Sunday, March 29, 2020

Equal in Our Vision

we view the world in length and parts, broken off from the point of our perception - yet through a subtle shift of attention, from objects seen back to seer, it's all made whole again. This is the simplicity of seeing a tree from roots in hidden network, to its farthest branching in the sky. Of seeing birds nesting and winds sweeping pollen. How it all flows in a together that defies the concept of parts in separate order. It's just one thing seen in details, unique aspects of the whole working for its welfare and continuation. Life. Through this, through our examination, we won't find a single point from which we break from - we're not a bird, yet a bird remains equal in our vision, wind sweeps our skin through the same touch it reaches bark, and every tree is our breath now and soon taken. One is not separate from the other, and in truth we'll find that, indeed, there is no other. There is only, always. one thing - life. 


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