Monday, October 15, 2018

Conspiracy Of Beliefs

it's a conspiracy of beliefs - a point reached where we are living as the accumulated thoughts inherited through a lifetime of being told who we are. It's a well meaning prison with the best intent of keeping us exactly in place. We will continue in the lie of ages, always striving for more, something better on a far horizon, yet always slightly out of reach. In this way life goes on without the need to explore the freedom we are without beliefs. We are (sometimes) granted a brief time to question the beliefs that we've been given (from parents, and their parents before, teachers, books, media, clergy) and then to quickly, quietly settle into a conformity of being. None of this is meant to harm, again it's just the continuation of social constraints that have been deemed necessary for our betterment and survival. It may even be true and for the best - but not for everyone. And it maybe completely false as well. That's the troublesome nature of beliefs - we grow to serve them and not a higher truth that may well set us free. 
So what's true? 
What beliefs serve us best? 
I have no idea. 
I have my own beliefs on this matter and I hold them very lightly. From my own observations and inquiry it seems that freedom, indeed liberation, is only a question away - or perhaps better stated is only the space between a question and conceivable answer away. This is the room of not knowing, the spacious quality that allows answers to be a possible conclusion and more likely a mystery we may never know. In this space beliefs roam without certainty. It's in this space where they may serve us well. 
But here's the things - find out if this is true.
Don't be afraid of not knowing. 
In the end, it may always be a


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