Monday, April 30, 2018

Now Comes A Greening

there now comes a greening of the world - life, given the
visual expression of a season

it's spring, and yet the seamless nature of
existence - is always in this


Sunday, April 29, 2018

By No Means

extended as body - earth and sky equal as the
flesh of our existence. 

by no means are we excluded
from the 


Friday, April 27, 2018

Not Different In Any Regard

as existence - we have no role to play, we're life, happening without concern for the right to be anything other than what we are. Again that brings us to existence, without question we are an expression of life, there is no struggle to simply be, we are not different in any regard from a birds natural flight, a fish at home in water, or a blade of grass turned green in spring rain. It's all life. We're life. There's nothing we need to do to earn this, and there is no way it can be lost. It simply is - and so are we. 


And Be. 


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Serving Itself In Grace And Beauty

we are fulfilled by world and each detail that it offers - and too, we ourselves give a spacious return for the world to become within us. It's an equal exchange for the sake of appearance, one great capacity serving itself in grace and beauty. 


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Still Seeking

yes, still seeking - yet no longer for a sense of self or even non-self, not emptiness, nor fulfillment, but for nothing more than my own expansion, life, and seeing what more I may become and too how much less I actually am right now. I am seeking the existence of my existence in the details of world and spaces in between. It's seeking without apology for the joy of rediscovering exactly what I am (maybe) and the sorrow in finding what I'm not - and even this may be reversed in my continued search. 
I am not complete. 
Nor am I lacking a single thing. 
I am awake.
And dreaming still. 
Most of all - I'm simply breathing, living, at ease as it all unfolds before me. 
There's always something to explore. 


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

We Too Are The Wilderness

it's the illusion of things - not of substance, nor debate on their existence, but only of description. What appears is real. Yet every word applied as knowledge or solid understanding is false and writes an unreal narrative for us to follow. 
Even the familiar appears as 
The only illusion is that we have somehow tamed the wilderness of existence with a map of veiled descriptions, a surface level guide for easy navigation. Our descriptions fail in the sense of lost mystery and false beliefs that we are somehow separate from what's described. 
We too are the wilderness. 
Beyond descriptions. 
Just part of the world at large. 


Monday, April 23, 2018

Excuse My Many Contradictions

many things I've written contain a great contradiction - stating truth in mystery, a definitive knowing within the ineffable, momentary insight as endless clarity. And yet I hold firm to each of these within the moment of revelation. My own truth is a constant unfolding, faith in the flux of all things, and I hold the right to abandon each belief once held in passing. My contradictions serve only my own surrender - nothing more. 
My insight not measured by past words, but simply
what this moment holds. 
And even this will soon be
let go. 


Sunday, April 22, 2018

By The Greater Hand Of Grace

at no point is there a set mark that we may call creation - everything is always in motion, never becoming even for an instant before a shift to something new. It's life, in process to its own agenda of which we only play a part. We are not artist to the scene but the scenery itself, we are canvas as well as brush, being wielded by the greater hand of grace. 
We are art in constant flux. 


Saturday, April 21, 2018

And The Ten Thousand Things That Make Up Our World

it's not really effort - even our spiritual pursuits, mindfulness, being aware of present moment, are simply an occurrence in what is, and will always be, right now. Only our belief that there is a need to strive is an illusion. 
There is no reward at the end of a belief save for letting go - and for this, even what has seemed to be an effort is found to be nothing more than an action that's occurred. 
Like the breath, 
and the ten thousand things that 
make up our world. 


* with much appreciate to Robert Saltzman and the continued inspiration of his book - The Ten Thousand Things. 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Note The Listening

note the listening - this pure allowance for distinct sound emerging from a silent field. What's heard is not a separate event from the source of its creation, a symphony is not apart from instruments nor the ears of its receiving - it's presence, singular, listening in the simplicity of what abides before, during, and always after any sound is made. 


Thursday, April 19, 2018

This Body Too Enlightened

always as life - continued through as body, and then in time this form broken to essentials, returned as earth and given rise again to something else.
Nothing is lost. 
This body too enlightened. 


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

An Inquiry Into Lines

and no lines found - aware, from this starting
point is our beginning,

it's an inquiry into the seamless, anywhere, from object to thought, simply searching for a division line to distinguish a true self apart from what's seen or believed. To first be aware, bringing attention to a particular form, or observe thought or sound in passing. No effort to hold, to label, it's enough to just be aware. From here, is there a point in this awareness that any one thing leaves off for another to become strictly on its own? Is there a line from a birds wing to where is seems to touch the sky? Or even from our observation in witness to its flight? And even this - is there a separate witness to any such event? 

Our search is for lines - not for distinction of form, but in the greater awareness of what unfolds. We clearly see differences, recognizing things apart from one another. Yet do we see a break in what's aware of this unfolding? 

That's our inquiry. 


And then abiding in the seen. 


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Power Of Positive Not Knowing

who decides? If we now choose a positive thought, did we spend previous time in darkness of our own design? It seems (to me) that thoughts belong to a current of their own, energy, but not one that begs our control. Thoughts occur - and in the space of their appearance we offer them a label, there comes an attachment to what they offer, assigned as good, bad, or indifferent. But in any of this was there ever really a moment that we dove into the thought current and swam to a future shore? As a further inquiry - who would be the diver? Who is it that these (any) thoughts occur to? I don't know, no answers, all I have are questions, thoughts, and an open mind for their passage. 


Monday, April 16, 2018

Not In The Midst At All

not in the midst at all - as nothing is 
apart from our continuation.

It's all motion.

Only our attention is static, limited by perception, eternity seemingly frozen in brief observation that we call time. Everything is the midst, one event of great circumstance, happening now. 

Always now. 

We are an event, within an event, and greater still - a mystery. 


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Love Note To Self

of one thing - yet offered in
unique fashion, 

just to know ourselves as 


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Nouns Don't Really Exist

and really I can't even state that there is an appearance of things - to do so would be to lend objects and thoughts a solidity undeserved, assigning specifics and continuation to time and place. There is appearing, motion, an ever changing event only believed to be static. Grammatically - it's all a verb. Nouns don't really exist. We are constantly appearing yet never the same, no singular appearance is ever found - a name is given to an event that claims to be me, and another is given to a tree, a cloud and every star. But nothing can ever be revisited, rebirth is a present happening and the tree or cloud now viewed is already appearing in shifting form. It's all motion. We're all motion. Verbs. Or perhaps better said -  just one thing, happening now, life, appearing only for a moments notice in the guise of something to depend on, something solid, something other than a verb. Still, it's always just one thing. And really, I can't even say why - I am appearing too. 
And it's all a mystery. 


Friday, April 13, 2018

My Agenda

yes, I have an agenda - yet deeper still there is
no one here to really plan

only presence all 

unfolding in a mystery of its own accord

It's all motion, everything, and as such there is no ultimate plan for our arrival to anywhere outside of this present moment. We are here. The agenda is clear - relax. It's that simple. Awakening to this - and we see that we are already, and always, home. 


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Nothing Lost, Nothing Incomplete

nothing is lost, nor are we ever incomplete - although it certainly appears so at times. Our reality, what is true for at least right now, is always and only this present moment. We have our breath, a heartbeat of life, an embrace of infinite space against us - sky, sun, and stars as our extension. What is lost from this? How could anything touched from the farthest heavens be incomplete? This moment holds it all. Life. There is nothing lacking in this aliveness. Yet thoughts otherwise persist - but now seen through the moment of our completion, even they belong. They're simply part of the flow of all things, here, for whatever length of their appearance. 
Again, the reality of this moment remains. 
Nothing lost.
Nothing incomplete.


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

No Effort In Letting Go

simply by virtue of 
appearance - 

already it's been surrendered

nothing is held past the 
moment it's given. 

and there is no effort in 


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Even This

of course we resist - we make demands and point to needs as if to explain our want for something more than what the moment holds. Yet even this belongs. Resistance too is just an experience in the infinite flow of all things. So we don't deny what is, even when that itself is denial. We don't resist, even as we refuse to accept the present moment. 
It all happens now. 
And belongs within aware presence. 


Monday, April 9, 2018

The Way Is Beauty

the way is beauty - art, at its finest and perhaps most subtle, is without agenda. It's simply this moment, now, exposed in its fundamental nature. Pure. This view may hold what seems a tragic circumstance, or too something beyond the limits of our comprehension - and yet beauty is not found by way of compare or measured against what came before or what's to follow. By virtue of allowance - beauty is. And it's always now, as every appearance, life providing itself in the artful manner of living. The way is beauty and means is appreciation of all that's given in every moment. 


Sunday, April 8, 2018

We Exist

it's not argued - we exist, there is no denying that a clear presence, something awake to itself in order to even register the question of existence, is in play as the only sense of reality we may know. Everything else too is an appearance of this. It's all one thing. This existence - to view a tree, a flower, the sun, and farthest star, is the same to hold each as an aspect of self. To listen to a single note of a birds song, distant traffic, or the lilt of another's voice is to know a symphony of infinite means yet only heard by one. 
We exist.
Beyond this - nothing more is certain. 
Yet it's all we need to know. 


Saturday, April 7, 2018

Yet Still And Always - Right Now

this is it, in it's entirety - the whole of all existence. Right now. Perhaps there's something next - mystery unfolding to a greater understanding, an expansion to a deeper love, or some realization beyond the scope of love or knowledge. Maybe. Yet still, and always, it will be this, in it's entirety - the whole of all existence. 
Right now. 


Friday, April 6, 2018

Always, Only, Now

who's to say what's true, or real - does it really matter? Perhaps it's enough to simply know that there's a mystery, infinite presence, of which we are too, and that it's unfolding, always, only, now. 
The rest is details.
With commentary provided.
Even (and maybe especially) this. 


Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Same Perfection

we are not found without grace, a certainty of belonging to the whole even without a conscious effort given to this knowing. It's the same perfection of a spring leaf in early bloom as well as its later release to autumn. Our grace is not accessed - it's ever present as our own aware self, nature in full extension of our inclusion, and by no means are we ever separate from its embrace. Perhaps better said - it's all found as grace. 
No exceptions. 
It's what we are. 


Wednesday, April 4, 2018


there's no answer -  to even ask who we really are is to invite silence, for any words spoken, thoughts, or insight given is a temporary flash we've since moved on from. Reality is instantaneous, constant, and not once the same in any moment. Perhaps our question alone provides more truth than any answer holds. To ask, inquire into the nature of self and world, is both the reach and end touch of existence - 
who we are, Is. 


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Beauty - Simply Is

it's not so subjective - without belief in commentary offered by thoughts, beauty is exactly what's found in any and every given moment. Our inquiry may lead us to ask how there could possibly be beauty without a measure to compare or a thought to contrast - and in fairness to this question there is no real answer. 
Beauty simply is. 
It's life. 
It's inseparable from the decay of form, from what may be judged as ugly, or even cruel. Beauty is existence in every role played, seen through and as the guise of opposites, it's our becoming as well as our destruction. 
Beauty is the true and only art of being alive. 
It's not subjective - it simply is. 


Monday, April 2, 2018

Trapped In Our Very Freedom`

it's all here - at no point in any reach are we not already touched against the world, or a breath drawn that doesn't taste of heaven. We search for the absolute while existing always as the one thing only, a perfect labyrinth, trapped in our very freedom. 
And there is no escape. 
There just comes a clarity of sight, seeing the same things as before, yet now the effort to find anything beyond this moment - is simply absent. 
Right now is enough. 
It always has been - but now we know. 


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Indeed There Is A Resurrection

and indeed there is a resurrection - from a formless sense of wonder, empty of all save a promise of becoming, our own true face is shown as the details of the world. We rise as form in the same eternal moment that allows all things to be, to linger in the span of their appearance, and then to cease in this particular way of being. Resurrection is motion - one thing only, falling and again gaining height in a lofty expansion of self. 
Yet always one thing. 
Our resurrection is now - see first our spaciousness, our lack of divide between world and what we hold as a solid understanding, examining the beliefs that tell us who we are. We investigate both ends of our view - from what is seen to the aware unseen. In this seeing we die as a separate self and in the same moment we find ourselves truly present, as the presence, where everything belongs. 
