Thursday, June 2, 2011

Training Thoughts For CAT50K

" Most people never quit running because they are out of breath, they stop because something hurts….but most people take this to mean they should just shuffle or not work on speed-strength, just the opposite."
The above was shared by Eric Orten of Born to Run fame who trained author Chris McDougall for the epic Copper Canyon run that the book was centered upon. Those are wise and true words and their meaning really hits deep after further contemplation. Aside from a particuarly tough hill (or mountain) or a finishing kick - when was the last time you were out of breath running an ultra or on your long run? The answer is that one should never be out of breath on a long run and for most of us ultra mortals - we're not "racing" an ultra (maybe a 50k for those hard core among us.)
This though is going to fuel my (and those I train)training for the Catoctim 50k which has been known to break those who take it lightly and even some who don't. I'm looking forward to the training and the race - stay tuned!

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