Thursday, March 12, 2020

No Matter What Meaning

really, quite literally, I write about one thing only - it's always a seamless reality, yet with distinctions seen as separate objects or events, and our life often cascading between the seeming two. Each word here is readily accepted by the page, the thought that arrived was clear in its belonging. They are distinct in their meaning, but at no point are they ever found apart from the whole. My reference is often a tree, or bird, and how they find their very stretch for the sky is already firmly embraced by by their reach. It's one thing seen in a non-obvious display of more. We find ourselves in nature, again. quite literally - there is no view apart from observation, seeing, and we are instantly the seers, it's all one thing in a seamless fashion of awareness. So even as these words appear they are instant in their belonging - no matter what meaning they're assigned. 


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