Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peace of Mind

Cultivate peace of mind.
Each day will give you prenty to practice with and every encounter with another is an opportunity to wish and extend peace no matter the circumstance.
It's not always easy.
And that's why we practice.
And practice.
And practice some more.
But it does get easier and soon your own sense of peace becomes a central focus and you're just not willing to sacrifice it for an fruitless exhchange of petty anger (and it's almost all petty and we almost always realize this AFTER the fact - sometimes years after.)
The first, last, and only stragedy for a peaceful mind is the realization that it's a choice and that in any given momnent or situation we can chose peace instead of our current choice of lack - lack of peace, kindness, compassion, empathy, humour, understanding...the list goes on. This places the burden of responibility directly on our own shoulders. It also places the freedom of a peaceful mind there as well. Our choice. Maybe there is one more stragedy - and it's giving up the need to be right. Let it go. Of course this doesn't mean not standing up for ourselves, giving in to unreasonable demands, or allwing people to walk all over us. No it simply means that wew not willing to engage over a matter that will prove to be a losing bargin for us all. It's not worth it. State a point, smile and walk away. Or just smile. Or understand their point, but disagree - and smile and walk away. Don't give up peace of mind for a point - and one that most likely won't matter to another anywhay.

That's it for now.
I think I made my point.
If you disagree - you can always smile and
walk away.
I won't mind.


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