folds 

in the continuous moment of

there's no need to be vigilant, a constant watch on thoughts or breath - we will (often) forget our aware capacity, lost in the details of the world - yet at no point is the source itself forgotten. It's all one thing, a continuous flow of self encountering self, and in this our attention wanders, becoming enchanted by our own disguise. In due course we will remember - and smile at the grace and mystery of it all. 


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

All The Faith We Need

it's not outside this moment - aware, right now, and it's
simply seeing life in it's full and 
seamless display,

and nowhere is there a break in
our inclusion.

we are not observers in the play of nature but an
equal participant in it's wonder,

there's nothing for us to do for this to be, to 
awaken, it's happening on it's 
own accord. 

with this - we relax, allowing, allowing, allowing,

 our heartbeat, breath, and every vital function from sunlit hours to the cast of seasons, it's all done through a greater work than we provide. 

this moment - is all the
faith we need. 


Monday, October 8, 2018

Just Before The Coming Words

as for not knowing - it's simply the mystery of before, silence and an empty page both abide in natural wonder. What proceeds is an expression designed to fill a space for no more than a moment. There is no plan for this, indeed there is no one in the emptiness of before to demand the flow of words. So I am patient, for I too abide just before the coming words, and when the moment calls for writing - I write. 

There's nothing more I need to know. 


Sunday, October 7, 2018

In This Seamless Mystery

mystery is seamless - how one thing, formless by nature, becomes manifest as infinite forms that make the world. And to find myself aware, yet still without an answer to it all - at this point it's enough to simply be alive and direct in full participation to this spacious allowance, as well as each form welcomed in my view. 

in this seamless mystery - I belong. 


Saturday, October 6, 2018

As Love

as love - and always it's inclusion, we offer only 
our expansion. 

we are literally able to see our capacity grow, our view always allowing one more thing, nothing denied from the infinite scene of our embrace. Even that which we find displeasing, or brings us hurt and tears, yes, even suffering belongs here. 

as love - and as such we 
simply are. 

and nothing needs to change.


Friday, October 5, 2018

In A Constant Shift

it is an invitation - emptiness serving itself as a promise to become each item of the world. As such there's no line to part objects from the capacity which holds them, thoughts from the thinker, and the view from it's source. It's all one thing in a constant shift - an illusion of form already giving away it's false boundaries to recreate itself as something new. Our invitation is to see, to witness our participation on the level of creation, how we've become from nothing and maintain it still and always as our core. 


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Not Let Go

not let go - but held in 
spacious wonder. 

everything belongs in the grace of the 
moment that it's 


to this - nothing is left out, denied, or hidden. Nothing is forgotten. In essence, this is forgiveness in it's natural flow, each occurrence is allowed it's time, every object that appears is considered in it's value as the whole. Even our judgement, and beliefs that things should be otherwise are held in this unseen embrace. No effort is given for this to be, no method is needed. Life is without limit to what it will hold. 
And we are life itself. 
It all happens on its own. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Simple As The Breath

it's as simple as the breath - life sustained by it's own rhythm, at times an effort given and others just a letting go. Life continues. There is complication only in our consideration of doing more, that it's not enough to be breathed too as this rhythm. Yet even this is no more than a brief excursion of thought within life's flow. We always return to the simplicity of breathing - until a final letting go. Even then life continues. 


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Grateful Wonder

and then at once there comes the world - it's not my individual emptiness that serves as capacity, it's that all there ever is is this openness that somehow gives rise to form, and for a single life space there is the cherished belief of my contribution. There is only the source and in this moment there is the mystery of my awareness of it all. 
I am left in grateful wonder. 


Monday, October 1, 2018

Life Goes On

it still belongs, everything - yet now things are seen through an emptiness that serves as intimate capacity to the world. Even my own sense of self is embraced in this belonging, no longer pushed to be a holier version, or diminished to be less than holy too. What I am is not removed from this capacity, but emptiness itself in a given form to touch the world. Just as easily this is reversed to show that form gives way to a great void, mystery, ever present, and is that which allows me the freedom to be expressed exactly as I am. 
Seeing this - nothing has been excluded. 
Life goes on. 
Everything belongs. 
