Friday, March 6, 2020

Seers of This Ordinary Magic

it's only when we add to this - our first clear sight, the world as new and fresh in its becoming. There's no story yet told. This is always our original sight, seeing for the first time, every time, and only later are descriptions added. Our capacity is to hold both the beginning, this first sight, as well as every distinction that unfolds - it speaks of our largeness, that we precede stories of the world, yet allow their telling, remaining true to the nature of both. This is a beauty that defies poets and artist, leaving mystics without beliefs, and still calls for them to attempt a momentary capture in words, art, or a finger pointing at the moon. It's can't be done - but in its effort, something of this awe is conveyed to others. This draws us to take a look for ourselves, to renew ourselves within and as the view. We become poets of an unspoken word, artist in a medium that expresses its own wonder, and mystics without a point of view - we're seers of this ordinary magic. 


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