Sunday, March 15, 2020

Enough to Be Grateful

that we are - it's the simplicity of this, just being, and no effort given for this be so. Everything else is details, not to be dismissed, yet also not to be confused as more. This is always our return point, a refuge in any storm. It's always enough to be, existing for the sake existence alone, and all explanations serving as excursions of the mind. So long as our gratitude honors this, our central being, life is seen in its true, pure, expression of allowing. It's not a magical formula to end suffering, to fulfill wishes, or bend reality to our demands. It's not a sigh of resignation. It's life, full, happening as it does beyond our control, nothing excluded or avoided for the simple reason that nothing can be kept from a life that's complete in living. No spiritual path will take us beyond this. No path is really needed. We are - and this alone is enough to be grateful. 


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