Thursday, June 30, 2011

Training for today And Props to Perfom Better Comp Bells

Training for today -


1.Long cycle -@22kgs 3:00
2.Jerk -@22kgs 1:00 6reps
3.Goblet squat – 2x10
4.Pushups – 1x30
5.Run – trail 6.0 (NB Minimus)

1.Run -3.5 bike path (Bikilas LS)

A bit over 35 miles so far this week with a long run and double coming up for the weekend - 65+ should be doable. I love the new 22kgs kettlbells and Perform Better did a great job designing them (great handles) and getting them shipped fast - I ordered Sunday and recieved them Wednesday. Pretty quick. The AKC/WKC now has 'between" sizes as well - I actually didn't know this until I placed my order. As an AKC/WKC coach I like to stay loyal - but props to Perform Beter for a great job!

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