Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Tao of Distance Running -#16

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

We run from the still point of
our being. As the sky is
unaffected by clouds
and the flash of
lightening -
We too remain apart from
outer circumstance.
Our peace is found within and we run absorbed in the
perfect harmony found in self,
stride and earth.

  • Thoughts are not the enemy. Our attachment to thoughts along with the importance and meaning we assign them are the troublemakers. When a hill becomes more than a hill - a mountain created by thoughts of tired legs and flagging will - we need a gentle reminder that this too will pass and each step brigs us nearer to its conclusion. We need to rest gently in the space between thoughts, the quiet, still point of our being. That's where spirit resides and its the source of all real power. Constant thoughts of good or ill will create a storm of emotions that tire us faster than any distance ever could. Yet that space, the gap that falls between thoughts is ever present, it's the ground of reality that remains as every thought passes. Find the gap and pause there - even as the legs remain in motion. This is peace. And it will carry is far.


*Tao Te Ching translated by Stephen Mitchell

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