Monday, March 16, 2020

Improbable Notions

nothingness - and the improbability the universe became from this, and more that we come to this existence. The physics are beyond me. Religion fails in explanation. I am not an atheist, nor am I a true believer in any original notion of a grand design. Science offers a detailed vision of how this came to be and it's a fascinating study. From the Big Bang through Darwin's evolution there's a blueprint of how life, this life, individual and large, came to be. Yet still I'm left with a why, that it is, and even that it's random in so many ways is without dispute - but why is it? Why did we come to be? It's this notion that I come to without beliefs. So my philosophy is simple - I don't know. What I feel is that life is without true explanation or cause, that it's not intelligent design but intelligence itself in creation and recreation, an endless pursuit of continuation without purpose. The meaning of life is to be alive. That this all came from an original nothingness, and then a spark of self-creation - this than is all we need to praise the miracle of existence. Whatever name we choose to call it. 


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