Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Trackless Reality

without meaning - each moment occurs for just its purpose of being, life in full capacity of its expression. Only after do we provide an interpretation of events to suit our reasoning. Life happens in motion, a continuous flow of becoming and ceasing, objects and events appearing and occurring through a mystery of their own. To assign meaning helps us navigate the world, mapping interior landscapes to note our travels. Yet reality itself is always unmarked, trackless of purpose and meaning save for the room it provides for life to occur. This is why I love the term capacity, that reality is simply space provided for all things to be, a template of an allowing nature - and this without a hint of separation between the allowing and allowed, seer and seen, capacity and the world it holds. It's all one thing in continuous doing, being, existing. It's an emptiness given for our description of what appears, painting the world with momentary meaning for our own understanding - but always, only, remaining a trackless reality. 


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