Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Training for today and some thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 7:00 27 reps
2. Leg matrix
3. Pushups - 1x30
4. Plank -1:00
5. Run - 6.5 bike path (Fartlek)

pm -
Run -3.27 road/bike path

No double tomorrow but definitely Thursday - that should put be close to 35 mile for the week with my long run and a double on Sunday. I'm thinking 65+. Two new 22kg Kettlebells come tomorrow and that will add a new twist to my long cycle - just a little bit heavier and will make the road back to 24kg and plus a little easier. I have been rolling the dice (same as I do for swings and snatches) for my long cycle days and the higher numbers (8-12) will be done with 16's (and maybe even 12's if I'm beat or it's a 12 minute set), the medium numbers (5-7) will be done with 20's and anything under 4:00 will be the 22's and maybe the 24's. That's the plan and as always it's subject to change!

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