Monday, March 31, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #34

The great Tao flows everywhere.

We are solitary - yet connected by the source of motion. From stillness we
emerge and as runners we carry the silence of our beginning
through the miles that we wander. So much is
said in the quiet spaciousness between us.
In breath and stride we find our
common ground.

When we run...we speak a language of our own.  

Distance reveals our shared nature - a common self that belongs to earth and air. We are joined in a great belonging. Viewed as such the path we run becomes our own self spread before us - eager for our steps to reconnect in exploration. Distance no longer threatens but now invites our steps to remember this holy connection. And our steps caress the ground in a stride of devotion. We are recognized and welcomed and the world opens before us. There is only this...and every runner belongs and no path exist in the absence of our steps.


We are solitary runners connected by the source of motion. From stillness we
begin and a runner carries the silence of this beginning through the
distance of road and trail. So much is said in the hushed
spaciousness between us. In breath and stride we
find the common ground of our together.

When we run...we speak a language of our own.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #33

One who gives himself to the Tao
surely lives forever.

We give ourselves fully to the run. With this surrender comes a
merging - one body beating as the earth and the path we
run a vein that feeds the heart.
We are runners still - yet more - we are
particles in an unseen force
defined as motion.

We are that which endures forever.

  • Every run is part of something greater than itself - it's the earth asking for our presence and each step sings a rhythm in reply. To give ourselves fully to the run - body, mind and soul is to re-enter into a sacred wholeness now lost in everyday life. We can't give away the baggage that we carry, we can only allow the miles to strip us bare of all but our essential self. Spiritually naked, free from the weight of all concerns we surrender to the run. Our presence is given and received. Now we run as the infinite...meeting the world in its embrace. The run itself is the deliverance to this world. We enter by our refusal to fight what is and simply accept one moment at a time. Nothing more. Distance itself will no the work. All we have to do - is run. 


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Wayne Dyer

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #32

All things end in the Tao
as rivers flow into the sea.

Running is our return home. It's the remembrance of our original
nature and everything that holds us from this
memory falls to the stride of
our arrival.
We are motion...coming back to the stillness of
our being before again setting forth
amidst the flow of time.

Running is the vehicle of our spirit.

  • The nature of running is expressed in the duality of motion and stillness - and yet in distance the two give way to one. We are stillness given form in the temporary game of life. We seek to know ourselves through motion and distance provides the template for exploration. Duality ends as our steps delivers a rhythm danced around a quiet mind. Intricate and intimate and soon shattered by thought - yet for moments stretched within a stride - we are part of this One great song. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #31

Peace is his highest value.
If the peace has been shattered,
how can he be content?

Nothing leads to peace - our steps are the means of revelation. No matter the
terrain - our course is always an inward quest to
remove false layers of self and meet the world exposed in our
true expression. We run with a peaceful heart - certain only of change and the
one thing alone that remains changeless...spirit.

  • Running centered in peace means bringing awareness to the still point within while cultivating a sense of detachment from the outer conditions that surrounds our run. It's a gentle nod of acknowledgment that while certain issues are bound to happen and to affect us - they certainly don't define us. The truth, our true nature is the witness that remains unaffected by the (all too) seemingly real illusions of life. We suffer for our wish for things to be other than they are - it's the grasping nature of the mind to seek pleasure and to hold it dear. When the mind finds no lasting pleasure then it repels what it once cherished and seeks again something new. It's an endless cycle. Until we learn not to take it all so seriously. Until we remember to smile and simply enjoy - resting in the awareness of life's fleeting nature. Every run seems to consist of separate steps - and yet each step contributes to the stride that delivers us to motion. Peace is found in the knowledge that no single step lasts - but our stride belongs to the infinite. We allow events and circumstances to bring us pleasure and often pain. That's the way of time and steps. Yet we run free in the peace found in our endless stride. That's the way of the infinite.  


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #30

The Master does his job
and then stops.
He understands that the universe
is forever out of control,
and that trying to dominate events
goes against the current of the Tao.


Our goal is to run clear of inner resistance - we are against nothing and
celebrate with gratitude the sake of the run itself. Anything beyond a single
step is of no concern. Our stride is made carefree in the collection of
these steps and the surrender of all else. if a single step is our existence.

  • There are select things that we can do that will make our run or race a success. Mentally and physically we prepare the best we're able. We fuel and hydrate well. We dress accordingly. Everything that we can account for we see too. And still the run is beyond our control. That's the nature of the world reflected in our steps. To grasp at the intangible aspects of life is too suffer. As runners we focus on our steps collected to a stride - each step brings an ending and then opens to a new world. Our stride contains the seeds of all possibilities - there is nothing to fight nor resist, nothing to grasp or avoid. We abide in the moment, aware of it's passing and grateful for its promise. With that in mind - we take one more step.


*Translation of The Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -# 29

There is a time for being ahead,
a time for being behind;
a time for being in motion,
a time for being at rest;
a time for being vigorous,
a time for being exhausted;
a time for being safe,
a time for being in danger.

The Master sees things as they are,
without trying to control them.
She lets them go their own way,
and resides at the center of the circle.

Our steps are not projected- we run in the certainty of the present moment - fully
aware that all things change yet content in what is offered.
We are free from the grasp of thought and objects.
The world moves though our minds
unopposed by needful
Our hearts are open.
It's enough to simply run.

  • Distance running is the art of acceptance for what is and the wisdom to know that all change begins within the present moment. The state we find ourselves in now is the result of choices made within previous moments. Denial of what is happening now is a waste of precious energy. We accept, we adjust and we allow the spaciousness of the infinite to open in its limitless potential. It's not for us to decide what the next moment will bring - we act only in the present and draw faith from the perfection nature and knowledge we are not separate from this perfection. We don't control the hill, we simply climb it. We don't fight thirst, we drink when possible. We don't regret the distance run, but embrace the coming miles. All thing happen within the grace of a single moment. Staying centered here, we smile, and simply run. 


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #28

Know the personal,
yet keep to the impersonal:
accept the world as it is.
If you accept the world,
the Tao will be luminous inside you
and you will return to your primal self.

Our motion is not the opposite of stillness - it's the extension of our
essential selves seeking to know its own unexplored parts.
Every hill and sudden twist in the path shows an aspect of
self that yearns for our embrace.
Nothing is fought - for every battle is internal and
every victim is slain is our own defeat.
We run - surrendering to each moment and finding grace in the
stride of our acceptance.

  • We run to bring the stillness of our being to unexplored regions of both our inner and outer worlds. Giving up the struggle of how far and how fast we return to primal travelers seeking shadows to offer light and joining in the play of their dynamics. We are part of all things and simply wish to experience every depth of our dimension. In the acceptance of duality we discover our singular expression - the steepest hill before us offers something different on its far side - and yet a hill it remains. We accept it on terms the world offers and bring our own grace to the experience. We bring our best to the world - and the worlds response if full of wonder. 


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - # 27

A good traveler has no fixed plans
and is not intent upon arriving.

We have no destination - as runners, once in motion - we
have arrived. Every step is the perfection of the
moment and each moment brings a
perfect run.

There is no hurry on the endless path of our delight.

  • The path exist not to bridge two point of separation but to lay a single trail for the exploration of our spirits pleasure. The finish line is not our destination, there is no goal other than the realization that every moment is whole and complete and that we are the perfect awareness of each moment. No effort is required to reach this inner destination - only surrendering the concepts that keep us removed from our connection to the present moment. Thoughts that keep us distant from the quiet nature of our experience - thoughts of fear, worry and a rush to be elsewhere - won't be banished but they can be allowed to drift harmless, trackless through the mind. It's the weight of our emotions that keep them anchored in the infinite nature of our minds. Let them go with no hurry, no effort and with gratitude - they have sought to sever us well but from this moment on - the moment observed as breath and peace and spacious mind - there is no need for their presence. We have grasped the infinite - and will follow it home.


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #26

Thus the Master travels all day
without leaving home.
However splendid the views,
she stays serenely in herself.

There is a stillness within and we the
form that lends it motion.
Our steps take us far yet never leave the quiet
mind of our identity. And so we find ourselves at
peace no matter where the path may lead - there is
certainty in our stride and a faith that every
step reveals a hidden grace.

We run in the center of all that is.

  • Distance doesn't matter - our stride itself is home. It's the peace found within this motion, calm and quiet that is important. This peaceful presence it the witness to time and distance. We carry it through life as the truth of our identity yet remain unaware of its reality. We have fooled ourselves into lives played out in shadows and illusions while the Witness hides in the light of who we really are. Running reveals the Witness - with enough miles we are stripped past the shadows and emerge within the light. And all the while our steps take us no farther than our very own breath and the beat of the heart against our chest. The truth is that near. We can view life through the serenity of the Witness. It takes only a slight shift of awareness - from questions asked to the observance of the silent presence behind the asking. With this shift we come home again and our stride never falters. We run. But distance doesn't matter. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - # 25

The Tao is great.
The universe is great.
Earth is great.
Man is great.
These are the four great powers.

Man follows the earth.
Earth follows the universe.
The universe follows the Tao.
The Tao follows only itself.



Run with the faith of perfect order - our steps are sure and find their
place in this perfection. The ground is present and constant in its
reception. There is grace in the giving of our stride and the
patience of the Earth.

We are left with the simplicity of the run.

  • We are singular - yet part of something so much larger than ourselves. Distance running is the reduction of our singularity and the emergence into the universal. We merge into the infinite when infinite steps are taken. It's mysterious and at once the natural process of being. We let go of ego at the point where it simply can't sustain us - the miles have worn and shaped us to the spiritual curves of a stream polished stone. We don't resist the current - we surrender ourselves to the motion. And so we become more than runners - we enter the stream of a new current that carries us far from simply doing. We are motion now. We are the polished stones of being. 


Portion of The Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Tao of Disatnce Running - #24

If you want to accord with the Tao,
just do your job, then let go.

And now...only motion.
We have prepared in everyway for this
moment - when the stillness of
our being is given
With these wings we find our
stride and take to the path.

When it's time to run - we run.

  • Once in motion - we are runners. There is simplicity in our actions and no need for additions given to our steps. We plan, we take the necessary actions to keep us in motion - and then we let go. This is our time and freedom waits for us to shed the layers of self that bind us to the daily grind. There is no self at the far end of running - we have lost it in the wake of steps given freely. Now we're running. Now we're alive as motion. Now we're beyond the need of doing - now we are truly being. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - # 23

Open yourself to the Tao,
then trust your natural responses;
and everything will fall into place.

There is wisdom found in parts. Our feet know the
nature of the path. Follow them. The breath is
sure in the pureness of its passage.
Simply breathe.
The heart beats without conscious effort.
Surrender to it.
We are the force of being that holds all parts together.
Trust yourself.

Run in the completion of every part.

  • We are runners. There is no need to divide in categories. We run. It's simple. And yet the mind loves to complicate and separate - we are fast or slow, we race or jog - and a thousand other thoughts that cloud the soul. Thoughts are not the enemy but they are the source of complications. If we believe them. Motion is our birthright and for most of us we were running soon after our very first steps. No instructions needed. No thought necessary. We gave ourselves to motion. We trusted. We were full of grace and the courage to surrender. Nothing has changed from these first hurried steps. Motion still calls. Our body still longs for the grace it once knew. It remembers. Trust it. Run without complications. Ignore the ten thousand questions that flitter through our heads. Just run. Smile. Breathe. W are runners. 


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #22

When the ancient Masters said,
"If you want to be given everything,
give everything up,"
they weren't using empty phrases.
Only in being lived by the Tao can you be truly yourself.

We are motion given form and expressed in
fluid lines along the path. With every
mile we lessen of self and
again the world.

There is no achievement in
such perfection -
Only acceptance of who we are.

  • Our steps are our deliverance to present moment awareness. With attention we learn to reside in the here and now of our experience - no projection towards a finish nor a wish for a single moment to pass. To reach this point we surrender our identity of everything other than spirit. A racer reaches a point where they may no longer be able to race, stride falters, fatigue sets in, and sense of identity crumbles. This may leave a racer without a trace of hope to continue, or even a reason too. For spirit it's a gift of freedom - no longer bound by an illusion we are free to receive the many gift that running offers beyond the concepts of the mind. The world now speaks directly to us, the sky offers itself as an embrace and the earth will meet each step with delight. It starts with surrender - and then....the infinite. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #21

The Master keeps her mind
always at one with the Tao;
that is what gives her her radiance.

The Tao is ungraspable.
How can her mind be at one with it?
Because she doesn't cling to ideas.

Given fully to motion we find ourselves running beyond the
concept of miles and time. The infinite can't be
measured and our steps are timeless in
their sweep against the
We run in a constant state of letting go - allowing
thoughts to pass trackless through the mind.

Goalless - the run itself is all that matters.

  • Every finish line measures a finite distance. Every runner is infinite by nature. Even the longest race fails to contain the limitless potential of soul and stride. So why measure and why try? For the sheer joy of gathering with others in a solitary pursuit - we are singular worlds in a galaxy of distance sharing moments in our passing. Runners recognize this world in each - a salute of glance and nod. So we run a finite course yet remain unbound by measured concepts. We don't cling to a finish or tied to a goal. We simply run - everything else is just a bonus.


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#20

Stop thinking, and end your problems.
What difference between yes and no?
What difference between success and failure?
Must you value what others value,
avoid what others avoid?
How ridiculous!

We are not mere runners - we are motion blessed with form. Our singular mission to
simply give of ourselves in steps and breath and beating heart. In equal exchange we
receive the best the world offers - we have earth against our feet and wind and
sun in a sky's embrace.

There is nothing more to value - than what we hold dear.

  • Running is a singular pursuit by natures design - no one else wills the legs to go another step. Even as we gather in crowds to race or run together its an interior world where no one else may enter. Yet often we are given to measure our success or failures by benchmarks set outside our interior world. We race to beat others or to overcome an aspect of self we view as weak, we seek to beat previous times or go just a little bit farther. There is no wrong in competition or in striving to be faster or do our very best. But problems appear when use any of these as motivation that separates - that splits us from our own internal values as well from other runners. Our ultimate goal is always harmony. When we run in accord with our own nature we joined with the forces that hold the world together. No measure and no value outside of harmony will ever bring a sense of peace nor of lasting joy. Run simply in love - and everything will make sense. 


*Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #19

It is more important
to see the simplicity ,
to realize one's true nature,
to cast off selfishness
and temper desire.

Every mile gained is layer lost of self and a step towards our
original nature. Our running is prayer expressed as
motion. We turn to road and trail to
strip the mind- thought by thought- of life's complexities and
move towards the sole desire of a
quiet mind.

This is the simplicity of running - to give ourselves away in
measured steps. And gain the immeasurable world
  • Running returns us to our original nature - even past the primitive to the primordial. It's not a choice of motion to survive but the spontaneous joy of our expansion. We move as a communion with the natural world. That's simplicity. Some runs have specific training purposes to reach certain goals - and yet every goal and all our desires stem from a singular urge to belong to something greater than ourselves, to rejoin a community of spirit and know that our soul is matched to the soul of the world. Often there is no realization of this until our mind grows quiet in distant miles and we feel the soul's longing for something unknown yet achingly familiar. Our bodies know. The stillness of our soul knows. And that's the drive that keeps on the path - a knowing beyond the mind. Keep the goals and train hard and accordingly - but don't lose sight of the true simplicity of why we run. To return. Always to return. 


Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Wayne Dyer

Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #18

When the greatness of the Tao is present,
action arises from one's own heart. *

Every step - a holy moment on the
earth. Extended to a

  • We run with a wisdom found in and beyond the body - a harmony of self and world unified to a single field of motion. When we are aligned with this field our steps fall in perfect rhythm to the sacred beat of the path we run. Perhaps only we can hear this song - music singular to those who cover great distance while remaining close to the land. No one else needs to hear. We are guided by this beat and our heart responds in a way that includes all who share this path. Listen to the song that plays for us alone. Our every step will sing along.


*This portion of theTao Te Ching Translated by Wayne Dyer

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #17

The Master doesn't talk, he acts.

Our voice is expressed through
motion - we are heard by
earth and sun.
We are part of a holy communion of
steps and ground, breath and
All things we have touched have stretched through
eternity to receive us.
And we are worthy of this devotion - giving back
again in the caress of our stride and kiss of
every step.
There is no need to talk.
Our voice is

Running is our voice. It's our chosen expression of being. In distance a runner goes deep within themselves and every step becomes a prayer heard through earth and sky. There is no need to announce our intentions as motion alone is enough to meet our deepest needs. There is a silent nod given to fellow runners on the road and trail - a shared understanding that we're each engaged in a singular pursuit that joins us together to the whole of all beings. A silent voice - yet the world has heard. 


* Portion of the Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#16

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

We run from the still point of
our being. As the sky is
unaffected by clouds
and the flash of
lightening -
We too remain apart from
outer circumstance.
Our peace is found within and we run absorbed in the
perfect harmony found in self,
stride and earth.

  • Thoughts are not the enemy. Our attachment to thoughts along with the importance and meaning we assign them are the troublemakers. When a hill becomes more than a hill - a mountain created by thoughts of tired legs and flagging will - we need a gentle reminder that this too will pass and each step brigs us nearer to its conclusion. We need to rest gently in the space between thoughts, the quiet, still point of our being. That's where spirit resides and its the source of all real power. Constant thoughts of good or ill will create a storm of emotions that tire us faster than any distance ever could. Yet that space, the gap that falls between thoughts is ever present, it's the ground of reality that remains as every thought passes. Find the gap and pause there - even as the legs remain in motion. This is peace. And it will carry is far.


*Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running - #15

The Master doesn't seek fulfillment.
Not seeking, not expecting,
she is present, and can welcome all things.


Who knows what the path may offer?
We measure only what is given
away in the wake of
our passing.
Nothing can be taken.
And only possibilities
  • We are fulfilled by running - the extras - races, medals and recognition are but by products of the purity of our action. Even training to win or do well in a race is not about an end result but the process of daily commitment to something larger than ourselves. In the beginning of any endeavor ego plays a role - it's often the spark to a spiritual fire. Yet in the end ego is left behind as we pursue a truth that only freedom from attachments and expectation will bring. The true worth of a runner is not measured in arbitrary numbers or an imagined finished line - but in the grace of steps that's offered to the world. 


*Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


perhaps the world was designed to
slay the ego and the daily hurts and slights are
nails to the cross that lead to
spirits resurrection.

Be grateful to all that we receive.


The Tao of Distance Running - #14

Just realize where you come from:
this is the essence of wisdom.


From stillness...and then motion
given form. Our stride is
infinite in
And every step falls holy in
  • Deep down a runner seeks to return to original nature - our primal gift of motion and the grace of being. We become lost only in the absence of this awareness. Running is the vehicle of spirit. It's our return home. Stillness found in the midst of motion. Simply allow each step a full surrender - no agenda other than its kiss against the earth. Add nothing to this sacred formula. In this brief surrender - there is peace. There is the stillness of the infinite expressed in every step.


* Verse of Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Monday, March 10, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#13

See the world as your self.
Have faith in the way things are.
Love the world as your self;
then you can care for all things.



We run...not with hope but with faith in the
unfolding of what is now and the
continued perfection of all
And in the stillness of this awareness - our motion
becomes the worlds caress. An offering of
self given with each step.

  • One pure moment - stretched through the illusion of time and held through stride and distance. That's the entirety of every run. Everything else is a trick of the mind. There is no measurement of success and failure is nonexistent. There is just that one pure moment. As the mind wanders to areas that complicate our run and fills the body with weariness - gently return it to the presence of this moment. Remember the perfection of the run holds many things and we are witness to them all. Nourish the self and all things will be cared for.


* Translation of the Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Missed Day

A missed day of writing due to 24 hours on the trails running - right back at it tomorrow and picking up inspirations from the Tao Te Ching tomorrow. Perhaps a race report too for Lapper's Delight 24 Hour Run. It was definitely an adventure of the mind and spirit as they both suffered (and suffered is the word of choice here for reasons I will explain later. Until then I am putting words on paper to kep myself true - to myself.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Lappers Delight

S short break from writing about the Tao - leaving today for Lapper's Delight 24 hour run in North Carolina. It will be a fun time with music, a bond fire and lots (lots) of running! The goal is a distance PR so anything above 81 miles officially and 83 unofficially is in order and should be doable. Of course the number one priority is to stay healthy and have a quick recovery. Stay tuned.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#12

The Master observes the world
but trusts his inner vision.
He allows things to come and go.
His heart is open as the sky.



There are hills - and still we run. There will be heat and
cold and rain and sun. Yet the path remain
Our sight is clear. We are guided by steps and the
kiss of earth beneath them.
Every mile is a letting go and with a lightness of
self we learn to trust our
silent voice of wisdom.

All things pass -and still we run.

  • Everything passes. No state that we may find ourselves in at any given time will last. Hills won't go up for ever and the downhill seems to end too soon. That's the nature of distance running. That's the way of life. Running is motion - and yet the spirit of running is found in the still, centered being of the runner. This is the witness. We are the witness. From the observation point of our deepest selves we are able to observe the scenery, to run the ups and downs and experience the ails and highs of the body from a unattached vantage point of wisdom and self care. We are at once intimate with every aspect of the one and free from grasping for anyone thing to remain. We are open. And free.


* Verse 12 of The Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#11

We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.


From the infinite...our
steps emerged -
And every mile a remembrance of
their home.

We are runners - and have given ourselves to motion. Yet there remains an essential stillness of our being that's unaffected by the gathering of miles. This core to our reality is the quiet force of every step taken. We are spirit running by means of flesh and bones. We do not think breath - we breath. We don't beat the heart - we allow it's rhythm to unfold as life itself. And so too do we run - grace given free expression as ourselves.

* Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#10

Giving birth and nourishing,
having without possessing,
acting with no expectations,
leading and not trying to control:
this is the supreme virtue.



Every moment gives birth to new possibilities - and yet a
single expectation closes other doors.
We run without care or concern for all but
this -
That what is now may simply be.

To run without an agenda does not mean we surrender our desires - even more so we have polished the gem of our true desire to shine all the more brightly against the passing whims that may distract us. A singular desire now blazes. We have come to value the simplicity of freedom above all else and running is the demonstration of this value. To cling to a lesser desire or small expectation keeps us limited to mere mortals in a race or on a long run - to surrender this misconception is to step fully into our identity as spirit given form and released as motion. Running with this realization brings an allowance for all possibilities to occur and the freedom to respond as fitting for someone not bound to conventional wisdom. We act in accordance to our highest wisdom. We run with spirit. We run as spirit.             

*Portion from Verse 9 of The Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell 

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#9

Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity.


A step taken and then let
go...and still the
path is

We run with the faith of
effort given.

  • Once we're on the trail or road all else but motion is given to the world at large. Our inner world becomes calm and narrowed to a razor thin margin where earth and soul meet. Everything leads to this moment of release and focus - previous steps deliver us to new beginnings. We are here - now. And the run is all that matters. 


This portion of Verse 9 of The Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#8

One who lives in accordance with nature
 does not go against the way of things.
He moves in harmony with the present moment,
always knowing the truth of just what to do.



In distance each mile anchors us more to present moment
awareness and the vital time of now is
sharply focused .
Breath and the fall of steps account to a
rhythm of their own.
There is music of the earth only the
quiet mind knows.
We run to find this song, to hush all but the holy
voice of earth and soul.
In distance...we learn to listen.
And farther still
we dance.

  • Running returns to us to nature and more so it reveals to us our own nature. As miles add up and distance pulls us farther inwards we find a harmony between our surroundings and our inner world. This is the sweet spot of effortless performance - we move in fluid lines against the trail and the sky is met against us as long embrace of light. There is a knowing that this - this is what we were made to do - and we give ourselves fully to this art of motion. It takes a suspension of the belief that we are separate from nature, that we are visitors in a temporary battle of speed and time. Running is our return. It brings us home. 


* Verse 8 of Tao Te Ching translated By Wayne Dyer

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#7

 The Master stays behind;
that is why she is ahead.
She is detached from all things;
that is why she is one with them.
Because she has let go of herself,
she is perfectly fulfilled.


Once let go...our steps fall
holy to a stride.
Becoming greater still in their

There is no competition - even with oneself. In the perfection of each present moment there is only joined union in the pleasure of our effort. Self and will given to steps that lead away from thoughts of separation. Distance itself becomes the path of our salvation. Miles becomes the natural mantra of each step striking the ground - and yet with chanted rhythm of breath and footfall - we find ourselves ever closer to our home.
