Tuesday, October 23, 2018

That's Why Forgiveness

that's why forgiveness - and it's the simple recognition of innocence within and only of the present moment. Our freedom, liberation, is found now or not at all. There is no process of forgiveness, it's not a time bound ideal - it's seeing from capacity, that within this one great holding there can be nothing considered as a sin without our own inclusion. To forgive is to declare our own innocence, yet not in the sense that perhaps harm has not occurred, but that we have relinquished the need to prove our own righteousness or condemn another. Forgiveness is our freedom from the past, as well as to open to the present. 
It's not granted. 
Nor earned. 
It is the acceptance, again, and once again, of each occurrence in the world. 
It's love - without the concept. 
Happening by the grace of
simply living. 


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