Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Through The Little Things

through the little things - and here we touch upon the infinite. It's how everything is broken down from appearance, reclaiming the original space that allows it all to be. At what point do we cease as this collection of unseen stuff, molecules dancing with intent, and become a self appearing to the world? And again, reversed to emptiness - what line is crossed when we are no longer who we believe ourselves to be? Our inquiry is this - through the little things, how large is our becoming? 


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Monday, March 30, 2020

Evolution of Our Together

it's the evolution of our together, entwined, yet seemingly apart - how we come through a span of time for just a moments recognition. At no point have we not been a constant presence to each other, belonging in ways not seen, nor considered, but always, always, we belonged. It's our time now to be witness to how we've arrived to this, and more what we are in relation to our continued life - we know that we're never apart, never alone in a true sense, and that we evolve in a grace and mystery of our own. There is only together - and the way it all unfolds. 


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Equal in Our Vision

we view the world in length and parts, broken off from the point of our perception - yet through a subtle shift of attention, from objects seen back to seer, it's all made whole again. This is the simplicity of seeing a tree from roots in hidden network, to its farthest branching in the sky. Of seeing birds nesting and winds sweeping pollen. How it all flows in a together that defies the concept of parts in separate order. It's just one thing seen in details, unique aspects of the whole working for its welfare and continuation. Life. Through this, through our examination, we won't find a single point from which we break from - we're not a bird, yet a bird remains equal in our vision, wind sweeps our skin through the same touch it reaches bark, and every tree is our breath now and soon taken. One is not separate from the other, and in truth we'll find that, indeed, there is no other. There is only, always. one thing - life. 


Saturday, March 28, 2020

Nature Reclaiming Itself

it's our one great forgetting - that we are not separate from nature in anyway, belonging as fully now as we did once before when times were wild. We believed in lost innocence traded for knowledge and seemed to give our true selves away for a few possessions. Yet at no point are we ever removed from what we are, and nature is the long continuation of itself in every form, life revealed through the essence of its reach. Now here we are in sudden remembering, aware, knowing that we belong still and always. It's our great awakening. We are life, nature reclaiming itself as innocent - our true self is simply, always, only this. 


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Friday, March 27, 2020

We Belong - Obviously

we belong - it seems so obvious, that as the whole we are simply extension given to a point. There is no place apart from us, we are rooted to earth and met by air as second skin against us. This is a belonging, a system of one that works to benefit itself through life continued. Seeing this is wisdom, it's being awake to what is and again, it's obvious to the looking. We can express this belonging with gratitude - that everything works so perfectly for the world to be, our own seamless fit touched to every other thing included. This is no state to reach towards, no vision of unity, nor far off mission of peace - it's how things are, now, always. We belong - obviously. 


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Into Other Things

turning into other things - even in this seamless existence we are a constant shift of becoming and ceasing in self and form. Never just the same, alchemical beings, we are always in some process - a rebirth to the same moment of our departure as this one particular person. In truth, we are one thing in infinite invitation to itself, trying on the world in every detail and guise. We see this in a caterpillar's spin, a bud before its bloom, a seeds potential to become - these are new things emerging from themselves, at no point not existing as the whole, but always, always, coming fully to a version that's not meant to last any longer than the last one. It's constant. It's life - and in this, we find ourselves belonging. 


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Aspects of The Whole

life continues, a full story, with no pause given for consideration - just a reach of its own vibrancy through inconceivable odds. I am here as both result and further play of this continuation, a momentary bloom of one thing, gifted as aware. I have no idea of what comes after this, no concept of heaven nor nirvana, no belief of liberation from a earthly home. I know that I'm alive, essential as the whole itself, and somehow aware of this existence. Right now, life continues through me, I am aspect of its reach. As are you - and somehow we've found ourselves together, both aware. Aspects of the whole. 


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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Never Once Quite Finished

it's how we become - never once quite finished, yet always complete, whole, and through this we are life in constant giving of itself. Just as tree is never dormant, even in the depth of winter, there is the unseen preparation for things to reach, blossom, a seasons time to green. This is one desire, ours too, a slight change, something calling forth our own hidden season to become and we answer in a moments bloom. Nothing is ever quite finished, we are expressing, and never arrive to that one final instant of becoming. We are life - in process through every season. 


Monday, March 23, 2020

This Page Is A Universe

no need to go beyond this space, emptiness offered from the page and then any word to follow an appearance of its own. This is the secret of manifestation, that it's all art, spontaneous, coming from mystery by grace and a practiced patience to receive. Everything is right here, creation shown with words as form, simply dropping to the page, emptiness not coming to an end but expanding in its willingness to hold always just a bit more. This page is a universe, the smallest of big bangs, each word a given star, planet, life stretched to a sentence, a paragraph. There's no need to go beyond this space - creation happens here, everywhere, or not at all. 


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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Well Loved From Earth And by Air

and my love is to the ancient - Mountains, worn, well loved from earth and by air. Trees given to a first bloom before the dawn of ax and man. Things that have endured. They teach from appearance, weathered from storm and time, whispering a once common language, now lost, yet still eager to reach my ear. What's seen is mystery carved deep in stone and bark, what's heard is the instrument of wind, air blown sharp through the ages. What's known is stillness, motion slowed past the mark of time, to just almost a standstill, the patient crawl of the long enduring. This too is my own nature, waiting to be recognized again, reclaimed - it's about allowing life, to be shaped by storms and worn by wind, exposed to forces beyond control. Yet always, fully, accepting what is and what's to come. In mid life - I find myself ancient too. I have endured, well loved from earth and by air. 


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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nowhere Else to Be

it's like nothing at all, truly, just life in constant acceptance of itself in every detail and disguise. We come to this without effort, our own natural expression seamless even as we argue otherwise. As such, we often become seekers in the midst of what we hope to find. Yet as every tree knows its reach will always touch the sky - we too eventually find ourselves in realization of what is now, and always, our singular place of existence. There is nowhere else to be, nothing to become, but where, and what we are right now. 


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Friday, March 20, 2020

As It Comes To View

to look, here, this direct line to our appearance - and by this I don't mean noting how we're seen, but how at once there an emptiness that allows for us to be, how our form comes both subtle and sudden to the world. This is the trade we offer to each other, capacity for each to become, new beginnings for us all in this fresh appearance. It's instant forgiveness - as each view is found again in original innocence. So it all arrives from emptiness, form given from this, a constant exchange of one thing, seen and unseen. It's our own becoming. We can see it all as it comes to view. 


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Thursday, March 19, 2020

Yes, I Am

what I am - and I know less now than ever before, identifying as both capacity and its hold, personality and the impersonal expression of life's flow. The final beckon of every inquiry is to relax in what's found right now - no need to rush again in search of more satisfying answers. But just this moment alone being all that can be provided. What I am is beyond an answer, and even more it's not within the realm of proper questions. To limit myself as form would miss the vast space between every atom of my existence. Knowing myself as any quality of thought, mind, or personality refuses to grasp the silence that allows for their appearance. This too shows the impossible task of separating from observation - that I am seer and seen is evident through my view. So what am I? To this I'll need no reply other than to say, that yes - I am. 


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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Trackless Reality

without meaning - each moment occurs for just its purpose of being, life in full capacity of its expression. Only after do we provide an interpretation of events to suit our reasoning. Life happens in motion, a continuous flow of becoming and ceasing, objects and events appearing and occurring through a mystery of their own. To assign meaning helps us navigate the world, mapping interior landscapes to note our travels. Yet reality itself is always unmarked, trackless of purpose and meaning save for the room it provides for life to occur. This is why I love the term capacity, that reality is simply space provided for all things to be, a template of an allowing nature - and this without a hint of separation between the allowing and allowed, seer and seen, capacity and the world it holds. It's all one thing in continuous doing, being, existing. It's an emptiness given for our description of what appears, painting the world with momentary meaning for our own understanding - but always, only, remaining a trackless reality. 


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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Continues On Its Own

to just let it be, whatever arises, without added concern to how it may unfold - and with this we find that even out greatest disturbances belong, nothing being excluded from its rightful place of appearing here and now. This is the action of the moment, to gather what we have and simply act with best intent. From here it's just a letting go, without effort, life itself provides the motion - our role is only one of being present to what happens. We are life, and as such, we too are the constant motion of this letting go. It all continues on its own...


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Monday, March 16, 2020

Improbable Notions

nothingness - and the improbability the universe became from this, and more that we come to this existence. The physics are beyond me. Religion fails in explanation. I am not an atheist, nor am I a true believer in any original notion of a grand design. Science offers a detailed vision of how this came to be and it's a fascinating study. From the Big Bang through Darwin's evolution there's a blueprint of how life, this life, individual and large, came to be. Yet still I'm left with a why, that it is, and even that it's random in so many ways is without dispute - but why is it? Why did we come to be? It's this notion that I come to without beliefs. So my philosophy is simple - I don't know. What I feel is that life is without true explanation or cause, that it's not intelligent design but intelligence itself in creation and recreation, an endless pursuit of continuation without purpose. The meaning of life is to be alive. That this all came from an original nothingness, and then a spark of self-creation - this than is all we need to praise the miracle of existence. Whatever name we choose to call it. 


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Enough to Be Grateful

that we are - it's the simplicity of this, just being, and no effort given for this be so. Everything else is details, not to be dismissed, yet also not to be confused as more. This is always our return point, a refuge in any storm. It's always enough to be, existing for the sake existence alone, and all explanations serving as excursions of the mind. So long as our gratitude honors this, our central being, life is seen in its true, pure, expression of allowing. It's not a magical formula to end suffering, to fulfill wishes, or bend reality to our demands. It's not a sigh of resignation. It's life, full, happening as it does beyond our control, nothing excluded or avoided for the simple reason that nothing can be kept from a life that's complete in living. No spiritual path will take us beyond this. No path is really needed. We are - and this alone is enough to be grateful. 


Saturday, March 14, 2020

Our True Religion

it's that we are, miraculous in odds against our favor, sustained through air and breath in perfect combination - and more, that we are somehow aware, life in recognition to itself, and full of deep appreciation. What more is needed? This alone is our true religion, simply being alive and knowing that our stay is temporary, full of beautiful sorrow, displaying all a life can hold in such a brief span. It's a religion without cause, not serving our beliefs nor demands, but only allowing life to be in all its range of beauty. Nothing more is needed, no story of our origin, no sacrifice, and no faith for something after - it's all here, now, and everything belongs. 


Friday, March 13, 2020

But Aware

without single reason but aware - I find myself grateful that I am, able to note life in detail, and that it all occurs without effort of my own. This alone is my awakening, and its basis is simply, only, gratitude. That one single difference, a stray turn in the past, a word left unspoken, or a thousand actions not taken - and my world altered by degrees. Yet to find myself, now, alive and aware that none of this absolutely had to be - this brings me to my knees in awe and a prayerful thank you, thank you, thank you. 

To exist, and be aware - is the prayer we need. 

Peace (and thank you) 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

No Matter What Meaning

really, quite literally, I write about one thing only - it's always a seamless reality, yet with distinctions seen as separate objects or events, and our life often cascading between the seeming two. Each word here is readily accepted by the page, the thought that arrived was clear in its belonging. They are distinct in their meaning, but at no point are they ever found apart from the whole. My reference is often a tree, or bird, and how they find their very stretch for the sky is already firmly embraced by by their reach. It's one thing seen in a non-obvious display of more. We find ourselves in nature, again. quite literally - there is no view apart from observation, seeing, and we are instantly the seers, it's all one thing in a seamless fashion of awareness. So even as these words appear they are instant in their belonging - no matter what meaning they're assigned. 


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A Certain Grace

there's a certain grace in writing, that I can bare witness to an empty page and participate in the spontaneous appearance of words - and still find myself with a sense of fulfillment for words then left behind. Truthfully, it's simply a matter of arranging what's been given. I have no real notion of what will appear and put faith only in my ability to wait, the same patience of the page, that words come on their own, with nothing to prompt their fall. That there is grace, my waiting paid for in full by a flow of words that come without my concern for what will be told - that too is an appearance of its own. This than, is a certain grace, with words noted of its passing. 


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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

And Then Awe

and then awe - it's seeing the world first, that everything belongs as is, simply for the reason that it's all found in the moment of my viewing. It's the first blush of awareness of my being aware, seeing, and just before a thought to follow. Everything just is, needing no arrangement, laid out by the nature of it's own design. To what follows is the common state of life, added descriptions of my own, a rush of judgement to what's been seen, and then continued to the everyday. Yet - it's never quite the same. That brief glimpse of the ordinary grace that allows this all to be, reality undiluted by my own sense of self-importance, that this world exist without cause or reason known, spontaneous in appearing - I am left in senseless awe that I am, and part of this belonging. 


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Monday, March 9, 2020

Our Continued Conversation

our continued conversation - through means other than we commonly know. This breath we take now is valued with molecules once drawn in similar fashion from long ago, shared even by Michelangelo while carving David, ancient farmers at world in fields, and further still by life forms no longer in this world. Too, we are just rearranged atoms, the same once belonging to Jesus, and will again belong to someone not yet born, and continuing through the ages. What secrets have been carried? Whispered through our bones? Yet even more, these secrets have been lifted from the stars, we are made from galaxies filtered to our form, we are now - just continuations of the heavens. There is reason for awe, that all is so, and that it's known, and it belong as our existence. We are a continuing conversation of the cosmos - right now, simply being. 


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Sunday, March 8, 2020

Our True Ecology

our true ecology - that we meet within the reach we each offer, a stretch always towards, even if there's no end pursuit. In this sense we are without individual goal, my own comfort found within care of your concerns, and too you open to my needs. It's here, this found together, that a world is formed, our belief of separation dismissed in this unexpected meeting - and it's always been as such, at no point alone or apart from this extended touch. We always belong with, to, each other, and truly so as there is nowhere that isn't shared between us. 


Saturday, March 7, 2020

Caregivers After All

I'm a caregiver, and coming to this, I believed - totally unprepared. For many years I helped my father care for my mother during her decline through Alzheimer's and then after I have helped my father in his later years. Now at 93, his mind is sharp, while his body faces a few complications. I'm happy that overall, he is still fairly healthy. I feel I can take little credit in this, although I do what I'm able and as much as I can - yet much has been luck, good genes, help from family members and medical professionals. After many years, now I've come to see my role as truly what the title says - I give care. I tend, lend aid, comfort, support and love. More so, I see that life has prepared me perfectly for this role - through heartbreak of my own, a certain knack for loneliness, a modeling for empathy and compassion from my parents and other loved ones. I come perfectly formed for this position. We all do. We're all caregivers. Life itself is perfect preparation for exactly where we find ourselves. From early on we're each caregivers in a way we can manage at the time - and this grows through ever stage, until we find it's all we truly have to give away, just a bit of ourselves, in whatever way the moment calls for. Nothing in my life has prepared me to do less than simply love. I have grieved for this, mourned, suffered loss, and not met with certain gain. My heart broke for this. Tears, and yes, laughter too - for joy is essential to this role as well. In fact, it's better said, easier, to say that I have lived entirely, every aspect, and all the years - to be present, tender, to a person now in need. This is my role, and yours as well. Most importantly, it's our time together to care for each other, for the world, in small and large ways. We are caregivers after all - born and lived to reach this role. 


Friday, March 6, 2020

Seers of This Ordinary Magic

it's only when we add to this - our first clear sight, the world as new and fresh in its becoming. There's no story yet told. This is always our original sight, seeing for the first time, every time, and only later are descriptions added. Our capacity is to hold both the beginning, this first sight, as well as every distinction that unfolds - it speaks of our largeness, that we precede stories of the world, yet allow their telling, remaining true to the nature of both. This is a beauty that defies poets and artist, leaving mystics without beliefs, and still calls for them to attempt a momentary capture in words, art, or a finger pointing at the moon. It's can't be done - but in its effort, something of this awe is conveyed to others. This draws us to take a look for ourselves, to renew ourselves within and as the view. We become poets of an unspoken word, artist in a medium that expresses its own wonder, and mystics without a point of view - we're seers of this ordinary magic. 


Thursday, March 5, 2020

It's All Nature

it's all nature - and too is our inclusion. Nothing is found apart in this fabric of the whole, and it only seems that distinctions leave off in a separate becoming. We have mistaken ourselves as something other than the world, apart, and more as if we were the only ones who truly belonged. This belief, it seems, has caused an underlying anxiety, our sense of being alone in a universe where all else is connected. Yet, clearly, we are right now amidst creation, serving our own part to the whole - an equal exchange through breath, as if particles in a greater lung to all the world, we cycle through life both giving and receiving. We are nature. It's really that simple, life just continues in various form to formless, one thing in mysterious expression - and at no point, ever, do we find ourselves removed from our own belonging. It's what we are. 


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Life Itself is A Letting Go

it's really, only, the recognition of what has already been let go - life continues in a motion of its own accord, and we too are simply ripples in its stream. Surrender takes place in its own natural order, each moment holding only what it holds for the length of stay give. Even our clinging is an eventual past event, now a memory of what we refused to yield, but really just a tender mourning as we moved towards another day. So we see that life itself is a letting go, effortless in release and without time for what it holds. Through this we find ourselves without action, simply part of life in constant surrender of itself - to recognize this, is to be awake, aware, and open to the word for what it brings, and what's let go. 


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Original Content of Seeing

perhaps it's just to look - our one true purpose being to simply see the world without description, to be immersed in our very own nature, participants within our observations of it all. To see is really a welcome to what we behold, it's a return of grace to empty source, allowing what's viewed to rest in original note before opinions are formed. In this way, from first sight, we see again a tree as a shared miracle of growth between earth and sky - touching both in equal measure and more too with our inclusion added. This tree is now our story, told as our participation in this moment of joining along with earth and sky, how we all became together, one thing in observation of itself in wildly different forms. Yet all this too is just a story that followed - it's that first, one look, that exists without lie or story, the original content of seeing. 


Monday, March 2, 2020

As Open as The World

in a world made wide open, when we ourselves are literally space in gathered form - why hold to small beliefs? What is it that keeps us tethered to traditions that confine? There is no reason to believe what's been handed down by ages. Of course what's been given may indeed be true, and useful - and maybe not either. But we are free to find out for ourselves, to examine and explore our world for every kind of truth and even for the false that only serves us for a time. Perhaps better still is to remain us we are - open, as wide as the word itself, and equal in the varied possibilities it offers. We were not made to be small, not in belief, not in life. Our practice is only, always to let go - and simply be. And now we find ourselves, again, as open as the world. 


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Myself as World

the world is soul - and by this it's meant our own extension, that what's essential is spread before us as well as our inner vision of self. There is no line to keep us apart from the world, our view extends in measure of our largeness, and we are matched only by horizons and further past to distant stars. Nothing is beyond us. This is literal, that science tells us the same particles gathered now as our display were the very same that made a star - we are still made of light, energy, and some grace and mystery that holds is all together. For me, I call it soul, myself as world, and how it plays through the reach of my view. 
