Thursday, June 30, 2011

Training for today And Props to Perfom Better Comp Bells

Training for today -


1.Long cycle -@22kgs 3:00
2.Jerk -@22kgs 1:00 6reps
3.Goblet squat – 2x10
4.Pushups – 1x30
5.Run – trail 6.0 (NB Minimus)

1.Run -3.5 bike path (Bikilas LS)

A bit over 35 miles so far this week with a long run and double coming up for the weekend - 65+ should be doable. I love the new 22kgs kettlbells and Perform Better did a great job designing them (great handles) and getting them shipped fast - I ordered Sunday and recieved them Wednesday. Pretty quick. The AKC/WKC now has 'between" sizes as well - I actually didn't know this until I placed my order. As an AKC/WKC coach I like to stay loyal - but props to Perform Beter for a great job!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peace of Mind

Cultivate peace of mind.
Each day will give you prenty to practice with and every encounter with another is an opportunity to wish and extend peace no matter the circumstance.
It's not always easy.
And that's why we practice.
And practice.
And practice some more.
But it does get easier and soon your own sense of peace becomes a central focus and you're just not willing to sacrifice it for an fruitless exhchange of petty anger (and it's almost all petty and we almost always realize this AFTER the fact - sometimes years after.)
The first, last, and only stragedy for a peaceful mind is the realization that it's a choice and that in any given momnent or situation we can chose peace instead of our current choice of lack - lack of peace, kindness, compassion, empathy, humour, understanding...the list goes on. This places the burden of responibility directly on our own shoulders. It also places the freedom of a peaceful mind there as well. Our choice. Maybe there is one more stragedy - and it's giving up the need to be right. Let it go. Of course this doesn't mean not standing up for ourselves, giving in to unreasonable demands, or allwing people to walk all over us. No it simply means that wew not willing to engage over a matter that will prove to be a losing bargin for us all. It's not worth it. State a point, smile and walk away. Or just smile. Or understand their point, but disagree - and smile and walk away. Don't give up peace of mind for a point - and one that most likely won't matter to another anywhay.

That's it for now.
I think I made my point.
If you disagree - you can always smile and
walk away.
I won't mind.


Todays Training

Training for today - nice abd easy.
No double.


1.One arm clean&press -@20kg
2.Pullups/close grip chins -8/6
3.Swings -@24kg 9:00 131 reps
4.Plank –1:15
5.Run -8.05


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's Within

It's not the world - it's within that opens unexpectedly in revelation to the presnce of our Source.
And then we see the world has changed.

Training for today and some thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 7:00 27 reps
2. Leg matrix
3. Pushups - 1x30
4. Plank -1:00
5. Run - 6.5 bike path (Fartlek)

pm -
Run -3.27 road/bike path

No double tomorrow but definitely Thursday - that should put be close to 35 mile for the week with my long run and a double on Sunday. I'm thinking 65+. Two new 22kg Kettlebells come tomorrow and that will add a new twist to my long cycle - just a little bit heavier and will make the road back to 24kg and plus a little easier. I have been rolling the dice (same as I do for swings and snatches) for my long cycle days and the higher numbers (8-12) will be done with 16's (and maybe even 12's if I'm beat or it's a 12 minute set), the medium numbers (5-7) will be done with 20's and anything under 4:00 will be the 22's and maybe the 24's. That's the plan and as always it's subject to change!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Todays Workout

1. One arm clean&press-@20kgs 5x1
2. Pullups/close grip chins - 8/5
3. Swings -@24kg 8:00 115 reps
4. Plank -1:30
5. Run - bike path 5.0

Run - road 2.75

shooting for 65+ this week.
We'll see!

For You

Don't hesitae to believe that this singular moment holds the possibility of a grand awakening. The dawn doesn't make light - darkness gives way to the ever present sun and a new day begins. And so it is for you and so it is for us all. May this moment bring you happiness my friends.

Last Mile at WS100

Pretty amazing. Kilian's legs look fresher at mile 99 than mine do after 20. It's still a mystery to me how these ultra stars get to this point. In Kilians case I think being a world class mountain skier and having spent a lifetime living, climbing, sking, and running at altitude helps a bit!
Check him out for the final mile at his victory at Western States100.

And here are some training tips -

and a brief bio.
Watch him run the downhills!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Myths, Dreams, Light and Shadows - And the Dawn

There is a myth that God created the world we see - and yet filled with pain and suffering we are left with the mystery of why a Force of Love would create a world such as this? The ancient Vedic Seers called this world Maya, or an ilussion and the Buddha later continued this thought with an Eightfold Path to see the reality beyond the deception of our minds. The world we see is a projection our collected egos and has nothing to do with the true perception of the world according to a Course in Moracles. The answer to the question of why would God create such a world is simply He didn't - we did. In our accidental dream of separation we projected our guilt and suffering outward into a world of self created pain. And ever since we have yearned in hidden moments to return to the sanctuary of our Oneness with God. Yet as every dream there is a dawn of realization that what we are dreaming is but a moment played as light and shadows and it not the truth of our world. And then we awaken. In this true dawn we find ourselves again One within the mind of God - our home and one we dreamed we left behind.



Through in some Kettlebell Thrusters today for time in quite awhile - kept it light and fairly easy but it definitely fried the legs after a long weekend of running and an 8:00 Long Cycle set. Should be a keeper for the next few weeks to help with leg strength and drive for the hills of Catoctin. Here's Coach Steve Maxwell showing how their done -

And for another version that will be a lung buster as well as frying the legs try this as demonstrated by Julie Coder -

Of course these can be performed with dumbells, a barbell, medicine balls, bands or even everyday objects of you're away from the gym.
Try it!

Training for today and weekly milage


1.Run – trail 7.5 (Trail Glove)

1.Long cycle -@16kgs 8:00 56 reps
2.Thrusters-@(2)12kgs 3x5
3.Plank -1:00
4.Run – bike path 3.35 (8.40 pace)

63.45 for the week. Felt pretty good until the thrusters! Now my legs are fried but I'll take the next two days at an easier pace and get things loose for some upcoming hard work later this week. Only three more long runs and a week of tapering until CAT50K...are you ready?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mad Cowboy Interview

Enjoy (and learn)

Forgive the World

The world itself is an illusion of projected energy played against the backdrop on mind - behind the illusion, and all pervading from that point infinite - there is only God. And this truth is our Home. At any point within this illusion we can awaken and return to our Home. We simply need to know we can -and some do. Many do not and blame God on the content of our shared projection.
This is hell.
Forgive it.
And with forgiveness and again forgive more until the world is clear of all illusion - we remember the truth of Home, and God, and no projections.
This is Heaven.

God Bless,

Training for today - nothing special

1. Run - bike path/trail 20.50 (Bikilas LS)
2. Foam roller/joint mobility

Friday, June 24, 2011

Forgiveness (again)

Always I return to forgiveness - even as it is so often the last thing the ego allows. It's a spiritual call for peace - as a Course in Miracles reminds us in troubled times "We can choose peace instead of this" and peace of mind and the path to God both lay in the simple recognition of ourselves within another. And once viewd in terms of One there can be no sin against another save for this lack of awareness of our connection. Forgiveness is our retunr to this awareness.


Plank and Plank Variations

The plank should be a staple in any runners strength routine as well as for anyone who wishes to improve core strength to simply stave off back pain, and improve posture. For distance runners it will help prevent the dreaded "old person" shuffle - the caved in, head down, barely going forward that (too often)hits some of us in the latter portions of a tough race. The core takes a tremendous beating on the trail, so trail runners would do well to incorperate this simple movement. Work your way up to 1-2 minutes in the standard plank position (either pushup or on elbows) before adding any of these variations. Super Coach Dan Johns claims that if you can't hold the basic plank position for two minutes than your core routine has failed you. I believe him.

Try it! (you'll be happy you did in your next race!)

Training Log- 06/24/11

1. One arm clean&press -@20kg 3x(1/2/3)
2. Pullups/close grip chins –7/5
3. Snatch - @16kg 6:00 50/50
4. Leg raise/plank – 20/1:00

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Solitairy Pursuits

My solitairy pursuits -meditating, poetry,kettlebell training,long distance running. Ane even though I participate along with others on some of these activitites - at their core I remain apart, as we all must in our solitairy quest that's lead by an inward drive of exploration. And yet the irony here is that the deeper we dive into our pursuit of one - the more we begin to experince the true realization of One. Nothing desolves the ego in so gentle and brutal a manner as a very long run through the hills and woods and far reaching trails. As the legs tire we turn to ego and competition to push further and faster - but ego only takes us so far and soon disolves to a surrender of self and the embrace of motion, pain, and the trail itself. We are erased and the true run begins - movement in the sense of freedom from restriction, motion pure in its delight. Thoughts pass the mind swift and leave no trace - there is no time to miss them for we have entered a timless zone of mindful awe and wonder. We are running - yet more we are flight expressed on ground and a brief kiss of air against and below us. Only later, in review do we claim authorship of the poetry of the run - the ego reborn claims its due. But some part of us rememebers, and stores a cherished time away in a shared expereince of the soul. Some deep part of us recognizes this memory within another - and a quick knowing smile is passed even as we're left to wonder why. The soul knows. Always.

Get Ups

The "Turkish" Get up is a great full body exercise with a special emphasis on the core and shoulder stability. It's a great movement for runners - especially trail runners (and especially especially for ultra runners) where the core can really take a beating and eventually limit our performance. Here is a very concise demonstration from Mountain Bike Strength Coach -

Along with swings and planks - a pretty complete strength and conditioning program can be done by runners and other athletes looking to improve their strength and performance.
Try it!

Training for the day

Training for today -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 6:00
2. Long cycle-@20kgs 2:00
3. Get ups -@24kgs 5:00 (switch every rep)
4. Pushups - 2x20
5. Plank -1:00
6. Run- 6:00 bike path (Bikilas)

1. Run - 3.25 road (Bikilas LS

30+ miles for the week so far with the long run Saturday coming up and a double run Sunday. Should make 60 for sure.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Traiing Log - 06/22/11

Training for today -
1. Long Cycle -@20kgs 5:00 24 reps
2. Leg Matrix - 15/15/15/15
3. Pushups - 2x25
4. Fit ball crunch/plank/fit ball crunch - 25/1:00/25
5. Run - bike path (Fartlek)

Shaping up towards a 60+ mile week. Double run tomorrow and Sunday should put me there along with a 20+ long run on Saturday.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Todays Training

Training for the day -
1. Long Cycle -@20kgs 5:00 24 reps
2. Leg Matrix - 15/15/15/15
3. Pushups - 2x25
4. Fit ball crunch/plank/fit ball crunch - 25/1:00/25
5. Run - bike path (Fartlek)5.50

pm -
Run 3.50 road

The Leg Matrix

This is from trainer Alwyn Cosgrove - he uses it as a "finisher" for the athletes he trains and clients seeking to change their body composition. Years ago I would use it as a finisher after deadlifts and have lately been using it as preparation for the hills of Catoctin. Very effective for developing leg drive for the hills and toughening the quads for the downhills (just as important)
Try it!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Training for today

Todays training -
1. One arm Clean & press -@20kgs 5x1
2. Pullups/close grip chins - 9/6
3. Swings -@24kg 10:00 126 reps
4. Plank/leg lift - 1:00/20
5. Run - bike path 6.0 (Bikilas)

Would like to hit 60+ miles for the week with three doubles spread throughout - most likely Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


To be undone.

First...I give
my skin.

And dissolved beneath your
fingers...I lay bare to
the flesh of my

There is my blood.

As if an ocean that ebbs dry to
the pull of constant

I bleed arid for a moment in
your gaze.

And then...there are my bones.

They know only of an ache that
reaches far from your

To be
this -

Until the ache is all that's

And I vanish in your touch.

Weekend Training

Training for the weekend -
Saturday -
1. Run - bike path 20.15 (Bikilas LS)
2. foam rolling/joint mobility

1. Run - trail 6.0 (Trail Gloves)

Pm -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 4;00 20 reps
2. Goblet squat/jump squat - 2x10/10 (@12kgs for goblet squat)
3. Pushup circuit - 20/10/10 (reg/close/wide)
4. Run - bike path 4.0 (8:43 pace)

Solid weekend of training with 30 miles for the weekend and just shy of 60 miles total for the week. Matt hit 16 for his long run and Moca hit 15.5 so both should hit a 20 before June lets off. Things look good!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Double Runs

So I mentioned double runs yesterday and reading more about them I am eager to shoot for doubles at least three times a week. Some days will be a longer run in the morning and a short "tempo"(ish)run in the later afternoon and some days this will be reversed with he second run aiding recovery. Hopefully soon a track workout will be added into this mix as well.
I added doubles during my training for Seneca 50k and felt great after with more miles left in me - I neglected them for North Face and felt nowhere near refreshed - not to mention that I didn't bounce back as quickly afterwards. I believe that the doubles had my body geared to run and recover quicker to be ready to train again and my reading has beared this out. Doubles also increase your running economy which leads to greater speed (in all distances)and again my own experince tells me this is true - especially when paired with a high raw vegan diet which enhances recovery, weight loss. speed and strength (running wise if not lifting)
For ultra's there is the added benifit of learning to run on tired legs and in a general fatuiged state.
If anyone decides to add this to their training plan please start slow, ease into and do some more research on how it may apply your own individule goals. Make sure you hydrate between runs, get at least 500 calories (fruit ideally - and yes fruit has protein)and wait at least 4 hours (ideally) between runs.
This plan will fall perectly along side mt wish to start doing a bit of track work as well. So I'm excited and will be sure to write more about how this pans out.
Stay tuned!

Training for today and some training thoughts

Todays workout -
1. One arm clean & press -@16kgs 5x(1/2/3/4/5)
2. Pullups/close grip chins -8/5
3. Snatch -@16kg 7:00 100+ (lost track)
4. Fit ball crunch

First cycle with ETK is done and even though the weight was kept light is has left me with some questions on keeping it through CAT training. As the cycle ramps up it takes longer to complete - which cuts into running and more importantly recovery time - even though it's a bit easier on the legs than long cycle. I also won't be able to work through the ladders as quickly as the weight gets heavier. 20kgs should still be relatively light and easy but I may not be able to smoke through it in 15-20mins as I did with the 16's. So this weekend I'll give it all some thought and see where it brings me Monday.
Long run tomorrow and double run on Sunday!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Green Smoothies with Tim Van Orden

Great way to get your greens (shoot for 1lb a day)and additional fruit. Some may find that this is a bit too high in fat and I would agree with this myself. But some base there diet on a bit more fat content than I do - it's raw, it's vegan - so give it a shot yourself and see how you like it.
Tim a fantastic runner and athlete (stair racer) and shares his journey on his Running Raw web site and YouTube channel. Chech them out!

Training Log - 06/16/11

Training for today -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 6:00 30 reps (5rpm)
2. Get ups -@20kg 5:00 (switch on rep)
3. Pushups – 1x25
4. Core circuit
5. Run – trail 6.15 (NB Minimus)

Pm – run bike path/road 3.0

Great day on the trail and a nice finish on the road bike path. I have been reading about the benifits of double runs and will post more on this later. For now I'll just say that it's an essential part of CAT training.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Training For Today (and training plan thoughts)

Todays training -

1.One arm clean & press –@16kgs 5x(1/2/3/4)
2.Pullups/close grip chins – 2x(1/2/3/4)
3.Swings -@28kgs 2:00 40 reps
5.Run -7.5 bike path (Bikilas LS)

One more day of clean & presses left on this cycle and I'll have to decide if I wish to stick with it for another. I mainly switched to give my legs a bit of a break from long cycle and something different, as the kettlbell sport moves have been the mainstay of my lifting for 3+ years - and for great over all results as far as that goes. Yet with a vegan diet, and uktra running I difinitely lost strength (I did a cycle of this same workout 3 years ago using the 32kg kettlebell)not to mention that I'm the lightest I have been since a teenager - heck even by my senior year in High School I hit 190lbs with some serious lifting. That's 50lbs heavier. Anyway ultra running is my game right now (and for as long as I can see at least) but a strong ultra runner is what I would still like to be. So I wouyld like to gain some strength back through ETK (Enter the Kettlebell) and then switch back more exclusively to GS for my strength and conditioning for running. So I'm leaning towards another 1-2 cycles at least before switching back. But as always - my thoughts are flexible on the matter. Decent runs throughout the week and ready to tackle a string of 20's in my long runs leading up to CAT. tHANKS FOR READING!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Now That's a Stride...

Training for Today and CAT50K Thoughts

Todays workout and the return of the two-a -days!
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 5:00 26 reps
2. Leg matrix -14/14/14/14
3. Pushup circuit - 20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/Hindu)
4. Plank -1:00
5. Run - bike path 4.60 (Fartlek)

1. Run - bike path 2.80

At least twice a week there will be double runs and the plan is to add in a stairmaster workpout once or twice a week if I can drag myself into the YMCA. At one time the Y was my home away from home but recent renovations have made it a less than favorable place to visit. But I believe tht the stair mast will add some hill milage on the legs with no real impact to interfere with recovery (other than general soreness)
I'm even considering weighted vest walks as well and will think this through some more. Pull out all stops to get my CAT card this year and hopefully will be able to help Matt and Moca get there's as well. I'll actually be training three people who are doing CAT and I think we can all have a good showing!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Todays workout - 6/13/11

1. One arm clean & press -@16kgs 5x(1/2/3)
2. Pullups/close grip chins – 8/4
3. Swings -@24kgs 8:00 121 reps
4. Plank- 1:15
5. Run -5.05 bike path (Bikilas LS)

Easy run - I'll shoot for a double tomorrow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Todays workout

1. Run - trail 6.0 (NB Minumus)
2. Get ups -@20kgs 5:00 (switch on min0
3. Pushups - 1x25
4. Plank -1:00


lots of hills and a hill interval thrown in (5x:20 hard run/:20 walk) for
good measure with a finish up Ilchester hill.
Good run!


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Training For Today (and training plan thoughts)


1.Run –bike path 12.05
2.Afternoon –
Long cycle -@20kgs 5:00 24 reps
Leg matrix – 12/12/12/12
Run – treadmill 3.25 (Vibram KSO)

Over 15 miles total for the day - good start (and back off) for CAT - only 5 weeks of long runs left so each one has to count. Double runs at least twice this week and shooting for 50+ plus total. The plan will be to top out at over 70 before the at least two weeks bfore the race.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Training for today -(6/10/11)

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 6:00 27 reps
2. Get ups -@20kg 5:00 (switch on minute)
3. Pushups -2x20
4. Plank/fit ball crunch - 1:00/25
5. Run - bike path 4.0 (Bikilas LS)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Todays Training

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 6:00 27 reps
2. Get ups -@20kg 5:00 (switch on minute)
3. Pushups -2x20
4. Plank/fit ball crunch - 1:00/25
5. Run - bike path 4.0 (Bikilas LS)

Tempo(ish0 run today with a one mile warm up and the following two done at arond 8:02 with a one mile cool down. Big debate right now is whether or not I'm up to racing a 5k on Sunday after my long run on Saturday (15 miles.) I haven't had any real rest since the 50k and a particularly slow 5k might not be the pleasent day for me right now. Still it would be a speed workout on tired legs - so the (tentative) plan is long run on Saturday. 5k Sunday morning followed by another 2-3 in the afternoon. Saty tuned to any changes!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dude That is the Coolest Sentence I've Ever Heard Talked

The Training Is Done in the Kitchen

words from Mike Arnstein -

Training For today

Todays workout -
1. One arm clean & press -@16kg 4x(1/2/3/4)
2. Pullups/close grip chins – 7/5
3. One arm swings -@16kgs 8:00 211 reps
4. Run – trail 4.80 (NB Minimus)

Tired legs but surprisingly not too bad considering no break since the race and fartlek yesterday and Buzzard Rock today. Next week (Sunday)I'll start some double runs a few days a week. This really seems to help keep my legs fresh during the latter stages of a long run and I could definitely feel their absence in this training cycle. They're a must for CAT!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Training Log -06/07/11

Todays training -

1. Long cycle -@20kgs 5:00 25 reps (5rpm)
2. Leg matrix – 10/10/10/10 (squat/alternating lunge/lunge jump/jump squat)
3. Pushup circuit – 20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/plyo)
4. Core circuit – plank/fit ball crunch/windmill (1:00/20/5@12kg)
5. Run – fartlek 4.40

Fartlek consisted of 10 minutes of running at an easy pace followed by 5minutes of intervals working up from 1:00 fast (with a minute rest)to 1:30. This was followed by another 5:00 of easy running and repeating the intervals only this time ladder to 2:00 hard (in 3 sets) and back down the ladder to 1:00. My heart rate maybe got to 160-170 tops. Easy run tomorrow and short tempo run on Thursday.
Thanks for reading!

Scenes From Catoctin (2010)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nothing Shared

Hands held against
The night…
Nothing shared
Us –
And this alone is our

Emptiness...and grasped full in
understanding -
the world becomes infinite in a
mind of no-things.

Training for today

Todays workout -

1. One arm press -@16kgs 5x(1/2/3)
2. Pullups/close grip chins – 3x(1/2/3)
3. Swings -@24kg 100 reps 6:00
4. Plank- 1:00
5. Run – 5.0 bike path (Bikilas LS)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The North Face Endurance Challange (50k) Race Review - 06/04/11

The North Face Endurance Chalange series is a ploshed, organized and fun event for the whole family. Runners can choose from 5k to 50 miles (with a marathon relay as well)and a kids fun run as well. North Face pulls out all the bells and whistles to make this a great even for all. A big thank you to North Face and all the wonderful volunteers who worked so hard to ensure we runners had such a great day!
Going in to the race I actually felt under-trained and I don't really know why - although I suspect it's because I didn't train specifically for this race. I still have a lot of miles on my legs from the previous long races and several long runs in between but it just felt strange that this wasn't THE big event of the season for me that my training would be geared for. Just a mental game I guess. Last year I ran the 50 mile event and was eager to kick back and enjoy the scenery more this year. The race starts off along the Potamac Heritage trail that is mostly single track through some steep but short hills with nice views of the river caught between the trees. Moca and I ran this section pretty strong and a bit over paced so we had great start going into the Great Falls section.

For me I was really looking forward to this section. The 50 mile event has you do the Great Falls loop 3 times which is very tough mentally as well as physcially as there are a few steep climbs along this section and it also contains what I feel is the most technical part as well. Three times is exhausting on every level - so doing it once was going to be enjoyable! You 50 milers rock! Last year Matt and Moca ran together and both did the 50k and finished in just over 9 hours. It was the first ultra for both and a respectable finish for a day that reached the high 90's with horrible humidity. This year Matt couldn't make it (look for him at CAT50K!)and Moca wanted to best her time from last year. In the past her IT bands have acted in up towards the 18 mile mark slowing her down considerably and making the raced difficult to finish - although she has pulled through for some tough races. This year we stayed on pace, ran strong and spent little time at the aid stations - and - she was pretty much pain free (aside from some flare of the IT bnads and the generaly aches of 30+ miles.) It was leaving Great Falls and entering the Potomac Heritage Trail for our return where we fell off pace a bit. This is a tough section with 7+ miles between aid stations. I made the mistake of not fueling enough and allowing my sodium levels to drop and this section got to me some. Steamed potatos dipped in salt fixed this and I was able to bounce back though. I think maybe Moca was worried as she rarely sees my energy dip much in a race. Lesson (I hope) learned. Too often I allow myself to cost on the minimum amount of fuel and water and this just gets a runner nowhere. S-caps would ahve been handy and I regret that I left mine at home.
At this point my Garmin said (yes, it talks to me) we only had 3 miles to go - an aide station sign said we had 4 miles to go. That was a bit disheartening especially as we would have to tighten our pace on tired legs to meet out goal. At 31 and some change (according to my Garmin)we hit our goal of breaking 8 hours. An hour+ off of Moca's time from last year and 30 minutes better than Seneca50k. However the race wasn't over. We ran maybe another quarter mile when a volunteer appeared and rang a bell and told us the finish was 700 meters further. We kicked it up a gear and ran it in strong with Moca pulling ahead with a sprint at the end- my sprint was a little less than hers. That put us in at 8:07 for the official time. Moca ran a hell of a race and I'm proud of her and proud to have been a help with her achieveing such a great race.
This year I got to meet and chat with ultra great Dean Karnazes and thank him not only for his inspiration but for writing the blog post on Mike Arnstein whose diet philosophy changed my life. Here we are practicing our flexing without looking like we're trying to flex routine - ok, maybe that was only me.

some race and gear notes -
I wore my Merrell Trail Gloves again and once more expereinced some minor foot rubbing (top of toes and side off my feet)after they got wet from a stream crossings. I may have to coat my feet in vasoline for the next ultra I run in these or maybe go up a half size larger.
This was the hardest race I have done in minimal shoes and aside from the rubbing and a few rough steps on some rocky areas my feet are fine but tired.
More and better fueling for me at aide stations is a must and S-caps on hot days as well. I tend to think my diet and training make me bullet proof and past expereince has made me a bit cocky in this regard. So I want to learn this lesson while it's "minor" instead of ignoring it and learning it with a big boink and DNF at some later race.

If anyone is looking for their first ultra or trail expereince than North Face Endurance series is a great optionn and the support you recieve will make is an unforgettable expereince and allow your whole family to expereince it with you on some level or another. For expereinced ultra runners the Great Falls loop provide a serious challange and will definitely test all runners. It's a great race and should be on everyones "to do" list.
Thanks for reading!

Last two days....

Here's what I've done -

Saturday -
1. North Face Endurance Challange 50k (actual distance 31.93 plus went off course for 1/4 mile)

1. Run - trail 5.0 (NB Miniums)
2. Long cycle -@20kgs 3:00 16 reps
3. Pushup circuit - 20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/semi planche)
4. Plank - 1:00

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Training Thoughts For CAT50K

" Most people never quit running because they are out of breath, they stop because something hurts….but most people take this to mean they should just shuffle or not work on speed-strength, just the opposite."
The above was shared by Eric Orten of Born to Run fame who trained author Chris McDougall for the epic Copper Canyon run that the book was centered upon. Those are wise and true words and their meaning really hits deep after further contemplation. Aside from a particuarly tough hill (or mountain) or a finishing kick - when was the last time you were out of breath running an ultra or on your long run? The answer is that one should never be out of breath on a long run and for most of us ultra mortals - we're not "racing" an ultra (maybe a 50k for those hard core among us.)
This though is going to fuel my (and those I train)training for the Catoctim 50k which has been known to break those who take it lightly and even some who don't. I'm looking forward to the training and the race - stay tuned!

Training Log - 06/02/11 and some training thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -16kgs 5:00 40 reps
2. Pushup circuit -20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/med ball)
3. Various band stuff
4. V-ups/fit ball crunch -2x10/10

Nice and easy today - no running and light on the long cycle. Clean and press tomorrow and maybe snatches although I may be better served to skip them and let my back and hamstrings rest even more. Registration is sent for CAT50K and training starts right now - including North Face 50k! Taking a page from Eric Orten's book (when he finally writes his future bestseller) and concentrate on strength and power. I'm not going to get out of breath on an ultra - at least not for long - but I may end up having certain body parts ache and throb. This is less likely to happen the stronger the muscle. So speed, strength, power, hills fartlek and tempo runs are all in order.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Unbreakable: The Western States 100

A must see film.
This may have been the greatest raced ultra of ultra time with the drama of a come from behind victory, dueling mountin runs and records shattered.
Can't wait!

Todays Training

Todays workout -
1. One arm clean & Press -@16kg 3x(1/2/3/4)
2. Pullups/close grip chins - 2x(1/2/3/4)
3. Two arm swings -@24kg 6:00 111 reps
4. Leg raise/fit ball crunch - 1x20/20
5. Run - bike path - 2.5

Last run until Saturday and light lifting tomorrow.
Hoping for fresh legs (for a chnge!)